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Show 280 Condominiunu 275 14, 1986 TUESDAY, JANUARY 141) Duplexes for Rent For Rent Unfurnished 270 275 iMr On ft i hides )16) near Hercules 1 ROM Pijrk ty Mils modeled xujlt i small morfft Hi GuK le ) t too 14M 7 bed'xm NeG it lust Mxroyiarye r turret txxjk.jps fwe rrxJo V4J) hurr o uppitunret pet prxH Adurtsonty 26 41V) )) 776) ptx OPMONTOhUY fte'kuom Mouse 66 Vi 164 4)64 A) t state ? ''$ k fi (V AST 4)0 urge New I ukx 1000 j y Units 2 Bed'xxns rxd Butt HrA I Aj P'XX Vxjrej Gym Starting yt VWXyrrnu N Pf Al )) 16V) (id Put 1'4A I ft8 o.t (VXf ANi Jbdrm IV r! '41 V6V ffkj )AiO (H 1046 SOU Cleon rile iV 1) Dt 4 Itif DAllJ 4)l tekn eer .five es Urrm'il' fi4r ktOf'tC, fem 147) mo Hrst fret utils lib 6V APMiOIOj 16 rondomlniums Pool lurury pxiitl Frxkned parking Secu view 3Bm ?rotti fir (67)0 142) wf ST JORDAN home 37V8W Hillsboro Vri Moody 8 Assoc 51 rtty Vrurip rjnd gym plus rcxxn Large one bed ffrorti, 1)50 and up large two bedrooms, 1600 and up 5)6 0)71 8848 l'00 Bf NNiON areo 1 bdrm on rtr tie Hreptore carpet fenced vd, krt 'it extros 96 1665 unTIn Tull fkepkxe, Hookups yoroge , 1)6) UJ7So400Eost94) 787 T ION 3 Mr mi , 7 baths, fk epkx e bsmt Just pointed 13 U So 1)7) f oit 14)0 7 72 n?0 OP t NOAl Gl new house leose or sell self tome furniture 1)7) pim oft 6 leove mesvrgr Will E dec 9400 SO400 EAST, 4 bdrm 7 both ttJpIl, fenced yard 1)) 772 6401 TAYlOPSVU i E 4 bdrm, 7 txrth, 2 car garoge 1S3) mo 7)4 J6?) 495 SO 157) EAST, ipocloui 4 bdrm DODONNf R WAV (3700 East) Extra large living room with view, 3 bdr ms , 7 baths, foundry hookups, Levolors, pool, gar opt and securl ty Adults only, no pets 1600 mo Coll owner ogent, 58? 7853 DROOM house Tor rent Magno areo Option to buy 566 1964 1195 See sharp 7 bdrm plui, frplc, ST fenced yd West Jordon 943 573 SANDY areo 7 bdrrm, bed, table, firepl 1400 969 I6J0, 966 3992 1550 3 Bedrooms, Us both, family room Dep 2693 Melbourne 777 4669 DPOOMS Gar oye, fenced yard 1)60 West Valiev 968 9460 F ec 4 bdrms. 7 fomlly rms, ? baths 1600 969 5817 3 Bf BfcDPOOM, 1365. Insulated, fence, 4514 West 54 15 So 9677 177 McClelland 851 1, Fenced 1350 KEARNS 3 bdrm carpets, (tapes, no pets, 1470 SMALL 1300 house West For Info 2h boths No 457 1300 4 bdrms. 2 baths, rm 1475 Refs KEARNS 4 bdrm In circle 2 LARGF both, txfrm., eves 1385, WEST Jordon 2 txfrrm , basement, fenced, extras 966 1641,966-672- near Hlghkmd High, 2 bdrms., garage, kids, pets ok1 1395 2 BEDROOMS, refrig, fenced KEARNS Cleon 1375 Refs txm, RENT TO OWN! So 70th East 4 3 1460 IV, BEDROOM, Toylorsvllle, 1 both IV, bdrm, 2751 57 7 7900 1450 mo oft 5 30 bath, 4 txfrm , 111 baths ond 14)0 mo 5711469 BEDROOM, fenced yard Lucy Ave 1375 mo 2 140 West HOMES Great Southwest locations 3 ond 5 Bdrms Rondy, SANDY 3 txfrms , 2 baths, dbl garage for mol dining. 1620 2 NICE east 1956 E sk)e 4 txfrm Stove, refrig Hollywood 1540 bdrms 4 56 Valiev bdrm 3 NICE baths, 1395 West 7 3050 2 baths. 561 3050 Side, fenced MCE 3 bdrms 1350 West Volley MURRAY 3txm, 157 5 car gar 2 both, frplc., aft after 7944 SMALL betfrooms 1375 Fenced yard T 132 STREET 3 1035 467 bcTm AVFNuES 3H6 bdrm designer decoBalcony, views, air conditioning lound-No BRAND New horn 3 bdrm , 2 Dattis 1600 mo Spilt eoufty 261 4)78 fireploce, garoge, BEDROOM townhouse lr Sondv 2 car oaroge Fireploce lb baths Tennis pool veor lease No smokers, pets 145 ?92 1913 BOUNTIFUL Park Ploce, very nice $400 mo BEST WESTERN REALTY 3 BEDROOM home H00 mo l.W cieonlrtg deposit Con 255 138 2 BEDROOMS 7th So 6th East Gorooe Bonded Reofty ?9) 40T3 luOO Nice 2 bdrms Water paid 1390 972 0647 or 968 1942 BEDROOMS, firepl large $?95 rms 148 So 635 East 484 2836 NEW 1350-- BEDROOM Carpets dopes washer, dver, carport Rcql boll, tennis, swim So 67 by Fashion P oce No pes kias Ok 943 834 BEDROOMS, firepl, fenced 121 West 1200 So Pet ok NFW KEARNS 3 Bdrms main Fiollow, bdrm full basement Available1 1425 2"8 3366 HOME 1450 Large dupe 1325 Cleon Sugorhouse 484 )6)0 Deue Poo 3 C0vVkv s ? bdm, fireo'oue 681? BOuNTiFuL-mode- WVC NEW 4 bdm twin home fenced yord, 1460 mo 28 2?) 00 E So i BELVFDERF Heat Extras House Sugar 2 5th Ave 355 BEDROOM, parking 511 1st 2920 lEffl Duplexes for Rent be 4 ms T. NO Vu'Ty v js see ?6. 2 bedrooms, living baths, kitchen with BEST 13th Eost location free rent wfth 2 bdrm, stove, refrlg, carpeting, washer hookups only, garoge No smoke pets 1 child. 1309 Emerson. Condominiums for Rent COTTONWOOD DELUXE unfts GEORGE ST Dishwasher NEW 2 to U of U Avollabie Feb 1425 mo Jockle 2661132 days, 583 6873 eves condo $200 MONTH NO DEPOSIT 3205 So 1700 E bdm duolex set oft of rood, bock pets oiiowed. So Lincoln EAST 5300 SO 2000 WEST ft, sq 2b 2 bath, Creeks'de fireploce, hookups, ting $495 $320 VALLEY EAST Wilson corport $350 disposal, olr, after 4. So no pets, pets so.fi avollabie Immediately, competitive rates. Mention this Od during Jonuary and receive one month free rent WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR LFASE 300 to 3? 000 sq ft Downtown Area South Soft take Murrav North Soft Lake 5 rth So 3 $400 bdrms, 2568 bdrm hk ups, 2 bdrm, Eost LARGE 3 brims Carpets, 566 West 300 No $290 3 ih BEDROOM Kids pets drapes 3 3 $49) i. g 3 bdr mV, Beouttfiji flrepKxe, dinmg grcunds, Adufts Lease couple Singles 277 928 266 6800 WET VALl F y, $.55 359 9V8), )64 80,6 7919 SO 3800 WtST tps $130, drpVt free rpm HiX . 46 94) 2 m mo pwnhOUSf esrew 0 (24)5 E $295 CLEAN ; txlrm , gar ups, 931 West noo So $290 IKK two Barm V So areo N. s I'gies.pe MIOVAlF line $235 VAl baths $J95 J2, 9? ; Nf W West v l fv 4 v f XX h Ups air v(k and p Nu pen 2b Jjvv $).N) Si HOI. U , , ( J ler' ? O n frK WA 1 $ 'S 1O1 $190 frpH ntng P It 444 ?) to kh (1 4 1 bw ') en n v(.4 Vi. L6 m. m- l ') s 53 f LrPNTA.RS , nx S $i b1r m fr n 2 2 7 pur7 Sev l7 BEDROOM fenced yd Bondrvl - $200 THE tx 4 n 0j " , ) ,.1r. pen Bonded Wei', 2vs4h1 ms xfl V; WRAv qt ge 4 N, s J B 40 bdrm We Mas wvrsner w W 2 $.S (Ii R fU 7 PRESTIGIOUS New Office Spoce For immediate Occupancy From 350 1,200 sa ft Prime Location! 