Show 00—elep Wanted ETC h 103 lp Wanted tp Wanted 100-- 44e I CiANroki Dig Carr linni al :I:0km tmrSom mac ktmem &IX ) wow Dery km Iry Ikre arm) oscrc k:4- kAal 00111 Joi rpm - two43P GICAO teerold CO CasiEiS ig 11k CLOwliust6' giciptaoli NCEANN13 mar clown:to poop Amor ickoroormr 10110einta31 cr oscir-ttr- cog o 16 :o mow' 141 $okvv cove lbwv MOW oSo two Plentoni pencil nowood mom ELLC"30054A3ow one 011 NPII terwce So axs room" it& tbed ior CV "in beall ououvrof Evf ELICWANd towsen Poe m ia tire inmeor bcesee rt coonlio ememirca lima Pau aPla 644401 CLEAeC Pot ttic1maiN6 mast" bps or 14 aNCtoorw-NJcurownar cro? col mseco 1165E 70X i 00 ENGNIT:i Si: Lam Carob P14D1C Swam aktio annosmia fitorworg f 5 (kr a's WOW Plug ow 00:10)0 kl(PePorl of 04 or Www9 wet a03 avdmoram twwwoOl OIVOO rit 1110APS1 rS Avow "SO SIt LIMP Cool (014-- 1 OF 5 pun Sammie bro 2X1 So Skva SuleV630 Lo LLAto Ccvookrity &TIN'Or ponce o 2 anor ittuacs crtsor9r9 00903" Zit NM cocooksol 1101 0 t Owls o texterts Morass Ircska cS 18363 Al0 CSC 0 Yrrs-e- m moor t 09Nimp altrtnrrea Is ad gx - whose education experience and interests include microrn(srrxxcisWare ciAestems communicaintegration tor-t- - Equal Opportunity ELECTRICIAN Journeyman Sedition with at least 5 years everlence in all chases of new constructionmaintenance liotinse preferred work located in Tooele area Davis Ba- con Wage & Must hove own Itansportafion and tools For Interview appt cat 14824022 Mon- Thursday dargra I Opportunity Employer ELECTRICIANS hrsweek IBEW NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION A leader In scientific research and development has an opening in our Logan Utah office Necessary quallhaations include at least a BS In a technical field with thorough or knOV40009 of C and Wont similar dalabaseprogra in structured software ENGINEER ELECTROMECHANICAL and Call Hunt Beoffic SRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer Send resume to: Sorcos Research Corporation 390 Wakara Way &Ile 44 Salt Lake City III 84108 Mrs Jan Taylor ELECTRONIC Technician WANTED FOR REPAIR PRODUCTS OF If are Interested in and demanding positionentg meet Our minimum qualifications please submit your resurne and cover letter deadline for receipts Sept 24th Send to Deilyi Ruilman you Exec fiirector CAR AUDIO W 4800 South FACULTY POSITION THE Department of Beattool and (EECE) at Enersity gineering Wien)nutti vites of New in- applications for 310e0r lyss De 0000011 000001 Al9Cabakaril tar asererre cola caeli Scuola Mee are 0000 plarya DCAA PAOACBC One Orsyn a ENGINEERS b AKA a IA tal flap lociirecee APAROrrVoll Salaly WArlarele IKAANA1CIL P003 e SEClocm Send rearm 10 50cos 4000001COAXACOCIA SLyse AtcE EXPERIENCED AI Inatome' BAL Sa Joey Signed-at- comonenoode ovenence Cal K F MAN at career oriented beginner Nency Employment FINANCIAL Exploding income opportunity Oeollt repod ouditing business We trait Make SWhour 1800472-249- it Mr Cridshonsen 3 WS1StPRODUC1ION Expenenced in spay both airless conventional systems Must ad be able to blend ond match stains Send resume It 2275 SouM 3203 West FINISHER EXPERIENCED or Great e FIRE FIGHTER months Floating Holidays and Vacation after 2 years Company Paid Pension Plan after 1 year Operators also have access to family bus passes fitness programs and Incentives and UTA advancement opportunities If you are customer service oriented with a flexible work schedule a safe driver at least 21 able to pass a DOT physical exam and can communicate effectively In English Apply by 6:00 pm Monday September 20 for training beginning October 8 3600 South 700 West Salt Lake City Utah Positions are available in Salt Lake be work environ posiltve ment look no further Full beneMs Sugar House Murray Sherd JOURNEYMAN Equal CppollunNy Pod lime openings for ing position the follow- CONCESSION STAND ATTENDANT APO OM to 3 In r Mondoy-thu- At the Wirlott Offices Inside the Delta Center 30i West South Tempie Equal Opportunity FOOD Employer SERVERS APPLY NOW! 200 SERVERS NEEDED NOW have black pants black shoes 91 shifts available Appty Mon-Fsang13fa Must 2aio ON PARK We a' EAST OF SIDE pay salary MAIN 0 excel perfonnel Employer and Minor Nes are Encouraged to Experienced shop V full or part time 4 or casual ' cond SeMce 'tech with 5More years exper Call HEATING 4 imik Jr 1 551°C 4 GREAT PARTTIME POSITIONS 1PM-5P- It 0 06Wiir lAM-SA2PM-8P- t IAM-SA- : e--- 141111Tt STARTING Equal Opporluntty E:RST HEALTH Responsible tor the planning demi6975 Unice Poe Carex °merit and coordination or a Sale 600 open ervolinsent Ord ern-Midvale Vol 84047 pioyee benelt orantratration tor mottos client Mason recs "es Anrt HOMO Resources leacership snit& crevoson to aerial aryl evoers Interpersonal INSURANCE ability m tossk tAPA ot eotsvaient WAIN INSURANCE OR acNance degree is rerouted ems UR INSURANCE minirrium ol 35 years work exEXPERIENCE ADNINSSIRAINE penence In 004p34219 benefit ilMO notional °amnionton Rwanda Send e- National Ike and he occoentsimorketing km seeid individuals wen yrs san cover letter and stately re101911)12142 tOc experience in comer We or health insurance Carman Pose?cirecieng Maisano' Account Department AM Down E experience ell suR Owed ore salaried position ex5295 So 320 We Suite 500 aailent