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Show 6E The Sail Lake Tribune, Wednesday, January 22, I'M Super Bowl Sundays a time for friends, food, fun . Super Bowl Sunday is a day for food and fun with friends Gridiron party fare takes many forms, but restless armchair quarter- backs tend to favor casual foods that are easy to eat in front of the television Experienced hosts who would rath- er share the excitement on the screen , than spetid the first half in the kitchen will plan for foods that can be pre- pared in advance, stowed in the refrigerator and reheated as approaches. A hearty stew is sure to s$ore with the fans, and the cook, as 11, and if it boasts lively favors it will rate as many cheers as winning touchdown sTo team with the excitement of $is years Super Bowl, here are two stew recipes that Jciting Can be made a day or two ahead of game. Both use a picante sauce to Streamline preparation and provide Authentic Mexican flavor without kjpg hours in the kitchen. . ' footbal, half-tim- e Tex-Me- te Tex-Me- x Stew JSuper Combines bite-siz- e pieces of boned pid skinned chicken breast with pinto baans, vegetables and seasonings for Bowl Chili-Chicke- n alight yet satisfying stew-lik- e n varia-Jm- of Texas favorite food, chili. colorful array of A top-apin- adds to the relaxed, informal 'atmosphere of the occasion e Stew is a colorful combination of stew meat and 'Vegetables in a spicy broth that takes flavor cue its Jrom a blend of beef broth, picante sauce and cumin. A hearty meal in , itself, it needs only a crusty loaf of bread or a basket of warmed tortillas fto complete the fiesta Stew Super Bowl 3 whole chicken breasts, split, boned and skinned Tex-Me- x Half-Tim- Chili-Chicke- n 1 . ,1 ; cup chopped onion medium green pepper, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced tablespoons vegetable oil 2 cans (14h ounces each) ( stewed tomatoes 1 can ( 15 Vi ounces) pinto beans, drained h to cup prepared picante sauce, as desired 2 teaspoon salt teaspoon ground cumin 2 cloves garlic, minced can (16 ounces) tomatoes 3 medium carrots, cut into nch pieces 2 ears fresh or thawed frozen corn, cut into pieces (canned corn may be used) 2 medium zucchini (about teaspoon chili ponder 1 teaspoon ground cumin h teaspoon salt Shredded Cheddar cheese Green onion slices Diced avocado Sour cream 1 1 1 1 1- -i Cut chicken into pieces Cook chicken, onion, green pepper and garlic in oil in Dutch oven until chicken loses its pink color Add to- 1 pound) cut into matoes, pinto beans, picante sauce, chili powder, cumin and salt; simmer 20 minutes Vi 2 Ladle stew into bowls, top with cheese, onion, avocado, sour cream and additional picante sauce, as desired Makes six to eight servings, about nine cups stew. Tex-MeHalf Time Stew In large Dutch oven, brown meat, half at a time, in hot oil. Return all meat to Dutch oven. Add broth, hot water, picante sauce, onion, parsley, salt, cumin and garlic. Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Cover and simmer one hour or until meat is tender. Drain and coarsely chop tomatoes, reserving juice. Add tomatoes and juice to Dutch oven with carrots, corn and zucchini. Cover and simmer 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Gradually add cold water to flour, mixing until smooth. Gradually stir into stew. He.t to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute or until thickened. Makes eight servings, about 10 cups stew. x pounds boneless beef stew meat, cut into pieces 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 can (10A ounces) condensed beef broth 2 cup hot water cup picante sauce' 1 medium onion, cut into wedges U cup chopped parsley pieces cup cold water tablespoons flour 1 1 h-in- meal wins the encasual, dorsement of TV football fans. This Super A help-yourse- lf Bowl for a Chili-Chicke- no-fus- n s, Stew is just the ticket satisfying kettle of