4141 So Highland Dr Lower hon Market Rates. U, 467300 $150 AND UP Offices, 2 blocks West of Soft Potoce Includes utilities ond parting Carol $225 PER MO Small office, Includes phone onswering ond receptionist service Choice HoUodoy locarlon Reofty, DELUXE OFFICES, SUGARHOJSE Air, utils, parting (onltorkji 3 rooms 67? sqft $50 mo INTERLAKE BUILDING DELUXE EXECUTIVE Offices With or without phone onswering reSecretarial ceptionist services ovoilable Glorio J 9 G image, 5Xd South 3rd West Prestigious shared office suites now aoiiatle ronging in size from liX )30 sqft Your new office spot e includes. Recephonist Pe snno.iied teieohor'e onswenng Beo 'htiji conference 00m with serhng capocrhy of 15 JO Vo', rmer senvices qyoikkne Co us now ?62 400 SAHC'r Un on Market Pioe B"tg Rrtnii stxxe from $863 mrvitt I2b ond 2 '0 sq ft Office u80 ond sprv e $8 sa ft 840 ft Best rotes in areo 190 Ah in. pork ng arw to be 'emt1red )0n ten rv f n Six n 7S Lfton e hmrrk rk Njue NijW (jnd ' g WL2 . 9 ',ster S Stincf'.e 4 S )4N4 Ht F H - share Re r i?no f CREST0'E PLAZA 1536 sqft 35'5S Offke wrhse Temple 2 SondPtf Irder ons & I (H ( ser . i ( O' r0 t te h f $ St ) S .e 3333-3- 277 3169 3300 $;) A 328 fijft (4 V8 m Npen hH V t 16 SO 15 THE PROPERTY SHOPPE 4678484 DAN 5 SYKLIGHTS McAe this eost bench Sandy home bright and sunny, near schools and shopping 4 txfrmv, 3 large baths, MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY, spacious kitchen and family rm. AREA $339 6740 South 5600 West OXBOW REALTY THAYNE Real In Estate" OWNER DESPERATE!! Super view' New bdrm decorated home Warr Great for fomllles! 7930 Mountain Cm $159,000 room rambler $130,000 Assume VA 1? $21,000 dn j car formol dining gar., MILLER&C0. EASTSIDE HORSE PROPERTY Reduced $70 000 6 bedrooms, 3D berths, 2 story, 2 fireploces, 2 fomlly rooms, 2 stall barn, bridal paths, etc., etc. Now only $139,900 TRADE POSSIBLE. Terry 13 Open Houses llSjSE STEP INTO IT Only 15,600 down ond no Qualifying Start the new yer In this cute In o quiet family neighborhood Poyments on FHA 245 loon Int., only 1503 PlTIM 9 Y) year FRA warranty, i bdrms, large fin- ished 2 REMAXProfesslonols NVest Realty HAPPINESS 3 HOME bdrms.. wood burning stove No Low down payment Quolftvlng Large krt for gardening Large detach goroge Im yours within the week! Call to see today, Craig, room, fomlly Sondy TRANSFERRED! OWNER'! Near Willow Creek, beou ttfui 4 beefroom home plus den and fomlly room, main floor tflli ties, format dining, 2 fireploces, lovely decorating throughout, double oaroge, outo sprinkling, immediate occupancy. Coil Connie Leoncrd & Reid VETERANS NO DOWN' 1200 TOTAL MOVE-ICOST WHEN you point. Incredible 6W (not an ARM) Total pymts from 1400 mo PIT! 10 floor plans 3 locations. MOOELS OPEN 12 TO 7 P M DAILY 5500 SOUTH 4800 WEST 4100 SOUTH 6400 WEST RINDLESBACH HOMES $295 P & Work for down Quality built, new 2 berfroom Garoge, large kitchen with deck. 149,900 & Associates vEAGAR 5619422 hardwood floors, cov patio Only 172, 000' See wfth DARLENE DlPO Realtor In REMODELED HOME Sugar House 2 bedrooms plus basement New kitchen, furnoce, roof ond carpets $55,000 1550 N Redwood Rd stylish model homes to choose from. Open from Monday thru Saturday 8 min from downtown Soft Lake Priced from $59,990. Marketed by Eoulty Homes & Associates Dole Thompson BEAUTIFUL Cape Cod 2508 Old Rd (4650 So) Built bv fhoien Constr On private lone with 5 bdrms , 4 baths, large fom ond kitchen oreo Close to schools, churches, shopping ctrs $267,000 Were offering comm OPEN DAILY 10om-4o- Foothill Dr Coll 5600 3200 West 12-- 7 Closed Sun, $165,900 Prestigious Quoll Valley location. 2)00 East Alta Conyon (8500 So Open House Tues andThurs 200 3 Bdrm home Single garoge, bsmt, $3,000 down, $360 mo PI 10 APR, 30 year $41,000 $44,000 WEST JORDAN $1,000 Down, $377 mo PI $44,000 purchase price, $43,000 fi nonce at 10 APR fix for 30 year 2 Bdrm, car garoge, bsmt BEST WESTERN REALTY $376MO. Includes BY TOTAL PYMT. bdrm roge, FHAVA rambler 2 i Nice room offices $64) uo ufiimes 134) South State ? WFFKSFPEF to 4 rm oftkes 37A3 V) 500 West F Rf NT NF W 200 Shower on $H?3 7 Toth, 76 3 RFNtAi spoce Cleon, remodeled downtown 3m A9ft histone big ne MURRA t i F F S $ 20 oe rm per mo ?9 West 4H) So 94? JH F l R( F 82)2 OH" t kv (rffire i NT JSo f NT $4 Double A Morn 144 f Reyn ( Vjfi 48? ? Sufr state 48) NPrf 10 K0 bdm, A 4" T0 SO) RATE m W'.rv;,EiKRCGf ud 'oor newly pointed irv out MUST SFfc.' Oiono 7582 RFAiW 26tH7b inadequate Down inadequate O edit 7)o8 DOZENS Of REfCSSESS.ONS New on market low low down ifttie or no closing costs All priced to sen fast $J0 000 $1)0 000 We hove keys ond pictured catalog Ail areas Con now Oq- tm Hennton Horr x n ned lot , Wed .r $41) available1 low K PER V0tn 7'1 vy Urte ie. iftne van re New 3 home ent rye To.irvs vllle - FHA fcjn Ml FAVH v GARAGE Setter dovs $ 000 $l,JO0dnwn Of costs closing Large left 10 3 Annuoi Percentage Rate MOOf IS AT 7905 SOUTH 8i)O0 WE ST OR ft 40 south $600 QABOW 966 8500 ALTY WF ST car garoge, EVERGREEN TAKE 0ER Bv Owner, No Qualifying a from Contact 9A4 X X NO Q'JALihNG Down assumes 9W FHA kxm on this 400 sq ft 3 be oom tn level la years Nd 7 car $640 mo 2)4 36?) $3 560 One) V' Let o professional realtor help We offer Yerrs of eper lence sever o lorattons eosy finuotirtg wde variety of floor pions t stimotes 8 Ig krtchen In this 3 tdrm, full bsmt home m Magna Fenced yd 97? 5230 Owner Agent $)Q,000 Reasonable offer down puts you this Immoc Toylorsvllle home Low monthly payments For more Into, coll Bi. 486-- OWNER $57,000 235 home for sole or trade for w ocre lot tn S L County 7 bdrm, spilt entry donee Studio, oft cond, corport landscaped, fenced, Vort baionce oprox $37 000 966 ??4S, ?77 7887 NICE PAYMFMS Anytime (Don't Miss This REALTORS Brand new 7 and 3 bedroom home, corrled on controct directly from the bunder' Coll for details, Akin Chris 561 9906 ASPENWOOO 567 7800 BY Beter Homes and Go'dens $1 10,000 NO QUALIFYING' MRDlEY C0RP . NEAREST TOOvWRGGRAM 969 EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD Beouttful 4 txkm 3 bath home wfth formol ond krtchen dining Rec room ond loundry on mom floor, 7 NFW LISTING STARTER HOME SANDY, Low 60s 2 bdrms, very ceon Only 4 years old Pro Landscape Owners motivated R0 23 Or Coll Jerry MIILER&C0. 