Show e'4 I 1 t I I G20 ZIlt Cakt Zr-17- 130—Help Wanted Sunday Septernter 12 1933 130—He!p Wanted 100—Help Wanted 1CO-4- Ile owa fr3 ocosOcr Vonr11 oceon- kvent00t suaomoo twv gr10r4 av vet crc v mORTGA'3E LOAN Otolnos 10M:CAL ASS'4STANT Nieed 7437 WEDICAt Ask mm De arv 40 One WO VIKYkrg knemmocie crd telLo 144 le Mos e cr SF 1104 Ctin CAA irsoorkis r First Seruntm pteect SAGICAL MEDICAL ASSCAPA7 NURSEORT pc 47342 Sono tesone Sta tPot SO 47 COCTOR MEDOCAL MI Ail Seasons alpo 4 !Gk-- MEDCAL FOf oat woik area ASSiSIANTS urn MEDICAL ASSISTANT 4:00 MORTGAGE ó wnless Counties twin WY& mo-T- twee Please See our ad under WORK for Care Mcwiagers Human Affairs Internotonoi SOCIAL RECEPTIONIST medne It 2 MERCHANDISER merchandiser wanted to seMce grocery stores grocery experience desired Send resume to PO Box 16840 SIC UT 84116 attn Cliff Part time vices area RiA Con ventiOnol- Cat Mire Riley UNDERWRITER telecommunications corr United Savings Bank pony is offering a temporary assignment tor skilled metal workers Is time direct endon Vust have expenence in RG MIG seeking a merit underwriter Experience welding press break sheer FHAVA conventional loons pinal press working to close tomust the candidate chosen lerances using steel and alumiin assist num sheets bar stock and tubing undenNnting resident loans for Utah and surroundi Must be wiWing to work voted states Contact Reggie Fisch shifts This wbi4 be a temporary Personnel Dept 5304759 assianment It inrerested call Jody Stromberg Equal Opportunity Employer 0 at Friday or Monday to apply Exciting MORTGAGE anployer DE Underwriters pays a ffiA VA Fanny Mae experience Must be work- Ing currently with mongapes C11- several WonceDlnJ'anbettlis Ernplover There Ls an immediate opening for a to serve as a Mr microbiologist Skis soNar Nurse the public health areas mOr11000 ignownio9e inzrooeo co‘ SPutit" croareoltonJi Mang OAOr rnorocerierl comes-O- s 0100J VtOmurs0 krom000e ot acorn of tve pens Olkna ECPCII M LPNRECEPTIONIST New famiN proctioner in Bountiful looking roc aynarnic indhiclual to provide nursing assistance as well as genera office and recep- Competitive salaries tions include benefits leiter with and rent 4:4V ': -- 4 - -- - -- NURSING 1 84113 EOE $ :et - 'r! 4ock01 ::&- ' --- - 1370 So West Temple M-- F tite Isle - ittNittts'r We invite you to move your career southeast to Texas The weather's the people are warm and our cost of living is reasonable and we don't have a state income tax! Career opportunities exist for RN's and restorative who enjoy long-tercare as Directors Assistant Directors Medicare Specialists and Staff Nurses Check us out Excellent salary and benefits Donna J Gonzalez BA MS Recruitment & Retention Coordinator 421 Waken Way Suite 140 Salt Lake City Utah 84108 Beverly EnterprIses 5113-31- : Unlversity Hospital 01 ' 171 7 The Educated Choice BEVERLY :Ann Ellie Ziegler Recruiter 226 600 Six nags Drive Arlington TX 76011 (817) 640-239- 3 FAX (817) 640-522- 9 rL1f1LnliosTIMPoolltS An Equal Opportunity Etur)lover 0Amo c I University Hospital Consortium Member I t r! 11 Lz : HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL 1 OFFICE HOURS: Mon-F8:00 am to 4:30 pm Moreau Medical Building Suite 101 East South Temple Salt Lake City UT 84102 FOR INFORMATION ON ADDITIONAL OPENINGS CALL THE JOB LLNE 350-40- tk:::: 11 iI li ri 1002 t'::: i1 Equal Opportunity A iffi ta I 20 '5111J rassatiasars Member of Holy Ernotoyar Cross Health Swam of Utah and Holy Cross Health Systems gigrawal rag Driven b) PS z SELF-ESTEE- 1 4 C Defined by AC:21 COTTONWOOD Nursing Openings: UNIVERSrlY oFuTAH ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL SURGICAL CENTER OR TECH Must be graduate of a certified program I year min oilier PIDays 3 a week 8 hour shifts RN PM SPECIAL CARE - NURSING ASSISTANT PRN to work On Call 12 and 4 hour shifts vary between 5770 South 300 East Murray LDS HOSPITAL I Nursing Openings: IHC HOME CARE SERVICES SALT LAKE ADULT PSYCHIATRY ' a Expel' LPN PRN Home Care RN w2 years MedSurg expel every other WORKMED - LPN or Certified Medical Assistant with occupational health clinic or 2 years acute MedSurg expel to work 4 shifts per week g with Pulmonary function and audiogram tests helpful Responsible for assisting MD & Physician Assistants rl week On Call Home Care RN w12 years MedSurg experience to work daysPM every other weekend Hospien RN wi 2 years Oncology expel Current CPR good IV and Pump skills current Utah drivers license and reliable transportation to work rotating weekends dayPM shifts and PRN during the week fr Hospice RN wimin 2 years Oncology expel Current CPR good 11 and Pump skills current Utah drivers license and reliable r transportation to work on call week off Fri " M ftrt PI i additional 1 week on 1 7pm then daily 5 pm to 7am until Fri tipm-Mo- n 7am Eighth Avenue & C Street Salt Lake City TO APPLY - CALL DONNA VOGEL MS RN - i (801) 321-101- 2 1A1 ext 1012 Pea ti n For accommodation with the application process please notify Human Resources 4' Equal Opportunity Employer 1 - ' tI Qualified candidates for positions listed above please apply directly to Human Resources m E W) Call SLOW experience required RN On call position to cover for vacation and sick time Must be available for up to a week at a time Will screen calls collect data and refer to clients Prefer a varied clinical background and computer experience V ' In return we offer a highly competitive compensation and top benefits Relocation assistance is also available Call Deborah L Miyazaki RN BSN Nurse Recruiter at: U Or for(800) or (801) ward your resume to: SO N Medical Dr Salt Lake City UT 84132 EOE mg Make ort Duff World!' in the op 410neoomaki 1 -- and Oncology SAFETY SKILLS 1 - Holy Cross Health Services of Utah - Isfi The ideal candidate will enjoy joint appointment in both the hospital and the College of Nursing You'll direct clinical practice coordinate patient care manage discharge planning and assist with educational programs We require an MS in oncology nursing ONS certification plus current L7 RN and Advanced Nurse Specialist licensure Delightful music tapes arid books that teach sub-acut- e '-- -- RN — On call Previous t4 li:22'Llit MUSIC On-goin- g facilities iv Therapy and Do we have your attention yet? A 48 CLINICAL SPECIALIST Bone Marrow Transplant Comxruissiola ec '' ' N eti Earri $300 - $1000 1 - :- S 4 who iagetecl income Relocation assistance Career growth training contact: f - 6ii-'' PERATING11100M11111 1 'A lk HalytEBEMAKE geat OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PHYSICAL THERAPY SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY NURSE PRACTITIONER Sit PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT :: - - or Jordan Valley Hospital t 1 WANTED: I Holy Cross -- :1' fr 1kVibm Apply in person HILLHAVEN HEALTH & REHABILITATION CENTER 11 44 0 40: 1 INN Medicare and Managed Care experience a plus II events 04 io"- -" The University of Utah Hospital knows what it takes to put nurses at the top of their field Advanced capabilities Preceptored orientation Sophisticated equipment Responsive management And of course the extensive resources of one of the nation's top teaching facilities Now's your chance to make