goodness. Not burn -- your -- mouth hot, just flavorful chili sirloin or chuck, cut in use both in the same chili . . . each one has such an assertive flavor. The most prominent spice in Chili is the blend chili powder, followed by onion, garlic powder, cumin, oregano, tarragon, bay leaf, black and red pepper, allspice and a bit of brown sugar to enrich the flavors. This is not a "burn your mouth" chili, but a deliciously flavored one for anybodys chili pot. Norb Bischoff, a lawyer who thrives on scuba diving and competing in chili cookoffs, was winner of this years Golden Chili Pepper award at the International Chili Cookoff in Rosamond, Calif Every year the American Spice Trade Association makes this award to the cookoff competitor whose recipe shows the most creative use of spices. Mr. Bischoff, who hails from Fort Thomas, Ky has competed in more than nine states, winning a number of cookoffs. When asked whether he varies the spicing from time to time, he replied, "Well, I sometimes substitute dill weed for the tarragon, but I never Bis-chof- 1 2 (29 i teaspoon ground black pep- ounces) tomato cups water Hcup instant minced onion tablespoons chili powder tablespoon light brown sugar l'i teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 2 j 1 tablespoons vegetable oil pound marrow bones pounds boneless beef round, teaspoon oregano leaves, crushed 1 per teaspoon ground allspice 116 teaspoon ground red pepper 2 bay leaves Vs 2G Bischoffs Chili 2 can sauce 1 crushed ch cubes In a large saucepot heat oil until hot. Add bones; brown on all sides, about 5 minutes. Remove bones. Add half the beef; cook and stir until brown. Remove with a slotted spoon. Repeat with remaining beef. Return all beef and bones to saucepot. Add tomato sauce, water, onion, chili powder, brown sugar, garlic powder, cumin, oregano, tarragon, black pepper, allspice, red pepper and bay leaves. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, until meat is tender, about 2 hours, adding more water if needed. Remove bay leaves and bones. Yield Six to eight portions (about 4 cups). h teaspoon tarragon leaves, Q CEEGBu MEXP1RES 33186 foh3 mnniL qbeg OR SAVE 09Lemon ON ANY 6 oz. or 10 oz. or Regular ENDUST Only one coupon redeemable per purchase and only lor (his product RETAILER Vou are authorized to act as our agent and redeem this coupon at lace value plus 6c tor handling in accordance with our redempiion policy copies available upon request Send coupons to Coupon Redemption Center P0 Box 3030 Elm City North Carolina 27898 CONSUMER OF ANY KINO PER PURCHASE LIMIT ONE COUPON MAR OFFER EXPIRES 31 39768 1U6 PISCOUNTjCOUiy)NSlNewspapeilCojIOpjCoupomng Norb Bischoff, the creator of deliciously seasoned chili, won the Golden Chili Pepper Award in Rosamond, Calif, this year. Dip Come learn about the program of for EXTREMELY RAPID free UNDER MEDICAL SUPERVISION WEIGHT LOSS Let our team of physicians and psychologists help you lose weight and keep it off forever. THE SALT LAKE 75 rs lean of uf cot(if tl U Ix1 W'O't Attend run ' m tr Ik ot h Kh mi plm I (.' tf t .Ml i Ip h n g 1 Sfl hjaay, nrrtsixKACt n !h y u S ii !. t iS t ii pH St r ,"'' ii1 a ' i tti t At vi.hI f A ml Ar H n t S If S Hi Medical Village (i IliiM 1 mil S S 2180 E.ist 4500 South, Suite 285, Suit luko City Wed., Jan. 22nd, 7:30 p.m. Sut., Jan. 25th, 1 p I r A A ' I'iht' .IN Hi n IS (t ' Call I'H HriaiiPf icePsd FtBMUAKYlS.mSl MAN M O'u t 14 w ( iHiMis S' 1 obligation t 'Tr v ' Ay ' 1.0 1W(X rtto ,HA.rs tr l fW'tnSbrei1( ti, tf i n a (Mu At a Free, no information meeting. lom' OAv U S ivkiv i t 1)1 u U chips orr ( h ps WSTiTOS Ri !( S twa' ) Hd loMiiij b h pv Tort'll ("hipv i a s rwe Uto( h pv Rlif Ft I S bra d iVitatoi h p OGHAOVS yo ( rxwi W'V hoos Iron tw Ml U (!'' ti v IHJHON t M't uNI PIHii ',h 'Ml Mini luNSiit 'MASS! UAHl t (6.5 oz. or larger). 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