350-180- 0 TRADE EQUlTYMor piexes $54 900 Brick bungalow with 2 bedrooms, fireploce and full unfinished basement Zoned R 2 For a recorded preview coll Jock Advan-taq- e Reofty WILL HOOPER-BALLSTAED- T F'RST SECURITY, REALTOR SANDY STEAL" Priced too good to bv true' Over 2,300 soft Complete with 5 bdrm , 2 baths, double garoge $59,950 Dont miss this sleeper Coll Will Sommerteidt Re Max Professionals $56,900 Claire McHugh QUALIFY?? Call Ross Reofty 4.4 464 967 if We con HELP1 Seiler financing DR Great 2 story home in nice Sondv neighborhood torge spocious rooms lounrt y ond fomlly rooms d 2 Builder 1105 Annua) Percentage Rate Bv appt Soft Cftv Realty 967 0M7, 32? 5801 on mom NO QUALIFYING wfth assumable loan Brick (4290 20)4 West Condle So) ceiling f n XED 'so-24- dbl krt $61 900 894 So Longterm Utah m 4 F or not We hove CAN'T voufted West Housing ' W YEAR ft ALTA HIGH SANDY As iftfte os 11,000 down moves you Into 0 new SUNWOOO home Rates os low os 6W (or 10' fixed rote) CoJI for details, or drop bv our model home, 10800 South 1000 Eost ALTAWODD PLACE Alon, ZERO DOWN ZERO CLOSING COST inter erst rate Sugar House location, brick bungalow, remod eed kitchen, fireploce, updated garooe FHA throughout opprolsed, $54,500 investors welcome Coll Sandy, INLAND INC REALTORS FHAVA 3 bdrm new home So Jordon R38 nsu lowolls Unfinished bsmt Across street from LDS church 2 blocks from elem $3,000 down, ossume fixed 1056 FHA assumable loan at $733 mo 569 2280 in In SQUARE 3220 So 1700 E New 2 and 3 bdrm rombiers with londscoped yard ond much more Coil 488 2 102 or LYMAN & ASSOCIATES go- 10W Point for Down1 HURRY' LIMITED SUPPLY STE1 ik ) rrx ie ft 60 ns V .tote $.N) SJ 1700 spoce 3 1240 i 36J ?7o0 sq ft "off ice 3448 So Mom ?6? STARrER WITH garoge 'arge 796 S8 2 9 2 30, Moll 30 9.30 New old house Chormlng m Believe oil $30 uo fi nonclng LIMITED OFFERING1 TRENDSETTER LOW DOWN Inch, FHA bdrm, double garoge, Wort credit Low Interest FHAVA 3 down1 $191 Gary & Co IMPERIAL TRENDSETTER Three locafions 14 floor plans 900 1,500 sq feet ? - 4 bdrms Pymts from $440 P Level fixed CUSTOM verted to commercial Lim Cot tonwood 6'2 New Homes for Sale 7510 laurflwooo SPAl MODEL CLOSE OUT MURRAY-NEHOMES" Priced from $59,900 Severol new pions. londscaping Incl " 100 West 5700 bo Open dolly REALTORS 268 9694 garoge and full OWNER ti on New $415 double New1 HOME BUYERS SEMINAR The bosks of purchasing O home We will discuss how to auolftv TrPes of financing, and much more A public Service No charge January 15 1986 7 00pm 4390 So Redwood Rd RSVP ERA WEST $438 9666061 i ocre lot MODELS TRENDSETTER Ed, From Soft City Reofty, or $40's-$70'- s OPEN SUNDAY 5 1861 E Wildwiliow Lane (8950 S ) Brond new rambler. 2160 sq ft finished on main, krge bdrms Master bath has whirlpool ond walk in closet Only $135,900 GARN G CHRISTENSEN REALTY Cot- tonwood rea. Close to oil major shopping, bus routes 3 bdrm brick rambler, fireploce, full bsmt Great neighborhood $56,900 3273 Fite & Co NEW LISTING Excellent Holloday location' 3 bdrm, 2 bath, oil brick rambler Immocukrte inside ond out 2 fireploces, fomiiy room, new root Room for expansion. $97,500 Col! Deon ALL STAR REALTORS Realtor WILLOWCREEK OPEN DAILY 4 MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY! Priced to move now East side Lindsey Quality Custom Homes OPEN HOUSE 6 NEW level, 4 bdrm , 2 bath. garooe, fenced, range, refrlg., pool table, old West fomiiy rm , Jordan Controct sale $72,900. Owner broker, bsmt DOXEY-LAYTONC- 272-968- 6 So. FAILED SALE 4 Porter Westpointe 9 135,000 to 1500,000 Coil Len BUILDERS REALTY Ferre Loren EAGAR& COMPANY Georgetown 272 9075 CHARMING 1400 486 7461 OPEN HOUSE Severol foreclosed properties ovoilable Gov't , private and bonk repo's As low as 5 down, financed BEST WESTERN REALTY E. REALTY loc 8 INTEREST FHA 11 Annual Percentage Rate Homes priced froml50,000 to 185,000 .Low Interest RIVEROAKS 707 w 6090 SO. Call Carla Parker for more Info MM by ERA VILLAGE BANK REPO'S INVESTORS WATCH FOR OUR CLASSIFIED DibHLAY AU IN SUNDAY'S NEWSPAPER IN HOMES FOR SALE FALLENTINE seen our big beautiful 2 story homes? They hove more extras than you con cReom of Your chance to rrxAe on unbelievable deal Come ond see our furnished model, 8844 So 1860 EXCELLENT FINANCING Eost We also hove 20 homes under construction listed on muftlble OFFERED on this darling 5 BDRM brick rambler! Super southeast Prices listings ond area! New living rm, carpet, start at $139,900 CONSTRUCTION CAL! 968 3535 for details and subdivision WOODSIDE HOMES ERA HELM REALTORS Hove you OR TRADE FOR DOWN AND CLOSING COST AT HARVERY-JENKINREALTY AND CONSTRUCTION. WORK SUMMER MEADOWS 8844 So I860 RENTERS REBELLION Low ISOs Super cute home has 2 bdrms, nice fenced yard ond great location' Drive by 1983 So 200 East then coll Jeff Chides ter 9435533, CENTURY 21 EXECUTIVE REALTORS NO QUALIFYING Brand new 2 ond 3 befroom home, carried on controct directly from ft builder' Coll for details, A ion Chris ASPENWOOO NOON-DAR- Close-Su- $39,900 L&R PRICED OPEN DAILY - 3 great subdivisions, IS exciting pions. Probably the best values In Utah Great financing, payments starting from $305 P.i. with os little os $500 down. ROXBOROUGH PARK 4500 S. 2900 W (enter oft 4450 S. 3200 W ). 2 CREEKWOOO 8100 S. 2200 W 3 PLEASANT VALLEY 3100 So 6400 W 4395 New WESTREE HOMES, low down, 17 pions, 3 subdivisions JAYE VANET STEVE REALTOR HOMES WILLOWCREEK $94,750 JOB TRANSFER, SACRIFICE. 6 txRms., 3,000 sa ft Executive Home Mary, Gulver and Assoc Jim 942 & Co Porter McDOUGAL Trusted Nome TAGGART MILLER CO TOP of The World 2 story Tudor Possible nanny or mother In law apt 5,500 so. ft 5 plus berRooms baths. Auto sprinkler, fenced yd 3 car gar Trode or possible contract $239,000 Agent with full basement bdrm, garoge1 $17? down1 Margie 3 WAS $144,000 Mascaro & Assoc SANDY STEAL' NOW $115,000 too good to be true' Over Priced 1147 Eost Charleston (5880 So ) fi complete with 5 2,300 sa . covered patio. fireploces, large bams, 2 baths, double attached car oaroge, horse property with garoge 159,950 Don't miss this 2x6" roll fence, must be sold by sleeper Coll Will Sommertekfi Feb. 1st For more detoils, coll. Rob Albrecht beckooms, 2 full baths, spoclous double garoge, kitchen, buitt-inroom for expansion and roughed-lfor 3rd bath lower level, fenced, trees JUST LISTED 165,000 Coll Louise Dan OFFICE STOP THE BANKER 3 bath, 2 Beoufttul 5 berYoom, kitchens. 