an impact with our accomplished team place i I -- of Nursing Services 9-- 5 -- ' 4 ft ' i 4 4k21 alums NSAt month I 116: I'''!: I Assistant Director lpm-5p- Must have current license & CPR 1?eApply at CNS Home Health Plus -- 00EssiO1-AVirP11- to work 41 S 900 E SLC UT 84102 EOE mf a7 1 - t 'is alb? lx II ADMISSIONSCARE COORDINATOR Full time days Monday-Frida- y 3 to 5 years experience in rehab with CRRN and BSN required Coordinates admitting process participates in marketing activities and nursing and family education Participates in follow-u- p ' - it AB 1 ' ' c' At 1 I Holy Cross Hospital o'''''- - PIN lihok Ci 41 ' - 588-22- Primary Children's Medical Center 100 N Medical Drive Salt Lake City UT a challenging Select your hours & days 4 hour orientation required either 't or 916 911 9am-lp- 7 -- I' - PRN positions available for LPNs with at least one year of acute care experience Flat rate of pay of care fun ‘ 82200hour ITNs - Per Diem Pool Were changing and we like It and so will youl Continued emphasis on rehabilitation and and ' Rm Psychiatric Units at (801) 2411 '—anivkItteamiTio'—'- rreo Recruitment Specialist - HC Join I $1209hour Call: Traci Harden RN BSN Nursing (tfrvr Vfi Member of the Visiting Nursing Association of America NLN Certified Equal Opportunity Employer on-si- te L EmPloYer g61 i41 1 ip I CO14Mit "FsErwmairM11111WWIliffey 71PPOrgrrr51Mn"" 1- (mostly evenings) and PRN positions on several psych units for experienced RNs Psych or peds experience preferred RNs - Per Diem Pool PRN positions available for RNs with at least one year of peds or ICU experience Flat rate of pay of Resources sub-acu- t 1 Child Care Center 7 'llz nurse" Part-tim-e Equal Opportunity 4 Velt Th HOSPITAL COTTONWOOD 141--777- posi- PO Box 459 Jordan Utah 84084 West VIEW I Lynn Kelly RN Nurse Recruiter VA Medical Center 500 Foothill Drive Salt Lake City UT 84148 (801) 584-121- 9 HOSPITAL i- I Dialysis Unit 2 Jy"tiet1 v Send cover CENTER Human of UBA — U Excellent salary and benefits including weekend differential Equal Opportunity Employer "It's never been easier to be a total I PSYCHIATRIC Community Vaccination Program In addition to professional achievement you will derive new satisfaction from our unique spirit of teamwork We offer an excellent compensation package including: tuition reimbursement flexible insurance options shift differentials tuition reduction and a Child Care new state of the art v 1 11' A tradition of caring The technology today Building on one to bring new levels of excellence to the other It's the dynamic spirit that inspires your professional development at this hospital Link your histary of excellence with ours as we continue to make headlines and change lives Our unique combination of resources breakthrough technology and academic research create an unparalleled clinical atmosphere Opportunities available in: -'1 I WENDELL RN'sLPN's 7' Dx EICPETUENCE (801) - cc LPN I" saiaa3oymectaborts resume l r Coe Z TransplantationHypertension Clinics HOSPITAL Equal Opportundy Imptoyer FoTaccornmodamon Wth applicarson mass please nonty Homan Resource Equai Opporttrity ernotoyer 20 1993 to: Mission—Values ::: )1te:IT-- : - Facility! For more information vo LDS ALTA ticr clm 6710-c Night Supervisor Telemetry Unit Nurse Practitioner — Renal ext 1012 8th Ave & Street Salt Lake City Utah 34143 rir L -- ta Critical Care every other csrm hours Saturday and Sunday day evenings shifts available Fig -- AM11111S ' 321-101- Carom ay crft- - 7 X' N VeSP Ca4te Instructor Call: Donna Vogel MS RN j1)$i itraarc X 4k- OM - Irea REGISTERED NURSES RN w2 years