Show Ti 1 1 UTAH Sunday September The Salt Lake Tribune :1 OBITUARIES Nevada Prison Is Next 'Home' I For Worthington ! - Director Says System Can Handle Difficult Inmate I THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Nevada's prison officials are ready for Worthington who was imprisoned in March 1992 after pleading guilty to gunning down a innurse during a hostage-takincident at Alta View Hospital "I don't think he'll be a problem" said Angelone who was in Salt Lake City this weekend "We have an excellent mental-healt- h - -- Kay Lamar Adamson it and erbei sort he rnotned Floyd Orr August program" Angelone said he is aware of Worthington's reputation for being difficult but he is convinced his staff can handle him Worthington who killed nurse Karla Roth and held eight other people hostage for 18 hours immediately became a problem at Utah State Prison Twice he attempted suicide and constantly harassed his former wife authorities said New Mexico officials lost patience with Worthington after he fell and broke his foot attempting to escape over a fence The former Sandy man had spent time in all four of New Mexico's prisons and had attempted suicide three times He has also been attacked by other inmates Angelone said Worthington will be taken into custody in Jean Nev and will undergo psychiatric evaluation Prison officials will then place him in one of three corrections facilities in the state Citing security concerns Angelone won't say where Worthington is going until he is there Utah Corrections spokesman Jack Ford said Utah prison officials will drive to New Mexico to pick up Worthington and take him to Jean as soon as he is able to travel Angelone worked for Utah Corrections Director Lane Mc Cotter in New Mexico but he said his friendship with Mc Cotter had nothing to do with his decision to accept Worthington "I said I have the room I'll be happy to take him" he said "If I didn't have the room and I took him I'd see that as a favor" Angelone said he was contacted by Mc Cotter after New Mexico prison officials decided they no " longer could keep Worthington Worthington had gone to New ' Mexico as part of a trade in which Utah accepted one of New Mexico's difficult inmates Utah prisons house five Nevada inmates while Nevada prisons house two Utah inmates All three states are part of an interstate 'trade compact that allows them to exchange problem prisoners 14-fo- ot - Dixie Forest Decision Prompts Appeal by Environmental Groups THE ASSOCIATED ' ' t t I t 4 ji 3 ' ILL Ackyn- - lirdr- Stwiey 1955 later PRESS Three environmental groups have appealed a Dixie National Forest decision to harvest 460 acres of trees on the North Slope of southern Utah's Boulder Mountain Dixie Forest Supervisor Hugh Thompson decided in July to sell a million board feet of timber in an area southeast of Teasdale The Southern Utah Wilderness 'Alliance the Sierra Club and American Wildlands have asked the Intermountain Regional Forester's Office in Ogden to reverse Thompson's decision The groups contend the decision violates the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Forest Management Act Specifically they believe the North Slop plan fails to protect deer elk and wild turkey habitat needlessly compromises roadless areas and relies on flawed economic rationale But Dixie officials say the sale is in harmony with all national environmental procedures and will benefit the forest in the long run Besides said SUWA issues coordinator Ken Rait "They don't ' even need this wood They can feet board cut a million easily go somewhere else" Rait said loggers already are harvesting more than 17 million acres in regular timber sales and more than 24 million acres in sal vage cuts SUWA is primarily concerned about the roadless area affected by the timber harvest because such areas are critical to wilderness designation Deputy regional forester Grey Reynolds has been assigned to rule on the appeal which will likely delay the harvest at least rail nextdon't sumrier even if the plaintiffs peevail —team t ( amycild Kay hod a great Influ- ence on monv Jives Dus- - I 7w-- - I- last lew years of ing great Struggie he sit foO rnuctiove tor tom- By and Inenos He is surtwed by his four chicken Ron cod Kerd Adamson West Corny Adamsort 1 li : - -i 1 t - Scuds Jordan Cindy