Show MONDAYAVAB LE PRIMEIIIM 01 WOO 6130417i0OSItteloilltrAMMIMSttliciCloffil oioo 111 oms H i C0001111E30 A US mapr (Marion &redo) A Boston lawyer's iit le (Jerry Ivonies: Gus he a youn Movie: Sayonara ('57) nsks his career for love wth a Japanese dancer (MA° a: a oTa-190- " sc'oo to me deaf and woman eluoe a pursJer 4CC) she meets a coctor (Ban" Newman) (CC) aka) CC) bre) Movie: Move R oers (Gene Hack- A Rose for Movie: The Outsiders (PG 83) - Ma: a)vie: Bite the Bulite PG 75) 44 Voir: Abta Over Darling an man Macchio Hcnivel James Ra or Dillon C Thomas Coburn) (Canoe Bergen) and a Emily: DC Golden Seel cadebrii: Secret Drama c7rnfIghter enter a maatnon hryse rave across the oesert Magical (5'00) Movie: While Sends (R An FBi age": (Keanu Movie Point Break (R '91) Movie: Polk Academy 5: Movie: Arena (7:15) (PG13 a 1 ) An uncecog ea-m- Willem Debt Crime Reeves) turns Calorrra &rfer to nab bans rooters Wno '92) HBO Assignment likarri Beedi krg (PaJi Satterfekl) firs an a en monster or lte drama (CC) wear rubber masks of ftxr (PG It) gladiator chamoonsh0 o' the ga axy (CC) newcorn- - Movie: City of Joy (PG-1- 3 HTi-scno- o iMovie: Class Act (PG-1- 3 S2) Movie: While Lightning (545) (PG 73) Movie: Litt Sister tP(1: 13 S2) Guy r 4a: s 'cw les (Ka 'N Play) trace places meet g r s (Kayn Parsor s '92) 4 Patrick Swayze r' ocses moons-waas Florida Gabor called g (Bun Slverman) (Jcrathan wat 44 Pauline Collins Drama (CC) Aysa Rogers) (CC) soromy sse' (Ayssa Man0) Reroids) turns Informer Movie: Street Crimes (915) (FL '92) A Los Angeies co- - Movie: Light Sleeper Movie: Straight Talk (PG S2) - Folksy Movie: Ulterior Motives (735) (R S2) Wiliem the (10 50) (R 92) SHOWfracto PsycrotogiV (Dolly Parton) can't fool Pnvate eye (Thomas tar Gr ft 11) fign3 i iceman (Dennis Fantle) and h:s Nutrias oX gangs ir Defoe Suspense (CC) r ng to get then off the street Chicago newsman (James Woods) (CC) Yaiwza M b Wn samcra sword (CC) Beverly Hills Movie: The Prize (4 45) 1'63leavic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Movie: Planes Trains and Automobiles litovie: Chains of Gold (R '91) Miami soca worxer (John Travoita) aids teen in Cop II (11140) Steve Martin John Pail Newman ECward The Secret of the Ooze (PG '91) (825) (R '87) naC O'L 9 scene Ca-c- y La'a Roboms Comedy G Robinson Suspense Page TJnco Fantasy (CC) Presents !Sherlock Holmes An Evening at the Improv Devid L Wol ARTS David L Wolper Presents Shoriock Holmes Loveioy Movie: Midnight Lace (SO) Movie: No Twne for Love ('43) Dors Cay Mystey AMC Under Two Figs Movie: Midnight Lace 'SC) !Sports Crossfire (R) Larry King Live (R) "Money CNN Primenews (CC) News Newsnight Larry King Live 1Vorld America Coast to Coast ITourit ic The Big Wet Natural World !Wildlife DISC Beyond 2000 Nature i !NFL's Greatest Moments INFL Yearb'k Baseball ESPN NFL Prime Monday (530) Bud Beach Blowout SportsConter !Rope Jumping FA M Pater Rabbit Peter Rabbit Father Dowling Mysteries The 700 Club !The Wattons (IR ) Life Goes On (CC) Poprie Paid Neg LIFE LA Law (CC) Movie: The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid (SO) hhirtysornething (CC) Unsolved Mysteries (CC) Mysteries !Seven Deadly Sins !Rock Videos Alternative Nation IITV Prime Wrth Dull Beavis Speed Racer Drearmirne Kids Inc tilicktry law: Amy (G Ater l Zacnes D5 Mouse Club INN Crook "Texas Conn litashvilie Now '81) we !Club Dance (R) Fishing !Texas Conn Crook Nashville Now (R) NICK Better Living Through Bob: Esooes o' Nertarts seres w:-- Sza"oe Pesnette at in SJMessor e PSN Rugby World !High Five !English Soccer: tkieisicas-- vs Backbum !Boxing: Fgnt NT:: a: the Forum Caiit !Motor Sports Hour (R) From !National Geo raphic Explorer TES Movie: Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story (V) e Mcnae Beck Art Carney Te y Savaas Bcgraory Movie: The Ambushers ('67) Movie: Murderers' Row 13 5) (66) Dean Mantn Acton TNT Movie: The Silencers (S6) - Dean Marti Acton ICount'strike Odd Couple Quantum Leap (CC) Ouantum Leap (CC) WWF Monday Night RAW Silk Stalkings (CC) USA Murder She Wrote (CC) !Portraits !Joy of Music Sacred Songs Spaces MN Sullivan Recovery Line Sing Out America Worship !Plainsman !Baseball: Cncago CJbs a:San Fnanc sco Gants News 'CC WGN 'Movie: The Haunting of Sarah Hardy f:89) 44 - Movies Infidelity' ('87 Drama) Ale'' Lee Kr-V- Horsley Photograwith doctor wrfes pher sleeps best friend (1:40) (LIFE) Thu 8 ant f 92 Adven- violence) (1:41) (Tw) Tue 1220 pm 9 pm Intruder iri the Dust" Intik f49 Drama) David Brian Claude Language "Inside the Lines" ('30 Suspense) Betty Compson Ralph Forbes World War I spies fall in love on Gtrattar (1:12) (AMC) Mon 2:30 am International Airport" (15 Drama) Gi Gerard Pat Crow- ley Arport manager relays bomb threat to jetliner pilot (1:40) (WGN) Thu "Into the Sun" ttre) Anthony Michael Hall Michael Pare Mcme star tags along with pilot and sees combat (R pm "International Veiver O'NeW Drama) Mtn (78 10-3- Chris- topher Pkrnmer Aunt Velvets teen-ag- e niece becomes Olyrripic equestrian (PG Language) (2:07) (DAC) iihu a10 pm Jarman Jr Mssissiop whites heto man framed tor murder (127) (TNT) Tue 12:50 am "Islands in the Stream" (77 Adventure) George C Scott David Hemmings Hemingwayescpe arast plays in the 1940s Baha- mas (PG Language) (1:45) (ARTS) Mon 12 pm Tue 7 am Came From Beneath the Sea" f55 Soerce fiction) It Kenneth Tobey Fat Domergue Scientsts and sub commander Weiwill beatien tom fight giant octopus Fri 12:50 arri (120) (TBs) J "Jack's Back" C88 Horror) James Spader Cynthe Woman and doctors tMn LA JaO( the Ripper (R Ackit situations languace nudity violence) (1:37) (USA) Fri 7 pm "The Jayhawkers" C59 Western) Jeff Chandler Fess Pacer Fanner squashes empire War Kansas bui)der in pre-C(1:40) (TNT) Thu 2 pm "Jesse James" 1 C39 Western) Tyrone Power Henry Fonda Jesse and Frank James leave farm to rob banks trains (PG Vooence) (1:48) (MAX) Tue 8:30 am Uttar rkelom : 1 the - IG64 lirts Ttgis011106 Large inventory of glass 'EffgrziWITdIhild We will waive up to $100 off your Insurance deductible 8 1993 Page 14 TV Week September I 12-1- "116734:79616crovo I We use only Factory Authorized glass Certified installers 100 Guaranteed 140-71GLAS- S "The Jesse Owens Story" (84 Minisene) Dorian Harewood Georg Stanford Brown Olympic track star's life unfokla (320) (ARTS) Sat 2 am "The Jewel of the Nile" (85 Adventure) Michael Douglas Kathleen Turner Mercenary rescues writer after "Romancing the Stone" (PG Languaoe nudrlY violence) (1:46) (DIS) Fri 1:30 arn: (HBO) Tue 12:30 pm "Joe Versus the Volcano" Tom (' 90 Romance-comed- y) Hanks Meg Ryan Dying man meets tree women on way to Polynesian finale (PG Language) (1:42) (4) Sat 7 pm "Ju Dou" Irk (90 Drama) Old dyes Gong Li Li Bao-tiabride and nephew lovers in 1920s Adult situations China (PG-1- 3 language nudity violence) (1:36) (ThIC) Tue 520 am "Just One of the Girls" (93 Roman-comedCorey Haim Nicole Eggert Boy meets girl while posing as a girt (1:36) (13) Mon 7 pm "Just Tel Me What You Want" ) (80 Comedy-drama- All MacGraw Alan King Tycoon plots return of mistress lost to PieYwright LaNuage nuckti'-- ) (1:52) (14) Thu 10 am K "K2" Ink C91 Adventure) M- ichael Behn Matt Craven Two Men bond climbing the Himalayan peak (Ft Language violence) (1:44) (MAX) Mon 1:15 9 pm am Sat "Kansas City Bomber" (72 Action) McCarthy Raquel Welch Kevin Divorced roller-derb- y queen beds boss elbows rival (PG Violence) (1:37) (TNT) Sun 12:45 am "The Karate Kid Part Ill" ('89 Action) Ralph Macchio Noriyuki "Pat" Morita Mr Miyagi and student vs toxic-wasdumps thugs (PG Language violence) (1:52) (HBO) Sun 12 pm Tue 7 pm: (SHOW) Sun 10:30 am 3 am 'The Kid From Spain" --Irk ('32 Musical comedy) Eddie Cantor Lyda Roberti men go to Mexico one's taken for a bullfighter (1:36) (AMC) Sun 7 am "Kill Me Again" ('89 Crime drama) Val Kilmer Joanne Whalley-KilmFlin with mob loot pays private eye to fake her murder (R Adult situations language violence) (1:31) (HBO) Mon 420 am "Killer Instinct" ('88 Suspense) Melissa Gilbert Woody Harrelson Psychiatrist blamed alter her kills someone (1:36) (UFE) Tue 7 pm "The Killers" ('64 Crime drarna) Lee Marvin Angie Dickinson Hit man and partner blame woman for target's downfall (1:35) (ARTS) Fri 12 pm 2 am 1 Town" "Killing in a ('90 Docudrama) Barbara Hershey Brian Dennehy Lawyer and I |