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Show 100 Help Wanted rv iertfj A35T jObrEu Employment Agency DESIGNER for on ExCLuSiYE HiTCHEN 5TjOtO aiMj Bath i OlETAjy ort o m OietQTy lo 7 3C to 4 wit worn FARMER NEEDED for remote central Nevada aitaita farm. Pivot rr gutiori operation. Must oe aoie to maintain ana repair ooiet y swamers etc Career opportunity for qualified per sar end resume to. Owner P O Boa oood9, Stotts Vaiiev CA 950oe FiTne RA'VEC.ERK per ar every omer eeend P'u nursoov ana Fnaoy will n e pnones record meal 3nj cnonfs, run errands. ceonnq from g Fridov pm. Monday thru IDS HOSPITAI r van hL cr repair FURNACE hr excelNEED tQu lent ca. very busy Stocev Acme Employment Agency 532 42'1 file clerk DRIVERS WANTED Qualified semi van drivers. v.mmum 24 years 01a and 3 yeas GTR experience 18 mile storting, 3 mile pertormance bonuses. Paid hospital insurance jcin The Best And Fastest Growing Company Around PST VAN, INC - W1 West 2100 South PiVERS POFESSlONAL DRIVERS, SOLO and TEAM OPERATORS needed for West Coast and Eastern routes Competitive pay with consistent miles. Fuel bonus and safety bonus, paid msixance, wocahon and layovers. Most com- pa prehensive avail and benefits Model OfR required 100,000 or Kenworths. Coll Greg, offices 25YRS. OLDER OR CAB CO WOMAN OR Of income during Hgh bet 35V 7788 SK i season cabs also avoil a.m 12 Noon only 10 DRIVERS Par Hme, day 0 week Drive cars oer the ouchon block Fun, inter eihng wort. Must be 23 or over. Apply in person, 460 Orange St. ( 1900 West) TRlCK DRIVER WANTED for deliver at construction equipment to kd sites. Meehantea obiiity nep-f- u Apply at 2350 So. West Tem-pfLund Machinery Company. DRIVERS Over the rood, experienced, safe, caeful drivers wonted Good pay, pkjs incentive Good fringes. Coll Her ay or Charlie, ORi ERS QUALIFIED SEMI DRIVERS. Good pay ond benefits. Good equipment. Apply 16j0 West 500 So. West Bountiful DRIVER needed for smai van between S.L C ond Richfield, 2 afternoons per week Must be 21 or older. Apply In person p m., East 600 wonted 33 Tuesdoy-Fridcr- DRiVERsolesperson So S5 per hr , bonus opportunities. Send brief resume to ED HUME SEEDS INC, PO Box. 1450, Kent, WA, 8032 Hiring immediately DRIVER: Auto parts delivery, good record, apply m person, Japonese Cor and Truck Parts, 1886 West 5400 So. Team. Casual or Full states. Troctor'Troiler experience required DRIVERS. time 48 STEWART TRUCKING, the Rood; 3 years years okl Tanker exper preferred Call Drivers (all types) JOBTELL Employment Agency er DRIVERS-Ov- 21 exper., DRIVER $3 50 HOUR SELECT Employment Agency RY CLEANING Presser needed, port time. Apply 2313 East Parleys Way. DRYCLEANING Attendant and or experienced Monoger ASST. DRYCLEAN $4 35 tr Select Employment Agency ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS Assemblers needed for tong term assignment, exper. ondor schooling in soldering, wiring, restuffing, color work, codes. No lees, we pay weekly. Aocky today immediate openings SOS TEMPORARIES Industrial Division 26 East 600 South Electrician, Journeyman Nevo- - do wk industriolexp $13 hr plus sub Utah Contractor. 2 El ECTRICIANS WANTED vrs. exper Must be State licensed F or oppi, hr Electronic Tech JOBTELL Employment Agency Etocbir s $13 hr t Employment Agency ENGINEER ELECTICAL DESIGNER Consulting engineering firm es indtvidua with minimum of 3 yrs. experience In designing tommercia electrkol systems. Send resume to P O Box 5 11 26 1, S.LC,Ut8415M26l Our employees know of this od ENGINEERING manufacturing plus veers mochine Ports planning experience with working knowledge of APT ond or ADAPT prop oms Cat Immed ROv, 974 Ut. Si C hutier service group So 1900 positions ovoitaoie, term. Cal Mono West. Roy Ut, 84067 ENGINEERING kGV compony needs Protect Man oge, Contid Engineer, Field Installation Engineer ond Engineering Monoger to start mediately Pleose coll Robert Oiiphont, 1(103) Apogee Ft Collins, Cotorodo GENERAL SECRETARY $800 mo. Get some bonking and computer on ai. Cat experience will right owov Cai Noncy Alto View Employment Agency. OFFICE $880 mo. Exciting position. Wort well under wai Street atmosphere I need you Alfa View EmNoncy ployment Agency SECRETARYBOOK-KEEPEGENERAL ran general $1,250mo. Greet Roboficv I ORAL DESIGNER Interviewing t experienced Flora Designer Must hove I yr designing exper In retail flower shop Please cai 969 7786 tor appt pany. Fun boss, tost raises. Call now Pom Alto View Employment Agency GENERAL OFFICE $900 mo Working m an exerting atmosphere wth the stocks exchange Cai by AM. Pom Alto View Employment Agency GENERAL OFFICE Good office SkilK Typing phone wort Some computer exper helpful. Coll between 930 am. and 3 pm Mldvoie area ad maGENERAL ture, non smoker Telephone, typing, filing Some credit wort. weekdays, ) only GENERAL OFFICE' Accounts Payable Ciert Computer exp helpful. 10 kev and typing skills required $5 hr Depending on exp GENERAL OFFICE. Co. will train. Mature ond reliable Sandy area. $4 hr. Sneliing & Snelllng Employment Agency GENERAL OFFICE WILL TRAIN) Must type 50 wpm. $7 16 mo. Quality Employment Agency GENERAL OFFICE (PART TIME) 9 to 1. 