ond Most Roberts South Jordax Came and DWi keen SOUM oraart seven beaultil grandchilarert and two Wine's Wayne and Bob Adamson Graveskle services will be held Tuesday 12 noon at the West Jordan City Cemetery 1250 West 7800 South I 912 912 N Barbara Petty Addley EMERY—Barbaro 61 died ey Petty Sep- tember 11 1993 in Nee She was born July 20 1932 In Emery to Arthur and Bonnie Anderson Petty Married Rex Brno( Addiey in the Mane LDS Temple July 191 950 As on tie member of the LDS Church she held numerous posttions She was a member of the Good Sam Club and was a very loving wife mother and grandmother She was preceded in death by her husband She is survived by her children and their spouses Tracy and Kathy Addley of Orangeviile Denise and Richard Childs of Emery David Add at New Mexico: grandchildren Justin Steven Mindy Misho Komeron Becky and Shown Also suMved by her mother of Soft Lake City sisters Clara Albretchtsen of Bountiful Patricia Srtterude of California: brothers Horace Petty of Orangeville and Gory Petty of Emery Funeral services will be held Tuesday September 14 1993 at 1 pm in the Emery LDS Chapel Friends may call Monday evening from 9 pm at Fousett Mortuary in Castle Dole and one hour services at the church Burial will be in the Frizio Cemetery 912 N Alfonso Archuleta E Our beloved husband brother in Christ Alfonso died September 9 dad grandpa and Archuleta age 65 E 1993 of heart tailure He was born July 7 1928 In Conilion New Mexico to Estanislaus and Christina Maez Ar- chuleta Married Ruby Gallo May Z 1954 He retired from Denver & Rio Grande Railroad otter 34 years Currently a school crossing-- guard for SIC School District He served in the US Army Survived ''' sl- - (I ' 'e ' I '' i it S " 4 ' - ' ''''- - ': ' mir by his wife Ruby daughter Martha ' (Steve) Angell foster daughter Cindy Sprague grandchildren Andy Charity and Chasdy stepmother Clara Archuleta also brothers ond sisters Emily (Henry) LeMay Horacio Orlando (Jeanette) Mela Martinez Ermie (Juan) Briseno Lloyd Johnny (Shirley) Larry Tony (Charlotte) Julie (Chris) Padilla leola (Mel) Vargas and Frieda Archuleta Preceded in death by hie parents and brother Adolph He was toyed by all' A Funeral Mass will be celebrated Monday 10 am at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church 715 West 300 Noah A Vigil service will be held Sunday 7 pm also at the church where friends may call Sunday 7 pm Committal service Mt Calvary Cemetery 4th Ave and I Street Funeral directors Neil O'Donnell & Sons N 911 I 911 H Carter Florence wonasAhrIzona13granuctgl dren and 32 Funeral services on Tuesday September 14 at 1 pm Monument Park 5111 Ward Chapel 1930 South 2100 East Friends may call at the Larkin Sunset Lawn Mortuary 2350 East 1300 South Monday evening 8 pm and at the Ward on Tuesday one hour prior to services Burial Nephi City Cemetery T 912 N Florence P 912 Christianson Prior Christianson SPANISH FORK—Florence 81 of Spanish Fork died Thursday September 9 1993 at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo of a lingering illness She was born October 8 1911 in Spanish Fork the daughter of John and Susan Babcock Prior She mamed Harold "Chris" Rodger Christianson on January 28 1938 in Randolph Utah He died April 18 1988 Educated in Spanish Fork schools and graduated from Spanish Fork High School She worked as a nurse at Hughes Hospital in Spanish Fork for many years She was employed for Mountain Bell for 36 years as a telephone operator in Spanish Fork and Provo She was the union steward for Mountain Bell In the Provo office She enjoyed gardening and loved to work in her rose garden She enjoyed painting and has made many rugs She loved her family and has helped many people She was a member of the LDS Church served as a Primary teacher and Sunday School teacher Survivors include one son and one daughter Keith Christianson Mrs Paul K (Unda) Jensen both of Spanish Fork seven grandchildren five n three esters Blanche Sonngville LaRue Cangialosi Studio City California and Susie Allred Spanish Fork She was preceded in death by a grandson Karl Jensen two sisters and one brother Harriet Larsen May Carter and John B Prior Funeral services will be Monday September 13 1993 at II am In the Spanish Fork etti LDS Ward Chapel 90 South Main Spanish Fork Friends may call at the