Show - 40 4e--0- 4 - 00 000 - 0000- 44 1 1 I 1 1 The saa Lake Tribune UTA11 C14 Sunday September 12 1933 1 1 i I if i 1 1 - I 1 r e- - 1 - -- - 't ifP- Wr is i 1 i t 1 if-- - ') - t 4 II '''' f il ' ' 47 x '' t ' ‘ 6 '' '‘' 'L74- - I - ' '- 1 T 1 c 1 l''' t 'Ill" I i ' ot - '''-- ' ' '''''' I ' ir ! 6 '"' i- 4 r as ) I ' ' I ' b - 4 41 t s li - ' i' tv - AI 41 I k - 4 i 7 k i t -- 4 ! -- 71 ' a1i ! 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What E"7:7:1 r"7ny-T- h 1 Lit r--s- T-7- u 7717:7 ta-- 1 '' D r rj t ' I ' d - dc' Gov Mike Leavitt inspects Army Guard troops Utah's 23rd Army Band member Staff Sgt Mark Scott right of Orem seems to be belting out helicopters as notes during the review This was the first such event to honor the governor and recognize support for the guard and their families t:': - 1- I rin- OM NM ri — 4 - WM ' Day-Famil- :e '' !) 17 - 1 -- HOME FURNISHINGS A starving golden eagle rescued Aug 23 from a beach on Lake Powell is recovering well at an Arizona rehabilitation facility Christie Van Cleve raptor rehabilitator at Icarus Facility Inc in Sedona said the golden eagle is regaining strength despite some sort of infection and starvation-induceanemia "His attitude is great and he's hungry" she said "He doesn't seem to be in an emergency situation any more" The eagle wasjn terrible shape when it was spotted by a visitor to the West Canyon area of Lake Powell National Park Service biologists rescued the bird an operation that required them to swim a short distance from their boat to the shore attach a life preserver to the eagle and then swim back to the boat with the bird in tow Blood tests showed that the eagle had a high white blood cell count while suggested nothing else was wrong ' 44 -- I I ‘ - :' !: Eagle Found Starving Is Now Recovering ''''' '4 t1 i -- —7—: - if ' ' '- —1 L - 1 It-- "A 1 1 -i 1 4- r - !"- i - f 4 ! 1 Troops in the Utah Air National Guard above parade past a helicopter on Saturday during the annual Governor's Day event at Camp Williams From a military vehicle left f '''! s 4i'i -' t- trf'4"-'4: '''' 1 - - ''' ' UTAH GUARD I 1 1' ' '" ' 1— f- I':7- 11t t 1 Li 1 '''' -0 - 04- ' ' lt 'N" '1 " F s - -- : - - 'F t y e f le -s ' ' -‘ ''' - 3 " -- k -- k -'-:' J )3'- tA tit' I (1 I i )-'j- js ' -' - i !- I i 4' -- N:ir v ' 1 --- C44 :1 '"':' l' 4- ir f')--- - t - - '' t t 1 'i'- -- ' ::N k el 44 4 - - - : 4 - l 4 C' 1 I " ''''" ''4' tr740 l'4 ' ' ' 4 t -' - 00 4 1 l' ' ' È I 't-'-' 1 1 -- - s ' - '' ' 1 - 7 r': ' f ' i i ' 7 i - HURRAHS RING IN HONOR OF i k A 1 - f - fr I '0 '"i-:- '54 - '1 ''' It - 4 p— z '' ' ' - is - - ' ' - - i1 m 'lei Artor F1 rM11 '99 PPCI-1-'- f' -'f X-ra- ' Wt0c09311110 L' - 1 0 '0 ' :: I Ars':0-I-f CS10offs - ' - K ' -- ' tJ i -- 111111 ttil01: tolgw lit 411 II —1-11- 4 LETv v nd N:411-avvii- UP THE CHIMNEY! 2 1111- lis - itadirmiAr value at this fantastic price! p3P45Sku2044048 SE- rt1 : PI (71 Pr t1 '‘rzj 64 ( Cvf1t: 1til:) ' l' Cloi - 1:i ir 1 : e (rit ELr:aL - et 6arsot°! -f - rt wt EILIESE r-- 4 14 t 9 I - : f f I !lk Tv? and-porcelai- ii CVNivoao 110 1 n r-"- H vp:91447:1 71 rfk4 - vize-111-' - t:lp B:os 0 '1:Ilf1-1-1bl- ' 'IN -- ' !ii I self-cleani-ng 1 ) 44-- This extra-larg- e offers rangeclock an elecfronic with safety shut-of- f Exclusive view window big bowls make dripexcellent : this an : ikL 1 t "! 1 i :0-- - go YQUR MONEY - Iv 4 - j1 STRI370101 DO I tzv1: t I tiátitE0Fillitit 11"1 LI L :i 5 r-- Ontyl $20 Per it4: 43e 1 a ' 'kw 4N4aa-- : —4)tiba (4 1 I 1"-1- "2-46Lthe I " I I The Amana Air Command 95 furnace traps the heat the others lose! ) an ordinary furnace you only get 62e of heat for every dollar of gas In 4 Upswept recessed to cooktop designed contain spills! Plug in surface units with automatic oven timer and electronic controls Black glass door cooktop Upswept with sealed burners Extra large standard oven with electronic clock and timer Black glass oven door with view window large Ntogoloo'lfr"""-- 1GBS16 - - inAlitlifizeii I Situ 1654616 I you buy The rest goes up the chimney But the Amana Air I - e 40 - ti )4 1 It 'I 4 at 4 I I 4 I wmrr I11“ 6 4 4 l' 1) 4 i ' 4 4 1 V P1 L iiiwat-JilliAiL-- 1 ' 411 off 1610 41 I -4 1 4 tont ii 'Pl -- r) 4 Nti e0- 447m!?1! 710m2 - 1 1 ' : ' f d ' N4 ' i WEN 1 4 I 4717"' imoi 800 watts of power 8 cult of space 1JEM231 2624 871 385 Lost 3900 South 1 S III:4 b:17::::11 Plumbing & Heating Inc 4 4 i -- ' Manw1I "I 1 it ) i1074 I turn tag 14 Free estimates it 1 1 1 ' L2L M Compare the features: Stainless steel heat exchanger Electronic ignition Washable filter system 25 year Limited warranty 2 year parts and labor warranty 1 I 0 Command 95 gives you 95e of heat for every dollar 4 NI 7"4 Sku1973967 I I I iiii31?217as I " I I ""---- 1 "Inl --- 1 I ikar4C—NAY'Irlitiligtoll Fr - i Pt nosoo I BEAUTIFUL STORES 10 SFRVE YOU! st3 -- 1 I 2331 - IL IL 700 S 14e01 2414409 E OFOI 41113M ft 2111- 11-1A rLrYEY 47311 4001 tito"321" 111L12744141 kti itiMini I NW" '' 4 r '"00"444' —ran III ilk" i tgildalimmonitásotialloaa irtitcv st "446" 1 EPT71717''"7-177:7:7---v- - rfarrriTninmarrokerclr'n't InT171971171171 tfOPIrt":"''" 0 0! 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