2 frpics, brick romtfter Completely fenced k ocre krt 4 car heated garoge with opener Wolk-lbsmt currently rented al WOO 110,000 down Assume FHA no Qualifying 3783 So. 7655 West Ask for Ray MONTH New single fomlly home Only $1,150 down. Priced at $50,900 Unfinished bsmt CatherRai ceilings Landscaped wfth sprinklers Annuo! Percentage Rote 9 8 MOOELS AT 7905 South 8000 West ROOM FAMILY Ion TRENDSETTER 3 BEDROOMS EXCITING NEW WILLOWCREEK This 4800 sq ft luxury home originally listed for 1250400 Now reduced to 1199,900 1 beefrooms, 5 baths, 2 fomlly rooms. 3 formal dining, large lot completely landscaped, For sole by owner For appt coil 9438237 INC LAWLER, OR Broker f'ijrme'H m CENTURY 21 wfth fireploce, FORMAL DINING, 3 car garoge, NOW 1112.000 Louise OFFICE Pro- $60o" W l?' )R ? buyt! $109,900 ON ACRE Ref const, 95 complete, approx 4800 sq. ft unfinished bsmt, appraisal at $321(000, sole 1249,500 plus terms. Includes 8 fireploces, library, for mol dining, living rm., fomlly rm., gome room, 3 befrms plus huge master berfroom suite wfth 2 fireploces, solar passive const., hot water heat, 3 car goroge Cad Ron, Carol or Preben, or eves, 278 2010 SOUTH N N w 4a 21 uf M W1 ,r) 7 stiwcrrse bo' ny CONTEMPORARY mountain view from thH outstanding 4 bedroom home executive areo of Sandy 2 Fire pioces, Island In kitchen, super PI New 2 born , garoge, 148,950 Point for down, FHAVA. Toylorsvllle-Ber- Stupendous completely sheetrocked, only needs point and ay pet to finish Price $120,000 Call Howard at BANK REPO 15 Ivoy And Company Mart, id, $347 WILLOWCREEK FHA WEST JORDAN RAMBLER 272-968- 6 SANDY In 9 5 NEAR JORDAN RIVER TEMPLE Very well done home on Full brick, pressurized irrigation, RV parting. The basement Is EAGAR& COMPANY k iV fast 'eh l?fl 5796 ft 40 per South 900 363 7484, f i e g wvd pr cxessi ig i' mist e ' ryw .HX Sm s r?e N n 94? ooosquarFftT 98? FAST sqft un vr boord room, ond pnone wfth right persons wknds ond aft 6 office, MUST leose executive suites. fessional otmosohere Greaf Make on offer ?7? 8289 F R We Coll a TROtLEY SQUARE, smoll office suites ovoitobik with receptionist $?Q0 mo Contort Brerrt, 5?) V: LAUPFIWOOO Nice room offices $o0 uo Inch oil Utilities 1341 South State CONSULTING OFFICE" $100 Tro rm 70 sq feet plus wolfing cras 10?7 East So Temple 359 )104 ii .eje both 353 EAST 400 SOUTH $750 square fert or port 363 484, 7)10 Sever ol choices ft per month Eost 487 3333, .CO'E )v hi V ilirujlf $V Corot or Preben 272 4275 eves 278 2010 Ron, DtiuxE offTceslowrent H FOR.1.' THE LOCATION bus Btt' 5M870 Ovvce 2 9TH A,e ond Near lDS SPAC b rent ear KEARNS SHOPPING CENTER High Traftk Area to 2W64 sq ft Office or Retail 5470 South 4220 West Outstanding Rental Value 277 1402 5,000 TOTAL sq ft of office, wort oreo, covered storoge ond fenced In yard Must see to appreciate 16 Kensington, 1600 plus share utilities, SMALL Office building, South Main, SLC 2 offices, eoch wfth own entrance, furnace, bath one boll between or Just S2x Property Assoc $495 W UNIQUE story gloss ofrlum at Busch Park Freewov at 5XX) So For leasing information coll Ston 2e2 7400 or eves, 778 7370 BROKERS lar passive construction, hot woter heat, 3 cor garage Coll what you'll enoy owning this 4 bdrm , 4 bath, 4 frplc. 2 story cosfie, over looking the Hidden Volley Goff Course. Sev- Hove the home of your (Reams) Brand new you pick the cokes! Eosy terms and payments under our unioue progrom Several locations Coll tor details Chris 56 9906 Alan 56? 2800 ASPENWOOO MIILER&C0. Is 1,320 or 7 A.L 466 8704 This 5 bdrm home is very tastefully done with lots of room, very open feeling, sharp fomlly room Assume at 163,000 FHA loan of 10 Interest Price 193,000 Coll How Ref 78 ard at 'A Com- level, free parking Rebecco block from new Super loc Brickyard Moil, 3202 So O Mr Roberts, 487 8689 Inouire 3200 So Highlanl THE FORUM is kk0 978 ilVATiON N1 bar ms $N5 4s m cx;vt $D :m) t 3 Uf dwa RAMBLERS' of finished and unfln West Jordon one West Volley These are all youni homes, exceptionally well mon tamed and avoll on short notice Priced In the upper $60 s with low monthly poyments Vert RAMBLERS1 bosements 4 s $800 totol move-lt Incl free boy window, door pkg Full bsmt Large West new City borders Valley lefts, park 148 950 Total pymt 1430 967 758? RiNDLESBACH $350 8445 je nook inarm, gaog BOcNTiHjL $29) 2 bdr Renhyi Ch e v NO F ! V,M) C 9s8 ADAMS (450 East) 2 hookups $315 S50 dep 466 4)88 BEDROOM townhouse ChcKe Eosnioe me $4X), Ver 4v 4883 2 ) '93 4 deposft Plaza Terroce QUALITY medlcol office spoce eral excellent locations. 30 reduction for first year on leose 27 8 8622 OwnerAgen Will THE LOCATION 2807 N( 3txm St 50 2 LARGE OFFICE, repolr boy, storage spoce. 2D ocre lot Excel sates lot ond visabillty from freewoy. 7800 $500 So, next to FURNISHED THE IMAGE pen No g Ay$ NUf S For recorded 84"1) C $ $4?0 ?9) txH 2 hw A('Ay rvym SvYi mp $325 bdrms 2 ft SQ ft plex Ground 1,500 All ic6 8409 Co1 Sam HOlLADAY suites avail or bath Rod spoce sq discount or 50 free rent Downtown mo 6 CAPH0L INDUS7RE5 both. West Valiev $360 9 64 1507 ADjLT NG $335 OK sharp 2 bdrm , or cond go 3 BEDROOMS 7 baths iargeoato, roge 3t??So 500 East 943 29e0 hookups stose, refrig 57 7 4136 e use BEDROOM, 2 bath bpit KAYSviLLE 2 Ekfrms fVepKxe, se of washer dver 7B00 So Wasatch oreo $4V3 No smoxers, pen Loll perae gar , w oce bcxkyd 546 219J for gppt LARGE bdrm , at 550 West 300 No EASE wfth e up to office iVY PLACE Retoll spoce for lease, sq ft 0fCE DEIUXE so- New BUILDING FOR LEASE 1800 sq ft Excellent loc Near grocery rore, medlcol office, school, church and port 3500 So 6000 West deal' Carol, Lets $150 $350 Eost 1040 So. 3928 2 2930, OFFICES SPACFS AVAIAbLE AT 807 Eost South Temple 775 Eost 200 South 404 East 4500 South 1300 South State UTILITIES PAID1 3 Becfroom 7 House Upstairs No Pets' dopes, 2 SO No bdms 2 bdms, 2 1430 bdrn lb carport, stor, corpet, renig Hookups dtshw, $350 EAST Will Howoro $81,900 to $500 Good selection Imme- rates. 