Walker Mortuary 187 South Main Spanish Fork Sunday evening 8 to 10:30 am at the pm or Monday 9:30 amFork Cry Cemetery mortuary Burial Spanish I 912 T 912 Leo Ferrin Dean "FeMrf Utah—Leo died September 9 1993 He was born April 11 in Salt Lake City to Lois and Leo Dean Fer- rin graduated from Utah State University in La- il gm Utoh SALT LAKE CITY Dean 49 re:) n nionr4asAlciliktrtneedricath-a- who played for the Dal- las Cowboys He was well known for his friend- - i V ga t k"'"':i1 f linen optimism and love of all people He was on active marketer and president of San Diego Bancorp Traveling throughout the USA arid touching the hearts of all he met he will always be remembered and missed for his loving 'Bear Hugs' Ferrin Is survived by spouse Kristan: sons Martin (twins) Lance & Lenny daughter Sharrie Keith Brent Alan ono Boyd sister Mart others dad Leo Also surviving are gre and partners Julie and Sharon Funeral services will be held Thursday September 16 II am at the Holbrook Funeral Cha- pel 3251 South 2300 toEast where friends may the services Interment call for On hour prior Salt take IN Cemetery f- T 912 t Jensen Cri:rnwv ce i 14 N Ulan- Kaysvise away Skratay SecremNw sm3irt Be1L Cairo's() of causes in- mere to oge Sr wos tom Novem- - bet 211902 In Eistare Ulan a daughter of Daniel P and Matilda Lee Jensen She marred 'timbal I "Duke- - Con- - ON Wart He passed away October I 1 1950 W She marred Passed - - :v r - - "' L 4 t nJ" I - 9- 1 -- s t II Ht — - Thelma Rogers Caperon Gray 84 passed away on Wednesday September 8 1993 She was born January 30 1909 in Milford Utah or She was the daughter of Roy Milford Rogers and Margaret Hickman Rog- r : ers Thelma was pieced- ed in death by her sons 1 Blaine Talbot and Rob- ert Earl Caperon: grand-4 son Arran Caperon and sister Mazel Horton The WiSe counsel and r good humor of this beloved mother will be It e'! missed by all who knew ' ' ' her She worked hard as '" a waitress to support her family Then at the age of 50 she moved to California went to school and became a file and clerk typist for Crowell and Weedon Stocks and Bonds in Los Angeles She loved to room the hills searching for Indian Artifacts bowling and working in the soil Her gardens were so fruitful that she preserved the bounty and shared it wtth many others She is survived by her son Dr John W Caperon Australia: daughter Jessie Caperon Mugleston: her 15 grandchildren and 22 brothers Sheridan Rogers Milford Ennis Rogers of Buena Park Calif Lee Rogers of Palmdale Calif Jay Rogers Salt Lake City: and a sister Zola Sweat Fruitland Utah A viewing will be held from 4 pm Monday September 13 1993 followed by a graveside seMce at 4 pm Graveside service and viewing at Mountain View Memorial Estates Cemetery 3115 East 7800 South (Bengal Blvd) 912 N 912 Oscar Robert Harding Oscar Robert Harding passed away peacefully at his home September 7 1993 He was born Septem- - — ' r--------- tk ‘ -'4 i ' ! ! 46 ' t ' - r 4 912 N Harold L 912 Hovey Harold Leon Hovey 34 beloved son brother and friend passed away September 4 Honolulu Hawaii Born March 24 1959 to Norma and Hardy Hill in Salt Lake City Later at the age by 01 of five Hovey we meet again Funeral services will be held Tuesday Sep- - tember 14 'toe ' f ocim s 'fil 1993 11 am Deseret Memorial Mortuary 36 East 700 1993 in "°'-' 10- adopted We love you so very much and will miss you t t: t 4 ' 4- 4' South where friends may call Monday pm and Tuesday one hour prior to services Interment Salt Lake City Cemetery Funeral directors Memorial Estates Mortuary 6-- 8 T 912 I 912 Johnson P Ryan Ryan Paul Johnson 21 10 1993 16 Born December 1971 in Minneapolis ber Minnesota the son of Leonard and Patricia Frovarp Johnson employee of An avid skier title of his each person In passed away It T 2700 Sokilti W91 912 912 N Albert Henry Kay MONA—Albert Henry Kay age 91 Passed 1993 in West Jordan Utah He was born April 19 1902 in Eureka Utah to Isaac and Hulda Ellerston Kay He monied Fern Bushman October 5 1931 in Monti Utah Marriage later solemnized in the Provo LDS Temple He worked on building the cement rood through Mona the foundry in Spanish Forc he ran a SerliCe station for 15 years in Mona worked at Ironton Steel Plant and the Rubber Plant where he retired in 1967 At the time of his death he was Mona's oldest