benefits cmd irrrnisdkee Salt tc"e City Ut 84107 W Fax or mai Icor (801) opportunity to resume to: Steve Winchester Acacia Personal Benefits PO HUMAN RESOURaS Box 2429 ACCOUNT NATIONAL Underwng Employer INSURANCE Service Representative SECRETARY NEEDED Team player responsible tot assisting in the administration and coordination of health core enrol- operations evertence preferred Please send resurnes to the Provo Park Hotel 101 West 100 North Provo Utah 84601 in care of the Dkector of Sales Hotel HOTEL Embassy Suite Hotel Is for looldng someone to MI a maintenance position Schedule wiN Include Sal and Sun rights Please fM out apolio:Ilion al 110 West 600 South HOTELPRIVATE CLUB Laundry Attendant full time guaranteed hourty wage meals health insurance retirement bonus vacation Apply in person Tues&At till Friday 5 The Ma Club 100 East South Temple Od wanted 8 haWeek to clean tape avenues home and do laundry SIOhour Refs releave mess quested HOUSEKEEPER HOUSECLEANERS Be off by 3:30 pm Monday-Frida- y lment and employee benefit ockninistration for large national employer Position requires MION Attn: Dawn R 5295 So 320 West Suite 500 Salt take City Utah 84107 Fax rt (801) HUMAN Needed Insurance premium cud-to- r start pad lime KB time possibie experience preferred Please send resume to DrC"'Sclirnichrlef:c11 RESOURCES 9725 So 84094 (NA) Is 40 r::) - N 1--) itto MUST BE 21 YEARS OW GOOD DRIVING RECORD SUPERVISOR 5295 So 320 West Suite 500 Sal Lake City tit 84107 3 pax it (801) INSURANCE CUSTOMER INDUSTRIAL INVENTORY REP for busy SERVICE P&C agency Insurance e once necessary Phone Monclay for more info INC ENTERPRISES BIG Current lobBIliee Fitters chanicOMMC anjwc717tom&Me-A- has on opening for an HR representative with the opportunity for growth Into management In the future Stalls requitedare mica ed college courses computer NEEDED DRUG TEST REQUIRED or 237-296- 1 237-203- 7 INSULATION Installers oprolmvrry MI train Pay negottable DU 5601 for residential prograrn servialviscelvet rnentally tick 2 years Co8egeeXbe4enCe Port time $709hr Columbus Community Center 10 W Century Park Way (2950 S) 4874377 Great American Insurance the owned nation's largest paved company Is rglycasually aqtater to A handle subrogationsalvage minimum of 4 years insurance ex- requinssclubrr ot you Committed service orientakon skills i sentialtrts10-pkcr- Roll-- helpful dial to office re-0 call quired P Monday Sept 13 trim Wednesday Sept 15 beiween 9arn-3pWASHINGTON INVENTORY SEEMCE A Huffy - 119 East 7200X11 Midvale Utah 84047 0 equal opporkintly employer MF INVENTORY RGIS the nation's leading inventory seMce is hiring pad time employees for evenklp weekend shills Some Sunday work reqdred No expeitence necessary Paid train $6hr Private itanspodation ig requked Minimum age to 18 For appointment call Equal Oppotiontry Employer COUNTER INVENTORY Counters 1mentail Dependable needed 30410 bows IDOf week S5 Paid training Apply Mon- - - to start day Tuesday and Wednesday between pm 3269 So Main 1st Root $ CONTROL INVENTORY d individuals time kiduding weekends and part time shifts available Starling 530 am For information call 5752830 then dial 32 Accounting-minde- full JANITORIAL We Red Rkiing Hood Catering Company Is Wiring for an IndMoiual Oh high stanolards In cleanNness to do ilght lanitocial duties Monday through Friday hours per day Call Susan 9 ft noon Monday only 1 JANITORIAL Full FLOORSCARPETS time ftoor and carpet person exP- and Wod erky-Ice cord required $750ht driZtruei BENEFITS FULL a 6 and a good Desktop Publishing background Salary range $650-$750hoAlso have need of a a plus BJ Mon411 accommodation with the piease 11)14i:3n Resources at For Ectud Sales and financial background helpful Salary range $6004750 hour Interested applicants Salt Lake Murray 2 5 Part tirne evenings couples or team Monday through Friday v JANNORIA1 INSURANCE and part time M shlfts avattable Some maintenance required Reply In person Cottonwood Mat FtiIl HMO MEMBER 4835 So Highland Dr Suite 211 JANITORIAL mot Nen 9 am and Cce 56276irr pm Monday itwough Way SPECIAUST JANITORIAL Responsible for providing problem solver WM041101 0 1101b0101 ern atom serving fortune 500 Position requiem assertive knowledge of the health core industry good verbal and written RCHNICiAN 20 hours Dpenenced only shifts Swing SERVICES INIT RiOR PLANT MAINTENANCE t 94 dean' 6 0 p Office (!)8kiplueb-i50- communkotions and problem wivng stills A protioloncy of WordPerfect required Sitna resume by September 47 1993 to Member Services Deportment 5295 So Commerce Drive Solte 500 Sal Wel City IR 84107 4 WORK Call ur am-- 6 At Part time Team spirt Appreciation compettlive salaries benefits pkg Please AMOR SIPERVISOR' reEnsible send or fax resume to: person wliti some maintenance skills of small lantforial crew to maintoin Sid Mai bickts Seasonal Position Great American 1 Call tor appi Monday-Fr- i JANITORK pad time evening posi lions available Excellent exita Insurance come for students or anyone deAttn Human Resources siring extra money MI kiln 60 E South Temple 411400 Couples teams WOSCOMIS Call SIC Ulcits 84111 We offer to do layout and paste-u- p Artgraphics background helpful Salary range S5504650hour Also on 261-300- knmediate