3722 Excellent oreo rooms, plus huge master bed MAIN FLOOR FREE RENT! NO DOWN , REALTY WORLD ALDER, WALLACE, INC REALTORS INC 10 ASSUME 3 APPROX 500 Sq Ft Located at 3090 West, 3500 So West Volley City Large store front window Contort Dama Barbour, or Lets deal' Caroi, bdms REAL ESTATE, Soft LcAe South volley Commercial Division Part City room, 3 bed MON-SA- Mention this od during January ond receive one month free rent ALL HOLLADAY air, 1b baths, hook ups Deck Storoge Dbl No garoge pets' $4S0 265 0728 NO DEPOSIT bath WVC. bdm 2 avollabie so.fi PRIVATE bekrm East Sugorhouse 1350, utils paid, ALL Prices Locations1 $50 Oft First Months Call Tom bdms 3 deluxe BEDROOM, hkups., deo OFFICES SPACES AVAIABLE AT 807 East South Temple 275 Eost 200 South 404 Eost 4500 South 1300 South State grode hkups 3094 So 4th East BEDROOM, U bath, main floor, $400mo $200 dep, set- large bdrms , olr, hook ups No pets 4617 West 3650 So 467 0062 Roomv Near Cheyenne St FREE RENT Newer 2 bdm plex, cable, hkps Quiet SMALL 2 bdm, $275 mo 235 824 Eost (Menlo) 3 bdm, spoclous 2 bdm 2 SOUTH 1400 New carpet $425 Offices diately, compettfive 7200 PAGE CLASSIFIED AD OPEN SATURDAY HOLLADAY DO YOU NEED? Inexpensive spoce for office ond storage in this Sugar House bldg. 704so.fi (16'x44 ) $150 mo includes Heat, Lights, Air 9694455 BEAUTIFUL DELUXE OFFICES NEAR 2100 SOUTH 500 EAST All utilities furnished Beaiiifully decorated From $75 - $125 month 969 4455 or 566 5931 Stores, carpets, Vk 1345. 4248 1968 secluded, Lone, LEASE SHOP WAREHOUSF Highland Drive Next to Villa bdm , carpets, References. TOWN HOUSE. 2 behind Theater Mr Platt bath, $375 dishRose Pork 595 8872 month 7th East pets Murray, Lorge warehouse ocre fenced yard. IVj 2 2 large townhouse, 2 both, carpets, $310 NEWER bdrms, dopes, hookups, 527 BEDROOM So 300 Eost FREE Hollodov ond bus kids OK plus dep HOLLADAY 2 bdrm corpet, new point hookups, corport, secluded 1968 E Lincoln Lone 1340 less winter fuel discount E 2 1325 CLEAN school 461 pets, $775 mg HOLLADAY BEDROOM, washer, New STATE, Wagstaffs bldg, wfth unfinished AND UPGRADED THROUGHOUT this lovely HoUodoy rombter Ektxyate woodwork In daylight fomlly room down! Craftsman kitchen, Cor Ion baths, 4 brfrrns MANY SPECIAL AMENITIES! Only $ 104,900! See today wfth PA MELLIOT ABBOTT LOW RENT Utilities included Convenient Cose to 180 ond Free parking, newer building floor plans, M bsmt Boy window Incl Large kfts Border s new WVC pork $4 950 Low low pymt RINDLESBACH MV6 room, family living room, gome Hurry11 Jovt 7t k'k'k $500 $300 TOTAL MOVE IN cost can be this low Total move-l- ? TOP QUALITY res- SPACE FOR LEASE 2,200 square ft , 39 Post Office Ploce, ocrass from the New Yorker $7 JO SQ.fi , beouttfully finished. All or partial aft 5 bath, frplc, VERY NICE 2 bedroom, 1300 plus utils. 3459 So 9th East bdm, newly remodeled basement apt Share kroe fenced yard and 3 cor gqroge No smokers or NICE ond cleon 2 bdm duplex Close to shopolng Cov porking No pets 2 Refs eaulred $335 mo 3 277 9 287 Business Properties 4400 SO bdm, George PARK CITY Sleeps 10 Fireploce, sauna, HBO 185nlght 57 4948 Stove No WATCH FOR OUK bsmt, oppcoi sol ai $32 1,000, sole $249,500 plus terms In cUtes 8 fireploces, library, for mol dmmg, 3 reduced or Kathy REDUCED $2,000 $94,900 buys this IDEAL FAMILY HOME Spoclous 5 bdrm., ? bath home wfth cozy family room ir or Donlele Murrov Vero EACH SUNDAY nEAGAR seasons All borhood HALF room suite with 2 fireplaces, CENTURY CENTER 1935 SO MAIN sq ft oftkes $7 50'sq. ft sq. ft offices, $6 50 sq. ft Plenty of porting, all utils., First month free Jon 6, BEAR LAKE Sweetwater ervations 4800 sq approx cor bsmt IF YOU'RE FUSSY This home will meet your specifications EosHkie romoer-- 3 txkmt formal dining rm Choice neigh I complete, ft OR 6740 SOUTH 5600 WEST OXBOW REALTY ERA SWALLOW GUMP & AYERS New consir action, 95 141 900 NEW SINGLE FAMILY 2 BEDROOM U50 dawn $60 P8.I Pymt Landscaped wfth sprinklers. MODEL AT 7905 SOUTH 8000 WEST 250 7 345 wt Jest 26I 2MJ ROOM TO BREATH.. condo, sleeps St pets $265 appls, blocks LUXURY Green Volley condo h oft Sunday-We- bdm , appls., hookups, $350 No 723 EAST 1300 SO 2 appls., $300 615 SO 400 EAST. 2 3 2 SPACIOUS PARK CITY CONDO Weekly Rates ST GEORGE Accomodations. Small or krge youps, 779 4211 now OR bdms, 3 Close 4745 IS RlNDLESBACM HOMES FHA IJ , kitchen and 71k SQuare feet bedrooms low lw Dosemetl Super large FHA or VA (not an ARM) pmt from $490 P6i Fixed never to rise' 947 756? or Reofty HOLLADAY AREA CONVENIENT OFFICE SPACE 7520 SO STATE sq ft From $155 Fcellent parking Just oft freewoy reasonable SUGAR HOUSE 2 bedroom, oaroge 1821 South 1100 Eost (front) $275 or No pets $575 6 to $46 000 JoMohm office Large $430 5000 West or 7844 don, port, fully fenced 966 6663 fenced link 9', for 3 bdrms 11 Wh ASSUME $5,000 BANK REPO CENTER M s at AjKjrtfT r a Htf tngttX' If b'Jh's bk uiu ) yoi Tenrvs (4 J PARK CITY CONDO, sleeps to resort. Everything' PARK CITY Sips. 6, Jon 18, to slopes Bill 268 9679, ond dep t Refrigerator pets $295 bdrms., 2 baths, firepl, fenced yd , washer, dyer Close Jj4S I Din BEDROOM Green Valley Sports Vllloge condo 5823401 2 dep, January HUNTER TWO BEDROOMS oft Quiet $150 3 ALTA. LUXURY ON THE SLOPES' HOT TUB washer 'dryer, dopes Singles ok street immoculate 2bdms, 1b By St Marks baths, carpet dopes, dlshwoshCOZY SETTING-BEDROOM er, hkps , air, 7 car carport No sin1816 5600 So East Carport Hookups Cat OK 1365 gles 595-Convenient Rose Pdk NICE homelike duplex Full bsmt Carpets, dopes, hkps, enclosed 4 BEDROOM-bath, fomlly rm , RV no parking garog-patio, garoge plus smokepets 1723 So! 20h East $525 Coll 1405 mo 236 Eost 6600 So Sproul eves Reofty 1759 EAST 4400 SO 2 r , JACKSON HOLE Condo. Jan 77- - Feb pold Coll LOVELY 2 bdm Townhouse Vicinity 4000 West 4400 South In West Volley on quiet street. Dlshwosher stove, refrigerator, patio, air, carport 1335 $440 . Phone rental. PARK CITY at slopes Sleeps 6 Pool Firepl. Jocuzzi Flexible RENT MY FURN BRIGHTON CAB IN FIREPLACE' EMMY 942 8824 Bdrms., Appllc, Air, ownerogent DUPLEX-1380- Part Meadows ten ft door Chain 1)1 302 7300 from FOOT PER 05 ear mortgoge other models available OPEN MONOAr Sat OPEN SUNDAY i PER 50 on ovoiiabie Financing fixed 17X26 STORAGE UNITS 968 4644 FULLY EQUIPPED EXERC6E