Show r-i- r tow 1 nt iCgtrtvr G30 900—Dernestac Cars CltltAC VO 2 Sunday September 12 1993 9)0—Cotrest!c Cars i :e 31 w li Avt--t le X0R3se Icon Sr-- A :z- 31: a ! Catiatyz tC3SO W in IIC CAA-A- C - V- o OWeC c- rt e easatot V te't So Mon 52 ‘: cALc int tippottc va 4- uix-0- - aw pews La loco° -A kiwis—b- rj 009L ot'N 00 'AmsrOios "1 tove CADis-A- s on M m os 94- 0 s Coa ew Otos Coa s2 r 283 cfr 9 Gek s AA kw v ' 7 3° kv4° 0: l''' "'"' ( Ai‘i Yoses 354 SO 0o63-- isho 8' C907 Doc) 4 'cr k'7 --- ri84 I Ira - SO Ceseino CIE's S' C'f kw P 5 too oi CJse S' s:1) cieCin 52250 y9 cy sy33 0030 10 CAQ'CI '"7' 9"- - lu- - ? 65 t ststses ow es-e- s grope Si580 Pap cher 5'22097 13 0405m E ass or IC N 1 Oean SI 305 best cit 'I 4 MAPO IS: 3 Rstis Cal 2ts1534 4 cy 0Ks toseslem 2 S4 utsutursic7:57-C'CER se5or s rha 4 at l'--' 116 C4'TS'i° L''''31 C''''N'l CC''''3 o 6 bet stew osszSt wy OPSAI S SIX Z:et:tK Crstr icS Clwarl 11 ''661 Ilicio-o- n St 005 "vs' Cov'tce it 16''''SLi 2 1252 4 Earths rr D $'2 l'"' 3r Cf inTo Cil LN'S3 11 36 Eivamerl 9a-i- leil frt $014811 '93 6 IX woo St 000 co-0- No DowNI ShADCM ES 3 0 ONO S7 500 Of PAS 11 h6 n'0 40 0910' Ato-Teen Looiedn Loss int Needs boo' wet on ell coot but Dce Ind moo's coo incr MI TV '''t's 2TaC 50 User Cats 'Amps 29822)3 -- --rho cvsok 3639o8 V C411 1tho 4 osso or llt 59 CADIEAC Seytim yin'te-Tric - cot sa s1 low rnt e3Jcw Ptr $I WO 03 DODGE 'IWO Agtometsie Oho WI Wog see St5 905 Lcrty 11 14 'doer Csas Coa 565011?00 Magazine oy at the year sem s V etc-e-s --7 o tote aSed otta rE1106 St5005 04E9 (Jwo greo ay Ted $6 04t-- COOE RS oorts4 eg cao o LAM °woe 5501560M 264400 WI con° 10000M ON" 50'43°°0 98005 4614542 )04F4 peels ona cobm xv t go 04Fy C40 NoK 4 c4 5 sPo- - 93 DODGE Spelt 4 ct 6 pass as 97 CriEVK Cvotoa LARRY MUER LEXJS 264-39100s itns 7pot siggi westeml D323 toct wororov wotrev- Nsk—v 2stocA S0'945 — Pontiac 53315552 to"ytlyiket DoOge 5901 68 CAD EtoZNocto tav towed 2o44500 S'cle 86 C4EV 575CTI7sNt ori 5 spa tteout S8700 ow 042454 stereo ri250 onet 93 DODGE Sro3co Corwitt low 50°°r' Dim" or rT'y v DAN EASTmA N JEEP 03701 Why rnies tool warranty 86 oit-vvor cono aeon Runs cm Am 964799 OA can apo buy new Just $12785 OM 2778451 $ 9899 Lt1M West stymy Usect good $2310 Cot --car --7 — --- — Doge '5°214343 Com 3751 Vi 3500 SO 9664331 135 9 pass w000n cit cm& c s7 92 DODGE Steak ES PED 24 valve 9 cam S2250 pOwel 48 CAD Serows 10010a irnmoc tYItl OYOt hem corh Yew FAST 3 5° CG)a" s'o 5'A3 9'63325 cwam Fe We& Ftt5E co phone mar BEQE174 GT krtee0166e totottv 85 CHEN CA ALrt:4 I °erector car cover °NO sheep 87 CADILLAC Alonte hardtop 1300 - Sk"ee "S "'" °''''''' at See ioaclect 580754m wT Erlwriely clear car Awing 3440- So Cool to clove Came(' SU 405 65 CV CELEBRIM' exs KEN GARcr JAGUAR or $15 500 Cal 1374e2e1 Looks good $2000 25L V2 DODGE Scw8 4 dr Ves auto 85 CHEV cafaqm Eueo SPORT '87 CAD SEVILLE toadeg tooksruns or SV888 Needs eng work $450 DA N EASTMAN 1e — '"D""Qt""eai"lel — " f C'""'''''" '' I Teat 5461 itnewcAD4aAc JEEP CHEN Comoro Z28 converktoes nice nice cor S13483 Boom° ooks kke!Vi 67 495 KEN GAM JAGLIA9 CHEV 91 Sedan Devilte yellow cieon lots or oceons tc 995 Larry H Meer Otos Coo 5654200 CADILIAC rce Chevrolet 85 CADILLAC SEDAN DeV1LLE $2899 of C)ft Glsal share 5724541 '84 CADILIAC szsos St 4050 West 3500 So '91 CHEN Cortaro RS great cond Was loaded KEN GARR '91 JAGUAR $7995 CHEV or auto Cavaiier CHEV wt'eels PS 4 or 1622P Was $8 LHM NG 9Q5 Hondo Corca boded blac k come dove $8295 Excel SpeC6116 wht1e Si 49S spg i5 CHEW 3 ar a di2568 sunroof 5 012568 CcNaser TIpe gooa conct SI200 2 14 CAMARO L8 very nice must seeS3400 'bes1 ottkw 9 or 10 92 DODGE Shadow 4 0 $7000 or cit (on Low Z28 mrleoge Special S3495 DAN EASTmAN JEEP '92 DODGE DwNosty LE 4 dr iCOCied In town $8 990 Best pm Eci '91 DODGE Coll alto V8 coss Access 84 CAMARO 5 sod 4 cyl engine runs great $2000 5054826 '84 CAMARO loas $3905 Low PS CHEV Celebrity vet 4 dr loadThus one is clecr Must see CA15 te Only $2295 '84 CHEV CAMARO 8 Low miles Excellent cond $2577 00388 ed payments 1192 DAC stereo $5975 2 dr JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET 730 West 2100 So 97243411 1193 91 DODGE Stealth loaaed Ilke neer $16 457 5 spd JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET V8 Di2325 on I -- Matt ClItt trW P1 corsi l:iM1 9'3 'ZOO A cki I V: Cc3 ll'alv GT tc Ir oact 100003 IpAluw1 co 41'am p p lilk K :Cr '401 So 4 eTC‘41T1 Slur V: 1111 Si k13 "4 9'"eg' gVcen°615 3 40k pry° PN Pogo IA3por IS FCZill 730 West 2100 So 91 DODGE DYNASTY LE pw pl 4 low low mi real beauty dr 0 DI 2946 $9995 '90 DODGE auto Daytona ES 6 cyl air at power options coss custom vkieels low mi $7995 or $299 down 54 mos at $169 plus tax itc OAC USA Motors 14 CAA: t coo v4tt r ot 4103 iop rnPp Sort c3 IP 14 15 lak"1 iGi 38 vt ce oL8 St 495 Wean Moe 8 we Sc 10 FORD toAti 840 toodect Jnoor n moos T cams shme-aar- "330 Di 1i Ma V6 cktio t 2437G3S two irrrN to 4 11 KIN kq?' aeon 1101N 5ZA ICES Cat 0404 - - leht-t- Siver qI 57 003 957 9 0052am " - I - ' - so mai- s 1)1 C0'0: CP I - AN " MM'w qwev I I I 505444 VON14:4: tr: 4b4 CI S 005 °Al' C'll nk4o A4445 Surtypl 2 dt 4534 tics fire ca Xi 440A C NM OA NCNI fmcoo4354 too 4 566 P 4:9 V40 oonoa 9i GOND 4M 5 tycl ccm4091 Vi 0424 CAoss &owns 4 114p tme kxest 2444 "7 l000wdt Aws lob now $9 SS& et Vi Pe 41 bOrrvoole lowed Pcoi 44642 01441 94 4 dr v6 CAI's) ci 229 lowed SO44 DONIA C Goctid i000ea Recl trail 91 COS keorocck lowedoored lo sot $42A)S 404Ski 0044i NX) OluDS 0331 442 5 999 sod de estierokst opeocem100 03 wom gleds rt ti vt Caloven1 Yr 4 sna C474 It 4 6 C43 PA 2 '24040 eisa appoiAltoit 00311 0X 4 IrM WC 12 00-- 0 oorp oisect00 7e01 02 46 II001 520 0A3 C444 $ !473 61 04NG 214 4 ar01 epag 0p0 Ore l 0401i 74 tm nims tIM'S 44404Ing 54'4411 CCP' 4190411 PUS KA $'Al 277444 443 "003 CNIV t'ocoo ocr4401 al 09 lc 203 ouretiac 0re good rpro vs re et St 300 len C44 Pele-- $40 imdiery 11 C10001'7 ion OVA l'''''‘42')3' ii-n-S ' 11i o- -- CAI 9 kW Sur440 ommombe twee 0 aro "Ai ea" INNACIMII ri 444 so rned oar 54 45 cconng cr troir loacteo cco 1004 tv44rk1 Coo 5k4'10 4 405 GAZ a:6 i4-:-4 91 OuIS ( you Oen '4 40'144 G7451C Pc14 Locooc 4 3 09 C1416 4 di Vehicles 0 S M Imloa $S70 551!2 ACIA kt7-sCass-ic 1 tire tt I 4k01 C14146 ""4A40 7' SadAIVie C4 4 axs aio 00:0402 I0c 4 V a )DS CAA" 54)yrNa 4 it 41 92 S t: A5 al ociks or PI 91 AGLIA4 esso-l- o Veni SZAN ie460 Clkit SeSte4)Ct UPT IIA4LDR5 0Co to I ‘''4 we Sumer! a NIS mho( aa mar t Ct '1 aciN747 003g- C13 Or oo at slt 'kV J low corworok cuk:vo owolort coro me S '64 ot Wks 101 Cata em z5S C:44NC VI CC:6 SkLverN oao