citizen He loved his children working and keeping his yard neat and clean He enioyed driving his car and was always willing to lend a helping hand to those who neecied him Survived by his wife of Mono and two sons Alvin L Kay of West Jordan and Neil B Kay of Benniorr five grandchildren and eight two sisters Cora Kesler of Provo arid Lois Block of Nephi Preceded in death by a son Norman D Kay Funeral services will be held GM am Tuesday September 14 1993 in the Mona LDS Ward Chapel Friends may call from 9 to 10:30 am at the church Tuesday prior to services Burial In the Mona City Cemetery Funeral directors Anderson Funeral Home Nephi T 912 912 N Mary Horrocks LaCroix Mary Winn Horrocks LaCroix 87 died Septem1993 at her home Rom June 3 1906 in Vernal Utah to James '::7' Isit '7Alfred and Elizabeth O'Neil Winn Married Lewis Horrocks February 4 1924 in Vernal Utah He died December 17 — 1941 Married Jean : ''''''' — Pierre LaCroix January '7" 7 1 5 1972 Active member LDS Church serving in 1i 4'r14 all nuxiliaries Former resident of Park City Utah ' Survived by husband of Salt Lake City children L Wayne and Betty Horrocks Salt Lake City LaMar W and Dorothea Barracks Spanish Fork Elizabeth 'Beth Morgan West Valley City 13 grandchildren 43 eight Preceded in death by a daughter Mary Lou Bernard Morgan and one granddaughter Undo Lou Angier and one ber 8 ' PAYSONPocatello Idaho—Sidney DeVon Patten age 79 a former resident of Payson Utah passed away at his home in Pocatello Idaho September 4 1993 of cancer He was born in Menan Idaho November 9 1914 son of John Sidney Patten and Maud Etna Terry Patten The family moved to Payson Utah where he was raised He was very talented and had a keen mind He had a love of reading and recalled all he read—many times when the teacher had to leave the room he was asked to give a book report to the class He had a talent In bird whistling He gave many performances in western singing and yodeling throughout Utah and Idaho where he had his own radio show He was a trainer of race horses His work as an Iron worker for the Iron Workers of America took him to Idaho and Wyoming where the family lived for many years He married Jane young from Widstoe Utah May 30 1938 she passed away March 4 1985 in Glenrock Wyoming Surviving Jane and Sid are two sons and two daugthers Thorvan and Alice Patten Pocatello Idaho Nilene and John Mendez San Jose Calif twins Doreena and Art Jenkins of El Monte Calif and Dorton and Lee Patten of Layton one brother Cowell and Mary Patten Brigham City Utah two sisters Ullian and Leland Um Chico Calif and Hana Patten Salt Lake City II Precedgrandchildren 14 ed in death by parents John and Maud Patten a brothers L Keith Patten (passed away February 7 1993) and Vearl Patten (June 7 1993): an infant brother DeLoss: infant sister Erma two granddaughters Sheila and Tracy and Vicente Jose A private family service for Sid and Jane was held September 8 1993 in Pocatello Idaho 911 N E 0 1 912 N 912 Helen Dee Yorrington 911 Born June 16 1952 In Ogden Utah Died August 25 1993 In Vancouver Washington of prolonged illness Preceded in death by e0 ' Bin- - Sherrnon Grant Lases age 60 died SePternber 113 1093 in West Valley City Born Seaternber 27 kerd Joyce Styvesant Su- Virginia Yarrington son Wilson three brothers Lany E David H 1 13' ' "—0 It and Richard A Vatting-touncles and aunt Mr and Mrs James Brett and Mr and Mrs George Yamngtorli many low nieces nephews and friends Ing She was a kind and generous Rich who worked many years as an investigator for the Humane Society of Utah Donations can be made inctier name to that organization N 912 I 912 1 1 Paul Staley Jr age 68 passed away Septem10 1993 at home peacefully in his sleep He Is survived by his wits Alice and tour half y'r 'N sisters '7 4 4 f - els 46 I Survived by wife - 2 '1 o dr'- 14 ' Val '''"' ) Irene sons Sherman G I Jr and Jeffery II dough- ter Pamela Joyce 11 N 11 11 -- - sister D (Susan) Gory Palmer sisters and brother-in-loBlie Oaks So and Coy Ross many nieces ON:i nephews Funeral services wit be held Wednesday 10 am at the West Valley 5th Ward 3270 West 3650 South Friends may call Tuesday 8 pm at McDougal Funeral Home 4330 South Redwood Rood and Wednesday at the church 9 to 9:40 am Interment Valley View Memorial Pad( N 912 I 912 Reba T Joyce Reba