openings to work mornings and weekends as Inventory Specialist for the best Inventory seMce in the country Unusually flexible schedule Periodic nce review Iran to lob site INSURANCE have college degree or equivalent work experience retail sign industry is looking for: 9 PART TIME l ale in the area Please cal positions Celland The nation's leader in the 467-994- EMPLOYER lc lus 123 WordPerfect relations reaultin g beneescYee starter organized Please fax re5 or call Human sume to Resources at Equal Opportunity Employer INCOME SUPPLEMENTAL Journeyman INSTRUCTORS Currently Customer Service Representative FOR DETAILS EQUAL e ask for Merit Co seeks indMdual with agencydirect bill auto exped- -efice to manage Computer e )13aleInceprocess- INSURANCE trjse Operator of a Computerized Sign Design Station I WILL TRAIN 237-251- 0 1 Silica 5 Responsible for assisting In the administration and coordination of quired health core enrolimert and em-benefits benefit administration for HOUSECLEANING part lime work INSURANCE Position SECRETARY - with employer 3 v4th prat team wiper requires attention to detail and In commercial personal Ines and Training bonus and advanceWordPerwtiti or proficiency worldng surety Busy agency Salary comment No car needed Apoply at fect and Lotus 2 years previous mensurate with exper Please subHomeMcid 3804 HigNand Dr 810 customer service or related heaths mit resume in confidence to C8I HOUSECLEANING care experience preferred Must Box 338 Midvale Ut 84047 part time days must have car and phone be able to follow directions meet INSURANCE deodlines and handle large $575hr Cal Build A Career With times of work Send resume and HOUSECLEANING-pa-rt limefull time Ph Mulucil er2177-832salory requirements to: leave message National Account Department 500 Mn: DOW & HOST MARRIOTT Full Il &kik& attention to detal erbal and written comINSURANCE munications ability to work under pressure and proficiency working Immediate opening for on experwith WordPerfect and Lotus Bach- ienced PERSONAL UNE CUSTOMER business or heate r REP SERVICE Must have good oleorsantxii two years related telephone skills Resume required desired OualMed indMduaL please coil Send resume and 'dory require Richard or Irene at merits to National Account Department PREMIUM AUDITOR INSURANCE Good pay and great people Come loin our team Lawrars Homebodies HOTEL SALES EXECUTIVE &LC Utah 84116 SALES career opportunity - major seMce Insuexpansion of rance agency Represenfing 35 plus major insurance companies ado home Ire Offering up to 94 comm No wit itaill 1st year commt35ssa pius We have the products systems and Met you need Cc l Eric 2669303 Rare Service Representative WANTED A Sign Maker --1 SLC Utah 034i FAX 364654i 11SURANCE COORDINATOR HOTEL SALES 5 1111k WAGE $5 00 PER HOUR CALL Employe( Rick Warner Nissan has an knrnedlale opening Duties Inclucie hvOCIACIMingUSekeeZ: eta Dcrytkne hours Must ing ha and poit tkne front desk clerks and room attendants Must be able to work any shift Amly in per-- NEWSPAPERS TO OUR CARRIERS WEEKENDS &tot woolt eel oelett aret eeetrwe locrit thcecugtre ss ci wpm& 51:1 Sktell tlitiOne tor 1:4VISMIt HOUSEKEEPING Bus Person WalterpiValtress HOTEL tk b EARLY EVENINGS leglonq new ala3M0bod sestent mote Ottoci itettemeee oteley Experience Responsible tor coordinating health core enrolment cnd employee tor large Isktliond rim) hos SIC positions moll-abenefit administration ROVO Parks Hotel tor indivoduos vein itte insunational employer PosMon reDirector at Sales Marketing ronce undeweing bockgrouPd or quires strong anorytical and probEquci Opportunity Bnployer 101 West i00 North NOVO 84601 lem solving skill& ottention to deunderwerry supportiodminstroWe maintain a drug free work pioce tail excellent verbal and written ton exoeteenca Reose Ico or HOTEL moil resume to Steve Winchester wpm convnunicalions and ProlooloY Residence Inn Hotel seeking part with WordPerfect Acoodo Persord Welts and to working lime rellet auditor Quo RESERVATIONS MANkGER tu& Must have 3 years heater PO Box 2429 SIC UT 84110 cant possess Fox 801364-654Re lime posttion Previous hotel care or benefits Wsskration puest service skills be sett moil other !Mushy reiated experience experience preferred Duties voted and hove basic °Rice skills INSURANCE with bachelors degree SupeMsoMcrojra groupdMreserve-lion- s Lotus Hotel experience and excellent- phone Experienced medical Insurance com ry experience prelBffe d Send rePer claims processors isopertise In sume cover letter and salary reputers Please submit your motor medical benefits PPO 101 West 100 quirernena kx benefits COB custotnef seMce 84601 HOTEL NODOnd Account Departrnent and data entry Excellent woge Alin: Down C HOT& and hinge benefit tvilt on estab5295 South 320 West Suite 500 Howard Johnson Hotel is accepting lished IPA company Only Salt take Orty Utah 84107 applications tor al evening hou- Houskeeping full lime pat time experienced processors need RD( (801) 2884363 k1 sepersonbandypersonirnainten- °poly Accepting apprications at et':18057110 Port lime Sex hours 10' West Sandy CompuSys of Utah 401 Ironwood icinrudrirson Apply at 122 HUMAN RESOURCES Please ask for Modesto DOm (2650 So 350 West) Temple o FLEXIBLE PEOPLE TO WORK FLEXIBLE