Show - - i 4 ottEEEN R - I ' F2 BUSLNESS The Salt Lake Tribune 12 1993 Sunday September I I strong management team" he said "All of a sudden we had cash flow problems and then it was too 'Famous' Amos Picks Utah for Cookie Return I E Continued from it42e In selpeting xtovoo'c Dutch Boy Bakery to handle the baking Mr Amos has linked up Utah company with a F-- 1 like Mrs Fields Instead the company concentrated on providing cookies for sales in grocery stores "Famous Amos was fun aid frivolity" he said "Uncle Noname is more thoughtful and wise He has more wisdom and depth He knows all things are possible" Even the saving of his home from a foreclosure sale early this week reinforced his philosophy that the universe is a friendly place indeed Mr Amos said "It is so much bigger than Famous Amos" As his new cookie venture takes off he looks back on the mistakes he made with his first company Sales had grown to $10 million in 1985 but he had problems managing that growth "When I started no one except me thought you could open a store that sold just cookies so I never took the time to build a last-minu- that produces cookies sold under several private labels said owner Frank Bakker Mr Bakker who also has interest in 10 Bakker Chocolate Chip Cookie retail stores in Idaho and several other nearby states said he only met Mr Amos two years ago through a mutual friend "I knew we could do a good job for him We have the capacity to increase production as his sales grow" he said "We've already produced over 120000 bags of cookies for him" For now bags of Uncle Noname cookies are being sold in Costco stores And this week Mr Amos was in Utah promoting his hazelnut chocolate chip cookies at the Costco in Murray But Mr Amos said sales will soon be expanded to other outlets "That's one of the nice things about being in business this time around" he said "Everybody knows who I am" As for Mrs Fields Mr Amos said he never really thought about the fact that his cookies were being baked in her own back yard two-poun- d Northwest Pipeline Retirement Alpha Center Weber Basin Job Corp Weber Basin Job Corp Utah League of Cities and Towns Little America Snowbird Resort Little America Olympus Best Western Utile America Olympus Best Western Western Highway Energy West Boise Cascade U of UGrad School of Business Little America Little America Little America Snowbird Resort National Clearinghouse Assn Organizational Systems Design American Water Works Assn Utah Chapter 364th Fighter Group 39th Troop Carrier Squadron or Fortune The incoming publisher Mr Hickman who went to Brigham Young University with Mr Cannon in the late 1960s said he expects to "focus on people and or- ganizations that are creating and people and organivalue zations who are destroying val I II Continued from 48 60 123 Wednesday Wednesday Friday TO 97 40 Saturday Saturday 54 26 28 75 Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Doubletree Snowbird Resort 25 35 Friday Friday Snowbird Resort Salt Lake Marriott Doubletree 300 300 72 Tuesday Saturday Sept 19 Sept 19 Wednesday RB Auctioneers Weber State University College of Nursing American Honda Olympus Best Western 50 today Snowbird Resort Little America 70 30 Friday Saturday Thursday 30 84 46 Red Lion Little America Embassy Suites Trend Corporation Western Region Boy Scouts USS-LS888 Reunion Sept 20 Saturday Sept 20 Friday Alta Lodge 101 City-wid- e 30000 Snowbird Resort 75 Saturday Sept 19 Sept 19 Saturday To do this Mr Hickman said he would draw upon a large cadre of free-lanc- e writers while keeping his permanent staff small — "five to eight people" Mr Evans lamented giving up the publication but said he was excited about Mr Cannon's ability to infuse more cash into the operation "We American Diversified Publishing bought Utah Business at a fire sale We knew it was a fire sale but we didn't know how badly the building was burning" he said of the uphill climb he has faced with the publication over the past three years 500 Snowbird Resort American Management Systems Sept 25 Source: Salt Lake Convention Visitors Bureau AI'ml Good" on Shelf Campbell's Ads Put NEWS SERVICE KNIGHT-RIDDE- & boost overall soup consumption Campbell already controls 80 percent of the market for condensed soup in the United States That leaves little to steal from its competitors So to grow Campbell must find ways to increase consumers' appetite for soup The company is trying to encourage consumers to think of soup as more than a warming winter lunch - - ° A s - ti - II 0 - — — 0 0 - -- - c obN 14iiii 41k HA - - I 0c A When you A fiV) it t ' V i - - - 1 t"---7- i 4-'3-- - '''''' ilititi ir'''' t tIit if r if "'er'' A - - - - i- "krt '"' - - - ERIC tv 0 g di ' - q3 7 4174t Value of $10000 invested (excluding usual sales charge) $17663 :ss (6309 3) ) !1 i I :ill 711 t 110' 4 7 :Zv ! I - figures rrprrsent theft full quarter after ancelmon 1 6191 7agA is "6“ based ou historscal perfisnuance and is for illustratou Ptollowl only ° 1 e ki I1 n ibt m ! : il 't 4 ':' i 1 411 -7) (3 to Ii3-kikitY- 'C'Llibt--6-' '' i - 7'7-!