mono Lon Mown tfi 4454641 or nos Los snit4 gella OZni I2 actra: 401 "ce 03 20 'So ots 1 R SAT ))1 P! me tow Cats reste 0:11041C Z taw 't 44 v21 vloo S30-03f- iho1MAI I Nitt 0 ItAr "Awe 7 t 01 0 eet 3 Jilt k411!rt4 pees 5 4 45 4 to 00 119FNO262T-93 LINCOtN Moll vl mother ted Mc"' 3" sts437 ewes icO3C1 V:005 f0 709 -1- FORD Tourus L vti 53 510 phore ve-S 568 9 Ciehrost untie Cots in ite G047 44u44 PlOrklav-tAla52 VonSOra C7iNVS11 i Moray 2a2ita en LnCOLN V2 FORD lAokl Gs loch ice t ei 189 FORD TOJUS Wgr IX lia sear LOADED M7915 2774797 CCNTIV'44 30 11 al 0000 Whie VOV I Leosne eleC k'G GT 5 a Locoed Eircei- Reined Fool 'cooed LR$0 OA —-Wovon lent cora $6501 Cos 4664768 '72 sum) lernoo 4 dr auto i3ff UNCOLN Coronet-4c- l Sgrolow 19 trcrOeE GI ASS eieortt wee Vie brors3 Nes Fos-- )13 COW 6: CO:1 rk VIWY ikYer sear Cat wee meg at 4544331 ref at oonx Pana) 5641133 WI' 60294 57 Mal Deoge 5031 UNCOiN own Ca becustil 02 FORD lempo G t 4 at p ve low roe& owlet l000eck seat Mr0ows enrse lit stes to S9405 GAPCf OWS 5214224 DAN EASTMAN JEEP km rvet S8 895 Matson Wipes a t9 rico tempo GI 4 ck 5 sod ce 09 LINCOLN town Oor owes SI° 7'774435 stereo froxing mat Traces woobscooele Wiest 9424389 92 FORD Tempo come $4525 4 dr OJ ta 134 -UNCOils 59rwskre 7 cso Vete° 8 blue blue Wire! tow moss rnrd SENER CNDROLF 88 FORD Mustaro auto cif 11 look 7:43 West 713°5° 97244 0 4r0 nre groat $A 475 C4eat r- LARRY A4:11ER LEXUS L l 92 FORD morticing Cce los meats toaae id 18 LINCOLN ConfineWI bags Szvi rises $10945 Dietia Di1445 5326333 KEN G4174F JAGUAR 88 FORD Taurus GL 4 dr V6 p w- '88 LINCOLN Cord 4 dr S6995 532- 6 pL terycleart Wsey 6333 OL1445 37 Honda 2054477 '92 FORD Ternpo G Ted 4 ( UNCOIN TOwear Signakse Se 10299 VATIS 510 Q95 NC 111 18 FORD cooys 1014 icilV4 very clean 17Nes Sc 295 comooe tc o becottul cat Horoa 7 2289 $3495 t cand reasonabie mist ekonft V2 FORD 33 atJ1 pw '88 FORD TounA V6 wiry aeon 81295 'make onek 5824736 toss pSre seat low roes rs 3"1 di 2289 $3495 7 LION Towneor excebtionaik coed Si2488 9737030 D006 '88 FORD TEMPO Low miles Excellent clean Fults eoksped Must see to V2 FORD Toms 4 dr 6 CY air p cond $4475 Cal 0 (Wet- - SS000 pi tope atilse $10 505 C all 88 FORD TAURUS WGet air AM194 17 LINCOLN IOWA C wnite beau? Saturn Salt Lake -1 5 55900 cassette 66000 rrt 87695 2614713 oi2568 ps 92 FORD Tempo 4 Dr $7595 88 MUSTANG GI Midniahl blue taw16 LiNCCAN Townoar Cnoccool accept trade and finone e low mi $70010best otter' 9674631 ft Mcees Atha Pedal s 5 girrs $3200 'otter '88 MUSTANG CONART ckika 2 FORD Tempo GL 4 dr 34 LINCOLN TOWn Cat Block 82495 eci wl 5630048er 0 Dt1061 ano Aflame $7888 grey occept trade Al Mokes Auto kink 37 138 MUSTANG GT 50 57000 or offer '92 END TEMPO 4 dt V6 SeN 6 '84 LINCOLN Cont 58 000 mi tom& ) 6 value $8500 $171rno ot 4846762 '02 PROBE 5 spci cit coss wheel E 188 TAURUS New inspection and IM ed best oft! 17 Nioe car $4800 78 UNCOLN Versailla 302 engine like new must see Access 269-8'88 TEMPO GL 4 dr auto alr $3995 power seats p w nice cm good '92 TAURUS GI and SAM GS wo rnseoge $1200 968027 1 Be Jensen Auk oos Vo auto air Sit autse p 38 '77 UNCOLN Townear low rrt Km w 3ra seat $139f e p facing tea looks good $1395otte! 9694662 Hesner Fora Mown LA 1429444 8 LINCOLN Town Cors Ali mod3 '92 TAURUS GL loaded x DAM EASTMAN JEEP 7 els and pookoges 15 to choose ce0ent cond Best oftet 87 FORD Escort Great tor kids fro m '91 FORD Escort IX 5 spd air co KEN GARR 80UNRF1 MOTORS $2730 low mi $5995 Of $499 down 50 2927201 OAC mos at $i 14 plus 87 FORD Crown Victoria tight bue 3 MERCURY Sable GS loaded lull USA Moiots 4 and loaded low miles In perfect power pkg Ford sale car 91 FORD Escort IX Won otr 7 24888 BO to choose shope $6088 St George Used mow low miles $7495 Mo 0 Cars in Murray & Son 2924433 Wiley 7 FORD Escort Wagon Beautiful '94 FORD Escort EX 'Salvage" JJ1441A554J5L)41)0S condition Inside and out Auto very clean Loaded at only $4 S Low mi $3200 VI K's7C 900—Oomestc Cats 7O C13111 Car RJO So lkycrale ki mom lo crccva mo-tedre 10 ACOA 501-7 CF 7Yddr looce0 Sce t 390 iSk kryt 4)75 L5010 KIN 3 AN: m co-- o 4 at G Pq"11 C YiV bosaert 41 mop C Gik 24'4Li G4 $dolle 33 XV (1111 350 Uteti LEN 3! t 19 POPT ' f1511 Iii 3C605' ue— lee vox c 64cs4( cone Ca”601ctila XS? 000 L344 V - !NOV Co a PAD ioacied t $13 w9 ) it 11 CV I" ioske47to 44w 90D—Dorrtestic Cars 91 a very 7 '84 CAMARO '84 CAMARO Eleflinetto auto nice $3750 nice Coupe dean Onty Gecge used cars to Murray cADILLAc swiss) Aimee bent $3200 or Best ONO 1 VB $8995 dI4282 '84 CAD Eiclorocto B4orr1tz very avg mreage $3953 Beretta 23000 mi ok 5 W'ied wIrec's eT099ent $0503 otter 2554689 cond 91 Beretta V6 111000n 0057505 2614713 012568 '91 CHEV Corsica V6 4 dr auto or 1000ed $7995 aw es OPUS 86 cADILAc Devme peoo Good COnd Accepeng highest bia Colt Boon Jorgensen 85 SEDAN DeVIiie $5000 now $2995 CHEV SOO o cADILLAc Sector DeAle whIte biue leoMer oti option& Sow moe& 55500 'as KEN GARFF MURRAY 85 Sc 1 ici-K- COJP11 ram k rewbar lov 0 001 vogetteNal - 'r''''''' s lit C6Cvkil PO to er fe366' tape aeon ore 6'110 --owt usea Ccrs lir 44 9 7 8 MI i 3 ‘4472(4-27-k- CLJew At I terykec 04: CIN Ltat:' )C PC0 Cti WIN" MtLIF 1N e!2- - I :Nit A ArkIll ik3111 t1 -4 '61 volucer - k) (Z0 ar CDs 3y cue st m ity 4:3 ' SE COVOkle 2 ay CNC at 1 — '"18:ki' isS: 46: 131tx f10C 1 S3 iihKo 2TX 5° ' 73 tA:5 0' CAPata (7)0 67 Stk - r- I' ''''' t': Kets333 - -- e0O—Domestv Cws 900—Domestle Cars k 11Q scum 4 cr ve icsrrc cwo" 14 '4 roma Se it ccr-i- m- 30313 SI c2 0664331 So - — Lr'r° s''9 Iwcr!ZVP"'f'"'5'4 i C- -1 Ckatsc Cam '-: sa c4E sx?01 c kr voN cloc si kG Cat Z4445 : o 1L Intl 04 at CEv 5 note SZX! Cal SI 4 ax cx 3o00 So 4 CP'A'' 565riQD 3 Csati-A- b02u 0- cw At 4 13049 ost 3754 '72 CKeit Cortstl—mTa 3 4 5 c 5s:&c: $1 0311 Net 4 k Cat is 905: Seoor Devee srom gottiox6 tooe itser ArsossfieW 84 92 ' ' S 16' cAt40 -r stzas ic454: Wa "I 3 iocoa 4 630 r —N3 41'ce 0 tst9 ty to1 Cat 55 sgs Wie 3o5 COO A - -CW- Cam 375 -- s7 oomr r mi! oiol cack is 7- c- 900—Oomestc Cars - tit Ce t:mo 2 et - co- - 3r timk- c- S Ckatm r r ci Q1 ASS b VIP :: k : ::11: - c"- 0p0 c-- o lc a 52 EXAACC 641-- : C ::t) 17 40 O rt cam erw: 01 - 900Domestic cars 14 00r at 4441'74111 leklve meg 1 2 Y 0004004 100 2 004 tz0010 P00e4 tat pc4 2 0044 Veg skr Ape irwat stoa cco 100 446"56t0 4 FOQCI GoKirt 503 2 060 66K0 leo NO irvre I00 UPONOlSWC SO ea NAYIlinge 020 70 COLICA0 tAt tr-- r Hot conI04 NMI 0 (0-- 2064463 01 3510 1100 000 001:1 1441440P1r E0 WS 19 Poe 88 She al whrie options ioss mile& 11076 mi4453 Goer Mitsubishi 2664816 '89 MS 1'ale EA 4 dr very clean Di1445 $7995 19 