Solon wfth souna ond Jocuzzi 4000 so. ft Very favorable lease porkoge to right party West Volley area Real Opportunity 969 3466 TCS LEASING (801)265-996- IN $275 164 942-- STORAGE, 17x28 942 7062 NEAR UNIVERSITY Locking block storoge garage 139 month 154 So 7th Eost oftkes from Elegont full or 1125 Share receptionist, conference rooms, full secretarial support, phone answering, moll, focsimlle etc THE OFFICE STAFF Certtfled Property Monogement PARK City Conco near ski lift, Jocuzzl, modern kitchen, firepl. or 972 3737 Sleeps 6, WE want your timeshare week Tlmeshare resole and rental report HIGH AVENUES NEW, Sandy orea, lots of room, dbl 3 bdrms., 2 full baths garoge, 7 bdrms , 2 baths, $500 Fomlly living, Must see dining rooms. Laundry Goroge Patio View! Walk to L S. ond 3 BEDROOMS, carpet drapes, childrens hospitals apple, double gar 7382 Lou no 1695 Includes utils (520 East) 1395 S71 8379 aft 6 DUPLEX FOR RENT IN EMIGRANEW Kearns 2 bdrm. Townhouse TION CANYON 3 bdrms, 7 baths, hookups, dishwasher, refrlg 1340 wosh room, garage, great shape, plus uftls $100 Deposit MOVE RIGHT IN! 1600 per mo DFANN HENNINGS CLEAN, large 2 bdrm duplex, frplc 618 East 300 So Coll Ownerogent v494 bdrm 13V Y.est jn qo'. ,e HOOntght 75o $i0 $4 Qwnerggent SAN DiEGO, beautiful Mission Beoch house, fully equipped Weeklymonthly 619 PARK Cfty condo, hot tub, 2 beds, 2 baths, ktt Reg $17Snlght, now 755 3 CHOICE LOCATIONS 3006 Highland Dr new 1,700 to 9,000 ft fin to meet your requirements 21? Fosi 5th South Retoll or office 1650 sq ft 14 75 per ft 3195 So Main 30,000 sq ft ovall summer 1986 DIEGO Exec beach suite Sleeps 6 All conveniences' Wkiy PARK CITY, 3 bdvn home for nightly 50 xj? areos , hou Bay window homes RINDLE56ACH homes InciuOc drapes, carpet, refrigerator, range, guden tup ond energy saving feeftures 3100 FOOT 3 CHOICE LOCATIONS 3006 Highland Dr new 1,200 to 9,000 ft fin to meet your retirements 212 Eost 5th South Retail or office 1650 sq ft 14 75 per ft 3195 So Mom 30,000 sq ft avoil Summer 1986 SAN DELUXE 2 BEDROOM Near Con yon Rocquet Club Frplc Air No Smokers! 1415 9804 531 PARK CITY condos, $75-- 1 100 night-lGame room, souna, close to reIn Utah sorts 800 other 1775 GALLERY FEE Reasonable 2 bdrm, Or. $LC, 2 IR0NBL0SS0M Weeks January 4 75'oS!0 $4 $42,900 AN GREENBR1AR HOMES 14 Suites LEFT for 21x32 WITH Mxll DOOR 3477 South West Temple WHY rent-- 100 down buys condo 968 4644 Storage unit 700 to 5400 vq ft easy freeov excess, ompte parting, full vertices leases at very competitive rates Brokers welcome 38 9706 TRIAD 5375 SNOWBiRD Studio Sleeps BEDROOM frpl, ax carpets, drapes, appls $390, Child OK, So. East Singles welcome DUPLEX, Quiet SE Areo 3 bdrm., 1W baths, fenced yard 1460 mo 571 7083 eves Dove GOOD areo near 'U". bdrm E rtra large living room with fireploce bdrm util pold fenced fried kids bdrm hook-u5 bdrm ouk finish frplc. areas NO bdrm Pet ok 3 HtttOGMOeSfWF RENTAL 451 Hookups, Storoge 1330 BEDROOMS. New. quiet 3530 South Blair Circle (400 Eost) Small pets, kids OK 1J15 mo lorge East 900 So Lrge Carpet, Drapes, 2730 South 1340 947 4084 1007 HAWAIIAN Condo Island of Koul Rental Sleeps Perfect for honeymoon Hove fun In the sun Son. WEST VALl EY room, 11 ronge, refrigerator, dlshwosher, dlsposoi, plus carpet hookups, carport with stcroge 7892 West 1730 1365 3 1550 CONDO renting on Inclusive Sleeps 4, Ml kit (exilities, mold service, swimming, souna, etc City 2)thto3ht carpets duplex New HOOdeooslt week days, onytime CENTERVILLE $55 5300 So 4500 So Hill L(e PARK 2 7 CLEAN 6 BEDROOMS 1300 mo $100 deposit 1111 West Arapoho (650 So) Hookups, dead end NICE Deal ond location Bdrm Duplex 1090 So Lake St $775 mo For appf 3 BEDROOM 2 bath, oil utils pold Near St Marks No smokers $500, DEIUXE DUPLEX 2 BEDROOMS Rent 1375 ond 1355 Cable T V Available NEW BROWN SHAG CARPETS Sparkling cleon ideal loc. Large living rm with frplc , bath, kitchen, dlshwosher, disposal, ronge, refriQ, drapes, carport Fenced yd Storoge, olr cond Access to club house, pool, tennis courts NO pets. 4596 SO 1300 Eost 1477 West 2400 So 973 4233 345 Eost 3300 So Office 58 Go rue inside Must see a? vy4 S' 't''0 close to canvuns Mtrs 9 494 $9) per r?0 efvnif h oftve spaces PRIME ONLY 2 HOMES West 500 RIDWOOG SELF STORAGE 36J So Redwood kg v;? 2600 BUILDING 5)00 jKl UTAH FOR RENT In Soft City, Jon ihrough 3 1st 1400 Coil (208) 654 after 6pm f nndo k 3 BjRM 2 BATH fW Twccor garoge SpHMtvfi NEW HOMES Now under consir uchon Bulkier needs Immedtuie sole' Parr tents from 1)60 month P 4 Nine differ ent hoar plans Three locutions maedioie 6r, F H v (not an ARM) Priced from low $50 s Low down Wort towards down alto avuiiapie SEE MODELS I? TO 7 PM 4100 SOUTH 6400 WEST 5500 SOUTH 4600 WEST LIMITED OFFER STORAGE $14 up Bg enough to Store ail turn m apt Also larger umts 486 46 345 OSl Jjrd So Excel Mam Street kx m newiy renovated bklgs . suites from JfX) to 9000 sq ft , build to suit Prka. necr by Ask atxxit ent ond movVig Harold J Hill, 531 M9 3737 5950 ms L - 777 5348 1265 plus deposit, hookups, 1805 Shannon 792 4700 FREE DEPOSIT etra roge Fence $45 Bob )66 8'0J NiCF 3 btfrm oe- garoge 4 4C So 100 West 15SM hi 9 1? J 5'' 4fj 'I 7 WCOOM. includes jh "es $4 so Utri JACKSON HOLE RACQUfT CLUB 2 bdm CONDO Feb kft, sleeps 7 use of ofhietk dub, easy otcess to slopes, 20 oft rates, Rkk (649 7610 eve) RENTALS ST GEORGE, Son Diego, Walk Ik I, Palm Springs, Park City, Bear Lce. Lcfce Powell 12-- 498, PARK CITY SKI VACATION Rent spooous condos from owners 3'lml from ski resort Frpics.,2 3 6 after .e. AsFNUf ll?5mght bdm ond d apes 7 7)0 South f4'0 JUDGf PARK CITY interline Cortdas, fir em. spa, pool tubie, HBO Show TV ? barm, sleeps 4. 185nsght bdrm, sleeps 6, Toll free, 4)3 5701, m BEDROOMS, Tv? baths, double gmoge Near Foshron Pkxe Moll 968 1709, 467 2649, NICE SB BOLTON BUILDING 3 ?50 WATFRBi R"M425Yost)' 7 100 sq ft 2 bdr m 2 bath gos 2 mo ree 22 8405 pod $510 Air TWO bdrm townhouse duple 3 BEDROOMS refrlg stove drapes, Dcl ukE DOWNTOWN CONDO carport, efr 155 Eos Wentworth cot, 221 Homcfton Ave 48) )17 4 Lveknpms 3 baths $,cn negofro- So Adum No pen $325 mo 205 8 LIBERTY Park areo CuV $32) 8)2 be ? First A.enue 28 0577 94 z 1288 South ?h East A a, nhse bv creex 2 DEi uE TOWNhouSE 4 pie 4)14 po carport Vepicxe gar $490 nci rLAN 4 txfrm , fam so 3820 West 2 berms, )h baths, uhes Courts No pen ?63 327 $475 66th West 3frti So 9&9 S8 he ups firepl paho, carport No pen $J35 9e7J ;s 395 ic90 NEW Mogna 3 bdrm $4Y) Aa" 440 Os MX1 so WtOwbOOk Condo 2 bdrm now Ophon possib'e 960 )87 creexsioe gos DE l l k E 3 Bdr ms, h Bahs hk ups app'i paia no pen $4?) ?7? 