HOURS DELIVERING NIGHTS OrA411 tirrn Web 0100000InCed DWI MCrepor Ice peal Wen COORDINATOR e 841104 ohasexs son: Super 8 Motel 616 So 200 West DAYS Equi Ili Successei HOTEL lead eisnip Outs and o proven ewe CI a iorpilWirnert and innovo- The Shilo Inn Downtown Ion MrSA or MBA mei emphasis or b refurbehing and openty expeeence in hoeltal pimring Ihe cloning rnarkeeng and clinic odminestroIlan required Cubes also Include Ins lesponsibility tor proressono Soles Support seMces Cornpe0M3 oompensoRoorn Atlendord e Sella re5LITIO 000 House Persm Exciting apt community has corporate stifles to be leased and managed indMOual with experof in the I'iclustry and knowledge marketing APPIcations being 000epCteurrld Sept 15th at 1876 W North k 2 VOICE MAIL IP A Ukt) M120 M145 45838 Sail Lake CBy GROOMER ""M"6""UMMPJ0341030"abMMU110r1V 3600 South 700 West Salt Lake City Utah est StC LION HOTEL RED : CBoatsthlerpooftlastHostess DRIVERS :4 CLAIMS MANAGER PiC001161 ACCOUNT NATIONAL required !ort a SI INSURAha os DM On pm F IST HEALTI4 2050 So Docuoi tst 'Own 446'140 OW CV! loan eta 284 285 or 215 immediately Ap- be dependable cod HAUNTED HOUSE HELP NEEDED Banquet Set-Ufor our new businessal:Ingnts! from m Graveyard House Attendant looking fog Mcit'ficnse aybe pridred up opie with Ideas runic:glom skills a must mort- - Wears 747 So PM Part Person at House lime desk Equal Opportunity Employer for our housW house We also but wil gage esperience General Maintenarce We Tempe NO PHONE CAUS tolgPrqD need odors aid actresses It you train No selling PM- - Line Cook PLEASE SakX for House Ideas the Haunted have n bonus MM-9- 8 PBX Operator Um 4426270 °Oust want to be pat of a ftm and West I t PM Barback exciting easproied we need your HOUSEKEEPER Needed GENERAL ONCE Troy or Shed at heipl Full time positton for transalpflanist opt complex in West Volley CompetItive wage benefit pkg al largePrevious leceptionist Must be very familiar apartment cleaning INJECTION MOLDING Thurrues city Mort and Apply with WordPerfect 51 and have HEALTH CARE everience requireok salary plus am- - 1130 am 150 sday PR goad olganizational and excellent benellts 4612 So 2930 We need people that are experWest 500 So In the Personnel skills Some experience with merle West Male 'Female equal °poor ienced in set-uCENTER MANAGER press operators Office located In the lower is heipful but not cal and QC Inspector& Willing to ievel lobby teminktop! in person at 4855 One of the nation's work swing or graveyard We are HOUSEKEEPING leading So 102 Weekdays a fast grossing company and cared organizations is Equal Opportunity Employer between 9 an and 4 pm Islsecrornj have excelentbenerits Send reMFDV PAY DAY EVERY FRIDAY g tor a customer-focuse- d sume to: action-oriente- d GENERAL OFFICE HOTEL Great port time lob for ambitious $5 to to Manager who will Ow a key role like dean Iewith In out Vich)rP our care If you are kberested in persukig a Assistant manager trainee needed callying bonuses and mileage mmoged ULTRADENT PRODUCTS INC for local finance company Expedrategy career In the hospltatlly industry paid Must have car Apply 3 MITI: Tommie 1360 So Main Stile 2 rience preferred but will train andawwsponrsblacreattveand 505 West 10200 South is Thls position responsible for develenthusiastic and hcwe al bast 2 South Jordan Utah 84095 HOUSEKEEPINGRESIDENTIAL 03311c97P0 ralsm-ONLT and staffing 3 operational oping restaurant management Love to dean? Excel Income years pm plans and Implementing our al 1759 West 4160 South in Coexperience benefits Weekday hours Trans- 'km will be a ma- INSPECTOR rk? Ware In analyring Elhstrategy Please send resume to: ASSISTANT Needed to cornplete properly evolorrietobs leadershiqtentlal the facility RESTAURANT for insurance MANAGER Code throurp uations GLASS HANDIER son and implementing changes to 0089 In care of this newspaper as an independent Aspen Roza ensure efficiency and selvice As Permanent part time Must have PO Box 45838 Salt lake City Ift a member of the management live-I- n 84145 35mm camera and be able to HOUSEKEEPER some child will level Glass with team work an has entry you closely Capitol work the Sol lake Volley Send re3 children Must drlve Expercare Must be able our sales department and avaNabie sume to: AitrE John Box 9386 Dendeand references ience Salary ris11?n unassisted accord develop a re4attonstp vdth our HOTEL ver CO 80202 pends on experience Prtvate Iv COMMEWCICI dents read a tape measure and be wilng 6492852 quarters Ing INSTRUCTORS I you are Interested in peissing a to wait some overitme $575th0u1 career In the hospltollty industry HOUSEKEEPER Residential SCENIC MOIR First salary review In 90 dayk A bachekes degree in healthcare and vocational procreatNe and Saturday-Sundaand are 3515 So 300 West ask for Seto or business is preterTOCt graduate $440hr grams for persons with disabillim pm cif least 2 enthusiastic U of U and have Wets and Salt Lake area& near East area Relevant a County War ggilletolt ameplusmanagement Teach independent living and 1345 5 o Foothill Dr 5821527 years restourcrit mcmogement GLAZIERCOMMERCIAL MAINE Vocialional daytime skits wok experienoa experience Is required HOUSEKEEPING and Laundry Full residential shifts PM's and weekand Minds