40 WPM $3.35 - UP Qudfty Employment Agency: GENERAL OFFICE $5--7 hr JOBTELL Employment Agency GLASS Experienced Residential Giazer needed. Pay according to exper. Need own fools. Call ask tor Keith. plus mo Select GLASS Employment Agency GREENHOUSE hr Reliable vaid divers Ikense necessary plus good references. Cai 486-- 186 for appointment HOTEL TRIAD HOTEL & SHERATON TOWERS is seeking quoiified candidates for the following positions. ASSISTANT BANQUET CHEF. years experience in high vaume banquet operation (700 people or more). tertiary Hospital, a CWf toochlng ond referra center ter the Inter mountoln Region, invites applications tor Director of Food Services Qualifications Include excellent leadership M One part time Other clerk will be on F H V rating ability a furniture cotoiog dept Background should be in retail and wholesale management Responsible individual should cai kip tor an appt MANAGER WANTED Experience in fast food operation and management skills required. Ph. after rail as needed for interview INSURANCE' Clerical mo. Outstanding oppty as commercial lines asst, tor someone with prooerty, casualty and bondRETAIL MANAGEMENT ing exper Medica bnfts., profit NO FEES. Jem OPPORTUNITY sharing. Please come in knmedfatHv and Sneliing & Sneliing Employment an explication form. No Agency CURTIS America's targ-eMATHES, cats ptoose. INSURANCE RATER exclusive chain electronic home entertainment retailers has Long haul experience helpful Solary ALTA VIEW an immediate opening tor o qualiooen. Excellent benefits. For appt. fied Store Monoger in the Salt call HOSPITAI Lake Crtv Area The successful candidate will hove a Human Resources Department proven track record in running 6 INVENTORY Million Data or iager, own 9660 South 1300 East CLERKS goods or related operations, be Sandy. UT 84070 aoie to relocate as necessay to Eaua Opportunity Employer (Temporary) odvonce his or her caeer Counts inventory bock storooe Abilexperience should inity to lift 40 lbs and write legibly retail business clude ai aspects required Prior inventory experifrom to merchandising, to scies 40 hours weekly, ence preferred. HOSPITAL SERVICES P&L management, 8 hours doily From February 3 to these requirement describe vow 1986 Must wort 17, Feuruary HOLY background, ond you are seeking February 15, 16 ond 17 $4 00 per a program which will alow and how. Application deodline, Januencouroge the development ary 31, 1986. Apply m person at: VALLEY your full potential, please send UNIVERSITY Of UTAH your resume to, or cal: osk HIRING Geaga by Jan. 27, 1986. HOSPITAL 1030 Annex Building Soft Lake City, Utah 84112 CURTIS MATHES OF UTAH Equal Opportunity Employer UT WEST 2250 West 3500 So. West Valiev City UT84119 INVENTORY Equal Opportunity Employer M, F Auditors toe one ot Inventory PHARMACIST America's largest professional inventory services is now accepting Registered Pharmacist needed e applications permanent permanent part time position MANAGEMENT e and some positions. (Saturday and vocation relief) at Paid training program with rapid our Medica Clinic Pharmocy. 1ST SECURITY LEASING CO. mcr after eases merit pay completion training. Travel opportunities. Company PHARMACY TECH aptransportation provided. Part time position working afterplication and interview come to 6 pm - 4 dovs 5 pm noons 3575 So. Mom St - 5 dovs. Strong background on Monday thru Friday CRT aato entry, bookkeeping and INVENT OR Y Port time only. RGlS DEPARTMENT typing required, Inventory Speoolists. Days oniy. Supervises and works with staff of details cat Starting 5 am., 6 am. Must hove responsible fa d own phone and No Qua Director Human Resources lego! documentaaeoaotion hours dovs. Flexible tion commerciol lease transschedule. Great 1345 Eost I st South housewives, actions ond related customer constudents others. 10 Key helpful. tact Must hove bachelor's Salt lake City, Utah 84102 Stating woge. $4 75. Applications degree, aevious simitar experiJon. p.m. bemgtaxenon Eaua Opportontty Employer ence in taw financia insti3808 So. West Temple, Suite 2A, ond superia agonizatonof, tution, Soft and City Interview HOSTESS. Port time evenings. skills. and kmguoge analytical, RGlS an Eouoi is testing some day $5hour Cai Danny Opportunity Employer. Eaua Opportunity Employer Send resume to. EksAyn Anderson First Security Leasing Co. HOUSEKEEPING 38 Eost Broodway, SLC, 84 111 a a a MARKETING MECHANIC: fa JORDAN, fa MANAGER, Fa DOCUMENTATION a fa a ca a fa a fa am a Le a wort every weekend some weekends and some weekdays on an basis. Accepting from 8 Fridov. fa applications review am. 4 p.m. Monday thru LDS HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING Experienced Hotel ond Motel housekeepers needed. Above average pay fa right person. Must be dependable; willing to wort! APPLY: THE RESIDENCE 765 EAST 400 SOUTH INN HOUSEKEEPER fa targe raat-mea- t complex central facilities, such os recreation room and laundries, must be dependable, excellent benefits. Apply at 3839 So. 2A West Temple fa HOUSEKEEPERS Pak City's finest homes. Must hove experi- ence, references, and reliable hicle Cai caiect An Equa Opportunity Employer Supervisa Housekeeping long term core focility. The idea MANAGEMENT condidate will possess monogen-- a experience and a knowledge ot cleomng equipment Outstanding benefits mcl. life, medica and dental msaoce, paid time oft and educations assistance. Apply m APARTMENT person at HHIhaven C onvols Center, 41 So 900 Eost, SLC 5323539 equa opportunity employer 'h COMMUNITY JANITOR $140- wk. JOBTELL Employment Agency JOB DEVELOPER' INSTRUCTOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE & C STREET on equal opportunity employer-mf- MANAGER Temporary. Education ond Leading Utah development company has resident monoger opening degree in related aeo and-for exclusive oduit apartment experience desired in employment reodmess and creating community Requires Strong Apply opportunities. employment background in apartment monto person, 1776 So. West Temple. ogement, Certifirotion helpful Close 1" 30 86 Must live on site. Send resume to Code 0146 in care of this newsoo-peEqua Opportunity Employer PO Box 45838, Solt Lake City, JOB DEVELOPER-TempaorEducation ond degree UT 84145 in reiaed aeo onda experience desired In creating employment opportunities. Apoiy in person, 1776 So. West Temple Close 130 86 Equa Opportunity Employer ve- POBox Pak City Ut 64060 osk cai a fa EMPLOYMENT FEDERAL Ken MANAGEMENT PROTECTIVE OFFICERS PATIENT Full time position Exper ience county ing with ixfi lent deal- a government Insur-on- componles, requited. ogenctfyftc and Accepting Applications Between I a m 2 no on Monday through Fridov Mosters CHILDREN'S PRIMARY MEDICAL CENTER 370 IDS HOSPITAL )7th Avenue City, Utah ice Phone SjI 84103 1651 (I anted Annex, a Primary off F Childrens and 1th Avenue Sheet) Equa Opportunity S Good peooto skills, work ethic. Ond experience in generol repolrs ond maintenance required. Deliver resume or apply tn person. Wdkxe Associates Monogement South Mom, Suite 500 Sait City, Utah 841 U )65 hospital Federal Protective Officers provide security services tor the General Services Administration Application lor these positions will be accepted January ?1 through January 31. 