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Show I I 1 1 Jcih'W ;i; Aula mi ( b ! rn , Iht salt - In - , r in 'i I f& I" t n. "J if h on I 4 ' n " 1,1- i.iin I it ,l 0 U t'u- - iiit II a't 'Aj A j , a ami h r I j v f ,i' I rut n III t !lod ( f ! f ' I, Ai (, v II J ' i v i tin- ft ,1, ' fM nnliniicl )'.' ( ac nun I 1! s 1 nlc fill I ( i"ii Idle-.'- 1 I..p- - l.c lug ii pi t ret i a i i I !h i.i i.iic dti r mi I 11 i I', AC fid lid) ,ii r Hell a dil i css ; c ll tS a ill Id let lisi'il II A di i a cl c In d c d A d Ml Css ( hjllge 111 1) d As lit J !l live ' ' I c I 'tali ( 'Me 1 ' I ( s I., I 1 'I lie ii in, mi i s', n ' " Id C itver, i t ,i ' nd i. d. v let iliii mg (ids t -i t u i iifi pi iijci I 'I - i'd he gi ,s .( A. lilt-- , 'l.c cits to mimini ally, spa alld si icia Is lie n , 'o he ms ols rd e i it iscns and plans mans i . ' di s ' . lnsolsement nil cit: v ipr.it ei uip of people te n hie tits Council." he . a he aie kr.ies 'edgeablc ol what i1 t 'if in eds and what the reside nts ,1 "' Xpl I 's d hi! H nsl ip ol r "in with the ( 'it v Council Ih i o;se ot his business hac ise I a as a ' i ; i ll' I till' pi 'p1!' A dill d'llt tin ac a hn die dll eiith Id're h. dl c I I e : ; A hi.e ' , !' ' '! I t m t After Holidays o ell III, ",il lie, I, let lamiomie M it,'i k h ' e)lie ie if AH ! a M Mi Millan i ah, at the ity's c c nA ( ll - -- is i e I )ivi-in- S' d ' keep in mint! the Id si r to registi r ymn ichiile pi im te expil.dimi regdidle-- - ot whetliel m not sou let ened lencwdl 1mm- - in the n nil less-popu- i ''mi areas "People seem lo think that ihey will find Fdiluie id answer m imnpli with ft lam ti pcs td di iveis license m.i.l t.iri lead lo many serious and espe'i sr, e cmiseijueiH c And ou know d is tough to something it mi h.iient received it in the hist plate base a I..! o lespect lot people "We need te get the in Met pi ei hack a nd complete all the ph.i-'- -. d the master plan," he said During his inauguration the nine mayor told a spill over ctnwd it was and lie wanted them to betheir come nnoKed in ii In support ot that, he said the jdniiruslidhon will commiimty councils and oigame with the luthntive to begin a ,e sjid. ss. especially a small bit mess ' He also is asking the citys Agency for suggestions on ho a to decrease the tune it will take to lecoiip the money to the ai t','s He also will take a hard look at the tion between aie busi-i- ' Rcde-selnpme- t t tats leads "Many mads s in IVt ol I'v the way bylaw drivers license mail is tmisidered properly sent d d is addressed to such person at his address as shown by the ret mils td the depai tmi nt ihe . eek W Heidi, a female daehshund, arrived at S.L. County Animal Shelter with her three male puppies. All four dogs need a home until the puppies can be separated from the mother. Comfort Shoes FOR WOMEN WHO WORK 8910 AH Colors Not dll SIZES Sltm Narrow Medium WdeWde Wide WEST VALLEY SUGAR HOUSE Red Wing Shoe Store 3670 W 3500 So 9S6 8891 Red Wing Shoe Stoie 2100 So 1 100 E. 466 6071 MURRAY MADE WITH PRIDE IN AMERICA Call about our lndustn.il Safety Program PC COMPUTER SCHOOL COURSES BUSINESS APPLICATION iiisnriUnnnnnnmnnnmnnmmDmaMiiM PROGRAM Vocabulary Prolessional Development Accounting Business English s SALT LAKE Vaughn Johnson Shoes 1 35 E 300 So Red Wing Shoe Stole 262-414371 So Slate wvt Stores leather Fully lined Suecial insole with tiny holes lo Soft wedye ventilale perspiration so'-- j (or toot supporl wti SECRETARIAL in all Stytes-Color- s Gtove-sot- t WHITE BRANDYWINE NAVY BLUE BLACK TAN Murrav "and ha shape.' he said, should be rehabilitated " in v OMice 1 J dn.