Nurtime MEMO For glass and glazkY1 products no YC41 emedence will be send resume to: ASSISTANT ends Pod to full time Start $450 to campensaS Please RESTAURANT MANAGER Code sig home In Bounitful with a oompetthve expeenoe necessary MI iTain Apply Project TURN 535 ed salageseaorid 0089 In core of this East 400 South person willing to learn glazier flexibie beneMs HUMAN RESOURCES 12skeewsgrjt PO Box 45838 trade Linfora Brawls Glass send your resume to: Code 0080 1245 South 700 West 84145 In cared this newspd4ef PO Box DOT PHYSICAL at PREPLACEMENT UTAH TRANSIT AUTHORITY pacescreen JE Sall Lake ''740197t7t 0v) (C:1?) totocator sttra Gawky la rwr i cr SRC Eno HOUSEKEEPER Control Associates Is looking for IndMduals to schedule DELTA CENTER WO:riding tonere Oactocre fct AO( e) GENERAL OFFICE ow r Granite School District has ooerna Journeyman ever Wtii in kNarL motel chain Experience idding and repairing paric hard necessaty Must be ware door closers lockers EnglishSpanish Benefits bleachers auditorium seals and tics pay raises Send aninigga adults eta Weicing experience Come loin the team that realty confidenlial response with ary preferred Salary range $22000 knows how to make the diffenot plus Excellent rence We are curentty ao- krrerfrentsx (resin MeoYale UT 84047 340 fasbenettssollart tor the red:811 '15 Equal opportundy Employer rairgigapplications Mortgage MAIRIOTT cr owe COMerlowlio eaklrg aro oppor pomm lo 5 amt Nava coolaol fiton ict $ flL& amampar r A—EAIDAV 3rr 4G AIDE DESK AGIN!' isms criers 144314 Oxbow null tom S erce 0 stloweschr role as 0 Arson Rescisce Gernewora Ssos sepenstoo escrowing a tkrsart Resources crtt esomence among tor mon al wools cos rig comma b stockppM at IOW aormal bQcI Ow a Lon 40 PAO ras yrarc moms Ornorf Inert Fs Mor ores CM31nol CORNS 01054 moo deco demo aro Ile swarm kw' Cymru Employer Vocation isoiidor ocEs Pee MOOS in our emplcvers odreera Send NINIUMI) lOr lot ocotricernert Soros Research Corocealon OpPorthees ever OVEldent amok 20 nours worm stay $11e 44 per yea see re 'oolong br crew Sci take Cs's' tt 84 tell cagy canceled Bring rout ervenence ond e entiorsert rtrsoO to ow Mt Jan loitor honest people barna kw a oopersomei Orris on Monooy $O feet OppOthrolV kid cum Spni interoteW opportunity to rite4AN RESOURCES scheoue or intense cid Pod Lion is o Drug Free sir Pxxneton Son 2564111 aproa1 ALL STAtR TEAM R amoer V4CQ roof 12 go STYLIST MR DMV RECORD SEARCH teo se for hail WANTED ::poobtain COME JOIN THE to Peci CA wS PlanSAG frg 4rit 41 a aorsto mot) loom mos ammo rom em oarme memo to our aro Re- epTthospital strong eftin eenor 4 Vision Insurance after 14 14:La-kr-- ROM it Ai Vrcrito: ff up to 2Sib irofig LALPCIN SandyMidvale Gretchen 5664225 MOCIUM sbe Spec lollty Oontroclor So Jordan Donna 2512547 PART TIME AM cm inciViduci requires arbor Podoming vrleeldY Payrol oo HAIR STASI counr poyobie and general cleri- suck 00 perpour Requires gradu Great locatio low booth rent or cal ooNtles knov4edge ot com- ation from high school or equivacornmission neg Hair ond nail artlent vAth previous lire ghttng ex-ist needed Strands Salon Shad lt4:criklg Lotsoftwareoraperriejgred in coSege 9 2880785 or a related field Cur- EMI Please submit resume to: Help Word- HAIR percentage or booth UT rentat medical inSURTICS wait Fighted 2294 Custer Rd SIC 84104 Hoia 2 er Cerittication within one year of Cali or tire data Must possess a valid GENERAL LABOR HAIR SIYUST Utah ditver's license Must beOne month free rent Corrvassion come a Layton City resident within CONTROLLER MANPOWER also malt CaN 5665153 one year or Nre date Abte to will be hcMng open Interviews at agility test Submit KAM STYLIST full time 1 immediate opening for an experEast side location Michelle & Co ienced hands-oprofessional to Job Service assume aocounting responsibility lAYTON an PERSONNEL 1 for a westernmountain from to 9 15it am Sept major 437 North Wasatch OrMs pm HAIRSTYLIST Immediate openings for poregion hoteL Layton Utah 84041 sitions Stcluding: Press brake opEARN UP TO $7 PLUS PER HOUR Iuret erators Responsibilities Include cash mgmt INCLUDES TIPS punch operators September 24 1093 reiciunlred budgeting accounts payable Spot welders General labor SUPERCUTS - If you are looking for a reasonable acoommoaccounts receivable financial Furn tn Woodworkers career love super tips and neviSNip help dation will be mode for any applistatements payroll and cost Ish paWr$er ble hours we have a position for Packaging Assemcant during the selection prom Must have a min 5 years Food Warehouse Processors bly call 5464500 ADAEqual Opportyoul Guaranteed salary and hotel controller experience commission Pay ranges $500 to $800 an hour paid vacation and unity Empioyer strong Food atonpd BevArage Apply in person at 720 So 200 East no clientele necessary holiday knot Please bring picture ID Mana erwro'relfritaround avail FLORAL EirciurEPIitotithis4s and Social Security card We wO your schedHead Designer for well established Equal Opportunity Employe( and ule need Rower shop Experienced design excellent salary and company West Valley 7 ers need only apply paid beneftts Taylorsville GENERAL OFFICE 0 Sandi RORAL Send resurnesolary history to: Pont 4663344 In Century wanted Help supply