1986 Starting salary is $12,682 per year with an increase to $14,390 upon the successtul completion of the first year Application forms and information on (tie required written test may be obtained at the Federal Protection and Safely Division District Office. Room 401 Past OfficeCourfhouse Building 350 South Main Street. Salt Laka City. Utah 84101. or by calling (801) 524 5293 Information may also be obtained from Use Office of Personnel Management. 12345 West Alameda Parkway. Lakewood. Colorado 80228, or by calling (303) 236 4159 II Federal Employee Gowrnpnl is jn kjujI oioorlurnly fmplowi l(e MANAGFMFNT FULL TIME MANAGEMENT POSITION AVAILABLE Must hove knowledge of custodial maintenance ond fh use of Chemkois ond supervising people locoi refs required Salary negot Coll for Inter views 977 3 580 8 need apply Live in. . housework and cooking. Live in or out References. Foreign speaking OK NT Utah firm H seeking an experienced qualified manag r for locillty Soft i akf area Candidate Is expected to occept future executive monogemr it position Degree or equivalent exper required, capable of lead tog and supervising Fuel lent comtxmy benefits Send re lumes to O Nelson POBox 6;l Mghom City, Utah, 14)02 a resume to or PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER 12th Avenue City, Utah 84103 Phone 320 R.N.s Equal Opportunity MEDICINE range of medical conditions are cared tor on this primary nursing unit Pert time posi tion (24 hours- week) available. 1045 East st So. I Ford, ience 6v NURSE for part time RN-- part time LPN 12 hour doy shift Flexible scheduling to work 2 to 4 shifts per month. Mm. potential for full film In the future Call Shieia for interview appt Gos Lob including program development, monitoring, ond teoching. Requirements: Mm. I year experience in blood gas area, ond must be familiar with several automated blood gos NURS- Esystems. Tonometry ond comput-e- r Highly moflvotec people needed for weight toss background preferred. BS BA clinic in 3 locations. $7 plus' hr Nc in medicol technology. Registry ' week ends. Call holiday (MT'ASCP). Accepting required, resumes for review. NURSE AIDE Certified Home Health Aides needeo for exponding Home Heoith Agency. Flexible hours, excellent benefits. Must hove experience one for good references. Ccril IDS HOSPITAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE 4 C STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84143 an equol opportunity employer-nvt- appointment NURSE'S AIDE: REGISTERED NURSES RNs needed for the following areas: Float Staff, Medkol Unit, Surgical Unit, OBGYN. ond New Born Nursery Flexible staffing req. Benefits commensurate with hrs. worked. For more Info, contact Joan Kelm, Nursing EmSt Beneployment Coordinator, dicts Hospital, 5475 So. 500 East, Ogden, UT MEDICAL Full time, part time ond on coll positions Ovoil. for RNs to work in NBlCU, l2rotahng shifts, noprevi-ou- s HOUR SELECT Agency 5618380 $6 NBlCU exp necessory Contact Marlene Bott, Nurse Recruiter at Utoh Volley Reoionol Equol MEDICAL CLINIC A rctf ol medical clink is in need of o tall hme Physicions Assistant Excellent sotof v ond benefits. Pleose submit resume ond phone number to Code 0120 in care of this newspaper, PO Box 45838, Salt Lake City, UT 84145 ME.DKAL RN'S .om exjr new Resource benefits worked 30, bosed on hours or Full , Hospital re- medicalsurgica! maternal newborn or ICU MEDICAL Full hme position available for Register ed Med T ech Musi be able to work day shift and weekends, ASCP required. Contact Personnel Office, iJtah voiiev Regional Medical Center, Equol Opportunity Employer UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES An Equal Opportunity Employer Nursing RN SUPERVISOR Part time administrative nursing supervisor needed to supervise newly developing progroms In Home Heotth Agency Supervisory experience needed. BSN required, MSN preferred. Call for appointment NURS1NGSALES with Full time employee in soles heotth field Proven ability to generate leods. build networks. Experience In heotth care profession a real plus. Send resume ond sokry requirements to: H.RV PO. Box 15159, Salt Lake City, Utah 84)15 NLPTIONIST postion appreferred P e proximately 8 to 12 hours per week tor Home Heotth Agency Previous Home Heotth Experience preferred. for appointment OFFICE AAANAGER for construction 0 field office Quolifkofions, type wpm., 10 key by touch, organizational, filing skills. Min. 2 yrs. supervisory office exper Construction background pref. Willing to relocate Salary negotiable Contact Western Utility Contractors, 100 So. Mam, Pleasant Grove, Ut. 84062. Attn. Oove Franc om. Coll OFFICE PERSON: Able to meet the public, office and elerkat skills, neat personal appearance, dependable Apply in person only at 3839 West Temple So OF F ICE Monoger CLINICAL SPECIALIST, PATIENT EDUCATION COORDINATOR ROOM OPERATING ADULT PSYCHIATRY 0NC0L0GYLAF 2A, 4 Seer etar y type $1,000 mo. Agency OPTICAL ASSISTANT, experienced offke and prescription. United OptkolCo Fashion orient- ORGANIZATIONAL RFSOURCE effecMonoge the organizational tiveness of o plywood ond lumber mfg Complex dedicated to being the best through the recondition ond development of ft s mor e than 500 employees, located In Omofc Washington In the heart of north central