- - :: ' :: :::I - - - I - - - 0 : as Sales Hours: M-- 6 - ' - 10-- 2 Service Hours: MT 8-- 6 'Sat 10-- 859 since 1 18- ' t 1' 1 - - ! ' don't f ' 4:4 ''' r ' I rIN 5' ' i 44 -' - only drop-of- f With the WinWin Lease Tm provided by The only thing z Mercedes-Ben- Credit Corporation through authorized dealers driving a z 300E 28 can truly be a brilliant financial decision Visit your dealer today z Mercedes-Ben- z - '489 THE WINWIN LEASETm r?vrr 36 monthly payments for a 300E 28 of $44200 with a cost reduction of $5083 plus capitalized a consumer down payment of $2300 Assumes an ALSRP 2i1 -- A I twq ' i"'"'Ft4as--:-4 t$ I ' k:40-47'''- 1 ' t Ii I' 4 y 4:le-::- :' tto N :'' e t :'' Piper laffiay Int 1 tri — :O ' ' Mts pommeonrlovrsrp1s 414 4 (Z‘ - ttt i fi ' TI - iltr""1"14"1"777" 4'::::—? '):''- —"' -- —- 1 kisolormumpoommok ''P l'' : - 5151"1001"'"l-- -a i'-- ' dr 1 - ' 4 II )141 - ' N (7 'trit:b0110 Ken Guff Imports South State Street Suite too 1 Soo Mercedes-Ben- IF YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN SMART WITH YOUR MONEY HERE'S HOW TO BECOME ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT 387 inception Salt Lake City UT smarter would be to drive one and pay less to do it ton 575 South State Stree4 Salt Lake City UT (801) 521-611- 1 JB-60- Credit Corporation Subject to car availability Lease rate of $489month Available through 93094 at participating dealers to qualified lessees approved for a 36 month closed end lease for the 1993 300E 28 with MSRP of $44200 (includes transport fee) Lessee pays for all taxes title license registration insurance options maintenance repairs and dealer prep (not included) Based on a lessee down payment of $Z300 and a capitalized cost reduction of $5083 Lessee responsible for $2300 down payment flrst months payment of $489 plus taxes registration license and title fees at lease signing Acquisition fee of $450 capitalized in the cost of ilia lease Total of 36 monthly 1ayments of $489 is $17604 plus fees and taxes Lessee responsible for excess wear and tear and mileage charge of $20mi over 15000 miles per and affect final cost Purchase year and $25mL over 50000 total miles and a $250 disposition fee Extent of dealer participation and actual transaction price may vary in continental US and lit title registration and a $250 disposition fee) Good only taxes the value lease term $21658 end residual at of for of (plus option Is Sion Mtn Almber wry oe i I 9438722R272888 pickup & dividends and capital gains distributions Past performance does not guarantee future results Your investment return and principal value will fluctuate Shares when redeemed may be worth more or less than your original cost 0 t - 0 Its always been smart to drive a Mercedes-Ben- investment executive for a prospectus Please read it carefully before you invest or send money So: I - For more information about the Piper Sector Performance Fund contact your Piper Jaffray vs i t Carter 4885 S Redwood Road 266-920- Sat I 1 two-mon- th SALES AND UPGRADES 0 ' Markosian This Spring Carter listed and sold out over a period a condominium conversion in the Millcreek area called Olympus Pines "Gary did a great job of selling all of our units quickly" said Jim Richards seller of Olympus Pines Gary enjoys helping people "It's an ideal market right now Low rates are great for buyers Higher prices are great for sellers" said ' 1 I NIN-44-1-- tileatiO-plies' 414 E 300 S 531-210- - - REPAIRS i "1 - -- - '' - 1 - NEWS RELEASE - Burgoyne Computers " - ir ' 1 (76Q 01 ) - - t'I day-to-da- -- - c under price their real estate" said Carter iiteiYAr114 i who also says he lists and sells condos in all price ranges ':- "According to Paul Markosian President Thayne Realty Inc Carter's - :' particularly strong in project sales "Converting apartments to condos isn't for amateurs Gary knows the ropes and is very good at helping apartment owners handle the conversion and net more money than they thought possible" said - ' Average annualized total returns reflect the usual maximum sales charge of 4 and assume einvestment of all re ' - PA along the Wasatch Front mostly: to give the ball club another source of revenue to meet player salaries The NBA team now owns eight in Utah and two in Southern California Kevin Olson has already left the y operation to start what the brothers hope will be their next success: a shop selling novelties for cars everything