department OPERANONS TEAM LEADER e PO Box 70701 Midvale 8:00 am - 5:CO pm Monday - BChevy Chose MD 20813 0 HoHaday noon - 9:00 pm iddy or 1I-0HOTEL FLORAL COUNTER HELP Monday - Ffiday Perron clerical HAIRSTYLIST related duties and provide day HAIRSTYLISTNall artist booth or commission Full or part time Great supeMsion of work groups ReFLORIST ORDER TAKING AND 6 State St location quires excellent clerical skills (typ- HOLIDAY INN TRANSFERS y computer know'- - HAIRSTYLIST- - Needed in full setvice Ireie10-kewnal skills ) good in salon Sandy vo to within &kcal DOWNTOWN deadline& Experience In on off- HANDY PERSON for Handyman ReFLOWERS environment a plus lceicierloal modeling SeMoe Must have GROUNDSMAINTENANCE APPIY FRESH FLOWER DESIGNER waking knowledge of 2 of 3: Bea PERSON NEEDED Plumbing Carpentry Cat Bob Full time experience preferred Experienced skills required-Talent- EVENINGS ONLY CALI hours vary Aoply In person: Blooming Cheraite 0 sales Mon ihrough Fit 999 Main Si No phone calls please 7050 Union Pork Cit 200 RYER Del Nery-paMiosocie UT 84047 HOTEL pod time Mon- HARDWARE Mechanic Good extra income Friday The University of New Mexlco Albuquerque NM 87131 the University of New Mexico is an Equal Opportunity and AffirmatNe Acton Employer $856hour with regular Increases $1245hour KstElq-co- ASSISTANT ADNINISTRATOR Excellent ocooluntly in 49 bed East- - Nyco are a great stylist seeking the beet wage in the industry and a WANTED sfuts training to become a professional bus operator at Utah Transit Authority 140M1 0 Cmeng0 Serious inquiet ores 5425 ManagementStylists - excellent pay and benefits job security and a community oriented job appeal to you consider 0010 lona repair oo sparring marro000 s webs 0 tow people 1105PrIAL HAIR SALON HELP CLERICAL 9197: ASK- 4tEll 9E" era onet allow SEZVICE CUSTOMER Unlaces" ova ogureokre dal to irrum al a IS si Arian twe coo source& or telosea sorsa ona Ivry to lornomina its Send resole to itHAC 3895 So CALL TODAY and NSPE the EECE k fachas 36 tenure-lra- d ulty members and approximately 525 undergraduate and 225 respectively graduate Its research expenditures for the 1991-9fiscal year were $6M million Resume and a list of three (3) references must be received by mak by November 8 1993 Send to: Prof Shlomo Komi Search Committee Chair Electrical and Depart-MerComputer Engineering IEEE $tseS DISSATISFIED 01WhOPCI the luccatekt cardiac? we pease Auoomiest cre recnooe rezr Itrosor Soryce LAKE 1::iNES! i! !COMING! tbe cm Deena Avon Ions crealixoto 0I ot-- al An Cabinet Rasher need- ed Alma &r-- - GENERAL OFFICE 84119 WVC Erptrier skt1 opening energetic genCEEZPICHFI eral oMce and occourgs rem de cle& ACOScent must be a HRO Must be energetic and be a Seam tsgh school goauote with good MANAGERS Hospital 610 NW player Exper preferred but typing stills and word processing We ore HOMISiOrt 041 97838 morn-befor iearn Irdin right people CompeIIINe top looking expenence Accounts recelyabie E3M:1i Opportunity Employer interested in expanding their is we good Witt a iberenArcInmentellt exPenence pertain pits careers We offer HOSPITAL We offer oornvarious once I Best WadeBonus package In S HIM NN excellent and salary 2efgrulgtWest temple g:rtZotz Send resume or MEDICAL STAFF COORDINATOR tioircareinckrstly appicoNo phone culls mgt soirgy Son to secretor- Equal Opporturey Ervloyer Good organizalboal hour lo an $6 Up stykst skills wage al Branch MCWICKet required Medical back- HOTEL Excellent Health Insurance PO Box 57450 ground desired (inducing medPod tiokaoysttioastion cal terminotogy) Competitive $all Ldecay 111 84157 Best Tranirq in Industry Call Human ReSALES MANAGER MN and ben MIMI CALL TWAY: sources No phone calls please Hotel experience needed eh °M4 Aliso South Town An Equal Opporksity Employer in corporate and associa ph Grektiert SandyMktvaie lion market Send resumes la Donna-- 5a SHRINERS HOSPITAL Jordan 2532547 FINANCE IttAiNEE — BANKING $1500 rod PWS medic PWS rettrernent PWS lutton reimburse rnent Nort employer ttia Won Progressrve Opposer HEWN PUOCiC'S KO LOCI HOTEL TECHhods KERS? Poe erne every Solueloy cmd SLrs 230-4- 1 pea For irtorrnoeon 0 hen dial 32 OFFICE cmroz Dr GENERAL Medial Coro has an or an SICICTLY a aoa C al tat cc laccod GAIT Fast glowing onal loan soM 420 dolcos news aconponsamon great Donets cmd cooncorment licrdimppikl KM one aocwatda calk 21 cra Woe SEVerriDet Perelon MOnOOPt 4 i311 run 4625 Souie 230D NM ore lot Join To Super Rent twl 00—Hefp Wanted Wanted 100-4- 4elp Scenes irsc an imiroceorsont "rosin spook" teseatch rob has a axles swg CtWolurat tk C Otencm fieboomi iscroyer 0 hour shot Co Governmers Aerson 2b30 risk 100 East Ceram Provo dun te Sect 17 itraiGCOOUNG rear retina opoortnty Wel goosirrig IMO corticry 101 insiosers meics vats elm win j year of HABIUTATOR at If "Women Ewa Opportune kruoyve Yi VA 61 Snd toon I "SeT diliOCI0Chet - 7 1993 itimkskcioviout mmekseit soosso scot erperienco term gar 004Wq rye kV I PROW DESX Spo niness Corlett row oftrg enceient pow Wel poweont Comrrolleme ortereect puler mow proressonal apoemoce oera bort Moulton la 090 MI6's 1 West Covert 2045 hous pet week per hour Apr 14 &SPA Alat Am Door 0CPc Sci Lora CPy EEL 11 coke linker IPSO I:U1CW knorree39e or room