Washington. Qualified applicants will hove an appropriate blend of formoi education in the field of organizational development and proven successful leadership experience ond the ability to develop leadership In others. Solar y commensurate wrth expeSend resume attention rience. Crown Don Vanarsdoie, Omak Operations, Route 2 Box 54, Omc WA 90841 Equol Opportunity Employer Coll ARUP Personnel, Ml DiCAl RE CORD CLERK Full time, skilled nursing focility needs medkol record clerk good cleric ol skills, oood Center benefits Higfuond 278 ?8)9 Ce PAYROLL O ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY CLERK has on immediate opening a Payroll Clerk in our Payroll Department SURGICAL Smctok for CARDIOVASCULAR poyroll MEDICAL ExteUenf bv ond typing, CRT computer experience Is also requir ed Only thove with previous payroll experience pleose apply PRNP00L WARD CLERKS aiov We hoe imred jte openings At Assistant merHcol offke, Murray area Full time Monday thru Friday, greet benefits expe'ienced $l,000mo" Co expenses pukj l need you Ml RCMANDiSf car, oil R 768 6669 Sneliing NOW Peggy and Sneliing F mptoyrnent Eost J900 South, i 207 H umr MINUTF Now hk tog per son to koto os h4f spec toiist E xper ience nec esu to lube field AjpW 4n person No phone colls please! )J07 So 2Dth per no. All around gol for small office 9am. to 5pm, Mon. thru Fri. All benefits and pleasant working conditions. Apply at Sport Court of America, 840 West 2500 South No phone coils. $900 Deborah RECEPTIONIST SALT LAKE CLINIC 40 position hours per week including H day every other Saturday Must hove good phone and interpersonal skills. Preferred mature, conscientious person expenence wrth the public and heotth care Con0 tact Mrs. Christenson e PROGRAMMER leading computer graphics company has an immediate opening for on Applications Programmer to deveiope CAD CAMCAE software for appikahons in FORTRAN on VAXs running VMS. Requires BSCS or equivalent and 5 years experience Expertise in other program longuoges, (especially PASCAL) IS a plus. Apply to Personnel or send resume in core of Professional Placement to: EVANS & SUTHERLAND COMPUTER CORPORATION P O Box 8700 SLC, UT Phone (801) equal opportunity employer- RECEPTIONIST: hr $4.25 White has an opening Water tor Receptionist to anwser phone, type, ond wort with the public. Typing speed ot 60 wpm required as well os on ability to deal effectively wrth the public Scott Receptionist PBX oper. type 50 plus, gen. off skills, long term assignment, Sondv area, No Fee coll Mono Alto View Temporaries, - RECEPTIONIST- Weil groomed, pieasont yoke with PROGRAMMER ANALYST proven ability to handle high volCHALLENGING position requires ume phone svstom. Coll Lori tor thorough knowledge of IBM Asinterview, sembler ond online programming skilled in public reexperience. CiCS Database. RECEPTIONIST lations. Mature People detail ori2 OSMVS experience plus. ented for fitness studio. Evenings years programming plus degree and Sotordoy. Call Vicki, or equivalent experience required. Solory commensurate RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY 0 wrth experience Send resume to: wpm, dictaphone necessary. Sun Carriers, 2500 Cotftornio Ave., $800-- $ 1,000 mo. Apply in person S.L C UT 84108, Attention. Appli540 West 3560 So. cations Manager RECEPTIONIST wanted, must know to $35,000 yr 10 key Programmers and type accurately. JOBTELL Employment Agency Pieasont telephone voice. Call for an appt., ask tor Chris RECEPTIONIST TYPIST. LoH of variety, plush office, type 45 wpm, CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY $1,000 mo. Sneliing & Sneliing Employment Agency DIRECTOR RECEPTIONIST $5-- hr JOBTELL Employment Agency LDS Hospital, a 520 bed tertiary care teoching ond refeirol center RECEPTIONIST- - 60 wpm typing, for the Inter mountain region, is filing, phones. accepting applications far DirecRECEPTIONIST- $4 hour SELECT tor of our Clinicol Psychiatry Dept Employment Agency. Include excellent Qualifications leadership ond public relations RENTAL AGENT, skills, along wrth o BS and miniCome grow wrth us. Large growing mum 5 vears proven experience compony has a need tor outgoing in management ond clinical well groomed person who enjoys psychiatric oreo. Master degree people. Good benefits. Basic office preferred. Excellent pay rotes skills preferred. Pleose apply In ond o comprehensive benefits person at 3839 So. West Temple 2A. Mondov-Fripockoge offered. Pleose submit No experiresume In confidence to. ence a necessary LDS HOSPITAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 8TH AVENUE & C STREET SLC, UT 84143 or equol opportunity employer-mf- PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR a month. Closes January 28th at 5 pm. 6 vears successful demonstrated professional employment in water, sewer, streets, engineering, solid weaste and porks functions of the city of which Includes 2 vears responsible demonstrated supervisory experience. Apply Vernal City Personnel offke, 495 East RENTAL AGENT Come grow wrth us. Large growing company has o need tor outgoing well groomed person who enjoys people Good benefits. Bosk office skills preferred. Please apply In person at 3839 So. West Temple 2A. Monday-FrlNo experience necessary REPORTER: The Park Record, an award winning weekly newspo-pe- r in Park Ctty is seeking an experienced reporter who can cover cxi thing from sports to news to arts. Photoff aphk rtiltty desireo-t- e Send resume and clips to Janice Perry, P 0. Box 3688, Park City, Ut 84060 wk Reservations JOBTELL Employment Agency Moln, Vernal, Utah, 84078. PUBLISHING RESPIRATORY OPERATIONS MANAGER Nationoi publisher looking for on Operations Monoger tor Its Soft Lake City pubikafloa Candidate will hove PROVEN leadership ability, g ond skills. Also required: monogement experi-enc- e w advertising soies, mar printing production, distribution and odmlnsislt crtioa This is 