8405 I, XX) sqft neiv'v constructed ROSE PARK erv nice 3 txtm if46 2)94 So 1100 East 1495 mo No ttCiiA'Av 3 bdrm, 3 bath No North 1300 West $425 531 91 6 2899 2979C9 So '840 4650 $450 dogs Fast pen TbEDWOOM HOME. Double uor 466 46 Miller & CO baths TOWNHOUSE 2 Bdrms, 060 WeM5300So CoM2 J)2 2 Bt fi. jM house carport refng hookups frpk, garoge 2 pofos THREE bdrm 7 both ig yard UX 4325 So orr so enclosed d yard cisnd wth iisAusher large 4446 West 483) So 9679t4 37 $1V VAV '41 9'2 V39T 500 East B 27 JC"9 ?6? $4V 3BFDROOM fomptet caroor NoTrVlRS'Dt '640 Wesl ? W 941 5U8 Wov 6047 Vlen mo No $29) tvjr m , careen appis. loath ckseOu 2BFDROOM pen 2? 84c5 private $320 mo )8' Q"8 2 LARGE tMrm icyge fexed .or d to i f en eo area QuiE T street C lose $400 nyj p'us utus So W,n lease Fn atxfr 485 8i8 yard Pen $33094? M'5? EoV r0 CO Cl EAN ?txm tv use 2 bedroom SfAC'OuS Hookups No pen ?6JR30S 98 884) Sexfth Cose 0 town 614 host 7(K) SO W ii SON SPECIALISTS In complete manage rrent ol homes, condos, piexes SAFEGUARD P M 566 9791 carpetpolrrt, cov security, Ave 37? 7)1 MGMT CORPORATION Management 5er vices Property gar, yard, new 345 Eost Sherman '330 So) Kip, 1250, 4 PLEX 2 bdrm, appliances, olr cond , hookups carport Near 27th bo Highland Dr 2 364 heatpdjJJi 1J00-- with dep 1J25 BEDROOM 1775, PROPER r Yj Executive tftke PROFESSIONAL share Mrst presttgkius in town rms FuH F legexit ermfecerxe tin rerephexust phrx answer Ing cyrpM; parking Top quality on HigMond Dr tu'idirig 175 rT Must See 78 862?, 7 90)2 OwnerjAgent Muriogerie'rt, 6405 IMG 398 7510 Eost 2 yard, hkps 1300 bosenient, kg 1325 901,777U26 BFDROOM xondo, garage, small yard, Bountttul area, e bdrm view, security, 3 rooms baths I'OCsqft Sfrxoge freshiv pointed $445 mo Ea 943 4479 255 04)1 $445, cieon, 3 Ddm, 98eAntimony Lone, 262 837) BEDROOMS 1143 Eost 900 South $400 Sandy, omen All So 40)5 West 415 R services 77? PRECEPT prkg fenced yd City bus 5811 d'Ae. BEDROOM, rxx pets No pets 94) 64)4 SSiONAL full , 6762 SOUTH 2 r 2 , 18 Rerephon area fxxtlererire R'XXn SeaeKjtui Ser ve TewxT wx arA I AX Copyirj and Birvkrg f uliprjrt Tine rftvek Full Staff SuppoI "4 r CENTER SELF STORAGE and up All sues fosy access Tde 2nd South to 500 West, turn South wock Docks lu eosy loading, your lock and key mtur or ovundie Rent by month Homes for Sole 400 Homes for Sole 400 15 OT New Office tr. tte Tower includes ,2! stor- loundry, ts 796 ADA v townrxjut j tx rr. Ho pen 1460942 D)9 V330 'AUlLOAI On Very baths $600 56'C28 unit 1350 3 oge. studio Near ZCMiCtr" pets 1525 BEALiTlFUL EAST SIDE 2 BDRMS baths Patio Fireploce Carport Unfurn S400 Furnished $460 No 969 4367,966 0435 kid, CENTFRVILLE 2 Weeks free 2bed-rootownhouse Etro parking, heat ond olr pold No pets Ruby 292 0855 Evenings home Eost side loc CLFAN3txfcm 1465 mo 278 562 Owner ogt 7 BEDROOM 1360 LARGE HOME Gar ope 259 East 1)95 So 466 4541 $325-- WOOD 2 1325, SUGARHOUSE Cleon 2 bdrm No smoker drinker pet 277 9300 3 7 rated unit 14)0 elec 363 6500 Pets ok Tom pm JUST DKE CONDO LIVING Rent an opt at Broodwav Towers, ond 2 bd'ms, call re- - frence 3 Harve Dr (330 Eost) So owner bdrm., EAST MURRAY TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, fireploce, hookups 1450 plus dec BEDROOMS. IVj Baths, 14)0 mo 1370 East 8555 South 561 PV E. ORSVH pays fee Call v69 5)42 7LARGF bdrm fiosepark Terroces New carpet Adults 467 3116 iywasher 140 1 I Hi tAh ?, 4110 TWO bdrm, termis. pool hcAups, 1)60 448 Sfutt) 700 Fast V8 94) 96)0,268 V0J8, or 33 1871 B i AUTlf ijl l V decrx'tted Or Ota 3 Condo, 7 bdrm ?tx)th frp)r own er pays condo fee 1475 567 ?46 BEDROOM, 1V both Townhouse 2100 sq ft with full bsmt $430 mo 1300 dep Westbrook Park, 7700 So 3475 West Coll tor appt fenced yard rent 1450 mo., with Ammenittes All 1)V5 46) 3 BEDROOM home with condo amenities, 7 car gor , Coll 969 5 542 KEARNS 1450 4 beckooms, 2 baths, HOME tor Bdrm Barney 4 corner 3 3 I555T)VOCSo nepkxe, Hrx jps Marty bxtrosl F OftersH BEST Meodowbrook volue 2 bdrm e townhouse, garoge new of color 1325 Don carpets, drapes 111 BEDROOMS, full basement, house 746 So 2nd East 6 Wel 1345 In HANDICAPPED Fully facilitated, 2 bdrms new carond pet point, cute 1375 322 4041 TWO BEDROOMS Kids and pets ok Fireploce Souna JocuzI Near schools Murray 1395 Includes utils WEST JORDAN 3 BeOOms Very Nice 1465 Loyne NICE HARO ORT FtCX ) bdxxm fit 9 up 3 Bf 1)00 PLUS FlFC basement, two re frig berjryrxns, ferxed, car port fk epwx e )4 14 South 70C Fast 576 21)5 or 969 309 TWO txkm duplex grourxJ level, wd hookups, patio, carport, storage unit 19) i orrterns Com- 96 967245 plex, 1795 NF AR u large, clean, I or 7 bdrms Ratio raroge Fenced HrxA-up- s S' if 582 I6J2, Days Weekends 56? 6 J 15, Evenings DFLUXF TRl4d F X NFAR TOWfT Nke one bedr'om New carpet, point carport 1215 Free months Adults 778 8)07 GOOO WEST VAUEY LOCATION 7 FARMINGTON 2 , fenced, sfrxage DROOM Toykxstii r n r.'A.OU apt both lieomo 1100 dep )66 12)5 2XXt SO FT IMMACUl ATF Deluxe J bedrooms, 2 txths Brick fkepkye storrjge 145 1049 Easl 6600 Souffi 766 4605 bdrms 7 baths, carpeted ? )V Rets Reruwed 17'A (ep omenl-tie- condo living Ross Reofty 969 7368 1450 MONTH. Large 7 bedrooms, 2 baths, club House, souna Covered parking ond more 8144 South Cottonwood Hills (1300 East) Moody & ASSOC 7 WEEKS FREE RENT Large, spaIn cious. 7 bdrm condominium Bountiful Fully equipped 2 cov parking stalls Close to shopping Shown by appt only SILVERWOOO 2 bdrm , patio, 1400 Pool, tennis, clubhouse, steam and souna No pets Marlon, or Howard, BEDROOM, 177 West Oak fond 2450 So 1775 plus ull berfroom 1765 ON Busy 7th East Voconf 968 $605 Single 0 3 CLEAN Sondv fomlly room All Condo In The French Quarter 2 bdrm, 2 bath, loft, Mkrowove trosh compoctor dlshwosher, all the amenlttes of brick mo bckms. 