OLDS Royale 88 4 dt $7995 532- - 6333 D11445 '88 Cutlass 53995 OLDS vt Own inn series 01 4369 Cutlass Supreme p wpir auto air 56995 2686661 di4259 '88 OLDS '88 OLDS DELTA eXITOS1 88 tvir ROYALE Oeartil $3877 011385 '88 OLDS Della 88 4 dr good $5000 be offer 2724056 76 JAGUAR COUPE XJ6C rnechancolY Needs torte body work Must sell No reason'91 PONTIAC GRAND AM Red Zdt 5 able offer refused 2774313 EVe 2546706 sp Day ssa new 72 GMC 0 GRAND P90( STE wnee low et new Irms new romp red port Michesnet ceoy whit short-w-t sureal loaded 511900 rsni cart or St 900 '90 PONTAIC GRANO AM LE 4 dr loadedi Strepil $6877 M1385 72 OLDS Cuffass Supreme convert n 2414591 restored to owed ong 0 offer $7 0 PONTIAC Gran Prix $5 905 ctsk tor Jeff or '91 '88 OLDS Tornado Trots° white s11201 Was $10995 NOW $8995 WM Honda '88 OLDS TORONADO TRAFEO all Bons Nke new cone $6250 op Ccowerl low et evoet boded 9644393 Strong be 'X) Chev Lurnina Euro 39 Cullass Supreme 92 Choy Corsica V6 138 Oids Calais '86 Mem 4 dr 14 Buick Cenhoy 4 dr $5905 4 005 005 405 405 Tom cond 88 OLDS 98 Regency louring sedan loaor-sunroof kyr to find $8495 GARPF OLDS 5214224 PONTIAC lent cod $i996 MOTOR CRY 7755 So Stole St '90 PONMAC air $UM 5667799 Grand Arn 4 dr ("Oa KEN GARFF MURRAY '90 PONTIAC ptpb Bonneville LE w 3 8 vo $7395 '61 5htel MERCURY MONTEREY CONVERT Needs restodion lots or extra ports $850 otr 9666421 ESSEY 4 dr sup& 6 great tor restoration 5668N7 See al 9553 South Slate 25 Show Innen 396 Big bloct flame& lots of chrome 2 $20000 invested $9500 '50 PLYMOUTH 4 cir 6 cyl 12 volt vitae whitewalls new block point eith trio? ernt 70 PONIFIAC Firebird Formula RAIN 48000 mi 95 orig 4 spa 2 ortg '27 tires $12000 Co8 42 5342 67 CAMARO new paint Posy rims '90 PONTIAC Gland Prix LE 4 cirP excelent shape $5000best oh pi at tVt ausa 47035 $7995 Must seek 1 Dti177 SS '90 PONTIAC Grand Prix 1E 2 dr V6 '69 CAMARO Convert 4 spd rare options once air loaded $7 795 Marion Willey $9800 or best oiler & Son 292 443 S 73 FIREBIRD Formula 400 ono own'90 PONTIAC Turbo Gond Prbc Limrm 83000 miles excel oondition ited Prod Bad(God pkg Loadout air amitn S630X1 ed Excel cond $10200 40 CHEV Coupe '40 Sedan No tittet '86 OLDS Detto Brougham nice car 4 $4195 alter 6 pm 2 5 dr air Shadow 86 OLDS DELTA 88 Silver air cruise spa 2660033 D4i518 2927201 ICHEV Lumina Beautiful light gray '84 CHEV Citation XI 1 needs work top dia0 al over FORD Escort low mi '89 enolne 1 55200 87 cond $3200 otter 9695048 Infout good rniteoge very nift 81250-be3 MERCURY Sable LS boded Ford '91 FORD Escort 4 dr auto air otter Manna 8827839 white nice 52700offer atter 330 pm weekdays new tires $ ar best otter '85 OLDS Cutlass Brougnam air pld Free Jazz pkg:& Cel9of Phan e Soie Puri:base IMMACULATEI '83 CAD ELDORADO '84 CHEV Oleverte 4 dr low miles '87 FORD Mustang GT Corwt 50 di 2734 '90 DODGE Dynasty loaded 9425163 DAM Chlysiermymoum 264390 a $4503 ARM pw under 26000 mt orig owner 5326443 4 very dean $800 Jazz aka & Cellular phone Good cond $5900 5724130 excellent cond $4900 5761441 91 FORD ESCORT 2 drs Nue ( o82 CAD Seville $1900 best offer Chrysler Plymouth 2644900 '84 CHEV Celebitty won auto air FORD 4 87 OLDS Cullom Clem oar door nice OIN(1015115A1 '85 6 air CD $7000ofter 9434316 Tempo D( 7 good Elegante good D12328 nice 83975 '90 DODGE Daytona 5 spd air nice needs some 8 cond S2000otter IT' mechanincoiwork dr PB PB DAN EASTMAN JEEP '81 CADILLAC Coupe Devine Lk' Ree Jazz DLQ & Cellular phone '91NIFORD Escort $1500 or best '83 CAMARO V8 5 sod I tops air tilt Lehi '85 OLDS Aroma auto air low miles $4300 excellent cond $2500 91 CHEV Lumina Euro Sport sliver 4 LHM 0 offer 9751484 93 MERCURY Cougar CnrysterPlymouth Basket cases $700 '48 Chh"--er cruise pm chrome wheels Good power BRIGHT RED Brent d12296 nice $2995 dr loaded $9775 6 New Yorker $2250 Coll 2551573 low miles like new cond low mi $2600 '81 CAD SEDAN DEVILLE Fully loaded everything '90 DODGE Daytona 2 dr $6495 '91 FORD Mustang Convert $10( 'u '87 FORD Taurus good cond $3500 '90 PONTIAC Sunbird Convernbie Below iM)olesale $8995 368 fuel inlected 153000 $14795 'Marlon Willey & Son '84 OLDS Cutlass Supreme $1500 DI1445 FORD p LL 390 dud oath many '83 CHEM Carslea 411189 V6 auto '53 low miles booed Only $7995 8 3 nit Full size luxury car Very good '90 CAMARO RS new tire new parts good for restoring best air MRSP $15109 $12457 '90 DODGE Daytona Blue 87 FORD Tempo GI Spoil White 5 1 cond $1795offers Coll 1 '84 OLDS DELTA 88 loaded 4 Or 41000 miles $6000 Miller JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET MERCURY Tracer ITS Sport offer or 93 Lorry Toyota 3 7 D11445 pkg spd 4 dr dean 52950 8 730 West 2100 So needs work $775 LTA 5 spat loaded like brand new 30 CADILLAC ElDorodo fully 9729411 '90 CHEV Beretta 1304 V6 auto 63 AV Kannonn Ghia convert mSUNitiRD V& white converible 87 FORD TEMPO LX 34800 mi Auto 89 DODGE Cott GI 411287 5 sod H Miller 02897 $8995 Lorry looded 1 owner low mi $2800 Only CUTLASS '83 air stereo $8457 Has Irons CHEV CELEBRITY new Clera 83 2 1 4050 West 3500 So cool MI sell $1000 under apTop condition Low down toke over stereo Save! $4437 loodect $3900 Call pint No eet best offer JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET Dodge 5601 Stale 2643500 new tires new brakes 4 Asking $2000otter JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET credit check 2646733 praised value Must set '91 FORD Mustang LX Auto a E 730 West 2100 So '87 FORD Taurus Blue 97243411 TRACER cass S1800offer 8 93 MERCURY 'BO CADILLAC Eldorado Biarritz loadweek nights aft 5 Day auto air 1 730 West 2100 So CHEV sva rebuilt eng till cruise di power option s 64 new pass LE AM GRAND '89 ml lood24000 0I1445 2 $8288 Call 2984222 DL42536 ed nice car 1s1 $1250 '90 CHEN Beretta Coe auto air 83 OLDS '83 CHEV Cavalier wgn new eng '89 DODGE Cutlass Supreme ed $7100orrer clutch brakes rims paint Whitered custom wheeLs and tires premlui P) 7 Daytona 5 spd loaded 87 TEMPO sport 2 dr 5 sod air Excellent oondpower under 50090 miles like new cond inter $4200968-717- 9 down d 92 MERC Topaz black 15000 ml custom or air cruise $1000 oft 1768-373-8 cond $7995 $499 80 CAD Sedan De Ville Drk blue Brougham peat miles red! low dean bright 89 PONMAC SUN BIRD SE low ml 0 011435 DL2325 i5 spa air $8500best air $6595 mos al $153 plUS taxilic DAC rnags sharp $3450 everything $2500otter Leather beautiful car Must see D11497 $5795 '83 CHEV Caprice Cisc VS air low excellent cond air spod suspen- - 69 CAMARO built 350 Muncie M22 USA Motors 4 GO $1750best oft '90 CHEN Cc Nailer '86 ESCORT 1204 4 dr air Excellent cond MERCURY mi Only $995 C88 Auto