MedSurg experience to work daysPM every other weekend Opportrity Employer wasa- t 1 On-Si- te RN - CASE g4 ever y ir chgegiva Nursing Positions Available: snorts HOME CARE NURS4NG Integrity Plus - RN w2 years MedSurg week ces call INC live-i- n Full time Care for 2 yr old and newborn Must be eXper v4th implements the utilization manogerefs and car I yr commitment Non- rnent system by interfacing with MANAGER ) smoking atmosphere 2775998 plan physicians (their staffs-- and Plan Writhes) their designated We're NANNY positions cNatable in arid looldng tor a Home Health RN UPIOA start) including out of stole Wet screened loving who has proficient tti skills and Mien of treatment and concur-TH6 families knowledge - Loves to be chal- rentretroective review of cases NANNY CONNECTION - Enjoys teamwork - Has len to evaluate medical necessity no fears ot being in charge Work NANNY— Park City family needs parr of care and obbrobnate oudity with good peop - "AND" - Likes time nannY 'slit& Pay neg Piecse Litilizidon of resources to taught Posttion opening is Monsend resume to: PO Box 682498 day through- Friday - days! Nook-caPark City UT 84068 Ctn Nanny Must have excellent Interpersonal must- have current Utah RN relations and communications NANNy mature live tn phoenix Az license valid Utah dfivers license skills Must and written) (verbal 4 children car preferred Pay ireittsurance on own vehicle and him previous expenenceknowPlease call andor send resume got Needed by 10161 leave ledge of managed care CD to Donna Human Resources msg (602) y 9CMCPT4 coding NANNY live 001 HOIOCICnt area guidelines and appropriate ievneeded for 3 great kids ages 6 6 eis of core and treatment modalCommunity Nursing and 2 years Tut time Excellent in thes by diagnosisprooadure 4 pay Cali Kara or Jenny terms of multiple clinical areas Service & Hospice NANNY: Infant exper lov- possess a working knowledge of HPI offered at eoch the references by plans ing responsible req 2970 So Main St Suite 300 Must be an RN with current Jaen-surcal Satt Lake City UT 84115 in state of Utah BSN Equal Opportunity Employer resPonsible experienced Minimum of five years cliniferred with references tor 3 children Car cal experience also necessary needed the out Experience in utilization manage-NANN- NURSING merit and working with third party CNA full time 3 needed for 12 ma old 3 pm for 69 bed long term toolltly 4662211 afternoons per week Refs re- PaYors desirable 2 6 after quire pm Please apply in person - Live-i- n NANIN'eHOOSEKEEPERCare for 3 and 6 yr olds in SIC own 2 refs excellent tramp leave msg NANNY—Mature person to care for 2 young chlidren in our home Experience and refs required Non- ' ever HOME CARE 0 Part time position Enhance Your Holiday Budget 1- Pena' through Friaay 4 rper 1081 0 161 at Arc Miait no A ever willh coacAPc!-c- 13 veth rnunimurn 2 years Oncoiogy ever to work on call I week on I week oft OCra pnweenxt CVO also $oolor of Pti I VIVO C HOSPICE RN pnoc peri The I Iel Warn° tritAinSIT Z ot rsoAotteS 980 Salary comsearth team member In the Bio mensurate with experience Client technology Research Group of 4 Companies will also accept newsmoking environment the US Bureau of Mines Salt Lake comers mcMng to Utah! COMM NANNYS City Researth Center The qualitime pos ll Needed 2 NY NEEDS NO Call May Klein fied candidate will have a BS deavaliable Great pay fiedble Ail Seasons Employment 7 Human Resources gree in Microbiology or closety rehours very rewarding 36 South State Street AgencV klted science Candidates with I 8 Cat laps TOGETHER Suite 2100 in of year professional expenence MORTGAGE