0 rar e opportunity with o fast growing compony if vou are the best and cun pr ice It, send i esume to Dept SLC, 13525-J2nd Ave NE, Seattle WA. 98175 THERAPIST Must be re gts teredor registery eligible Full Hme position. Agent $750 wk Purchasing J08TE LL Enipioyment Agency RADIO AIR PERSONALITY Immediate opening on C&W Rodlo Station, in smoli but growing market Derto, UT Experience or troining preffered. Accepting Applications Between 0 am 2 noon Monday through Friday PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER 320 Soft 12th Avenue Lake Cfty. Utah 84 Phone 52M65I 103 (located at Primary Children's Annex, off 13th Avenue ond F Street) Equal Opportunity NetWare Software Instructor Employer D Grods. W Ond port lime LDS Humon 8h Salt competitive salary and company benefits okmg with an excellent working environment Pleose coll for an appointment between 9 am 3pm Non smokmg We offer for Offke Sinclair Oil HOSPITAI A,ee & Corporation C Street UT 84143 550 usi So 5i le(.y Col 321 1012 lor oppt equal oihxm tonify emptovti m f hv Instruction In educational environ- ment. yeara work experience required. For Immediate consideration, forward your resume to: Personnel Depertmenl, Novell, Inc., 746 North 1340 Weel, Orem, UT 64057. Resources Dept lake Gfy. Teaching programming specifically for applications calls to NetWare Operating System lor multi user function. Support customer through Inferface with other Novell Departments Develop and write Instructional material. Travel required. Experience In software programming of multi user applications. 1- -3 ond for new RN's e 7 plus vears experience generol light ledger, reconciliation, touch na benefits Regular hours Appiy 359 East Eighth Ave Suite 206 Assls Ml DK AI Pedkiti k Offk font Part time Immediate open to 475 Medkol resume tog Bring O lv, 207, Bountitul must hove You MEDICAL Assistant Receptionist SAIT LAKE CUNlC help needed tn De totogy Monduv. Tuesday, Wed. Frkkjy 8om-- 0apm Contact Mrs Rogers. Ml OK AI OR Tf CHNlClAN for knee surgery, orthroscopy SERIVCES YOU BUSY DIALYSIS CENTERS MEDICAI Medicol Tronscriptlonist needed part time Medkol terminology, previous experience, eo wpm type dovs Salary negotiable Contact or weekly. Coil Notees-wepa- appointment at 2633883. SOS TEMPORARY WE CAN YOU KEEP offke-t- ed Experience preferred. Full or osk for Kris part time GERONTOLOGY 'MEDICAL RN with mosters degree ond medical sugicoi experience to function os CUnkion, Educator, Consultant ond Researcher Resumes, pleose tor MS OPTICIAN Dispensing Optician experience pharmacist immediate tall time position tor Staff Phormocist Rotating shifts ond weekends Must hove license for state of Utah Contact Personnel Office, Utah Volley Regional Medical Center need ICU RN's in Bountiful and 7 shift. Farmington area, for Please coll tor more info, year current Joy's Employment I minimum quires Pools differentia! Salary plus Employer RN'S NURSE aides needed. Personable bright, mature persons who like choosing their own hours one hove of least year experience ond own transportation to work for o well established home health agency. If interested coll 6v CHIEF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Needed in our Blood Gas Lab to wort per week. 7 to 3:30 shift. Will supervise the Quolity Assurance activities ot the Btaod NURSING We 6c MECHANIC Hondo of Bountiful DIRECTOR OF NURSING d For Long Core Facility Supervisory experience necessary. Knowledge of Medicare ond Medkatd. Familiar with state and federal regulations Call Eloine Mortensen, Administrator, for appt. An Equal Opportunity wont APPLICATIONS NURSING lake City, Ut 84102 Equal Opportunity Employer years experience Contact Experienced mechanic wanted for Employer UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES Salt CLUB PROGRAMMER RN'S, LPN'S WE NEED YOU. Immediate openings available, oil shifts, choose your own schedule. Call tor appt. R.N. BELL. NURSE RECRUITER MECHANIC JOURNEYMAN PRIVATE a tew openings tor qualified bartenders, waitresses- waiters ond monogement personnel. 3849 west 5400 So Noon hi 6. RECEPTIONISTS Experienced receptionists needed for o var iety of interesting assignments. Good professional appearance, pleasing phone voice, and ability to droi wrth the public mandatory Typing is needed. Wort when you wait, where you Still A A full BEVERLY PRINTING Company Neds Folder and Cutter operator Must know paper sizes ond weights. Experience only Woges ooen. Utah Printing Co 2855 So West Temple 2 A full 839Q, Boise, Idaho, 83707. MECHANICTUNE-UTECHNICIAN. Must know scopes, own tools, neat appearance, refs. Full benefit pkg., 5 day week, mgmt. potential Drew, MECHANIC FOREIGN CAR MECHANIC EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Apply 363 East 3900 South in small shop in Davis County References, samples, coll for interview, PRINTING WE RE looking tor o feeder helper on a 5 color Cutter to oer operator 17 2 coioi pressman. Apply ah 2185 South 900 Eost lequired NURSING time position 1$ available or our unit We feature a mui haisocHinarv team in o therapeu tic milieu. Minimum year Psycf RN expenence requested. able within our office Position involves interviewing and customer service, wrth generol offke responsibilities, must be outgoing, enthusiastic, ana able to handle busy front office Advoncement potent! ol ond tall benefits. Apply Mon-Fbtwn lam or TEMPORARY CONNECTION 201 180 Eost 2100 So WE PAY HOURLY SALARY experienced pressmon needed Lce Soft Were Sait Lake City s fastest growing temporary service We hove a permanent position avail- PRODUCTION TEAM MEMBER, Dominos National Commisssary. Heavy lifting involved ond restaurant exper Apply in person between p m on Jon. 16, 17, 20, 21,23 2288 West Custer (1775 So.) CHILD couple is m need of on exper lenced woman to care tor their Infant child in their home Hoilodoy area. Rets, coll- Beveriee Aaron Director of