Topaz Ford Sole Pur- '83 OLDS Cutlass Suprerne4 drlow 6 9 sion $4750 Char'89 DODGE DYNASTY 4 dr leave msg 12 bolt possi nitro sys center5 lines 6 295-16or 79 stereo Low payment OAC $4986 $2700 oft '91 FORD Mustang loaded to 02058-- 6 excellent cond $5000 $2995ofr hose '79 CAD Bctorado Wes car Runs filt miles MASS coal CHEV '83 tape Cavalier High fulty loaded JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET '89 GRAND Prix Priced to sell $1000 5 Mies excellent cond $699 FORD and looks great $1850 GT '86 3 '83 OLDS Omega 53000 mi excel50 5 66 FAIRLANE convert 390355 hp $4975 D11173 0 Mustang Convert $t300 or offer 730 West 2100 So 97243411 below book like new cona272-691- 3 Miller 1654-2455601 Stali 3 Lary 0 air $3650 Dodge c16566-420- 9 di 2651 auto lentioaded whitered inter white top $1995best spd 89 DODGE Spit air cass low miles 0 KEN111$&9PFuL)ddroRs 1330 4 dr V6 83 CITATION 4 dr tope deck air '89 PONTIAC Firebird TOPA 5 spd V6 excellent obnci Paul '79 CADILLAC Eldorado whitelon '90 CHEV Corsica - '86 FORD Taurus LX wgn 76000 mi 7011 $4695 '82 DELTA 88 Runs great' No rust' Dti 177 cond $750 Call Cli 2940 low miles A steal! $7499 'ow rrd $6250 FORD 91 Taurus GI gorgec 13 int This cor Ls a cream puM $4995 '56 FORD 2 di hard top and 4 dr Needs bodywork $800 Ofr silvergray auto air loaded JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET 88 DODGE Aires 4 dr auto 82 CAMARO 6 outo low mi maroon Inside and out load Lany H Miter OldsCod 4 $4500 minus $100 per day 2984198 89 PONTIAC GRAND AM Dark rod parts car $3500best offer 730 West 2100 So air $2995 Marion Willey & Son 97243411 2 MERCURY excellent cond clean Only 43000 miles $93 Cacti Convert Fully 82 OLDS Cutluss Cruiser Diesel Wgn Great cond $6800otr '79 ELDORADO Good transportation '86 FORD Taurus excellent condition 3 air cruise In vAth cond Mum St Used v very 00 lions Cars loaded pm& good George power '90 CHEV Corsica 4 dr auto air 82 CHEV CAMARCT red excellent EXCei shape CHEAPI Jfrn ton 6 '68 $3750 327 with after pm GMC 12 89 PONMAC Grand AM Grey custom veeels only 71 t mi dependable transportation $950 pickup 88 DODGE 600 Mechanics special $5995 Cat Saturn of Salt Lake cond Make offer firm shell towing pkg ps auto all 3 W445 78 CAD COUPE DEVILLE RUNLS BODY $10995 or $499 down 60 rnoA at '86 FORD Taurus air auto ps low am itm pass veirta runs but needs '91 FORD Tempo GL cub air cc CHEV 2 '82 CcNalier nice dr $1200 excellent orig OK $505OfFER $224 aka taxlic OAC 2 mi Super clean $32450 '82 OLDS Toronado looded runs 89 PONMAC GRAND PRIX runs great eng work $900 firm $6995 '90 CHEV CORSICA 4 cy air auto USA Maim 2621494 cond passed IM $1595 '55 Nuys Jeep NM Needs work great new CV pints and firm $6500 77 CADILLAC Seville 45000 mt on pwT everyibing 87 PIES LE won auto air 53495 '86 FORD TEMPO GI Air 65000 mi 38000 mi 55700 KEN GARFF MURRAY 81 CAMARO rebuilt V6 new offer r2 MERCURY $1300best motor Great cond $1795 CD fully battery $500 oft of trade for old IS point 7 Call 4181 So Pima Auto Cougar $2500 State cond '88 PONTIAC lop Grand AM LE runs '90 CORSO' Excellent cond air ste$2500best otr Japanese Import 9678581 loaded excellent cond $11485 82 OLDS Toronado diesel loaded 91 FORD Taurus Won 87 DODGE Arles 1E 4 door air auto great auto air needs minor body 61 SUNBEAM ALPINE Great cond $3500 reo loaded $5495 offer pspbpiloY '136 FORD NATE WADE SUBARU 81 CHEVETTE runs good Excellent oond 9 excellent cond '77 ELDORADO $590 $1500lotr 2 auto air AMFM cass 409I wok best offer already 3 Call leave message 300 So Ma In ps stereo $1650 '90 CHEV Lumina 4 dr Eurosport wtth too hard top tare $4500 $10998 IHM West Vailey Use a Inspected and 1M tested $700 '81 OLDS Omega runs good take '88 PONTIAC Grand AM LE 5 2 '76 CAD Se1Oe loaded leather '86 MUSTANG GI 5 spa 50 eng offer sect auto V6 pwpl loaded extra r2 MERCURY leave msg Cam 3751 W 3500 So IS loaded Cougar over payments 28e1 1 0L2325 d14259 87 SHADOW dr $5395 $1995 make offer must sell great cond $2400 clean $7993 Willey Honda '81 CHEVETTE Good cond Ford factory sale car '71 ROADRUNNER '91 FORD Ihundetbird loaded a E pistol GRP 4 sod engine 4 Dr auto air runs looks great '80 OLDS Cutlass Supreme very 88 PONTIAC KEN GARR BOUNTIFUL MOTORS GT Turbo convert 75 CADLIAC Bdoroda FWD excel all original original rally wheets well $650 mint lean cat also has CD and ()lam ) 86 THUNDERBIRD turbo coupe fully body Cash 65000 cond od miles only orig 1 mechanicai cond Asking $695 '90 CHEV Lumina Euro 4 dr maroon Ken $8500 55000 mi 3 looded best offer fast OLDS $3500 GARR $8795 '81 2nd owner $2000 tbest offer Impal a excellent cond 9 Cash leave msg Ott the options nice car $7995 '86 COLT Vista auto 70000 mi air 87 FIERO 20000 mi rnint cond '77 JEEP C15 Show-Jee-p '85 FORD Country Saulre won 9- - 92 MERCURY Tracer 4 door auto 0 $25000 in0 9 runs great $2000best oft as for Jeff '91 FORD Taurus Wgn auto al aid 2377 $3200 Laity H Miller OkisCod Ok tilt stereo excellent cond '75 CADILLAC 75000 mi 4 door 1 $5600 vested $12900 or ltode for 777 Very nice $2950bffer Jazz pkg & Cellular phone DIP A pass 81 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME RUNS CHEW '79 4 4 32 Cltation wt — 0 owner excellent cond $900 spd $7995otter 5 '90 CHEV Lumina Great cond 45000 '86 DODGE Charger low mileage 0 Reese 2643900 GRAND Chrysler7Plyrnouth 87 relair AM GOOD $500 amfm poss mpg looklruns great $400 2644983 '93-'9very clean $1795 2 MERCURY LS power CADIALICS '85 FORD Escort Army Dept mi CD maroon air $6500 '63 CHEV 'h ton SWB fleet side red iable cod 53200best ofr Cougar $975 THUNDERBIRD FORD '91 e btact 81 CITATION low mi air 4 spd new '78 OLDS OMEGA air low mi low miles $12495 closure eaves us In a panic' Over '89 CAMARO ROC Convert 5 spd everything '86 DODGE Lancer ES turbo $3800 strong 350 Needs body wok collent cond sIde panels bra grei ji 87 PONIIAC Hero GT 3300A VS must see MOOoffer 1 dutch master cyi $850 Marlon Willey & Son 3 Ordered for '94 model year SAVE 4834215 350 V8 pw pt less than Interior $11000 To 908 call 57132 2 '85 FORD MUSTANG While air air cam auise tilt mint cond THOUSANDS' Monstrous OLDS ROYALE 88 Second owner 78 900I $11495 '79 CAMARO 228 45000 miles lots new 86 DODGE COLT VISTA savings TOPAZ LOAD4 GS DOOR V6 76 CAD Fleetwood Talisman Limited Hard to find $5995 $1700 '91 FORD Taurus I Silver color Hk on all units in siodc psipb $900 1 2626401 Dll 177 Nice car New Inspection and IM D LOW MI $7450 needs engine $101M1 firm Call DL2641 2 Edition only 68000 ml good 2 new $8900 Western Cadillac 85 FORD THUNDERBIRD TURBO 0 S800firm or RICK WARNER NISSAN '89 CAMARO ES white loaded