NEON TUBE BENDER needed for suo Salt Lake City Utah 84111 microbiology preferred Salary cessful sign company Applicant For aPpirange: must have at least 4 yrs bending Equal Opportunity EmPloYef lcationannouncement materials SalesLoan Processor MFDV contact Judy Mee at expel with the ability to do expe Mortgage Control Assoc is looking Must be able to bend 10mm work tor a loan Processor to work With to 15mm neon Must have NURSING clients on a personal level Loan ness to earn and progress w)ra THE BUREAU OF MINES IS AN processing experience necesIn person at 1148 So 300 West EMPLOYER EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EXPERIENCED CUNICAL SUPERVISOR sary unless we get the light indiPrefer licensed registered nurse with NURSE vidual We are homeowners workstrong chemical dependency ing or homeowners to provide Need exper RN for field work In Ind- them with the lowest possible an community to coordinate health MINING psychiatric background adult care conduct screening clinics rates Salary commissionable Inpatientoutpatient Experienced mine personnel needadolescent treatment center and patient records Musfpossess Send resume to: ed for major explosives comPonY starter work in rural self to Need ConiT01 Assoc Benefits valid Utah license pkg Mortgage Project supervisor s blast hole drilarea with little supervision offered Submit application re- Mn: Personnel Dept lers bast hole loaders Reply to Relocate to lest small town in same and work refs For more kilo PO Box 3355 SLC UT 84110 Americo - Elko Nevada' Immedicontact 600 No 100 East Cedar MORTGAGE City ate opening Salary commensu2 ask tor Judy City UT 84145 rate with experienceeducation NURSES — for great opportunities Sr Mortgage Loon Processor must be mimeo with Nevado 0 call OLSTEN HeathiCare Buf MORTGAGE of Alcohol oho mg $28000 PLUS NURSING Abuse Excellent hinges PERSOr Employer poys tee Minimum of 7 RN Saturday and Sun days LPN 2 NEL Mon rim Fit 5 JUNIOR UNDERWRITER years experience as a Mortgage 7 Equal Opportunity Employer days a week small ICE Processor FHA Famy Mae Conventional VA Must be able to Empire of Amerioa Realty Credit train other Mortgage Loan Proces: Corp is seeking a lUniOr undersors Salary commensurate with writer for state of Utah ioplicants it"Ze everience Wonderful opportunimust have at least I year convenfor ty growth and advancement tional processing experience as Fantastic benefits Company as °ampule( knowledge needs no Call May Klein Candidate must be highly motiAJI Seasons 7 Empioyment vated energefic and a learn -Agency :player Send resurne in IUD conf-"--idence to: Empire of Americo Re- MORTGAGE "V-ath Credit Corp 5353 North loth Closing position open 1 year expe St Suite 150 Phoenbc Al 85016 rience in mortgage or fttle related Attn: Ms lopanO Salary negotiable Fax resume to '''"'-0'''4Colonial Mortgage 26244t0 EX 1 (wince ono vwMerl W1 al Weil morKolon 2 years Oncology RN with mirwrium to work rotatrig wetikends Daypm and PRN during tre week ° Low $30'spjus MICROBIOLOGIST Incenert tramerorwo voonct and run NANNY merchandisers Grocery MORTGAGE experience preferred Submit resume to: interwest Brokerage 2004 No Redwood Rd SIC UT 64116 Attn: Shawn vi w cope liberinre of Won 451 Must now) NURSE PROCESSOR SUPERVISOR Receive the rewards you deserve for your skills and knowledge Fun office with top heath and benefits Plan NO FEES Don 20843444 MOTEL Part time Skaggs Telecommunication Service Inc nob Ord tne Slot bmonnocr v—mi CNAI Ire ou rig arc CNA A F HOSPICE RN 3 SNELLING PERSONNEL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MERCHANDISING METAL FABRICATOR