Show The Salt Lake Tribune UTAH Sunday September 12 1993 I Sooner Than Parents U Continued sixth-grader- from lin rine biologists do Those careers are por- trayed in a positive way Children encounter that and are influenced by it" They want to be Jimmy Sraits of "LA Law" or Rush Limbaugh instead of Roy Rogers Mr Packard and other psychologists say small children initially connect with and hope to emulate familiar roles roles they think they comprehend A teacher an artist a police officer or fireman "Young children can't dream about doing something they don't at least partially understand" Mr Packard says But between the ages of 6 and 10 children experience a cognitive leap that opens them to all kinds of possibilities "The world gets more real" says Paul Robinson a professor of psychology at BYO' who specializes in learning processes "Kids identify with what's in the news with what's out there" Once children get to high school they begin worrying about the frightening prospect of turning dreams into careers experts say The evolution of children's career goals is by a mishmash of influence from parents pop culture add academic interests vertisers experiences money and whatever kids perceive to be hip I s rs - a-- :s'-- ld - :- -' :-- — :' grade-scho- semi-pragmat- ic turbo-charge- d new-foun- mittee for disabled people If elected she would push for larger home lots She is a strong supporter of business "I would make it easier for business to come in We need to keep out the red carpet and cut out the red E From Previous Page 11720) Lewis C Shaw serves on the contractors develop subdivisions by law not by whim He would also strive to clean up a blighted downtown g Paul Evans has filed as a can- : didate for City Council I Stoney T Forma has lived in Riverton for five years A baker by profession Mr Forma would Slow development down to a re- Tr-Cit- sponsible level and would require no homes be built on less than d of an acre He would also restrict building along the Jordan River so- the area would retain its rural parklike atmosone-thir- phere Incumbent Angie Maynard is e agent who has lived in Riverton for 24 years She has been involved in local- - and council-level PTA and was appointed to the city's Human Rights Com a real-estat- g r-- 1- oli 4Mr4re1: - — " ‘milmwainootc- 4PA0t4MILJELITEELVIntrin TILP " I1 i k-- : ir 0u 1 cn (kg el Pni 0oo theater- - Ir) 1 Tuesday Sept 14 Frog 14 pm 11 t 1 Meet Ray Kimber of Kimber Kable I 5:30 pm Al 4 NAI : Sol i V I 1 '''' 1' will be in ' ' ry VI' I I the store )11' Friday Sept 17 1 I 1 $ - --: ' I 1 - t: ' ' ': t al ) f ' A Ikul ' 00 : 21 f Rog $35000 Now 101107f Li - -- 1 —11'4 V4i a o I (a) 54 East 2700 South '''''''''''Ar $ j e '10 ' T19 1 v17 ' 904 (biltiNetil MerrirlidiPrOWILc400 kb011-44-4- '''''''"'"Ersm'cl"fr""141"""""""°--- Continuous 1 Itt - ' ' li DOO SAVE s ANCED A or more r 2000 : IO8411su Common sabisni Pr 01010r 401 ' Channel Pioneer Elite VSX-5- 1 Pro Logic Receiver Mirage Speakers lab Cantor Right Surround Subo '0060 IMIMIMIIMIni ------- ---j - A 1 I 1 D1'1)634511 tyrobidszaxlma AMFM Stereo Receiver Bird Payback of 5 CDo integord disc Sups( ijr"' SUM Hoph $ Disc ooQueroloJ unclog! OW 4 Disco changeable WSJ) pisy ievtli divided coistruction dueitty power smolder random I mei preset !ninety ItiNng transformer Cmirsized povew I 269 $259 a Last function memory 29900 Purchase both CD4 &DDE 10 1:7 lot 'IP' 47 ' 1 :' 00 t 1 a MEM '4 lim 00 :' 3130 SOUTH STATE (801) 484-111- 0 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84115 00 : brocdtuay Milk $57100 r 1"""144"1"Abl 4 i C74'1'7071:1 - --t- : 'R 4862701:qp & Main) C arousype CD Auto Changer ile FOR ''140 9 Iglio) FROM BROADWAY MUSIC AND DENON at ' ? i S 7:ECIA'1- at:1 $29900 Rog $40000 Now $ i' :11: - ELECTRONICS WEEK "N' can 1COOVerillt ' 1 !