from Corvette caps to blinking license- plate frames The first Kartoyz opened in Salt Lake's Cottonwood Mall last fall and the brothers plan to franchise the shops projects They want to make sure they returns through 63093: 129710 averaged over 5 years 1093 averaged over 3 years 1557 in the past 12 months 4171fe VC --- l ' --- Ai If you want the growth potential of a capital appreciation fund take a closer look at the Piper Sector Performance Fund We're waiving the usual 4 sales charge through September 30 And all you need is a $250 investment! Consider our average yearly 2 14 ri - P i This Is What Good Solid Growth (Can Do For You tb - ": 4MB--- i lyNTILKILNISON- With ERIC WILKINSON as y You go place! (0t t'" i : 7-- Call me NOW Limited dine offer! - icsctittr - - 'T' CFEtf!E - 580----"SOLD" I '- buy or sell REAL ESTATE through me I - ' R f " buying Pro Image franchises Salt Lake City — "You wouldn't go to a foot doctor ifyour shoulder hurts especialll if it costs no more to deal with a specialist That's Gary Carter's explanation of why so many real estate sellers are turning to him to sell their condos and condominium 1 - ' '9 - - :51-- ' II - - 17'74 - - - - - : - $2500 and agreed to give Pro Image 2 percent of sales The fee has: now grown to $19500 and 4 per- cent The Pro Image owns just one store in Montibello Calif In 1988 the Utah Jazz started - ' --- - - - The first franchisees paid - - — 1 THAYNE REALTY'S GARY CARTER SALT LAKE'S "CONDO KING" - - 4 mid-1980- fly to PHILADELPHIA — Campbell Soup Co plans to put its advertising slogan since the 1930s "M'm! M'm! Good!" on the back burner The Camden NJ food manufacturer will serve up a new slogan "Never Underestimate the Power of Soup" in a major advertising campaign this month The new advertising campaign is part of an effort by the compa I ld Friday titt pick up bats at the stadium Orz t ' tanywhere else I When he got home he arranged a a downtown Salt: at kiosk to rent Lake mall and he persuaded ! manufacturers who were then ) making authentic sports apparel ' 1 only for teams to sell him some and hats Cable television was introducing Americans to teams and i I sports they had barely noticed be- - i fore But as Chad notes "You couldn't go out in Utah and find a I Dallas Cowboys shirt" I Theyhad no capital to grow the ' company — they could raise just $1000 between them So franchising was the only way to grow Chad pored over a table spread with franchise company prospec- tuses and wrote one up for Pro t Image No lawyer no fancy type- setting job tI By the end of 1985 Pro Image I next had four stores open The 32 was number the year F-- 1 chief executive age's Chad Olson said Already Pro Image has sold 23 franchises in Canada one in West Germany one in Puerto Rico and one in Japan The Tokyo store opened two months ago and already is selling four times the volume of a typical store Olson said Last year's Olympic Dream Team game there created a fervor particularly for National Basketball Association merchandise he said Pro Image hopes to sell franchises for 50 more stores in Japan in the next three years and those should match the sales of the existing 209 stores he said Pro Image also is negotiating to sell a master franchise for Indonesia Malaysia and Singapore and may sell another for Mexico That would give one buyer the rights to open dozens of Pro Image stores in those countries Alter that Europe and Australia will be target markets It's a long way from the daydreams of brothers raised in a family of 10 on the meager salary of a civilian Air Force procurement worker Kevin now 42 and his younger brother had long hungered to be entrepreneurs They tried the rabbits and the lawn care and for a time Chad thought he could make his fortune in real estate Kevin who was working as a night ticket agent for Amtrak in s returned from a the trip to Los Angeles with the idea that would change their lives He promised his two boys he would bring them Dodgers hats But since there were no home games while he and his wife were in California it was impossible to Monday FREE MEE FREE FREE to- t me send VVALe MEXICO you or CALIFORNA n i TbleC4(11 Sunday ue" F-- 1 disclose terms Mr Cannon said he wants the publication to feature and promote Utah businesses but not be a "chamber of commerce promotion piece" He envisions a Utah version of national business magazines such as Forbes Business Week Hotel location University of Utah Weber Immunology Retreat Yager Enterprises HCA St Mark's Hospital Steehnaker to Purchase 'Utah Business' Continued from Runs PlinrAd Attendance Organization ld N MI Utah Brothers lilt a Home Run With Pro Image Sports Fashions CONVENTION CALENDAR late" - I F e s is 4 0 i I ''71ft ''''': '':' '' ' l!Fenrik : |