cond $6500 ?1 MERCURY Tracer auto air oass COUPE DODGE 102000 86 ml loaded turbo fully FORD TAUPLIS Daytona GI auto 38 '93 CHEV Beretta good 1182 V6 auto W Tempie low mi $46500 OLDS COLASS tuns 717 So '79 CHEVETTE Excellent cond Very 74 Or $500 to 3 4 from choose good '69 DART GIS 340 CONVERT auto air runs excellent $2500best offer cond $2500 Vo air $13950 Coil 3 air MSRP $15168 $12457 4 reliable 5595offer 4874025 ask for Brad all numbers match '89 CHEV Beretta GT loaded PONTIAC HERO '87 Excel 7 conditon JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET 85 COLT Vista 4x4 wgn Nice Was '91 FORD Toms 25000 mi k 4 0 71 DELIA 88 92000 miles excelient cond $6988 tin SIC 52241134) 6 79 CHEV MONTE Carla Grandma's $3000 NOW 81995572-641$3200 Coll 730 West 2100 So great 5 '85 FORD TEMPO 2 door new tires 5 di4282 like new $10500 9677116 LiRLSB610b6NT521)doL D11061 mi $2500 actual 68000 Ideal car comfier $850 PS 327 auto mechaniCAMARO '67 6 51495offer 87 PONTIAC 6000 4 dr air auto steKEN speed '93 CHEV Corsica LT 4 dr V6 auto '85 DODGE TURBO CHARGER 5 spa 4 or FORD Taurus 91 I 5756677 SHO fuly '89 CHEV BARETTA air auto power '79 CHEV Nova only 80000 mi cally perfect body and inlet reo cruise $2495 air loaded $11495 V8 4 '85 FORD clean runs good $2300 good cond $15000best otter 5644710 2 windowslocks tape Low miles' 93 PLYMOUTH Sundance special $700best offer rough $3000 9 71 MERCURY whitered upholstery 5 '85 DODGE Charger clean low mi Cap 6 Convert $44488 DL1385 91 MUSTANG GT 50 Grory 57spd 6 to dtoose from4 dr 87 PONTIAC 60039 4 dr New brakes '49 FORD 112 ton 67000 mi restored purthasel '79 CHEW Caprice Oassic tuns real for Scott 52000oft AMFM ask air cass MUSTANG new 4 offer 9424446 eves new very $1900best spd air "85 auto Call $8595 value spd cruise orig 511000 great '89 CHEV BERETTA GI black well Only $399 Must sell original oak bed over 65500inved- tha1 Irons new tires $2000best offer good cond Sale $6988 ACURA Saturn of Salt lake '86 PONTIAC Fiero 4 cyL 5 sod ed: Best offer over $4000 '84 COLT 5 spd excellent cond tinted windows loaded 2558395 '91 MUSTANG 0( auto air crulsi UTAH 2 96743679 or 4663077 78 CHEVY IMPALA GOOD CONDI53300 1 4050 West MOO So Just passed $1100oft '93 PLYMOUTH Sundance 4 di auto cli2568 maroon $7995 4 spd '64 COMET Caliente 289-4'89 CHEV Beretta Mint cond Low mi TION $595 0 71 MERCURY Topaz 4 dr air auto 85 MUSTANG 50 excellent cond utr aqua $8595 Call Saturn of '85 HERO 2M4 Fuel infected 5 sod 7 '93 CHEV Corsica ps pb p1 Ali orig Needs '84 Vista wgrt 5 spa air new '91 MUSTANG 50 5 All Options $46500 3 black with red 410218A msg spd air loade '77 CAMARO IT 350 good cond absolutely H immac Salt Lake strong runner $2500 tires white Mt bra looks auto air AMFM ABS 44428P 1 work clutch $1495 c1123131 0 $1000 7 good pm 7 mi like Miller new low Access $7995 Larry I288 '89 CHEV Cavalier Z24 1 Dodge 5601 '93 $900 LHM West Valley Used 5 $11795 '84 FORD Crown Victoria really nice great runs great $2100 PixmarDi Sundance 4 dr auto 0 State '84 DODGE wgn auto air stereo 70 15000 actual rnt like Sharp must see! $8478 Cars 3751 W 3500 So 5 '77 CHEV Camaro runs good dr Mt stereo dean COI 89995 '85 PONMAC GRAND AM Good era new power steeringwindows JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET T1 TAURUS running $1895 MERCURY n '91 Uke good V6 Loaded ' Sable 1136 GARFF $900 °IDS 93 CND Cavalier 1245 4 dr liter AMFM cons air ps locks 429 25 84 FORD ESCORT wagon 4 cyl 5 730 West 2100 So $4900 2614161 1 owner Coil mt °nil air auto stereo low loaded $10467 Taylor '84 DODGE Aries Wagon Runs good auto alr stereo $10894 Excel Milner $2500 CHEV CAMARO '93 PLYMOUTH Acclaims auto air sell for JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET 5 012464 $9575 5071 spd new fires air runs excellent '55 CHEV 12 Ion pm 4WD ps turbo 5800 '89 CHEV Corsica 4 dr V6 auto air '77 JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET $1000 9640876 offer & Cellular Free 7 30 West 2100 So $1200best Jazz 1 pk PONTIAC AM 327 auto GRAND '85 phone like new Only $6495 engine needs work '91 TAURUS Immac Sales Manager' 8 730 West 2100 So 84 DODGE Cott 2 door Hatchback WM C'hrysier 701100 mi $2800 '84 FORD Escort wgn Clean runs 9tl MERCURY Sable GS 4 dr V6 real cond $2800 '77 CHEV MONTE CARLO tuns great 6 car 57000 mt $7900 6 4 speed air $650 Miller d '93 CHEV oval track 4813329 $1150 od PLYMOUTH '93 $900 goSlindOTIOK 4 drs Toyota lorry crukse caw pm pi $9225 '65 KARMAN GHIA- - RARE great body '91 TAURUS GL Ty well equloi race car for sale EverYthina '83 DODGE Charger FWD 5 spd Free Jazz pkg & Cellular phone NATE WADE SUBARU runs good $3900 1449-134'84 FIREBIRD 'M FORD VD 4 door '89 CHEV Celebrtly Absolutely like '77 CHEV Monte Carlo 1 owner exNeeds en- - a dean iccded or 96961 $10000 LHM ChryslerPlymouth go - trailer extra transmission rear great mileage' $1295 1 300 So Main work 5500offer IW Auto 7 auto 4 cyl mi mites low tra new $2995 27000 and only gine 67 MUSTANG 289 1 owner excel! arms DI1497 wheels ends control '91 TAURUS GI wgn loaded 7 pass PLYMOUTH at air below '92 6 Duster book overMERCURY auto $6400 I tl 2 Capri convert turbo $12u0 '77 CHEV MONTE CARLO $500 '84 PONTIAC 6000 1E 4 dr i '84 FORD LTD II $800best otter springs shocks etc Sportsman Call S11000offer 83 DODGE 400 New tiresalternator pspb mechanic drive Rally glee's cam whlte hard top loaded 8500 mi like Call Dale 5714647 Class and Late Model legal very '89 CHEV Celebrity Euro Wagon 3rd 3 cruise dean must sell $1750M'67 CAMARO Restored 1 off Needs work Runs $50001r '01 BIRD V6 auto loaded low rot '' air near new 88700 2547938 new 511500offer fast car 355 cu In motor Car seat fer oft can cruise more 2 Call line pw the FORD 4 '84 CHEV NOVA CONCORD $500 Auto air '77 dr Tempo assembly 7 $9375 al 2940 Is ready to race! Complete opera 78 DODGE Diplomat Very reliable 1 MERCURY $5995 Western Pontiac Tracer 4 dr air stereo '92 PLYMOUTH Acclaims 4 drs auto '84 PONT 6000 LE cruise white $1200 0 wagon I owner CONCOURS d'ELEGNCE - Sunday lion only $7000 Call '91 11M90 61 auto air aulso$7 Jazz pkg & Cellular phone IHM good cond 4 door $750 fantastic shape won't lost $6995 '89 CHEV CELEBRITY 4 Dr 6 auto 0 loaded 3rd seal 5 1911 of LI campus i'84 FORD Tempo GL 4 di auto air aller 610 PM and ask for Jay CHEW Camaro New en g and '69 DODGE station Sept 77 1 Auto 4181 So State Plow GARR OWS Chryster7Plymoulti wan 83000 $4995 will accept tradennance 52500offer No Sunday oaks -1 MERCURY CAPRI trans $1300 oft 4675156 excellent cond $1925 '63 BUICK Riviera lIght blue show '93 CHEV Lumina Eurosport 4 dr owner Call miles Will tow any '90 CROWN