-- r 0111EMOMMEMOMPIWIEIMOMENEW Audio Alchemy DDE 10 DA Converter ( 1 i 7 p) ics 611 PIONEER BY WU n11::: ""'''"""""""7"r"""'"'mm'''-0400'"'""v-- ' —- - 7frirefitlfiputorvp14f REZ ELECTRONICS 0 - ir dmommoC L 1 1 n Ft7-411i mrrsua3H1 Wil Nakamichi CD 4 CD Player ' 1 ELITE ' ii r r - o: pi 7 11 I Or Deli-34- 0 if Meet Justice Recording artist Tab Benoit in ' iiii' - C:i I surmund speakers HO w v- rl mi 14 1 i i 3 1SZ jihp--r-:-cdtecti- - ' I 54--- 13 r i i p At - 1I 9 1 :- T e1 - I i MENEM 1 F © c:: - ' ' 11111 Tuesday Sept 534-451- 111 1 - : D ) " ""' - 'ICPY Complete Home Theater Slfstem ipis31 1::: - ' - Kent Sheldon of Klipsch speakers will discuss proper set-uof 1 II 0 ' Saturday Sept 18 If-- II 1 )1 '''''1111 11 pm Bruce Smith of Yamaha will discuss Digital Soundlield Technology From © 1c1 irugAs iibi0-w- 2 rNi I t - V — Compare to systems costing $10 m II -- ' 7 V' 49:Itititi ''' I From 11 g ' IV I I pi mil - 1 16 anekamichi II or 6 - 1 - 'ES - (Afro— U I Bill O'Dell National Product trainer for Sony will demonstrate mini-dis-c and Sony's new 100 disc CD player Thursday Ill - 1 84103 '12g24 UT IIM11 61:1- THX 0 0 &LC N – - I A v 104 i itp I p - 1 cz Fosgate - xi 6 Y P 4 1 System will be setup in the store all week g 4K-- "A 581-640- C9 Experience the ultimate home 0 T - FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 10 Salt lake City Utah 11 - - i C) - Prestige glory and money notwithsays: "The way standing the I see it you should pick something you like to do If you enjoy your career you never work a day in your life That probably sounds pretty good to all of us" research Compensation Provided TOLL FREE - year-old- s four-or-mo- re 484-332- 1 I i :' th general health University approved - ELECTRONICS But senior Scott Bateman who wants to get into broadcasting because "1 am intrigued by current events and studies" had sage advice for some of his classmates — and a lot of 30- - and 4 0- - Need reliable people who have had episodes of genital herpes in the last 12 months Need both males and females 18 or older and in good ROOFING INC 840 West 1700 South fect" 'GENII' – — m 'ir ONLY AVAILABLE FROM FREE ESTIMATES sies about being rich and living no37 life just the way I want to everything is per- 200 112 W "3 Snow slides off Manufactured in Utah since 1957 6 New Colors Won't leak Won't wear out Guaranteed! Fireproof "I want to become an actor" says another "1 have all these dreams and Vanta- 3r28-025- 1 - Rustproof J CC Z - "I 'Ulna 121ECcx E© I R ll - Lightweight shingles Can be walked on Interlocks on all 4 sides Windproof 10-) - 4-- - a It's permanent! P RI it i y - wmodoons AWL4W941t4W AIL -- r"! ostiv wok :d196 Many do some don't "As I look into my future ann think of who I am and what I will becon le" says have a one Murray High School senior few ideas but the basic theme no! I career I'm goplans center around is money ing to be rich and all the women ar e going to want me and my money" L--scr 6 : A ridraow1A940111mmotmr NEE - ' 11 that" OVE b SALT LAKE HOME A4 er!irig - m ti C 0R -ttpPwl- main-tamin- g - 07 MOW' 4- - t -- ? SNOW SLIDES OFF ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLES city's Board of Adjustment and says he would continue in the direction Riverton's officials have gone in the past three years He is concerned elected officials are not seeking since they reduced taxes each year since 1990 and have done an excellent job He promises to keep the budget low II Carolyn Swenson is a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission and represents South Jordan Jordan on the River Parkway Committee If elected she says she is committed to building the city while its rural charm As a planshe worked commissioner ning closely with the Jordan School District to keep up with the city's growth She would continue that and also work closely with Utah Department of Transportation neighboring cities and local governments to protect Riverton's the city and plan better "instead of letting it explode as is happening now" He says he would make : AVOID SNOW ItICE PROBLEMS NEXT WINTER! tape" ILI i i - - - Hopefuls in Riverton Draper Bluffdale Seek Council Mayor Posts doctor because they makt It a lot of money" Mr Rathunde says "it maya be less effective motivation than ten student says he wants to be a ma rine biologist because he loves learning a bout the sea ''Money fame success approval of others aren't necessarily ba d but when those are the exclusive moti vations the energy of the child can run dt own Intrinsic motivation — if a student is truly interested in a subject — sustal ins energy It's important that students u nderstand - - first-grade- career goals "If a student says he wa nts to become a is key in attaining ever Some temper their dreams after having heavy doses of reality crammed down their throats- others want to go to Hollywood to