Show NATIONWORLD The Salt Lake Tribune - - 'Fighting Aestunes In Croatia THE ASSOCIATED - A - ): t - I : - — - -- e 1 -- t- - ! ) 1:c 4- :- -- escalating the worst fighting between Croats and rebel Serbs in eight months Battles near Serb-helsectors in southwestern Croatia also resumed The fighting threatened to rekindle a war Croatia fought with its rebel Serb minority in 1991 over the republic's secession from Yugoslavia Serbs and Croats recently have cooperated against Muslim-legovernment troops in some areas of neighboring Bosnia But the two sides never have resolved their differences in Croatia where rebel Serbs still hold about of the country and refuse to recognize the authority of the Zagreb government UN officials expressed concern the fighting could jeopardize peace talks in Bosnia where Serbs Croats and Muslims have fought a civil war for 18 months But UN peace negotiator Lord David Owen said Saturday there were "some glimmers of light" on the way to a settlement of Bos nia's civil war In Zagreb a defense official "Luna" rocksaid two ets hit Lucko six miles southwest of the city Officers said one rocket landed in an empty field and the second hit a pig stall injuring 11 It was the first attack so close to the capital since the two sides signed a January 1992 cease-fir- e to end Croatia's civil war The Yugoslav news agency Tan-jureported "fierce fighting" near the Croatian town of Gospic 60 miles southwest of Zagreb A UN official in Zagreb confirmed intense fighting in the nearby vil lage of Medak Local officials in Karlovac 30 miles southwest of Zagreb said 20 ) v - I 1 1 1 41 d - ' I i12'1"'- t4 ---- d I ' six-mon- I (i N t - - 4 dt I d ' 414 1 It15 t 4 4 ea — I- - - ff i - -- - - p' i 19' -- 1'''721 t "''''" '!P2c ''''7 TI A V - I — 1 - 'RI - p I1 Doll ' It ' i ' : 0 -V- '' ! 4 2- ! k 4 ''''' t I 430g Y 1 ' 3 a 'N :I '' t it pole' '41' J''' ' — 3 1 1 1 : 1 ' I el Ni'''' 0 4 g - 1 1 t 1 ''a'a'' j 1 --- 1 v51A fli - i ! 't ' 1 1 fik 4 1 4 '11114' ''"' ''1:4 1 1 k '' 4 N 7 rr - - le - 4 - - et r - intense Serb shelling Saturday afternoon killed at least one boy The rebel Serb commander Gen Mile Novakovic accused Zagreb of unprovoked aggression and threatened to attack all military targets in Croatia if the government army did pull back The UN special envoy on former Yugoslavia Thorvald Stoltenberg of Norway urged Croatian President Franjo Tudj man to order his forces to withdraw Croatian officials are impatient with the UN failure to enforce the Croatian peace plan under which the Serb-helterritory is to over to the turned be supposed Zagreb government d Colorado Legislature Bans Teen Handguns In Alden Biesen Belgium 'WSlia0:1 I PE II ' - t i Owen told foreign ministers of the 12 European Community countries that he hoped the three warring factions in Bosnia could resume negotiations this month The EC ministers agreed to Owen's request that they administer Mostar if a peace deal is signed for up to two years More than 50000 people mostly Muslims are under siege in eastern Mostar which Croats envision as the capital of their own future state within Bosnia Bosnian state radio said the Muslim sector of Mostar came under Croat bombardment killing eight people and wounding 17 ‘ct THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DENVER — The state Legislature banned teen-ag- e handgun possession Saturday as lawmaksesers ended a special sion on youth violence Gov Roy Romer said he would sign the ban Monday and expects enforcement to begin "30 minutes five-da- y i 1 3 (los - L- ' Do 1 - 1: 1 0 I ' 1 oti ot i rt t11 Z- 7 v- - v -- IIEWAREH i1 I 1 4 It c '' ' - ii-4- 4 - yt7 Trnn '14' CI t t ' - '4 to :- - - f' - 17- ID 4 V 1 r4PPP 1 ' N'''''Ar 1 ''' '''' ' r ‘ Z '1- ir I -4- --7- t - CHOOSE FROM MANY BRAND NEW C BEDROOM surrEs FROM -' f iiito 0 ' 4-P- ' '440 - - I - t' i4 1 4 (00-I:---- - Z ' ig'' - P 4 PPP - k TApiprm 4:5--"t- 1 - A' It': - - '' xok4k ' e4 ”r---- - '1' ' 1 QEEN 'T EA EA EA EA $39 $49 $59 $59 FULL KING 4 -- '1' :4Z Ott - i t 1 '-- - y 1416z- - a fit IWN 5j ''' - A kit11"!!'714-: t 20 r Zt) " l'AFI'VLe''" ' i I atEN KING $ - o IWN t 1 'odf '1 IMPERIAL FC PC PC PC v - (iIIEEN KING PC PC PC PC EXTRA-FIR- gr:1 ' li 1WN $59 EA PC $74 EA PC $94 EA PC $84 EA PC Fill V QIEN wty 0 - S19 EA $ 29 EA S39 EA $39 EA FULL KING I t4 'iMit6:: Fil:! u t ' 111 ‘ ' 1 t '''''' 41kalio 11 $' Is7 ' DELUXE FIRM IFWN I 1939 w 25ttd wty at (A Ppc E A $169 EA PC S )46 EA PC EN lOtNG 1 1 1111441 t 4 I Amj i liwl i : I ic ( t ( ! 