-w- e 'liopelully have better communicd eitiens and ms gm eminent Typing Woml Processing Letter Composition s ss i homo m tend for them- a selves Ms Hieiosl said In reality pets survive only lor a shoit while by scavenging among garbage cans oi attacking midlife or livestock All abandoned pets will die within one year Irmn disease, injury, starvation. dehydration or cruelty. Ms Hre lost added Animal sen ices suggest that people take responsibility for ih.r pels and determine a way of keeping the animals or take them to the animal shelter on-- ( ai ea ! COMPLETE tne li.-i- i i l; u mplos menl pe ll" .miking on an adici .hi.:' nit'. oi ti.e cits to cni'ouiage pol ut ion li ee business into Ihe i IBM Y. ,v, -- leslr s pn lie lus din dil taken step- - I" p tlic nu s appe il d ,i sin re- Ini n; t il Milt challenging ils i mitruu ' 'mister plan hied hi ,i tiiicn-grou- p rDS s. 111 haid-hip- housing and mei bleeding ol pels tlui mg the ( hristmas season haw all t mdi ibuted lo a ci toils pet ahainlon meld pinblem lit Salt Lake Cmintv "At this time of year, people don have much extra money and unfortu nutels Ihe pet is usually Ihe first thing to go." soul Kathi Krevust. in formation coordinator of the Salt Lake County Animal Sen ices Because many people move, live where pets aie not allowed or ret eive an unwanted pit for Chris tnus, there has been an uv r'1., mg number ot l dogs and ca's being dumped in i I' Jlid Me wtell ihes bet n mi Imig mmcc it u 1, el t ht 'f I mi ii,.,. hi gel 'III p; re II leu hdie 'it d .t'ld (idle C nm.ilud dinone but the post elllte t. it low n right mir dd'hess itiangi ("A and w rite a lettei D ll, 'if t e e! ner - I.iccn-- Set i lies I'tUl S g.'ite West We-- t a os Ol tall D! V hr our dm t r s lit cn-- e ur Metm e n l ojhn It Mmm ie Salt eke I ll l I't lh K4 K ir l "III it otds c I I t e I SVT 'n.', i h 'ic,, ' 'I , ig ,,u i ' lie said he is nd as Aomcil aueii ll'c cm s fiitnic ri'snlciiis as Ihe p dilministi dtinn We need u led, ,i A I. ' i ! i l.mn eh pioji ill s i . ' . w ii,i,n i i m , i a ,i ,i clc linn i,i- - ll.e c; ntcis misted t In' in, ai i .in cn cy i mini il a mild n a hn n.ij been ,n dtu t .1 a hilc sci cm emu i m. i . di Ml . t.ei M-- M-- 11 'lid ! mi to m A ! "1 ll.t b.t, k J J. - . I I - A P c. I ('lilt II PIC t Ii.a c d Id men mci,t ih m . I" i '! 111. !.i a- id! .ll tic IKS liml ! ('I Im' A ( d - ac ' i d I f,'V ! Coal of Awe Murray Mayor Is Mora Ciii sen Participation II, ill It '.l, A mi !' ' 'll '.Hi ' cns. 1,, v f - . f DtiJ f i i IHIIM t ci ' '',1 tr( .si i t u.p. d t" ' j fm t ul n 'fi or vori f i' ' ml- ,i D i u W I ( lf tfl ,,)(! Ht'A 'ii j , is iVtn iti Tj i i.oi I, it u' rOHlj if If U o j l v j Ac ",e mu Man I pi, Pill n. A.- - n W "t- - ' - " ' I c; r , ' pc I i P Ini gr V m i II I',-- r 'v i ledge ,s d sda. Januan l)is(ard((l Are Problem C- t. UK a f i Wedm "iilion Is Owner's job 'e f ake Inbuilt 3 WEEK TYPING CLASSES Basic Keyhoarding Skill Building Day or Evening AILCOUN. W DAY OR EVENING PC Technital Institute 5280 5o. 320 W. CALL 263-869- 6 CO-O- P19570R13 Would Like to be Your VtV- v Mr HAIRDRESSERS! K . Wt . ML NS b f UNO NiNij SALt i. LETS GET ACQUAINTED SPBCiALmmm Bring in this coupon and jTfSO for only P205 70R 3 - - jpA P19570R1T P20570R14 IP21570R14 P22b70R14 IP21570R15 P22570R15 P23570R15 P24570R 5 1. UO-O- 3 6526 SOUTH STATE P165 80R13 $34.95 PI 7b 8DR13 S36 95 S36 95 $41 95 $43 95 $44 95 $45 95 $49 95 P185 75R13 jP205 75R14 'P205 75R15 P215 75R15 P225 75R15 P235 75H15 LOTS OF MOVIES" COME m & REWT OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS NO MEMBERSHIP & 7 00 15 C 7 00 16C 7 50 16C 7 50 16D 8 75 16 5D 9 50 16 5D 99l, nS 7 50 R 16 D Lt215 85R16D LI235 85R16E 8 75 9 50 00 SALT LAKE 1147 W. 2100 So. 972-300- 481-869- ! 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