become the next Madonna When 24 juniors and seniors at Murray High School were asked recently about their futures in the workplace their responses ranged from sports psychologists to broadcasters to brain surgeons to forest rangers Although some students had focused on a clear singular career path many — a greater number than the younger children — seemed lost One student wanted to become a commercial artist or a veterinarian or a travel reporter Another wanted to be a teacher or a pediatrician or an oral surgeon or maybe he would work with animals One said he wanted to become a journalist or writer so he could "escape from the world and return to the fantasy dreamscapes I find in my sleep" "In high school kids feel pressure to make career goals real" says Packard "But a lot of them — even once they get to college — haven't the foggiest notion what they'll do They're not as mature as adults want them to be" Kevin Rathunde a professor of human development and family studies at the University of Utah says what children say they want to be is no more important than why they want to become it Mr Rathunde and a group of associates at the University of Chicago recently concluded research on a book that examines 200 high school students The study revealed that intrinsic motivation In short they wonder how much money They want to gain some control to control their anxieties" says Betty McEl- they'll make roy a Salt Lake City psychiatrist who It is notable that relatively few of Ms at Tay regularly works with adolescents Ac- fifth- - and Newton's cording to Dr McElroy and other ex- said they wanted to lorsville Elementary perts children often feel limited and be film stars superheroes or profession powerless therefore they envision them- al athletes NIost wanted well respected selves in successful powerful positions but substratospheric careers that pay big they rehearse where they might be salaries -Early on children go through-- a kind Even those who said they wanted to be of posturing" Dr McElroy says It gives like Michael Jordan admired his pay them something to shoot for" check as much as his athletic ability An informal survey of 25 'Kids are awed by money- - Robinson at Butler Elementary School in Sandy: don't necessarily understand says who were asked "What do you want to be' ' it but"They know if they want to get any they when you grow up?" revealed that seven where they'll need it" want to be police officers six artists Some responses were more altruistic three teachers two builders one A few sounded like a Michael Jackson nurse a computer programmer a doctor" song rhapsodizing about saving the next and a dental assistant One wants to by working with children "make money — just like my dad" an 1t generation ' Doms a other wants to be a ninja Another longs ' says he Johnny Wants to be a surgeon "because they to be Barney (the purple dinosaur of TV make a lot of money and because I want and merchandising fame) to try to find a cure for some kind of a Robinson says such responses are typical of "At that age it's fan- - disease and to help other people" Jesse Smith 10 wants to be a roofer tasy" he says "Kids respond with things i t 4'It's the same job as my dad" he says "I they've heard about" to be a roofer so I can be like my dad Although fantasizing continues for a : 'want arid make some money" number of years experts say older :' Even classmate Christopher Nielsen children often begin feeling to has lofty dreams of making it to the who their think about pressure seriously NBA one day is future careers "Play ing basketball is hard work" he says "I know kids take this more seriously "And if you blow your ankle you're now than they did years ago" says Ellen gone I'm pretty good but if I don't make Newton who has taught elementary I'd like to have something to fall back it in 15 school for years "They are narrow on — like being a doctor" their scope of understanding but they As children reach high school their cawonder about their future They wonder reer goals appear to be as scattered as where stability will come from" '90s Kids Plot Careers --- " -- vseoloorstmopon9rrjrionztommummoicridammenr: I 12:Jrrral eZ reg my:: f "'I 114"""r"m""Irr 4:4101tacikiimiai 1101 0 01 41' Q- 1r OMR Fri 11:721Ztif Aft' L11- lu - 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