1st mo 1200 2 bdm , 2 baths, amenities, fire ploce 1450 mo 464 4489, BLOCK from Trlod ond Temple Square, bdrm, all new Int, secured parking ond ertry Washer, dryer, reMg 1350 mo 30, Mondov- - Frl South 3 3 SANDY Deluxe 1330 5655 ond GOVERNORS SQUARE Lott, 2 bdrm 1375 Bdrm 1315 Gas heat, frplc dlshwosher, covered parking, 322 4041 BFDROOM, eorthtone carpet, olr cond Utility room for washer ond 1370 mo 4660 Storoge dryer J (9th East) Quality ook Dr Prop Mgmt System, BEDROOMS, Frplc , Fenced Yd 1460 6739 So 5480 West West 7 SoeHol Move 3 4307 KuSuGHTS 46) BfRM fkepl, uppis, urea ?? Ouoilbrrxx fxittis I 'As Nke frpl , dlshwosher nkps Covered parklrHj, Great So Eost loc Street Parking 7 becfrooms, fenced yard. 1300 mo 1J95 EXTRA nice 7 barmr couples 17 East Kelsey (1160 So) 364 4575 HOLLADAY-txfrms , 3 baths 1675. No smokerspets Ken 943 6436 3 txfrm, dining KIDS OA Option room, 2 car gar Fenced 7957426 3 TOWNmTtgSE kyely yard, den, puho dtH carport, all nke drapes. Cottonwood Adults No pets )66 rorJo ? bdr ms, 7 of extras 1)65 Ote-777 264, 46 731 TWO bdrm rondo wfti refrig arid ttoe swirnmlrg pcxA and tennis rAxttarM fyyjrmtul I 544 IJ07 2996 OFF SANDY 4851 7 bedrooms, DELUXE Townhouse dishwasher, olr, covered parking Pool court Near Fashion Ploce 14)0 48 5 300? 1445 basement BEDROOM, full Richmond Ave luxury S krt, option to own WEST Volley 3 txfrm, larye family room, fenced 1450 566 3576 T Affordable Pieose coll 56) WEST J fomlly ? R Suf'F 9 MOVE IN INCENTIVE Country living Park like setting In great South East location 3bdrm, J750 277 7txm OR or down Interest No principle pymt 1159 950 Cove Point Condo Blair Malouf, OwnerBroker 77? 4315 BdTms, 3 2 reduced purchase price bdrms, 3 1400 rxjtti iwrjt paid frplc k ids pets on Rerrt'jl Yxilier y NO FFE 5)1 V604 At MOST new bdrm deck fkepi, rrxprxt rwps prxA terxtis, Vxxo UXi Acxge. 531 Wto, VHfA W 1RXyM 'xy,. dbi garage, ftrepkxe 6V6 Wiiiiorrsburg P'xk, Srjridy area 147)rno 96 7V)3 LEASE OPTION JI.3W Entire pvntt BEDHCOM No Pets1 Adults South 1460 Cost 777 U53 WE5T SIDF CAPITOL hookups, bsmt 1350 GEORGE, luxurious fixnlsbed condo Available tor nightly rent als Includes wosfver . ck yer 2 ca ble TVs Dlshwosher, 1,500 sq ft 3 levels, sleeps 7 adults Close to Red Hills Golf Course 175'nlght Call Steve or L Iso 75? )00C HOOK UPS For washer ond dryer, large 2 bdrm Condo, 4500 South areo Underground parking 1300 Adults only No pets Rent with option to buy Char let BFNNiON 1500 3 3938 ixkm townrioutt Vl - PENTHOUSE BF 3 Mrui, 6)) A 7 both, uppfi , 1595 V 7 640) i) Af PF 3 bdrm plus bimt )7?4 W 3100 So 144), 943 3613. 943 6)70 WEST LEHI area, ly 4 bdrm home, 6620 1400 mo 7 ? in, 0VIV, THRfE Homes for Sole 400 Moving ond Storoge BUILDER MUST SELL! 7 BF FANXM Cqrpr1 tXi prts frJ HuOson Vfe4A 66 5t6 1)50 FOUR bdrms, J butV dining room, garage air 7)6 Vxjfth ?I60 rnil lPFN WFl TOME Eost LeR Burtrxfx 2 tkkm us baths, carport, dishyerx lease ?be'Jrrxxncondo 1)00 tee or 7 bedNo (xte lives 'XiOe or Dekw you 1265 PLUS condo washer, hookups No pets 1325 All utilities prjid except rooms no 1200 dep 964 7568 4)00 Soutt. area Carpets, drapes, 942 6871 eleclrklh HoUodoy appliances, garage PrxA, tennis, WEST VALLE Y,Ttxk ms U baths, fxA tub, murxjr y. club house Own177 SO 8THF AST, I dbl carport with storage, private bdrm, all elec, er pays condo fees No pets Coll carport, SJ5 tto pets 77? 840) fenced yd 1375 month 768 V526 or 5JJ 0900 DOWNTOWN Loely bdrm, secu9TH AVFNUE 87)8 rftV1350 78 005,359 wf Lovely, lorge, 7 bdrm., utilities 1400 7 bdr m 7 garage frplc k id 1665 THRFF bdrm, ?'6 bath twin iigirts, 1350 Coll 1)00 ? bdr m heat paid loaded home 3089 Connor St 464 644 1033 EST 1610 SOUTH 1)7) ) bdrm F ok mexws, option Nke I bedroom small pet ok OUAll BRfXtK fast riean?hdrm, Many more crfl areas Details 7 butt., OH exit OS 1)45 76? 94 ?50Shj 364)6 PfNlAlOAItW CUTi ? bdrm WOOD HOI LOW. BEDROOM isherdry . 1007 Fast VOO So NO FFE 131 9604 e hoakui 761 ?3l3aher5 y, s muH p Ok Ahr 6 93 f Ol U FARM 3 BfRMS"?k BATHS 3 BEDROOM ?6 731), after 5 1,, x near Tr'j Square 1775 a month plus utilities 7 4t8 No Center HOLl ADAr-DLUXF 1,744 sq ft FIRF PLATE or 778 063 after 5. bdr mspoot 1)45 3)9 9041 kkxjl, quiet loc 3 bdrms, fomlly PARS DUPLEXES- - 4800 So 770 rm with frplc , formal dining 1610 ? Bf fRQOM 1h baths, great Eost 3 West bdrms, 2W baths, 7 car mo, leose, Incl heat 1st no W Side loc 1400 per month gar olr, hook ups, 1550 268 9351 price No children' pets TA I KEARNS ? berths, 3 bdrrm, groge Tented yard. 'tew kitchen 14 50 nionth piu oepusrt Vo8 4VI4 C API TOt Hill SKlUUCD ? Bdr ms C lose to town ond V hool 1)55 Discount Avollabie ))5 45)5 BEDROOM, lifted bsmt Krf ) 2 1)V1 1V0 MONTH f pf F PFN f rx prjy ptHS frx 4 mo Wer)yewxx) Aikowt 7 l or ye A spen Gieri m MiX'uy txlrm tvxA rps 120 1J0 Poo m ids Or tennis, 267 74 J 76 268 24 )8J YARD )4 00 rr OfTtt. X X 76) n Af NUf 7 HI (iVMV Oft poking $47) Pot 4ft VJ) M ST JORDAN ) HlrfrM bPi'ir MOVE HU BVT HN'fcD YUAN Street 7 V4J J08V I NUI S A rijfj- port, THE WIISHIRE er ImmufuKjte home yrj"jyes, t. )IPjO, kfJr frfr'rM full bosemerrt le'ved 60V iawningt'. A r (I kith' J64 4V4 14)) If A fl Rf At Wf ST VAl l I fiut 4 lJrrn W 4 ( or ck4 rrxxr.y, T, 1775 D0 66 hi Vy fhepiore, towrinoute 564 Dermis uMi I I AM yep BAXittfut pot pxX 143) ii tr Vj ( ij tt 4 $IJ) 4' e,t s bf GROOMS, grjr'jge wosfr dryer hrx ups 2)6 So (er by mo Prrpecry (1450 West) AWxxjgernerrt Systems 466 ) 100 ADUl TS, 1275, 2 bdrm clean, g.iet, hxa jps, r or port, Ou No srryersdrinkerspets 1043 SO 6 fc 766 JV2, IJ? J22 NITH A E 17900 So) 1))4 EAST 2 Lrg banxocxn, family rm, unitt, rm terjn 1440 rno Coil 561 14 M or 76 666 ? fROOVS 16 brittn, new Him Bf 3 r. HMOOM 350 Stores ond Offices 340 DupUxat For Rent Coiidomimumj for Rent Houses 7 4 280 S355MO. 3 Nk ms Gor 'lge'Big Won't lost Lon y 941 1797 Porter 8 loft $91 r0 down" Ann jqq )VI 947 several top builde Connors and Co 0567, 359 )949 572 $250 631 New $375 TENDbTER966 6G6l 4 16 8(0 PI New 7 bdrm, double garoge, tor down DOWN ? tMrrn gt(ge, mo Dean 94? Bill V7 0840 Porter 94? 100 NOTHING down tn qualified buyer, 3 txfrms trths, family mi, large nvnter hi km suite doutie gtr .fully lenrea yd tearnsneo nil de vk $a? 000 No agents ?78 9i6J 0? R $ point in |