Employment psych RECEPTIONIST in an administrative supervisory position Strong monogement theory background ond dmicoi experience Degree in Nursing or Management related field is desired. HOSPITAi Immediate opening mechanics and shoo foreman tor trucking firm in Arizona Send resume. PO. Box Medicol Center, Opportunity Employer DIRECTOR HOLY CROSS MECHANICS. for diesel MECHANIC TUNE-UTECHNIC nec. Coil Sandy Tunex NURSING MANAGEMENT tor RN with Position available minimum of 2 years experience BOISE HOMES is from enerexcepting appiicoh getic, seif motivated individuals wno want to wu k m a fust paced environment This position es genet ol office sk ills, typing 60 wpm, filing, answering phones ond neipmfl customers Wot a processing skills neiptui but not required. This person will also be helping the personnel and bookkeeping areas. Must be at gunized tented. Position will and detail be open FeO. 15, 1986 Please apply at 6291 W 9800 So is PRESS Operator $7 hr 4663939 JOBTELL Employment Agency PRINTERS, shift, and weekExperience re- needs experienced ogeots Mr Thomas, RECEPTIONIST Seaetwy wk JOBTELL Employment Agency PLUMBING Need Journeyman or 4th to work on year piumoet mote m Mesa Arizona. NURSES shift real BROkERAoE PtantLaie quired, SEASONS 437 2211 estate the APARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR NEEDS basic occountmg. good data entry skills, expet ience wrth pension and profit shut ing okxis pr Solar v negohuoie Coil Mis Efiiheait foi interview, PRINTER Per sociable person to run TCS-- 4 system Some experience helpful but will tram Start $3 50 hour Call Evelyn Aide, ALL PL AN Skilled Renob tocilrtv hos immediate openings tor pm. sniff Excellent benefits 4600 plus scholarship. South Highland Drive ends 21 CENTURY 400 ply ah Hill woven Conv Center South 900 East 532 3539 Pleose send exme- chanic with good communication skills, positive attitude Guaranteed base wage, commission, paid vocation, insurance benefits and profit sharing. Apply in person of 1453 So. Maior St. (50 Eost) 10 to 12 am or 2 to 4pm. MECHANIC, experienced GM general line techmcion wanted. No other need apply Apply in person. Gus Paulos Chevrolet 4050 West 3500 So. 4 pilot ond Brakes needs experienced haust, brake and alignment wonted Must nave California legislation Catl Jim No Sunoovs or nights (0i9) 25 6' between immediate OPENING tor 2 pilots, dov cargo run. bait LJie Boise 2p0U TT 500 multi., Cessna NBlCU ISCU NANNY-Lt- 207 manager pharmacy nurses aides ME DK. MANAGE Mf Top Northern MANAGI R TrolneeSIlOO mo Select F mptoyrnent Ageix y S6 8 UK) t Muffler Midas 41 posi- hapoy responsible person Employment LABORERS U.S. GOVERNMENT Only tive MEDICAL LONG JOHN 3177 FINANCIAL MEDICAL fa HOUSEKEEPERS To assign ANALYST Rapidly growing Financial Service Company is seeking professional person to compliment marketing program. Must be willing to relocate to Southern Catrf (LA basin) mos. Responsibilities inwithin clude sales, marketing planning ond financial analyses. Business degree required. Prior marketing and sales experience a plus! Salary commensurate with experience Excellent benefits. Submit resume with salary history and requirements to: PRESIDENT PO Box 15712 Sait Lake City, UT, 84115 MATURE woman to tend 2 small children, my home Coll a a Civil or Mtn. 3 years exper Must merit. Bring resume or call The Franklin Co., 120iA Wilmington Ave, SLC, Utah 84106, CROSS JORDAN Degree in Mfg Mech., Engineering. general mochimng know APT or ADAPT computer MANAGEMENT require ER ar medica experience, typing of 60 wpm, medica tormmoiogv and computer experience Must be flexible and hove good PR suits. ond DioiogicQl families ond participation m var Kus group ond community meetings. Applicants must hove the ability to work independently, demonstrate ethnic competence, be commented to professional growth and development and oe abie to wort os a memoer of a team. Salary from $2,024 per month, plus excellent employee benefits. The Cosev Fomily Program is an equal opportunity employer Deadline for applications Jonuary 31, 1986. Send resume to. Juartn Ownes, ACSW Director Wyoming Division, The Casey Family Program, 3116 Old Faithful Road, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 (307) COMPUTER ENGINEER Both positions 960 9028 REAL ESTATE SALES We hove a tew openings for quHl-fieto work in an pr olevsionois exciting and friendly enviromeaf Must nave m be willing to acquire a real estate license Cat Cliff Porter 487 22H. PHARMACIST tall time, retail m Pr ovo Must be cHmcoHv or ientel bend solar v requir ements ond t to Pharmacist, PO Box 71 JO Murray, UT 84107 23 a Temporary part time MRSES AfES WE NEED tOu All shifts available, choose vour awn schedule immeTHE Casey Family progiom, a pridiate openings avoikxe year vately endowed cnid weifaie exper fence transportation and ogenev will nave a position avuii-abpnone necessar y tail tat appt Feoruai v 1906 tar a MbW social work et Applicants must nave UP.'OhN o MSW from an accredited school of social wort plus 2 years post hEAGHCARE SERVCES graduate experience with anect 2900 soooi work practice in foster care, as well as experience wrth Equal Opportunity Employer children ond families m general NURSES-RNLPNs tor long Aponcanfs must oe particularity ter m care tacilftv ah shifts Pat to ethnic issues and sensitive on coil Gertatric s expert time, aw at have strong interests and ence preferred Newly revised of problems facing minority Strong chili er in taster care Duties will pav scale very competitive leader ship support tr om a D O N include the screening and studies assistant O 0 N. and 2 G N P s. of referrals, implementation of benefits include inOutstanding case planning placement of chilsurance in service troining, paid dren youths m tang term taster on time and o scholar snip proserof wort socks care, provision gram tor eligible employees Apvices to