Tomlinson Joyce 85 died September 10 1993 in Salt Lake City Bom June 24 1908 in Heber City Utah to Jo-seph Elisho David andElizabeth Rowland Robefts Tomlinson Married Edward Rancis Joyce on July 31 1935 in Far- miwton Utah She re--' tired from Mountain Bell and was a member of the LDS Church She Is survived by her husband Ed of Salt Lake City a brother Reo Tomlinson Boise Idaho a sister Edith Dunn Lew- - ' ' F - s 446 - - Graveside services will be Tuesday Septem- ber 14 1993 at 10 am at the Heber City Cemetery Funeral directors Larkin Mortuary N 9112 912 Van Dam Ada Strong Van Dam 85 died at her home in Salt Lake City on Saturday September 11 1993 She was born on May 21 1908 in Cowley Big Horn County Wyoming a daughter of Wallace and Save Ila Hobson 912 Parkin-- sons Wally will always be with us with his sweet gentle spirit He was born March 6 1924 In Dubuque Iowa the son of Theodore and Eieanore Sullivan Wei- denbacher Married El- - (Mickey) - OF "t''''( 1 0 -- - 4 4 and N t ::('-i-' 111 At ' 0 -- t — - '' - i 4 ' r I IA ' : et' ' - -13 1993 at - 11 am of)e r home 9101"Mit'r""1"" - I a courageous battle vath crway Sepin Sandy Utah after passed rr0e ""' concer Born February 27 1929 Gienwood F Salinas Coloacto the Mima Viola of daugllter lw Jolley and Joseph Bur- - t ton Tuttle Married John i 4 ots tioill 1' Zagorec June 13 1950 it 1 in Grond Junction Colo- : redo: later solemnized 1 in the Monti LDS Temple 4 She was a devoted wile 1 mother grandmother JI ''s4477 and friend to oll she met She loved all aril mats ond she loved to 1e tolonts wi De spoil her grandchildren missed but remembered Sorvtved by her husband daughter Dr Tamom Zogorec-Mark- s Sandy: son J Todd ZcAngelo Za-igorec Salt Lake granddaughter J Zaciorec and Ethan Tyler gorec grandsons: Mlies Z Marks brother J Burton Tuttle Jr Soratoga Wyoming: and sister LaRue Olsen Grand Junction Colorado Preceded in death by sister Darlene Sampson of Colorodo Springs Colo Funeral seMces will be held monolog September 13th 11 am at the Mt Jordan LDS 2nd Word 9331 South 400 East in Sandy Friends may call at the word on Monday from 9:30- 10:45 am prior to the services Funeral Directors and Interment Larkin Sunset Gorden In lieu of nOW95 contributions may be sent to the University of Utah Medical Cancer Research Center 50 North Medical Dnve &LC Utah ' i N 9 '11 BOYLE—Effie Bean Boyle Furverd services will be held Monday September 13 1993 11 am at the Berg Mortuary Drawing Room Chapel 185 East Center Street Provo Fnencts may call at the Berg Mortuary Sunday from 8 pm or Monday one hour prior to services Burial will be in the Provo City Cemetery T 912 N 912 GRIFFITH Funeral services for Richard Cary Griffith of Tooele Utah will be held Tuesday September 14 1993 at I am at Tate Mortuary 110 South Main Tooele where friends may call one hour prior to services Ob!tuory to folloviqeterlipm in Memoriam Dec 18 eptf21992 Michael - tunny nice football smart - lover of football camping and my parents - who feels tough when he makes a tackle who feels ripped off when he buys trod- ing cards who needs money fast who needs no homework who needs better eyes who gives candy to brother who gives happiness to mom who gives fear to t--sister who fears pain who would like to be in NFL the who would like i a big allowance who i ) i 44 would like less crowded schools - resident of Sandy Utah 9292 Michael we love and miss you so very much You will be in our hearts forever Love Mom Alex remiri - and Becky SEPT SEPT 12 93 12 92 In Memory Of BRIAN RICHEY 1 i If are charged for at the rate of $400 per line for insertion in both Tribune and Deseret News (Insertion in one paper would be 8285 per line) if a picture is used there is an additional 8500 charge number to call is: or for anyone coiling outside the SL area in the e state of Utah our number is: OBITUARY DESK HOURS 8 am to 6 pm Saturdays 8 am to 5 pm Sundays Holidays 12 noon to 5 pm WEEKDAYS 9:30 am 6:DO (published folowing day) Deseret News (state) pm 6:00 pm (published following day) SATURDAY SUNDAY HOLIDAYS Both papers all editions :: 41vd - "WHAT'S t!' GOIN' ON" Although its been a year it seems as if yesterday we were drinking a beer and having a here Thank you your only son Father for we armsand so God for our only daugnterfor and for your love We honor you