wog be or reorstered nurse FitYisincel Psycho:Pic Cenies is asrforms acts Tian reoure sPeact eniiy hiring tot the toioyisng ded knowleoae pagement ano nursra sioirs based upon tonna pes of psychoiogical tsoioarcal sclehce4 ano sock Pr'ssoca' rerNiMLIALIRCAIO NS Grad- HOUSE NURSING ualan frorn Cosege with o coon eon (degree In nulmg cs on eouNctent combination of edui SUPERVISOR canon and exper Must be a 1 censed registered nurse must Combination of acute care aria °dDossesS o valid titan °Ovens Li ote scent reskiential treatment cense Eteerstve travel possible ESN rewired Prefer Masters work and occasional mum of eignt years odychtatric t work required InterestRasing experience with lour years ed ccindodates must submit on of supervisorymanagement opoiication to Job Service A7 So win Too" by dose of bminess 16111 1993 Tooeie Co September e hour& Monday position is on Equot OoPorkintlY EmPioYet DE EmPloYer leh?siooi 36 South Slate Suee 2100 Soe Lake ON Ulcel 54111 is in a ccr Humor Resoutces tart Part time Housekeeper with some Mortgage an oggressive duties S5tv Call for POSMON REQUIRES: maparrpV9:64-659Uloh LPN license 1 rnoilgoge banker hectOquartetec in Las Vegas Is looking tor an ag - Computer eigDenence NAB ARTIST needed ir excel Murray gressive and experienced Demos' mat Mead office experience pie for info lac Call home fo head up its ()ton based Whole ferred sale operation This person woulc NAIL TECHNICIAN Excellent communication and be responsible tor swing up anc Fri time nal tech position mak people skills o utoh correspon rnointoining Hourly wage or comm Appiy at Send resume to Code 0134 in care of this newspaper PO Box 45838 James Norman Hair Studio inside (lent base along with hiring anc Salt Lake City UT 84145 Robyn Todd in Cottonwood Mall manoging full senAce °Moe The toed can:iodate must hove recen NAIL TECHS Booth rent Clientele NURSE hands on mortgage banking ex : Ask for RN for hospital bill auditing in Salt Misty 2555700 preferred penenozi Stanwell curTen Lake City area Suppiemenial NANNY- - Live Out 4 days siod full ales throughout Nevado c°meteAsliiirdnen Colorado and Arizona Excellen lime pay Must "1( Sun' Sikn'iliiirclikil: salary plus bane pookoge bridge Rd Suite J Stone Moun you're Interested in being part o loin GA 30087 our team please send resume to NANNY NURSING To live in my SIC home and watch my 7 and 8 yralci children while Stanwell UTILIZATION Mortgage work VA provide room Flexible 4100 W hours Student other OK Other con- SPECIALIST MANAGEMENT Las Vegas Nevada 89103 deans negot Call Mary Min: Personnel JOB A21000372 Equal Opportunity II Wanted 100—Help Wanted 1 HOME HEALTH NURSING INTERMOUNTAIN County Com °Perth 00 cesgtg adocancns to pubic Neon Nurse li Si 11041242Iv Provicies °chanced nursing seP MANAGER I 'fun :4ZA CMICOMO$ CI CWKIBILISI Please Cri: NURSE MORTGAGE BANKING I 103—Help Wanted movei ofve wcv Won VAAL !WWII orzy-- e 3mc! lbeet mg la US cc n 70toraro tsit wost sty! o No7or cowl LAS I Coe Cerwe cilwrrwo INIP Pcrno r likoswkw OOPS NINOLIC HEALTH CARE Muitimon Doi& Mongoge Com- Pank "eekwrrn3crinuncer- - MANAGER MEDICAL Equal Opportunity 10 StonweN Peckincian excellent potential No boarcis necessary eligibte Call Jane Rogers (801) A4 Seasons Employment Agency Pori time for internal office Ever a must isce--se Pubrrt Meolth Person DOCTOR MO MEDICAL '1:sAr1 pm WHOLESALE Physidans Billing needed At least 1 year biuufg expenence Call to set up appotniments S7O COS JkAv postsonsPI poteno cola MFDV seeking tliii lime experienced medical assistant Regular hours 2i34141 Ft3t MoRTGAGt Equal Oppartualty Empioyer