Victoria IX loaded set 7 Al Makes Auto Rentals 2 011481 convert 5 spd '90 PLYMOLMi Loser ES Blue 5 sod sacrifice MUSTANG or '84 CHEVY Caprice great cat loaded loaded $13995 trailer or 13( offer km boat 77 $850 best $1500 $61i 6 air cruise and lots more! Excel to appreciate $10500 air AM Ril cass 29000 mi Very shape '89 CHEV Celebrity V6 auto air '83 TRANS AM Pops loaded 46000 runs good WOoffer '55 DESOTO 4 DOOR HEMI ENGINE nice S40500 shape' 87900 89 EAGLE Summit White air clean '90 FORD Escort GI 5 spa lilt crui Nice car 54800offer 2 orig miles Immaculatei $800 7829802 OGDEN '84 MUSTANG GI meticulous maint 9 76 CHEV Caprice Classic $3500 or Make Offer PLYMOUTH Laser 5 Good MERCURY '90 ITS 2622611 Tracer $5995 d 5 air red spd '89 CHEV Corsica V6 auto air '82 PONTIAC Firebird V6 4 spd low LTfil Must see $3300offer condition $500 Call Free Jazz pkg & Cellular phone 68 SHEIBY FAST BACK KR500 32500 mi $7800otr 70 RAT Spyder Roadster looks cruise Mt like new 4510621 miles economical Great shape KEN GARFF MURRAY IHM Ctuysierpymouth 7 $23900 1 84 3 4050 West 3500 So Red Sharp $2300 94) MERCURY Grand Marquis 76 CHEV MONTE CARLO low mi ex- - good 8 runs $750 $2000 '89 IROC red fully loaded 57 L Call 6 FORD Escort GI 5 spa air cellent cond '90 PLYMOUTH Voyager Grand SE V$1900 I DATSUN 1630 Roadster under '90 '66 $9995 loaded LX FORD VICTORIA '93 CHEV lumina Euro 1248 4 dr '93 CROWN $9000 Call PONTIAC 6000 82 5013 miles Sarum JAGUAR 58195 KEN 7 al GAPE 6 Loaded 810 5 40000 mi $6995 64282 '84 auto V6 MSC $18500 S14456 Whle red Inter 13000 rn $17588 '76 CHEV Monte Carlo runs good 50 V8 69000 actual mi BEST OFFER 3 '88 CAPRICE Classic won V8 low mi Lake 5214526 JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET Heiner For Morgan LIT 5500best offer Immo In and out $33300 89 PLYMOUTH Sundance 4 dr auto '40 PONTIAC Ali original Nice lookmsg dI4089 Loaded $4450 5755300 82 PONI1AC 12000 WGN good 730 West 2100 So '90 FORD Probe GS 02118 loode4 MERCURY Sable 4 dr GS maroon air mi looks drives 20000 or and offer $2100 best FORD ESCORT FORD GT CLEAN CHEV ing 2 '83 DOOR V8 Escort '93 403618A air runs good 75 Camaro 0 tram dependable $850'88 CELEBRITY 4 dr gray extra nice Ike new $8475 3 kke new Only $4295 oar Shows and drives well $7455 LOW MILES $675 03 CHEV Lumina 1179 4 dr auto miss custom wheals clean low '51 CHEV VI ton 327 VS 4 sod fast reody for point $1000 JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET Interior $2950 DI1105 Dli518 82 TRANS AM Recaro EDT V6 MSRP $17329 $13467 miles $10895 $2600best offer CREV NOVA Puns '83 FORD Mustang GLX black 38L 75 silver 730 West 2100 So great JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET trans etc $2700 94430 new '88 CHEV Beretta Vo 2 door coupe MERCURY SABLE L$ $6588 PLYMOUTH Reliance K 4 dr sepm '88 '90 $500 Loaded excellent cond 4846680 leave message '67 TRIUMPH GI6 convert 6 RICK WARNER NISSAN new 730 West 2100 So 1 5 spd air '90 FORD Probe red 5 sad ye ' r 'nor Ford Morgan UT dan ds and pa air cass $3595 81 PONTIAC Bonneville 5 liter load- 131000 mi $1800 Inn CHEV IMPALA low miles W Temple '74 717 So toppaint $2500offer 3 00212 clean $8795 or offer T ) MERCURY Sable 4 dr '92 CHEN Beretta 2 dr Cpe V& ed $895offer boded '83 FORD 8 DAVE STRONG aeon oiler and SPECIAL lai Ozt convert with 2 2725373 '75 $750best FORD 93 auto air loaded $9495 Escort LX 4 door auto air '90 FORD Tams Wgn 3rd seat '88 PIYMOUlli Sundance red 4 cyl '80 RREBIRD low miles runs $8495 5326333 DL1445 1045 Sodh State 7 straight $2300 Home great tops $2500best offer '74 CHEV Malibu 2 dr 350 Excellent auto air 14130P $8788 auto stereo sunroof nice $Z495 tape navy blue sharp Best offer Work Tom 3 '90 MERCURY Sable while $1500offer must see 5 Boat Broker '88 CHEV Beretta 41261 V6 auto '65 MUSTANG tastbalc $8500 1 running car needs paint $475 CBS Auto 3 011445 '82 FORD EXP Auto new tires you '80 POkiTIAC GRAND PRK V6 Exta '68 Mustang coupe $3500 cash best otter Dave air stereo $6978 '93 FORD ESCORT 4 dr IX hatchetza PLYMOUTH Fury Salon PS PB rear KEN GARFF MURRAY 4 rebuild 4 cyl engine $400 7 JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET Noel $1575 9 COUGAR IS coupe 6 Loaded '88 DI1173 74 CHEV Novo excellent cond Puns back white 5 sod air only 25 mi '65 BUICK Rivs 2 dr hard tops both defrost airbag air emelt shape ' 1 4050 West 3500 So 1 7 730 West 2100 So D11173 $6475 FORD '81 ESCORT Besl FORD 350 4 offer Needs PONTIAC Boat Broker work auto '90 1168 '79 4 dr 3 SLANE) 5 spd new run 1 licensed MOO both M Tempo $1200olextras new paint $2495 59&32 great dr '92 CHEV Beretta ler See Sat and Sunday 700 East '88 CHEV Beretta air cuss 07011 stereo $5976 brakes funs great $650 or best '65 LINCOLN 92000 pl pw auto body good shape $300 96443695 '8 9 MERCURY Sable IS Ali power 86 PLYMOUTH Reliant stereo FORD Escort IX 2 dL auto air '93 mi must (Actal AMFM tInted AtIS good JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET DIA 177 2 8495P 9675 So 5711264 offer Call cruise tone air $3995 grey options '81 FORD Fairmont Wgn runs but see to appreciate 5 81 only $8995 Call Saturn of Salt 730 West 2100 So cond $1495 CBS Auto 298-98DIM West Valley Used $9399 excellent cond MUST SELL JHIS needs trans repair and battery '88 CHEV Beretta block 5 spcl V6 73 CHEV Monte Carta loaded 1 lake 78 PONTIAC Rrebird Red Bird Edt 'EEK1 $900 below book Co rs 3751 W 3500 So 71 MUSTANG OrigInal 351 Cleve'85 PLYMOUTH Turismo 22 L 5 spd $300 cosh 964-- 1 owner low mi 51250oft '90 FORD Toms SHO 5 spd white Mint cond $2700 $3995 5622510 DI 4369 FORD Escort '93 $9495 35 mpg $2200 2951302 land 596063Z T3 t MERCURY wagon! 