corner accouret and mot Cal laid 0 44 Pifl8w"n 10 gat Opgrokroy Ervicaor ii & raw's SM lo Ir Orme al any Srev s loco Dvg saaatun iemoos (Nee oven 4 part envy latmll 1010 Oa por ea eaDevence buyer DO YOU HAVE A DRIVING MBITION? Medical Dental CARE 59:00 orr"'MP01191111111Wwiss ' 61i0ORV INLICk SeMOS 100—He 1p Wanted toovi At 0:43r Skye tioarose aro samovar come corvieson or me pmcklier °mod sea SaCre SC '4 kph los SALWIP a Mechanical engineer multi disci- ABERGIASS REPAIR: JourneymanMaster Ekpedence necplined AE firm seeks a licensed needed 03 working superintendent essary Partfull time mechanical engineer la lead me$30000 plus It qualified Must have chanical work 10 yrs minimum FINANCIAL PLANNER extensive residential toperlencia experience In bldg HVAC and 0 who is currentlyngrigON plumbing design required Pay commensurate with experience gross commissions yearly to on ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN and oapabrilly Send resume to: group and faciiiiale their 85 net Reacon AE 655 East Medical Dr IV VCR audio technician tuti of pad Write to commission shucture suite VA Bountiful Utah 84010 time Appty in person: 2140 So Code 0118 in care of this newspaEqUCII Opportunity West Temple Employer per PO Box 453ULCjJt 84145 U (00irg tit eor FREIGHI ELECTRICIAN 151 li m 11:10aEA1 AQICAO IP3'S of kxvi 4 uto 4ocitni ocl ON 1r Orme on ow 000 Comae mon Ord 4 kr it 1 col Medias tIneson pe leans all a fore r aciad Pauaod 41t4 ot hes rands SO op pc WWII G0 rang on moo af pawned Oa? o paa oasAan mom rdama al axial Lod 3642611 Certi fA4 343 Fosni 1 an Car0000 mar omen to bast opowcoo co accokning CIALI 041 111 GORY t Rf M em h:psoEv ilitthiert Deraere 3C ret I saenost oases ismaire limo 48o4Cre 0301 drocar Clarsa300 pewee it IV Klyyoryg P001 00 12 Septerrter 100—Hetp Wanted 000-9- (075 RE minimum) IMPULSE ADVERTISING faculty posilion at the rank of full GENERAL OFFICE 7 or Trod professor Appliccrits most have exPhD In eiectricalimmWer FOOD BUYER Office Oerk pad lime pm perience in the areas of teaching Perform clerical Monday-Frida- y research senile° and adrninistra- Nalicnol food dude OkJeO1TV4SOnd 104ray non Duties will include extensive skJs helprat Mertion to dec experienced food in administrative responsibilities cant must have prior experience and accuracy a must Apply the EECE department Preference in food industry knowlecie8ile will be given to those IndMduals have working who are farrilikit With electrical en-Check Rite PCs Reply to Code 0087 In core accreditation of this newspaper PO Box 45838 200 7050 Union Pork ingsziroirgcf :irgram In out- Sail Lake Ctly1J1 B4145 MIDVALE UT 84047 reach activilies FOOD SENCE sional organizations such as the e include a minimum of Established Electrical Contractor Requirements a BS degree in either Electriool En- seeks licensed JO(lineyrnan with Mechanical Engineer- residentialcommercial experi The Ideal candidate Viewing ence Predominately Utah County of 4 plus years design with some SIC Permanent startexperience vA full range poled ing immediately km resume to experience from conceptualization to production masters Top wages benefits Counseling SeMce is a private counseiing agenwith 6 offices and 25 staff cy Family 175 ment Abft to design database Ogden lit 84405 Abifity to do scieNtfic program with to ability ming EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT direct the work of °them Applicant selected will be subject to a Top notch person needed full time to President Vice President assist mus and securily Investigation and Martreling Director Mature meet eligibility requrerrsents for PC and attitude access to classmed nformation professional MAC experience a must Good EXCELLENT BENEFITS!!! wage plus benefits Apply at 145 S o Stale Send resume and salary requirements to: RECTRICIANXXIRNEYMAN apprentice loumeyman career?Voonttoyi candidates with college degree Wasters preferred) min of 10 years toper in Soda Services oommunny relations adMiniSiTatiOR counseling board of diredor relationstips fund raising budget and frnancial reporting ENGINEER 5 Plus years experience with the Sarcos Research Corp Is the offalarm systems tor work in spring of the U of IT's Center- for Utah Must know how t Engineering Design Our projects Send resume tor hiduae robotic systems medical Aura 3550 No Acaoemy maCoiorado device:sand drine systems We are looking for Sonngs CO 80917 Or Fax to a multifaceted electromechanical design engineer ELECRICiANS Postt Ions available immedicrtely for Utah licensed 3rd and 4th year North- - Qualified ENGINEER Electiklans Wanted Service of a to act as $1530 to $2040hr plus $408 benectts tic Journeyman and 5th Year Apprentices full time en-- NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION over 50 controc- MYTI7uldtina Wasatch Cache 5272 South Mn: D1912 College Dive Suite 300 Murray UT 84123 Valley leo Electric Winward An Equal Opportunity Employer Western States and Skyline MF $30000 retirement and full US Citizenship Required medkal Insurance Most working In Counseling erntor 01CSA requiremodem ments and K-- (National Beetroot Code) Interested applicants may send resume to litetouch 3550 So 700 West SIC Utah 84419 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Employer