know she is being cradled in your are our hearts born Not stillborn still UTAH DEAnis The Salt Lake Tribune notes the following deaths by name age date of death residence and mortuary handling the funeral arrangements ADDLEY Barbara P 61 Sept 11 Price Fausett Mortuary Castle Dale AKER Thomas S 84 Sept 10 Spanish Fork Berg Mortuary CARTER Florence R 92 Sept 11 Salt Lake City Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary Sandy DEAN Leo F 49 Sept 9 Salt Lake City Holbrook Funeral Chapel Holladay FACKRELL Bernard H 85 Sept 9 River Heights Allen Hall Mortuary Logan: GARRETT Nicole 18 Aug 31 Midvale Goff Mortuary Midvale GRIFFITH Richard C 40 Sept 9 Tate Mortuary Toeele HARDING Oscar R 70 Sept 7 Provo: McDougal Funeral Home Salt Lake Hawaii Memorial Estates Mortuary Salt Lake City JOHNSON Ryan P 21 Sept 10 Minneapolis Minn Larkin Sunset Gardens: Mortuary Sandy JOYCE Reba T 85 Heber City Larkin Mortuary Salt Lake City KAY Albert H 91 Sept 11 West Jor-i- i dan Anderson Funeral Home Nephi LOSEE Sherman Grant 60 Sept 10 Salt Lake City McDougal Funeral Home: Salt Lake City MAXWELL Annie P 71 Sept 9 Mid) vale Goff Mortuary Midvale PLAIT Harriet B 69 Sept 10 Orem1 Berg Mortuary ROYALL Jennie L 29 Sept 8 Vernal Thomson's Vernal Mortuary Vernal SCOTT Roland E 64 North Providence RI Larkin Sunset Lawn Chapel rn DEADLINES Tribune (all editions) : City HOVEY Harold L 34 Sept 4 HonoluluZ Monday-Nda- y Deseret News (metro) r - -- 1 5:00 pm 1 Sandy STALEY Paul Jr 68 Sept 10 Salt Lake City MacKay Deseret Mortuary Salt Lake City VAN DAM Ma Strong 85 Sept 11 Salt Lake City Wastach Lawn Salt Lake City WITHAM Elruer D 81 Sept Spon kane Washe-MountaiView whit' Estates Muzt ay ernrcrirmovirremouomiL wzoksagromodolta ari I 912 Obituaries 237-293- -- - t cJs grand- Extra copies of this news paper are available For information plecfa call: N912 I 44 ANGEL BARMORE September 12 1992 :-- by his wife Jamie (Todd Patterson): informitisr92 "' Zagorec 64 Tele Zagorec tember 9 1993 "14 TRIBUTE TO VETERANS !?mool T Phyllis Phyllis "Om 912 obitualy 11 Graveside services witi be Monday September "Wish you were Wendy Mickey and the Crowd son Taylor James two sisters Mildred (Jack Woordehoff) and Janet Bork Graveside services will be held Monday September 13 at 12 noon at Larkin Sunset Gardens 10600 South 1700 East Sandy Friends may call at the Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary one hour prior to the services For ' - I Harvey both ot Soo- Kane WasninVort ana stster Otte ot inOancot Inatana cheer 3 Schmidt on November 22 1986 in Salt Lake daughter t I r1 Vernorn Ns crnet- - Weidenbacher E t oni 'shed Tonacntilren Ctystal Art and Cody&others Loy a D and llono 913 Beloved companion father and friend Wolter (Wally) Edward Weidenbacher age 69 passed away peacefully at his home on September 10 1993 after a coura- City Utah Survived 4911 in 1 N In Memory Of MICHAEL STENENS N eanore 30 4 Gfeot Fas Montana tie ts suroyeci by his 141 woe son ono oover- "s : '6 Van Dam in Donovan the Salt Lake LDS Tem- 17811 ple on July18 1932 filled mission to She a dr 41t ' the Northwestern States from 1928 to 1930 She PTA was president at Highland Pork School ' She served as a guide ze' on Temple Square from 1946 to 1952 and conducted special tours from 1957 to 1959 She has been a teacher and officer in ward and stake auxiliaries She served with her husband as he presided over the Netherlands Mission from 1952 to 1956 She was a member of the Primary General Board from 1956 to 1964 a member of the board of trustees of the Primary Children's Medical Center an ordinance worker in the Salt Lake Los Temple and the first matron of the Jordan River LDS Temple from 1980 to 1985 during the period her husband served there as president She is survived by her husband ond their four children Daryl (Mrs HIM Hoole) Hilversum the Netherlands Donette (Mrs Gail W Ockey) Pocatello Idaho Marvin R (Sandra) and Lee H (Holly) Van Dam of Salt Lake City 25 grandchildren and 34 sister Lila S Knight and a brother kthur H Strong both of Salt Lake City Services will be held on Tuesday September 14 at 1 pm at the Highland Park Ward 2535 South Douglas Street (1240 East) The family will greet friends on Monday evening from 5 to 8 pm at the McDougal Golden Rule Funeral Home 4330 South Redwood Road and Tuesday