92 CHEN BARETTA auto Load Sot GS auto 16 power pi(g $10855 IFM14399 '79 FORD LTD $650 6 73 MONTE Carlo new transmission '88 CHEV EtERETTA GT Coupe Great financing avoloble OAC 77 RREBIRD Auto New tires Mogs '66 VOLVO 1225 Runs welt Extra car 1 ed! Short:A $9588 DL1385 Golf Mttwbishi 2644816 '84 IASER XE Turbo 5 sod !Nock $6995 4 Call 6 new brakes $1000 auto air $4595 3641741 012147 OL1105 LoLNers Runs good $1200 8 for parts American Fork charcoie ioaded sz200 '92 CHEV Corsica 4 dr V6 auto 90 FORD silver lots ol '79 FORD MUSTANG KEN GAM MURRAY V8 '88 CHEV Beretta CL V6 auto air 72 IMPALA Puns good could use '93 FORD Escort LX ps 8000 mi pb original 77 PONTIAC Grand Pik alr sunroof '6412 MUSTANG Over $11000 invadair loaded $8995 81 PLYMOUTH Reliant iu needs tiff options tow mites $9995 lorry H 7 owner best offer minor work $5M Cali Shone take over gymts Nice sett! oft Must sharp $3250 5659409 DL2325 $900 MERCURY Miter 9 Free OldsCod Sobte boded ed Asking $5500 work good parts car make offer alter 7 pm '79 FORD Pinto 89000 ml $350 '88 CHEV Corsica '93 FORD ESCORT wagon 0( air 3504A 4 di Jazz pkg & Cellar phone WM '77 TRANS AM good cond runs 70 OLDS Cutlass SX455 auto 5713192 '90 FORD TOUR'S onilse coss powe post Call auto air V6 perfect family car '67 CHEV CAMARO HP327 must sell auto SHARP! $8700 d14387 0 ChhelerPtymoulti MOO 7 omi4242 PLYMOUTH SCAMP Runs well V8 great '72 88998 good cond 63200 pkg $ 4895 Make offer Call 79 GRANADA 2 Or great shape '8 9 SABLE GS 4 dr p w p L orr '93 FORD Festiva 5 spa su per Golf 148subishi 2644816 2 some rust $650 '76 PONTIAC Firebird excellent run- '73 CADILLAC eng Elciorodo 4050 West 3500 So Convert 9698221 Al101Ftsrl coss $6100 Ofr $500 of14 67 CHEV CAMINO Excellent cond 9 than 7000 mi les '90 FORD RICK WARNER NISSAN 6 89000 mi ning best offer '66 PLYMOUTH Fury 3 Excellent conTempo GI 4 dr auto air rk 903f2ra995 CHEV Cavalier 4 dr auto air 1 $5000 of best offer Dil 177 717 So Ws Ternple all °pitons COSS pm litt low miles yen '78 FORD Fairmont Solid engine '8 SAKI IS wow) dition evehrthirv new $2500 or '93 SATURN 512 4 dr Only $11900 67 CHEVY Malibu with parts low low miles $6995 CHRYSLER FORD Mustang Conve& auto '93 4672851 2544327DL1435 $500 LeBaron '93 $6995 Converts $5995 clean offer dependable Coli best Must seal Excellent cond 6000 mi 9 1335 4 di V6 '88 CHEV Celebrity $3000best off free J012 pkg & Cellular phone pwpi cruise Tape Only 7000 '90 FORD Toutus SHO Nook tan sun '78 FORD Fiesta excel transporta- - '8 MERCUPY Grand Morquis loadPer windowslocks cruise auto '6212 AUSTIN HEALY 4 4 cis V6 auto air stereo $4467 PONTIACSI Base closure 111M miles $13488 St George Used 0 Sprite Mark N Chryslerplymouth air tape Ail optionsi 5713315 root loaded 43000 mi warranty Ion good cond $79506 JERRY SEINER CHEVROLET ed lector $6988 2622611 catches us with too many units! Rarel $2000 Coll In Murray 9 Cars 730 West 2103 So '93 CHRYSLER LeBaron & 4 dm 6 cyl $11900 Profits sacrificed to reduce Ove93 SATURN S11 teal green auto air 78 FORD LTD $500 Runs great KEN GARFF MURRAY & Cellular Free Jan ok 1 4050 West 3500 So rhead Ail models reduced to sell phone '93 FORD Tempo 4 dr ck4a 2 Call cruise Spoiler 19000 mi Like new '69 MUSTANG '90 FORD TAURUS blue auto air '88 CHEV Corsica FWD4clhje1Ir 9 IHM Chrysr Coupe cask loaded $9995 ri" MERCURY Sable 411262 4 dr VB ffnmediatelyi No reasonoble otter '92 CHEV Cavalier auto air pi cruise cam $4950 3592615 auto trans air DL 4 di tape Gorgeousi 810490 78 MUSTANG 302 C4 Wrecked 82 refused Western Pontiac 533-48'65 MUSTANG ports or prOect 4600 miles no typo) $8950 9721425 auto air stereo k6978 '93 CHRYSLER Concords loaded deck good cond $3000 trans new Inter '90 FORD TBIrd SC School t '93 SARAN &A PERFECT CONDTTION POLdOS t11EVROLEI JERRY SEINER & Cellular free Jan pkg '93 FIREBIRD Formula VS Red bodphone BEST OFFL-oft 3 '78 sole 14000 ml Coll 9440263 351 rnodrIed air cruise 7: 0 West 2 100 So 1HM ChrysierMymouth 0 ed must sal 520000best off '64 RAMBLER Low M Restorable tilt '90 FORD Tempo GL 4 dr tooded '92 SATURN Coupe Aauarnarine 5 ps new tiresbrakes- 4840856 pat $600 or test offer MERCURY Tracer 4 di auto dr 1 CONCORD Emerald '93 CHRYS 4050 West 3500 So starter 0 WESTERN full $4995 2774797 $900 sunroof leather sod pot $31 cloth cow PONT '93 33 lite load 93 FORD Taurus V6 loaded green Grand NK 4 dr air stereo green gray Roadrunner runs WiS spoiler 6400 mi real holt Best '69 PLYMOUTH '90 TAURUS GL looded white Mt) 78 TBIRD runs great $400 leave NATE WADE SUBARU 3 Mt stereo more 17559 D11173 ow aulse low rNles $15395 Call Sarum of pi offer 9448505 Boat Broker orig eves or wkndis 53941434 inter auto gigot ooncl bloc 1 V 00 So Main message 52995 GARR OLDS 5214224 Salt lake 92 CHRYSLER Stealth' loaded CHEV Bei '56 Mc 2 dr hard top no $7900 9424140 leave msg & Cellular 77 FORD LTD It 1 family owner auto '81 MERCURY Tracer 4 dr halah '93 PONTIAC Sunbird 4 dr auto air '92 SATURN SLZ 5 spd Souring se Free Jan ok eng or tkIns $800 phone '93 FORD IFMPO GL 4 dr Less than don air pW P1 cruise altoy aft VB 302 wig trailer hitch look90 TAURUS Sria Rod wilt) loather In LtiM Chrysler bodt white low low ml mint stereo t500 mi fact wan $185 1000 mliesli Lots of extrasl 59758 wheels $12495 Call Saturn of SO '64 CORVETTE Coupe 327 4 spd ter 32000 ml S11588 9 sNaS great $500 cond 0350 5814863 dri $185 mo OAC Larry H Miller 11011 0I1385 '92 CHRYS NEW YORKER Solon Black take modified front ono $10500 9661373 AlLofriarnommig Heiner Ford Morgan UT 77 FORD Pinto good 2nd ca $500 'el 3 SAW LS auto Ve olt loaded Dodge 5601 State cherry 6 kill power low milesi 93 FORD TEMPO GI 4 door auto '90 TAURUS SATURN SC 2 dr 6 spd aff rear '48 FORD FA PU 289 V4 4 '92 new Ilke ml low sock execultve 03f excellent Access '93 PONTLAC Bonnevilie 6 cst air $13677 D11173 011' club° tape less than 1000 new point Make offer 5714588 wheels red cond 56200best otter Ca of- 77 FORD IBIRD Low miles auto row pI cruise tape great $800 or '8 7 MERCURY Moroi' is air Bill tr11alloy Saturn of bright miles $9577 0I1355 2613591 '92 LASH $IO000 Salt Lake 5 tlas Monday-N- I 65 MUSTANG Coupe 2894 sod value $14905 Coil Saturn at Solt $5 995 dimi4o0a best offer Cali loaded Cali 5 '93 FORD TAURUS GI loaded Lake blue restored $6000 90 TAURUS L f5988 Gortt Mitsubishi 76 FORD ELITE Witt 351 Cievelond 2 0IO253e 91 CHRYS LE BARON Landau Dusty $13488 Call '92 SATURN SC 2 dr auto leather Heiner Ford Morgan UT PONTLAC Sunbird LE 4 dr air runs great clean eng and inter '8: ? MERCURY COUE)0t whitered Ink cruise rose burgandy leather Full pet '93 FORD brakes pm& 4x4snirt bed loaded pi 1 (2) '73 CAMARO'S auto under 2000 miles Only 90 TEMPO GL auto &Illy loaded like ter 74000 int good ooncl MOKS strong reliable car MOO $10675 011171 bm mires rod $14995 Call Saturn redWitte $15100 RICK WARNER new Can $4A95 $9995 Coll Saturn of Solt take Will Offef 962-004089 53 CHEV Del Ray auto 4 dr power bargain or trade of Saff Lake 5215055 TIRICKlAND CHRYSLER Le Bdon Convert V6 '90 5215055 TO CHOOSE '89 FORD Escort GI ak low miles 76 FORD Granada 4 door auto 'el MERCURY Marque loaded won't steering nice car $1500 S12 boded excellent auto loaded $10695 '92 93 PROBE GL Auto air 1120e8 93 PONTIAC Trans AM neat car siD220A Neat price 1 10s1 $2905 4614542 DL1481 runs $300 Call eves corxittion $10995 Heiner Ford Morgan LE 1 71 fuel infected Ve 5 CD leather OPEL GI 1500 6601 S4995 Lamy H '73 Dodge 76 FORD LTD 400 CI air aspb '84 $ MERCURY LYNX 5 door 5 spd Western Pontiac 53343882 '92 SATURN $12 Dower pkg low mi Stote 2 6435M '93 TAURUS GL 3 8 nit loaded dud 2 cassette as $1200 66 