children, foster families MANUFACTURING language NURSE LPNNtfcDED ex. 1801) PLANTATION THE ADVISOR needed to work Lull Pari time toucher wrth parents of visually impuwed chikien iBwih to 5) in toe name tor the Utan School lor the Blind n Off shifts the greater 54. Jea Buchetars 5th East degree in Education of child decontact Vicki Beil velopment time and Par time positions avail Appiy n pet sun 252 xj NURbE AiDS needed tail port time Days and after noonv edit new fk m xpe fenced m seek deuendupie mkuvhjuoI with good communications x.tiv Soto-rcommensm ate with experience Coll David at Kent, Mon thru Fn Oavs 3J8-jEves C7 986 Help Wanted 100 nego NURSE AiOfcS a PARENT Ooctut s office aarv MSW SOCIAL WORKER MANAGEMENT For our National B S tor wunted Help Wanted 100 1 22J4 298 time pai J Journeyman. joO shop MANAGER TRAINEE experience required. Toa ana COLOR TY ME, a nofiona company, Must dye expei lence helpful. seek shur p aggressive pet son to have required tods. Competitive tor kev man ogemem positrain benefits structure ond woge good tion Sales and caiecnon experiApply at nydroflame Coro., 1074 ence a plus. Apoiy m person So Pioneer Ra, SlC, Lfion 686 So. State street pm, NuRbE a necessary 4 30 entioi Uffiei mCRtGaGECREjitRE5CRTNG trainee e assistant preferred. Computer HELPER Own termina experience helpful, but MAINTENANCE tools. Apply of 252 So 500 East. na required. Minimum 3 years Opportunity Employer Equa Cai rating experience. dovs per week. rotating week- 3 with ends. opening fa front desk clerk Must be personable ond well groaned. Send resume to Soft m'fh Equa Opportunity Employer INSURANCE Unigard insurance Grow is currently seeking an experienced CLERKS ana mechamcaiv inAoav at PAH'fcRsON SAutS U55 So Mom NURSE aea E WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, LPN Weekends tor small nursing home in Bountitul $6 25 piui 1i) a MANAGEMENT Complete training tor you to manage apartments, it you hove basic office skills, neat apoeaonce and people sk II Good benefit pack oge Appiy 3839 so West Tempie 2A, 9 am-pm. No expenence a degree preferred Excellent pay rotes ond 0 comprehensive bene fits porkogt offered Pleose submit resume In confidence to. l HANNIFIN OGDEN. UTAH 84404 ROOM clined. AgTO MACHINIST PRODUCTION MANAGER Far precision grinding and machining. Send resume to Code OoO m care at this newspaper, PO Box 45838, SxC.,UT 84145 Machine Ooer $10 hr JOBTELL Employment Agency MAINTENANCE Supervisor Hands on person to supervisor 8 Must be knowledgeable in mechonica and eiecfrica HVAC experience helpful Excel- ient benefits. Cai Trocv Sneiimg and Sneliing Employment Agency, MAINTENANCE Person. Experienced. Needed tor property firm. Salary based on experience Send resume to. 535 East 4500 So D 70, SLC, Utah 84 107 425 WEST 2675 NCRTh a public relations skills, olong with a BS ond min 5 years proven experience in management and HUMAN SOURCE SWPT TH AVf NUFiCSTReeT SlC. UT 4143 gn equal opportunity employ you meet the minimum requirements tor this position, cal or apply m person Lraa Mereaitti EMERGENCY 1985 MACHINIST be willing to wort any shift (not revavmgj PARKER 2? corp LOT PERSON time tot person. Must be a COUNSELOR IPS field FuM vaious types at m using fluoges MOtGAG A part opportunities after jon 265 0800 TIAAE BUTCHER 4 years experience In cutting of beef, fish, ord poultry Knowledge of USDA HOUSEKEEFR. Small Intermediate nursing home Full time Comond whole sole cuts of ai meats. DIRECTOR dietetics aid Advoncement SILVERS Franchisee is seeking o few select individuals to 0n our restaurant Sign up today fa voa cosh bonus monogement program. We offer offered fa the first 40 hours competitive woge, b6pefits. 0 starting sokry competitive with pleted. We hove Immedtate openP M COOK, Part time years ex HOUSEKEEPERS $6 hr the industry, a compony paid to ai aeas os ings In or hotel restaurant aoduction, perlence JOBTELL Employment Agency group insurance plan and o profit semWv, waehouse ond taba. We line cooking. Knowledge bosk sharing pkn for quoiified Individoffer vaiety, flexibility, ond comfunction principles, baling, soute-inuals. Phone petitive woges. ond ca If you hove 0 HUMAN SERVICE WORKER roosting, vegetable cookery, background In leoding behelpful Apply sauce preparation, ond overai A aivate Human Service people ond feel vou can contribtween or lom kitchen knowledge ute to o growing organization, Organization is recruiting for TEMPORARY CONNECTION send vour resume to Human Service Worker to answer 180 Eost 2100 So 201 PART TIME PANTR- Y- At least 2 Western Restaurant Systems crisis phone cals from clients, InWE PAY HOURLY SALARY years experience In pantry 4 10 South 8th Street Suite E terview ond do assessments on and preparing so tods, Cotorodo Springs CO 80906 caomc mentally ill Develop and LABORERS and dressing JOBTELL Employment Agency Attention Cindy Coe Implement treatment plons Resumes must be received by through individual ond group LARBORER PART TIMF vegftabie PREP crisis Intetven-fioaovlde therapy, $5 hour Pnor kitchen experience is heip-tto clients, parhc ipate to r egu Eouoi Opportunity Employer but na necessary. Part or lull MANAGEMENT- tar case stating and monogement LAUNDRY Attendant time avail Must Hisgood tomiltar Be with berespons., meetings Pleose apply in personnel Mon with people and over 2 $3.50 community resources ond lues Wed. to start Apply at- Kieon Machine, am, 255 South panic HispanK cufiura and sub culture One of the finest auto deofers in the West Temple. SLC 2263 So Highland Drive S.L C. 18 Needs months Rock Sorings, Wyoming area is experience Equal Opportunity Employer work irg with chronic, mentaiv HI, LAUNDRY AIDE Sa and Sunday looking for a monoger to sell fM F H V minority andor disodvontoged from 7 om to 7 30 pm Apply inance and insurance services to patients. A S. degree to Human our customers. The ideal candi4600 So Hightond Dr fa David Services or equivalent Fluea to date will hove vears business ENFORCEMENT LAW HOTEL both Spanish ond English. 