Famity manufactured by oth- securtly audloMdeo PS 232 and RS 485 Wanted I 00—Ietp el T boa a Mmogers - Co Oecttxs seeks degreed eiectronics harchyare engineer with at least 3 years practical experience Litetouch Inc designs and manufacture sophisticated based lighting microprocessor controls and seeks an engineer Wanted FOOD &MICE ler cc poktot now- g Ire tam Lai 4 Kic Caroms iatzvoo I a corit ( 000 ta cow no" tp i cromice wANAGal co trel"porofp seTi s 0 Dookm e4GINER vuo 'toed Ompion 0 ENGINEM at 1501 Sa tom itaurort NETWORCCOPAPTEi Soo tiloWs meter cm Pomo Cee41- - WICINdalri And woos bluer Sews cvoi EvN3P1001 gob SPECIALIST neeoact vo woefleroe eui eAememe on so modior oeagn ono oourroymon m3-1loPPJ- ArsOMFCCICIWINaly 03bOWICAN lookaroeirS ono enwonmen concem Sera 'ample ano neyron ewe trg tat qualeed tvoiesasonsi erode COraPAJOUS oaemabon el sany hooey tr tot 147 S St DWAVALL good- - cheoorome Ihe Goove tilaft 647711 (yea nEAaff& Mum ana exoof (Irmo" ndiVEWS and ArldhetS docureql crone:lore (bar 100Ong ateoor cal' Poy fa and ana 1024 heal cent 7on loolost inaritan oriceitoal 140WWW3- ENGINEER tiOn and ponces:I 3041INEYNikn4 Beccd Engineer ern design mid Fools lbAi type ard Arm) 2540-4tewe" PlePOSr9 eig:er Sena leases sign ana oweano ROB aceabase JOttt SSL PO SOX 52e)411 DONAU KANGR5 AWED tor network Occunenocolon and SAL-- Utti Full of part knit 7064415 ftS m niCreanmert becSonlat IDUCATION Engnewrg Canicost Sodom ENVIRGNMENTAI ENGINEER reused kid oared Prewas Krdtos Dotarnar Minnad Carr° espersence w ACEMtNt Courtselor 'Exchange Equipstrew meni Oil ny gold-onCiectiet open Part arwordi le Join ene pi ire program rano leased in Ihe Owonee Painword crd C at excectVe student' pogictige Maureen el seultweden locod PC Eicwawcwe Shaw ott eau Comenutte spoil and ming The mne is on &mien SOINKs osiallabal ono manta-norshale Arneaccri aAse Be a mental Enamor-Ibana marten:ice of scPoorenea placement counselor rot es- canoodle We rove al least cs i(ride crotytioci Out:tents 'evr eteeeCa in Erenamored Abets lo make 610- aeon) aecitikirdeat host Ionises Sefor comparateel and 'ions that will stamp lo ascot cure high "Mad woodmen ke tooled Good review esperenoe KroistWas yeas variants ana courisei Vedette wring In the e at ROB (moose mining inckeey Respenstillthfchttgkxt leek sioy el keenca kes the evensong cr al Cat Weed (3 wee Me Scsr00- oTZ netVale rockyvim walk WOW WOOS' lion tot international anaemia-1work norawase irci software Pemorepeng aria Mr wrIcrwoli le6225 We 804 San DOeaa CA ter la aid luting PaSUIrie 92121 Mrs foal cuting cod morlaning perm" and FEKyalciory comPlance- - dna la ELDRLY CARE wanted Pikle port generating Ihe necessary &ea ens °camera Saturdays Suncello:Son and inereeting sysDalaChern laboratories lems assoadted WIlh WACO 960 Wed teVoy Drive days evenings Oen earsmenkal piploction A eatiponotort Retererves til 84123 ng inovAeNe and miaow! expenence coaling erns EIS Ecpyl Opportultly enployet KRA CERCIA WOES CWA cod ELECTRONIC COMBAT EhrOsiiHRING NEPA is required Meese send avert resume lc( Direclor et Errotse Relallens RANGES KINROSS OW MINING CO PO BOX 52 AHNTEOt c inencts to participate Jordon Volley °melon 97910 in the Bechonics Combat SOFTWARE DIGITAL FAX (208) 6 Training Route procureWe on) On ment& We are seekng personnel SIGNAL PROCESSING Equal Employer OpporluNly skilled in the operation maintenance IVJiStOrt ENGINEER men t of ESCROW M51-1-1 michawave and computer EDO ACOUSIICS a ieading month r system& Site tockirer of underwater sonar sye degree plus 10 years Supemsors plus 7 terns hos an Immediate wing United The SeMces has s for a sollwareDSP engineer openings tor the following poslyears experience Tech Postfions NonS: evert-onc- e mitt yecns hands-o- n poson requires a BSEE degree UCENSED ESCROW OFFICER Must have 5 it experience In Applicants seiected va be Estctlished following preferred security investigations strutted sottware development egto meet ESCROW ASEISTANT gran:Wily requireand 2 yrs enxidence in eigital To Work 3 dayswee( Eshare lob ments tor access to classtfied signei processing Requires good forrnalton Send 'mum to: xpetienoed required technical writing and verbal 0:1(rt DISBURSEMENT COORDINATOR munication skilfs Must have wok Must be Escrow Or AHNtECH Inc ECRTRR ing knorMedge of microprocessor 5575 Ruffin Rood Ste 100 bookkeeping experience preand DSP based ekicironics ferred 6 San Diego CA - LOAN PAC1CAGER in confidence M replies-helQualified aPPkonts ParMirne swing shift Equal Opportuntly Employer send resume to: Attn: Human Resource Manger ELECTRONIC HARDWARE ENGINEER Call Mary at 2645 So 300 West A fast growing nultunalinternaISalt Lake City Utah 84115 lona! lighting control company NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 101 I t0-- 1-te 0 15:71CASS 3 or IF veepat tp Wanted I DO-- 41e per week Several good openings tovm orect eves Coil for Inta In the down t t Monday-f- Cleaning positions now available Uptown area Cc 96343959 between JANITORIAL JANITOR 110008 house llme neededcrort orts Wale 7IPt 185 West Midvale HELP Port time Pak JANNOR18L 0100 FOr Into coil 50f00(111 ANITOPIA14 nights et area Cali CNy a week in D AMORAL Bank nings to 14 hours ctZt4 - moo I P 10E4'4&dta&akidottm |