at the church from 10:30-11:4- 0 am Interment will be at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Part geous bate with AtoAt away Seo- - - married Strong She H Walter Pil pcsed IFuneral Notices - Tomlinson S ogel boot Augttt 23 1912 r 3snit-vin Soottone ton ty tnomed 84112 iston Montana and nieces and nephews She was preceded in death by a brother Harold Tomlinson and sisters Beatrice Gibson and Elizabeth °Bessie Ada trnef D Wo'Nom ternte II 1N3 I 9111 The Amehcan flags that appear with some obtluary notices signify that the deceased was a military service veteran n 912 1:1 ‘ r and time gardening wrth tas kids Mrs 1 4' (published that evening) ber T pi'" r INFORMATION 'r daughter Earlyne McPherson granddaughters Julie Parent Chris Davenport and a multitude of Des- City OBITUARY '4 I Served in the Marine ' p 1404 Corps dung the Kore- 'er'10 an Conflict Was a mem- '''''4 : ber of The Loyal Order of !" 'a ti 1 no— 259 Utah ' Moose 40 Moose Legion The Ritu-ik al Degree Team of the ? Moose and VFW Former long-hatrucker and cab driver Survived by a brother Wilford and a sister Ella both of Rhode Island step- Funeral directors eret Mortuary loke 1932 in Salt Utah son of Boyd Ly-man and Muriel Grant lose Married Irene Funk November 4 1950 in Granger Ut ak Mom be Cl LDS Church En- loVed hunting- - fishing Elmer D Witham i at the Mountain Yew Memo nal EVates 3115 East 7630 South (Bengal &yd) where viewing wile be Monday from 6-- pm and one hour ono( to services T 9 12 N 912 -- death The family will be hold- Ing a private memorial service in their home 912 Sherman G Losee E Paul Staley Jr ' r Scott Lodge brothers and friends Memorial services will be Tuesday September 14 at 2 pm at Larkin Sunset Lawn Chapel 2350 East 1300 South In lieu of Bowers memorial donations may be made to The Loyal Order of Moose 259 602 East 200 South Salt Lake City UT 84102 N 912 I 912 Bare Lloyd "Our Little Mother" i Mocrl grandchildren away September II In Julia sisters Carolynn 'a Providence Rhode Is-land His wife Lillian and brother Eddie and parents preceded him 4sp will parents Earl A and Mar- ion Mane Yarrington Survived by her hus- band Shad Uoyd chit- dren Bret and Karen Bare Kay Singer and Greg McCormick and grandchildren Skyier and Krislen Bare four k Anna Robidoux and George Scott in North Johnson Sandy Margret Frovarp Bellflower California A memodal service will be held Wednesday morning at the Snow Bird Ski Resort Family and friends will convene at the base of the tram at 7 am Funeral directors Larkin Sunset Gardens T ' 'Scotty Scott passed away September 6 1993 of natural causes Born April 7 1929 to 4 f never be forgotten His spark for life was an Inspiration to us all Survivors: Father Sandy mother MinnMinnesota eapolis grandmothers wwor - 4wr Li ereat Roland s love with he came contact with and - Roland Snowbird a 1 L by sort John 'Lennie Johnson Phoenix Arizona daughters Connie R Page Murrcry: Kant Olson and husband Butch Kearns six and grarKichitareq vs- Dorivollny Robinerte Mesa Arizona Sniriey Maynard Wye Pauline Pantaione West Volley City Preceoed in death by a grancidougnter Jemiler aisa two brotners and three sisters Funeral Moss we be ceiebrated Tuesday September IA 1993 at 10 arm in St Therese Catholic Church 75 East Lennox Street Midvale Vigrl service will be held Monday at 730 P m in the Golf Mortuary 8090 South State Midvale where tnends may coil Monday 8 pm and Tuesday from out Interment Midvale City Cemetery T Septem- An He left ' 014-- ' Sidney DeVon Patten Columbus Ohio: Alice Deft Sandy Barbara and Wendell Bradbury Layton Jack and Dorit Harding St George Douglas and Evelyn Harding Lafayette Indiana Preceded in death by parents: sisters Donna Stewart and Darlene Harding brother Jerry Harding Private memorial services will be held by the family Funeral directors McDougal Funeral Home T ''' Funeral services Monday 10:30 am in the Cannon 7th Ward 934 West Fremont Avenue (1100 South) Salt Lake City Friends may call at Larkin Mortuary 260 East South Temple on Sunday 8 pm and at the church Monday one hour prior to services Burial Maeser Cemetery Vernal Utah at 3 pm Funeral directors Olpin Mortuary Heber City N 911 I 911 r go ''''''0 et t I 43 cloci SetaterrLeo S 1993 titan to Ismail Nxo Icing Marva Ca'sene Cox 11 1975 in Moona titan