CONTINENTAL 2 dr 60000 all original miles good cond 296-- 3 1711 81 loaded $12000 air book low mi ToREBIRD '92 Formula 'flint FORD ESCORT GI 5 spd AMFM cond '89 9 $850offer w TOPAZ GS roal mon nine groat orig Mhos $4000 Heiner Fora Morgan UT 1429-3441 4050 West 3500 So 11t bqo Ikit Sharp cou R tally loaded Desperate Must see '91 SATURN St2 5 vocl Loaded Low 76 MUSTANG Cobra block auto '67 FORD Mustang 289 3 $1850 2631957 di 2940 best offer 466405 eve and wind TN Mau Ttrol $9955 cx 9664566 $4450 spd 2nd LeBaron Convert '92 FESINA GL auto alr blue $69951 '90 CHRYSLER tuns good $895 Aluminum Wheels 734 I MERCURY Owner 62750 mter Grand Marquis LS '92 PONT Grand Prix V6 Fun and Sun 1059 $6995 Plaza Auto 4181 So State 26137131 9 FORD Esco0 GT 5 Plpd al( Excel- - '75 loaded '131 SURARU GL WAGON $600 GA1ALY MUSTANG I owner CYI Part out Or 4 loaded nice FORD '66 $ham 500 IlD 2624401 DO 177 2 $11995 011481 lent cond 856001offe Pb Cali 4611129 '92 FORD Escort GT looded tun Drive Must so ll soon 83150 1475-814-9 sell whole Oaf fat $250 20 mP11 nice orig $150026642613 100f warranty green Itnisk CHPYWR irnpettli $294 4 Et '92 PONT Grand Prix under 18000 $200 WLk '89 FORD FoMvo vetIte cle)n cor gel you a cm at Lakes 55 CHEV Nomad '81 I TOPAZ low mi auto air citew 73 MUSTANG MACH t RESTORE Air DI148i restored rnites 995 012002141444 4618542 part 1518 $9 Di $1995 2664s33 Only 6250 StABh Slate 2685239 OGDEN 55000 $7500 Clay pw sigma DI l0000di Now 7 '90 CHRYSLER New Yooket '92 PONTIAC Booms Sedon 119 FORD MUSTANG GT couP0 Outa Oros 'SEE OUR ADS eedlor 900411420 Disc 9root cond $1975 71 FORD Torino strong running en- KENIls?145AUIRs 67 CHET CAMINO Exceserit cond Olt loot waranly 410328 5324333 Dti445 611 tut pwr loaded VEn low ITt PATE AUTO 5310 UPPESSWAY SO V8 MZRCURY R$ p Capri 50 65000 or boo offer gin good IIKOS poised IM and V Blowout Price $12950 3 68954 011173 down plus first mo payment and sec 2927201 toZoMiller Fniosclion looks good 5650best CHEV SPRDIT Si B1 NG-pi low mhos super sharp $3375 67 MUSTAIX ikechboc M -Dodge 5601 State offer Weloy Nona 2964477 '82 DODGE mos $500 25M 196 92 FORD Esoort GI looded sunroof '89 FORD Mustang RUNS WEIL deposit at delivery 24 mos lease OAC NM PONTIAC Bonneville MEI 4 dr COW 11A111010W $4996 ilnIsh corkiltio71 rif MERCURY tone 2 MUSTANG '69 excellent green DAN EASTMAN JEEP 2ephys & Sort 29244:13 '67 MUSTANG All org driver all releather fully loaded Ilkof Nue runs 2ood4woorig must reel $2000Loffer 8 TRUCKS APE AVAIL FOR SALE '90 CHRYSLER itollaton oonverfibie Euuctd Rkir Warm PantioC stored $3 500 Tom '89 FORD Mustong 2 dr 53995 9174877 N S600 or boil of Ma ow rniffi exoelient °and MUSTANG 1 New '67 999 paint engine 3 Dti445 Lip Lk? THUNDERBIRD VERY GOOD '70 TO CITEV PU '93 Alr MERCURY COUGAR '8Z loaaaa 96 PO 877 MORE PEE with 55830 appe and m ORS pa pb '92 PONTIAC SuntOrd 10 COe Chlt !C KEN COND $2700 2 ESCORT FORD '89 FO9D MAtarg IX 5 0 5 sixl010 cation fee Wry CleOn oar CoN T re'e0 002S W01$10495 NOW '85 JEEP WAGONER IT) loorma 55675 D12325 '90 LEMRON mho ali g4)4d 93 995 'IN TMERCURY 58995 Li4M Hondo 2623331 Zephyv 4 at 74002 '92 GEO STOW 3 600f Mock '90 FORD F150 P U 92 FORD Escorf W9n maroon rock 59 FORD $895 Naza Auto 4181 So Stale 5 mi GI looksAim 81495 alt Amyl S8416 2689287 proof oulo spd Wept li2 PONTIAC Grand Am air auto sto '90 BOO( SkYLARK ()Oa cdr very very clean $S AM 2 fulty loodeldi Irtrnocuide Wiostern &Soh '50 FORD Di 117 3 86995 '69 CHRYSLER loaafon comortibiel post V4 4 sod SI Used Cori In Mundy yea more Here's Mordants ExcXte '85 MAZDA EXTRA CAB PIT Gfrrg Auto ati mots 100 MERCILPY LYNX Runs nod looks 0 89 GMC SAFARI CARGO VAN mentl °ivy $9915 '82 GEO STORM G51 5 sod tope al-04102 customi:fictintssr $400013 financing CHFV CELEBRITY &ARON WG8t 09 FORD Pot o 1)( auto oh low rd CREDIT PROBLEMS! Cali avoilabie will no down paymonfl T92 FORD ESCOFtt mid Nu 5 2504677 $760 56 iood milesil Loss than 45000 klys '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix L 16 'codtryi Exnellent 84 450 2664030 di OAC 66 995 93 JEEP WRANGLER Converts Parts DEI iO6 1 V6i 610677 111385 6 eves 9076P Was 414 495 NOW N MERCURY Monorcho rung good 55300 ed betwyon 8om-op295-443- 2 -6CALL CHRYS '09 FORD PROBE iy 5 SPEID AIR '92 GtO STORM GSt tow iOW rni ok no NV $700 or onst $12995 LAM Hondo Vasont Colwell iEBAONGTkgbo LoaTo olt Iva Flo odlo '92 FOP limped The vehicles Of mewl S6 975 249267 Di i i 73 or 2563963 66200 a Cc i over WW1 sixnctows Off Mk $3900 $11330111 '92 PONTIAC Sunbird 1 4 dr auto 1 cAm--F- : an ollot Of tOf tifttiOf Info please 52154 ALTERNATIVE CHRYSt ER Nww Yoeket 153 '59 FORD '69 FORD Tounog Gt 4 dory 100ded OWS CUTLell lots ot 641M COI Mike at Bank One 4814536 7916P Wax 810695 NOW I Ton Mes Delissiry Ør $8996 !Tier '92 10995 P M KEN GAVE MURRAY WEEKDAYS 9 kitA 48 000 rril D11445 4614542 041481 Vans Tr storage Since '69 3 $9905 Li1M Nona° aeon excellent value 4581434 c62252 cAD '91 CHEV lent Seise leather interior vinyl heats $2500 o CAPRICE CLASSIC Excel- cond 510500 9434438 '84 CHEV CITATION 4 dr air stereo $800 auto 90 DODGE excellent - e" a - Poulos rA Gus Chevrolet i Gus Poulos rA Chevrolet it car a Gus Poulos Chevrolet Cl IPA Gus Poulos Chevrolet i i Gus Poulos rn bza Chevrolet Gus Poulos tnra Chevrolet Gus rA bLdiChevrolet i I NEW TOPAZ CLEARANCE! 20 Fd FROM PER lull IU "Mercury's $ 4 I v bos0 10600 k 3 par 603 stra 0015 bee 6001 245402 $4795 GARR 005 65 C70 3841 T0600 rnochrit rum 4 Roo ire At tem bpoolpre GPAM) 006 Immo 90 O5 12004 areptesmod bus bazrit 90005 Coems $omme VO ouko Mom ALAO 44eis0 Stole 204743 sprier 006604 $maxt )654137 4 cp 4013P 1406 $i 42Q5 NO PONTLAC LAM:ra great poi 63 $0 905 Li4V HOr03 2624334 CAC Virioaa 4 Qomoicr-C-Howl mAeoae POAPCI stAami oar Or too ii6 303 cm rm CDs Clout WA) 4402 $4 4AS 26546-15c- l 'swot Ours tie 0 °wet kJ 53245333 Dt 1445 eve toe $7230 caw443O 38 000 Vi PONTAC Gcna AM I 19 OLDS Cutlass intemahonai roe& (mown( cord $109i 66 CHEVY Irocio 2 Ck- - 517-- 70 EdAan Sunroof WOW $8661 Porikac Weston G'0 51 500 '58 tudt Soectal 10141404S 63 Studobake GT 14CM4c VI PONIAC Gana Am if ioodea Goff Mitsuttsri 264446 6 Al run Oriel oh lealtres ofio air moo CXDS C44 Diem 6 o4 OOP 19 4 $7905 GAQcf OLDS FORD MUSTANG clawed 2898 '68 dr Mt dose vess Muni Sole out!) Ds pow" too show moon 91 PONTIAC GRANO AM 4 dr LE 5 D0497 diced $5998 arse& cond Th $7577 sod LooOe 19 OLDS Cokes Cieso 4(11 looded 1 DOM exceSions nonsl $5900 Best Value" 5 Speed Front Conditioning Cassette TZI MO Poulos rin Gus Chevrolet is Tinted Glass Luggage Rack Brakes asoo 0116IFF BEITIFUL 2773 So Main MOTORS 2927201 EKE Kr l CrEDIT - 4 |