Physictan s orrice MEDICAL 10 ON: COMO" slose Clooscosor extrAviece pretewea Contact First Seruntg lime and weekend di tile Botrifful and Mundy Monlime Pedkafts Peggy' MEDICAL PART time 191147n1 r Fnacy o( 0 seetursa aria ciTosi ao" DOCIOQ YD CemSed OrSsoceac and Genea1 Svgeon Avon° and New Memo cal! Jane lioaers MI Seasons 7 Errs5oy-rno1 Agency NCM OctOkatme °matt" r MED4CAL CS CY 11OV WM" Oct 8407 Easia Too salary and bonus paid Must oe a rnoevator ono leader to lake ) Seoul's has tirO over liks blond 01 a ore'woR opecwg3 tor Apst 01343 10 Vo01 t inuilKACe txcerren out Mott9Dge 0e001rreni crrPrqr7Y successful candy:10es h 2694441 responsible for reviewing SNELLING PERSONNEL oualoN ("owl mortgooe Soar EMPLOYMENT AGENCY toes ono other dufies a! t must haw ? ossgnect °Doc bowo accounting volts : Underwriter to vice4re ana fottow crec 1 bons accurate Vora slot& goof st Mortgage Year undeyms tpal and wrftten communcohor ) in conventional e ing woks °ma goad pepope oaks DE but not loans preferred PreVIOUS mortgage Ou CitinC i necessary salary commensurate vim exneience expertenCe is hgtoy ciesved Ca my zyrng ALLEN MORTGAGE person all446 So Mar lippy 10th Hoot Monday ihrOugt MORTGAGE 8ocwa to Dee of Ccrectiorn 630 So 310 East Fest mAgency 1 rSosclsor Of kpx:s 0000eureNr ProKyver 1100v"e's Agenc'S AUDITI CLERKS Empoy- COTO 14 501111 SLC A10-C- Load meacine oavs to Eme!1ency Beck'rn'li 9C1C1C1 try-- ly litall lone Rows teal)- tfairwrg At F3009 005n) 94-- AND CLOSERS PO Box MD croirea arc WetiADAt "Is ki V mcarg tip um Lots ecoona rnoAdade concicrN moRTGAGE MEDICAL MICR081010GIS T SIC (yea post lirse ana PQM Rea kg Of (xscP) ucl- 2 ifs FeCent cisnscof mcso exoer Voko °mem For rtemew Von Co or &C Mon Ftl to or PA D eszoseterce ookAaAset LOAN PROCESSORS Emokwer Ecd 000Itrov M D Wanted 100---He- tp :61r ave ortary or coo" OIKAA of tO rnetlfOO 180fAOft orsirserszs tssorwrs ssskring s aro coo sscArs Notkirgt mooes soLlsso 1r Owscormoo by rxwoarcv P10017 CP4rt osAvs 0 Empcfinont ! LcspG coma Dow I CXt11 N110k1-1Cgre Wit 10 0P3000i 1111AAS aa 0 le-r-t Seet FAA'7'VrA Cs7 1141 LIF 50 S L4cpn tV EW):"MEN7 P CAA Itor-vs- 111 CIP1" C400Cale 01 seso1 P25 EA1 rsoNrasec t f'ACiNA:( sW POO enc O G04 moo cra co'"ocakor Send e-sur-- te to 1250 East MO So $una S LC 8424 Ant 'Arne Cr C Is' se 0 LkY 00 Moraav Rif tic 'ER (AS! wG i i s'2:7 s 10 r 100—Help Warded ! i ECTIONAL MEDICAL ASS:STANT ICP COil PAO ASSIYANT Iry oftemocts 2 5 acys seek Etveneroxi cra awe bPeo- CC aa:a0 0Ng "11 3filel bAkIng OCAS 6: 3C 40-- 3 IIOr ataa ONe StIMet LS r con DI SOP lay0o 0emao ocAno cromeoge et 4M One A rnon?oge aocrs otmlened tliDOk Deson Soin Mori 'Or kocd 9'00 (In 1100C7y locts ee Apo al 146 stest SAS Soot tt Come tot Eme—iecy M60031 kOring Cal 1 befteer 10-- p MEDICAL CO WI lak Czr OrO stot woe Cmcrue vont OcmS hielcAL 1 tor mc-rot- mrt 001 One mmen Stz'OCt CO PAy tas Cr" ocnikasmi Ihe Nrm aaar car SOON vowirg Col- 400000rce Cat aiJc won:ming end sinnOrc CEJe0k)r 1010111 160s tot rs3orwireg $ nczo 9000 1ase se ea' 1011 CCOrole MOr9 ac S4 a:53 Sal ocrokreng tiocoaOmmule ROO OkOPV30 Caw Jrn 301-- t obq East CC Jrk eke mongogo le'rc oPeov O rzrti aparirawsat oIC kilt mir4 avs avaals cserisrx k3r rrwelloM SoCsAvlskh 00aar rtywr1e Kxr ASSEM&V are kat ova kw- - 1 SAt Dossofts cm:leabie tscr PROCESSCRS SecON Am 5 Czrvo3N IVAA 71A1 aoa?a?0 0Jav3 So Wedit A330011 MOM rj OCVMe"01) MAW OCN at oiNoa - ciLN11"-1- :A wa11 Mr Wecteti tkmew pcev- 7X 103—Help Wanted i ihOtruCat Soeouros Wanted letp 1 - weaskristAllirkiltooememitIONOt 0015tiit Vgirt14511144114t0fittAteatolthrditodhpoz 0454entewl miot |