wortied as a tine tbrenxin at Kerrieco11 Cop pviir Corp tot 10 years Sawyea ay wee sort kerryaln 5pcst aaugrvet Movie Kai patents Memo and Paoert Jornson brorners Ater! Robert and Kemn sisters Beuion CroPen !bora Iverrzer crsa Robin lonnson Preceded in doom by totrwor lora brotivr Ken nein Chcrtes and stepsister Penny Thomas Graveside sevices snit be held Monctay at 1 ot ttle Voitey View Mammal Park 4400 p West 4100 Sot" Fnerias may coil Monday front 10 30 to 12 30 co 'NI Peel Funeml Home 8525 Surymioc Thelma Rogers Caperon Gray -1 in Catholic Church T9112 912 1 s - Scott Long Byron wp Lori been in Late itavasu Anona Soon itg-- st 11 1950 Se Georao lue 11 Married Therese 5: — ' 777r4 t Mooch Soar Ammo loved awnots 0110 enioyed bowling and playing Bingo St wcts a member of St r -- : 1923 In Provo vra ot Born May 30 C0101000 10 TO00$00 - 1 wet they ider arvoreed T911 Harding Secwerrost 9 cm osier died 4faranOitei and 1943 NVOP!'et Mecirter Lyle Max-- s 's na 15 toiovea litoghan Canyon Utah on Oaaber 4 1941 110 in death mots and entoyed g e call J SurvivIng ore one son Cranney Jr and wife kazurri and two grondchildren all of Berkeley Calif: one sister Mahe J Gectse Walv nut Creek Calif one Mrs Louise Ricks Jensen Salt Lake City Utah Funeral services will be held Monday September 13 1993 11 am at Undquisrs KaYsville Mortuary 400 North Main Street Kaysville Friends may call at the mortuary Sunday from 6 to 8 pm and Monday from 945 until 1045 am Interment: Kaysville City Cemetery In beu of flowers contributions may be mode to Utah State University of the Humane Society of Utah Utah son of Albert Tat- mage and Ethel Flygare Harding Mottied Hazel Mercer July 24 1947 lot- er divorced Member of the LDS Church He laved and was kind to all animals Survived by five broth- ers and two sisters Hale and Verna Harding Har- ri son Idaho Sterling and Nadine Harding Orem Max and Ama MiDvALE— Annie pawaionw SAcinvet 71 our Leonard 0 Johnson bvect in Koviville from 1947 until 1987 krthen she moved to Berkeley to be with her son She attencled Utah State Agricuttural College for Iwo years She served on the Board of Directors of Clover Club Foods from 1947 until 1983 She loved or ber Annie Pantalone Maxwell I Pantason v 4 4v Rod T I Jonn Davis in 1963 In Berke- leY Calif Me passed cmay on 1970 She hod Barberio HENDERSON North Carolina—Nicholas H Barbed° 83 formerly of Salt Lake City passed away Sunday September 5 1993 in Henderson North Carolina of causes incident to age He was a native of Newark New Jersey born to James and Annie Barbaric He married Adeline Vacco who passed away in 1971 married June Nixon who passed away in 1978 married Mary Jane Wiser later divorced He was a Roman Catholic 'Nick" was one of the original people transferred from Long Island New York to open what was then Sperry Utah (now Unisys) He retired from the company as general manager of the North Salt Lake plant He is survived by his son Robert V Barbed° Dorine and their son and daughter-in-laSean all of Magna Utah He is also survived by his son Russell C Barbed° and daughter-in-loDiane grandchildren Russell and Nicholas both of Greensboro North Carolina and Amanda of Seattle Washington A prtvate graveside service was held T 912 I 912 R Helen Florence Riches Ostler Carter age 92 died September II 1993 at her home in Salt Lake City Utah Born June 20 1901 in Nephl Utah to James Bamford and Alice Ann McPbearson Riches Married James R Ostler on June 21 1922 in the Monti LDS Temple He died March 26 1931 Married LaVar Carter on September 26 1938 in Ne- phi Utah He died August 9 1978 lifelong memr of the LDS Church having served in all the auxiliaries and as a stoke missionary Member of DUP Served as the Nephi City Treasurer for eight years Survived by a son Don R (Suzanne) Carter of O Apollo Beach Rorida two htersiliirgii 6 (ricVacit4dTut Coefornia---Jcni- Davis oa formeny ci 400" l 1 ' s Nicholas BERktlEY Janice Jensen Cranney Davis ney 1927 In Sae Lake Steve and Jordon: g I I Kav Lamar klarnsort 5& Passed away Seat 1993 an a loccii tempos so was born Airy Z nosasal 1915 In Moor° Utah to 1 - yeets'yslit hos Richard Worthington having worn out his welcome in New Mexico's prisons now will be moved to the Nevada corrections system Director Ron Angelone says I r1 - I t C13 12 1993 k? 4 k crt |