4 1 I I - 1 - I i r i I I I1 I '0 ' Lc ACTOMPOTefftliKWIAOMPIR 4 it L ) fres?:i 8 2 e-- : -- ' 't I 1 i ' I A - e tit t?! 2 L - F 1 4 - ) ' 'n4 41 FOR A LIMITED TIME ADT WILL GIVE YOU $200 OFF THE ALREADY LOW PRICE OF OUR SAFEWATCH MONITORED HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS 1 q i As KAN 7 0 t tl4re"'P4' ' 4 " t' 3d00 SOTT0461 4 16- I 4 4 0 I t I :4 )0 in 11 3 I4 144 It 8 8 n 11 1 tc iI P a p 3 ti e: S 1:1 1:3 1:: 1:2 CI CI CS CI r( oi 1:21 a ta la le ot m easy-to-us- -- art Through his such eeygeesnwdaerymfieet I as Louis L'Amour OFF e Our ADT Safewatch monitored home security systems are already a fantastic value starting from $395 installed Now at $200 off plus a modest monthly monitoring fee of $2195 this is a bargain you can't afford to e ADT system helps pass up The provide you and your family with round-thedoc- k d ! $21-110- 8 0 I:3 i21 J uz break-in- s protection against nation's largest provider of — ADT is the Harry Golding and Hand Bound '124" Paperback $14" some of the best Navajo and Pueblo artisans To order a copy by mail phone 6 Outside the Salt Lake City area phone 328-258- SAM WELLE -1- 3-'-- ZION BOOK STORE 254 SOUTH MAIN SALT LAKE CITY UT 84101 6 (801) 00:4n A - Locally 3647694 f l Systans L Cow!? t1610SPJ - D i 4 " madamotiod 4 SeanitY WERE HOME EVEN MIEN YOU'RE NOTX Not valid with any OTHER Promotional OFFER Expires 93093 328-258- ':''' security systems with over 115 years of experience and 10000 employees nationwide So we can offer you the capabilities of a large company along with the local personalized services you expect of a small one So dip our coupon and dial our number now For more information call: 7 N--1'1- : 0 LA -- 1 " '— 'OP 't & I n n ' IL i 1 11111:11211:11511121:301101:11213111017101211ME srDur21 : 6 S S ''yworANott-'- I r' - 14-- 7o 1 I - ' 3 0) till P t3 ili IDEN11041011EltilirMOVC1011Rt PC PC t - I VII 1 i 0 t4110"tt c r 1 e PILLOWIOP PFE r 0:t:41 I!! d 791 PPPPVPIXPIPPSPPOPPAPIPPIPOlOPP ftc1111ILTNi0? 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GUARANTEED FREE LAYAWAY --- - 1 1 s'al--- : k- 1 you HAVE r 70 It a ietNTE 5 ' in r 4 1 'I swik CP ‘cf The handgun bill bans the weapons for those under 18 except when used for hunting firearms instruction and target practice The first offense would be a misdemeanor FREE ' I Tribune reporter Michael Nakoryakov to this story Ogden: 7T111 t N I ICTEtY 4 111E PUBLIC al — 1 1 anti-vir- e —- f4Vost! 1M11 V r 4' '" I 1 P II itiii outbreaks of illness in nursing homes along the East Coast as late as May — two months after influenza usually abates In one north Georgia nursing home it sickened 100 people in April and killed several This new strain also caused most of the flu in Australia this summer which is that country's flu season Craig Nichols Utah State University epidemiologist said the health department has not heard of any influenza cases in Utah so far this season "Normally we don't have flu here until In fact last year we didnt register any cases until late January" he said Saturday "But we are watching the outbreak in Louisiana closely because it might be an indication that this year the epidemic may come earlier" Next month the health department will start ofvaccinations Craig said fering "We recommend everyone to get vaccinated especially because we have reason to believe the influenzavirus will be unusually strong this year" -A later" L IZ I P 1 t CZE k 1 The Beijing flu made a brief but fierce appearance here at the tail end of last year's flu season It caused IIGRE11 1 r - CRAIG NICHOLS Utah State epidemiologist The Associated Press Children from Mostar play war games in destroyed neighborhood g - ' ' 0 I— long-rang- e : 2' 1 ' 0 22— t 1 one-thir- d : 16 r- 41 ''' a --i 1 4 r42 I 4 ---e ' mi ' ' ' 1 171161 ! i - c"t ? a PI' d : I -- 4 A The flu season usually begins in October but outbreaks do not occur until December and January But in Louisiana a new strain of Beijing flu caused outbreaks in a nursing home and on a dredging barge sickening at least 85 people last month Respiratory illnesses are common in the summer and fall but the CDC is telling doctors and clinics to start testing those patients for flu now So far the agency has not found any other pockets of the illness Federal health officials are not taking any chances Last year's flu season was mild so the United States is due for a bad season There are several types of flu Type B which predominated last year is mild and typically hits children and young adults Type A flu which caused an epidemic in the United States in 1991 is the harshest and is often deadly to the elderly and young children Beijing is the worst strain of Type A But do not rush out to get a flu shot yet Get it before October and your protection might wane midway through the season Only if doctors find the flu is hitting other states besides Louisiana will they call for early vaccinations They should know in about a week r- - Isn - 1We recommend everyone to get meditated especially because we have reason to believe the influenza-- virus will be unusually strong this year ATLANTA — Find yourself aching sneezing and wheezing in September? It might not be fall allergies it might be the flu Stunned by outbreaks last month in Louisiana the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is searching for signs of the harsh Beijing flu No one would think about influenza in August — that's absurd" said Nancy Arden chief of influenza epidemiology for the CDC "But it happened in Louisiana so its reasonable to look for it elsewhere" a PRESS PRESS THE ASSOCIATED I -- 1 47 ZAGREB Croatia — Two rockets hit a Zagreb suburb Saturday I --- e will Flu Season Pack an Early Punch? - -- 1 Sunday September 12 1993 4ko IP92 ADT Security Symenu |