40 as. experience, bonking small loan or LET US PAY YOU FRONT OFFICE MANAGER per week $800 mo plus health In insurance background. College ICE SKILLS" LEARN TO POl In surance On coll os needed. world doss Exciting opportunity degree oreferred. 2 weeks formoi The 625th Military Police Company ski resort fa experienced Front Pleose contact Utah job Service troining Excellent solary with boa the Utah Army Quad hos Im1234 So Mom, Office Manager. Must ha nus opportunity Confidential, You mediate openings. Job Oder 67363. knowledge of front desk operapleose send resume to Pot Ryan only need to be 17 yeas ad lo & tions, reservations, guest Equa Opportunity Employer Associates, 6825 Fast Tennesto 3? hour $5 order Cai ean per vKes, good verba skills Excellent see Ave , Bktg 1, Suite 101, Denbetween 8 00 am and 1000 am sotory ond benefits Reply with INSTALLER-CABLCaeer mindver, CO 80224, Attention. Bob or Kent Greg In to. references confidence ed indivlduas aeferred, 0 to 10 Keim TOOAY" Genera Monoger week troming aovtded. Moln reUtah Guard military sume a lying history to CommuPOBox 3177 POLICE OPPORTUNITIES Part Cftv Ut 84060 nity A of Utah 3575 So 4000 W West Voiiev, Ut 84120 Attn. Ellis. Leod Capenter $1800 mo managers JOBTELL Employment Aoencv Fqua oppautnuty employer EXCELLENT Opportunity for site HOTEL monogers ond assistant monogFRONT DESK CLFRK er s lor apor talents ond condomwv Stewi Enksen Lodge has Immediate lum projects (oduit communities) PART ELIGIBILITY (OODSERVICF a ond Delivery $385 East 33rd So 1046 Grounds Keeper $200 wk JOBTELL Employment Agency HAIR Svllst wanted to do mens ond womens hair Cai Shirley for interview, HAIRSTYLIST WANTED Mane Tomer, 29 South State Belvedere Hotel. Booth renta or percentoge Cai Coroj HANDYMAN $6 tv JOBTELL Employment Agency HOMEMAKER Home me er part time needed for Home Heotth Agency. Car ond FOOO SERVICE Clinic com- 14 5 GINC Temporary seasona. Wednesday, Fnoovs. IQcm-opThursduvs, techniExperience os an cian required m Receo-tion- V MODELS ATTn intw national y recognaed ogenev now accepting mt ramp and .amrne( ioi models fa the UT Purcnuse at pnuto not teq. Hourly Dennis 7m- W45 Expanding nutrition company look ing to tran 15 people tor supervisor y position $2,000 $J,000 porerfloi Lai a r 3 SNOS.RD EMERGENCY Alto view Temporaries. No fee. We pay hourly sokry. WANTED Pocific inland Tr on sport Ware a dry freight doubles opero-tomostly central states, Prefer quotes experience New eouip-nen-t, good pay, steady wort, gowing company. Coil Woody for on appt TECHNICIAN OFFO cierk, Wordprocessor, ANSI Parker has a cometftive wage and salary program and an excellent benefit aockoge ff GENERAL OFFICE Small credit union needs efficient, occur ate person for genera office wort Knowledge of collections M 3603 tormina heiptal. ond 1, Cal Scoff, om only GENERAL OFFICE, Typist, File DRIVERS UTE lorn town! Call May Klein Ail Seasons Employment Agency. GENERAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Need people personalty with a professional apoearance for genera office position. Telephone skills, good typing 0 must Word processing helpful. $850 month. Call Vicki or TEAM DRIVERS TANKERS Vnmum 25 years with 3 years over rood experience. Tanker preferred, bat not nec eon cyivng record Must hove urrent NVR Mileoge and genets Arizona Took Lines, MEN Must $! 100 MONTH Employer Pays Fee 70 Type wpm. Mature Financial or stock brokerage tetex experience helpful. Company wtH train It not familiar with teiex Fort'ostic benefits One fo the most beautiful DRIVERS DRIERS Sk.lied CONNECTION 2100 So 201 GENERAL with Agency com- sowry LG An PROCESSOR Experience required, to aocess FhA, VA and conventiona toons. reading Ability to oertorm precision setups pay hourly Salary WE DRAFTSMAN needed for etectrcai crafhng, errands, and answering toeoncne Near apoearance and eceiient (entering skills required. 25 per hour Apply at 359 So. State St Suite 100 East 180 c,i or blue print geometnea toerancing CERTIFIED between Apply or TEMPORARY in FamilKTitv RECEPTIONISTS TvPiSTS Immediate positions Competitive Wages Training Available dispatcher South joraan Ponce Dept 15 now accepting applications for Oispqtch-e- r e with secretarial ana some computer sums. Apply ar 10JS0 Soufh 15T5 West Skilled PRQCE560R a requires two odurtionai group managers. Must abie be Direct to 'ecruit train, aid motivate $Jt) JOO to $60 300 appatunitv Medica insurance, letwement, ano quid vacation MR HOLT mensurate wfih exper Outstandwin an xpondiig MANAGEMENT ing oppty morguge co that nos never noa a layoff txcei advancement ARE YOU TiRD Marge Sneliing 6 OF BftNG BROKE1 Sneiimg Employment Agency Minimum 2 eors machine pars inspection expei ence and on call 3dovsaweek 7am-3pExperience required s lOAN ju W TECHNICIAN VANAGE MENT 1906 E xPANSlON PLANS Help Wanted 100 Help Wonted 100 Memonoi Estates ioVJ mo. jOBrtiL Employment PARKER Hannifin coroaohon nas Joenings cess inspection ,xeo essful appiicarts must meet he tot lowing requirements. ROOM GcNERAu OFFE WORD PROCESSORS CRT OPERATORS employer-mt- PARTS Help Wanted 100 lEASiNG Agents needed, hgn income pofentia w the auto teasing field Rnor auto soles preerredf Out nor requM ed. Cal ck fa nter view uiVF-- l $7 00 Help Wanted 100 OPERATING & 6SOlPCE5 DEPT Avenue & C SEET equal opportunity MACHINE m 8695 for review application OJTI.-- Help Wanted 100 INSPECTOR BodhEAiTH Ceestr-oes studios, private trainers with Ouch jr aund m teocmng ar people motivation yulls ana PR meoifii nuts welcome Bocxgraund m fitness desired Mature, career oriented only need apoty Excellent earning potential. Ms. Hayward, every nena Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 )Sre I quul Iwx NO V E L L IXr 5100 Ah Equt Opportunity Imptoyt OWKxXwiltv lost I K |