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Show Sachca Cou, Oidei J4a$ Qmt 0(i trprir A Enclose Coupons Below With Order at these advantageous low prices theyre yours. So act now. Save as We probably could not offer you quality vitamins we sold any other way. But with youve never saved before I If mail-orde- r, 1 MAIL ORDER COUPON MONTHS VITAMIN LmxtOnt 400 Unit Potent Beauty Aid from Cleopatras Day A This la tto rare, myitfc . cni pMni mminia 6 of the ancient Aloe Vera plant. Now her 3,500 year old beauty secret has been rediscovered for thaOMa.ttaMdkapiny YOU. And just in time. Todays world is difImvn eonUSi I gal so we are reaching remarfcabta ttw Egyp- ficult for your skin. Wisely, tians of Ctaopoboa are again for Nature's gentle gifts like Aloe Vera to eaMad It magicaL" Aiv protect our complexions against the extremes of dart Graaka uaad I In heat and cold, sun, wind and water and the ceamadc bakna. Today harsh air. Na power la deeply Now the precious Aloe Vera gel has been conalthough centrated and combined with other super moisturizers and natural lubricants in "ALOE Vis plant's VERA BEAUTY DROPS. NUTRITION HEADQUARTERS, 104 W W W Wst Jackson St, Carbondafc, QER C0UP0N Garlic Oil Capsulas 68 100 For 500 for 3.28 1000 for 6.39 with Rose Hips 98 100 For Lima Ore of Am Sat Our GRAPEFRUIT DIET PILL PLAN AND LOSE WEIGHT FAST O QQ Expires 82382 N838 t5IWfvLE mg. LantOnt otAiwSus 100 for tOtFarty A 49 UmN om 101 ganAe natural way to aneoiMgeeeflV lonatta oOrrMnaaon. Nahjra horto ara mid but aftadwt. 500 for 8.95 1000 for 12.49 Expiree 82382 N638 Eigaret 82382 t N MAIL ORDER COUPON MAIL ORDER COUPON K M K 500 for 1.99 1000 for 3.49 N638 BIG 4 2 ZINC S 39 H LxnlOm Set to a rerty Expires 82382 ALFALFA M. Lecithin Kelp, and Oder Vinegar VN. I 1 I I J 79 For 500 for 3.50 1000 for 6.49 N63B 100 DOLOMITE 100 Tabieta ASCCS9C AOS UMOm si Am Set tstfmiy Expires 82382 100 C Tadeta MULTI MINERALS 100 VITAMIN 49 49 Tsdsts Tadets 1 39 I 9 VITAL MINERALS ALOE VERA MAIL ORDER COUPON GINSENG Tablets 250 N630 OTHERS 100 for 2.49 500 for 9.85 S5.fl CHARQE0 10-O- 4.50 20-0- 6.50 40016.00 500 mg Toblott 2.49 WITA mi M IV C C VII MIY1 1 BREWERS YEAST TABLETS MG 250 for 7.95 MAIL ORDER COUPON 100 For SAME FORMULA SPIRUUNA oi.-9.- unirnnsarciFtoju 500 100 I Suo I amy Expires 57582 N638 16 Contains one of the strongest diet aids aval-,TOf able without prescription, includes modem, effective diet plan that lets you enjoy 3 detid- - 200 for ous meals arid snacks everyday as you lose 500 for weight. AND S R-- 1 2 Eest TOCOPHERYl JJ n5s00 np V.U3 UP FOR ORIGINAL RUSSIAII FORMULA 3toMo8 7 o. pure alpha gelatin capsules oualitv-io- I I I CMoum Rich Laboratory Tasted 189 for 3.49 iHrtOre to 500 MG. TABLETS Tjtrtl 100 tor 7.00 200 lor 112.60 $4-0- 0 TOP-- B Foie Add. g 49 300 for 3.96 600 for 6.85 DEE POLLEN Every capsule contains 50 mg. B1, B2, 06. Niacinamide. Panto Acid, Choi na, Inositol, 50mcg. B 1 2. Biotin, 50mg, Paba 1 00 meg. Grain Capsules 100 Capsules set I I I I I I 5 50 tor Enjoy 3 Nutritious Meals on The 50 LECITHIN 19 -- Lima Ore si a JVmu.-2.9- 1I uHooi S.O.D. Tautest amt aa art Vtoaaat Marti 2 of baas 3 for 99 Famous Formula at a Sensational Low Price! MAIL ORDER COUPON K HMMCROY PROTEIN BARS 62901 Ul. Expires 612382 MAIL ORDER COUPON Expires 82382 N636 K WITH ROSE HIPS N638 Expires 82382 N638 tolHMy 500 for 9.49 1000 for 17.98 r VITAMIN kirkirirk'kiririririrkitirirkicirirkirit'kic'k'kirk'k'kit'kitir.tk Enclose Coupons Below With Order. .................. 100 lor 1.69 500 for 6.25 1000 (Of 15.96 MAIL ORDER COUPON 500 MG. ALOE VERA BEAUTY DROPS aim to help revitalize dull, dry, aging skin ... to help facial skin regain lost smoothness and moisture, and to regain its fresh look. Watch your skin respond with a natural radiance. ALOE VERA BEAUTY DROPS can help make your skin feel so refreshed ... as if Natures gentle hands caress your skin . . . softly, and smoothly. We are so confident that once you have tried ALOE VERA BEAUTY DROPS you will become a regular user that we will send you a 4 oz. bottle without charge if you check the box in the Order Blank and return it with an order for any of the items in this ad before August 23, 1962 Tt is said that Cleopatras famed 1 beauty was enhanced by the gel Sot tsaranty Expires 812362 N638 SUPPLY 01 Any TABLETS! NEW ssch tads! as tit sIMst-Wrag- d too VITAMIN B12 PAPAYA Trtttt 100 PAP AM (Qtgsslsnt) HERBAL DIURETIC 100 BONE MEAL tSL TABLETS 1 49 95 71 79 SPECIAL STRESS FORMULA 9 Carte and Vtiaada C ,195 250 for 4.75 c-5- 0r W C hut RoaHpS WO mg 100 ms. BMavomaSs 30 mg Rssn. 25 mg HMPtndei ISO TABLETS 2$9 500 for 1.15 500 for 1.51 iso TabMts 95 0 1000 for 2.95 BRAN & HONEY 1,000 mg. Tablets (Iodine) ' TABLETS rANirsQC 100 1000 for 2.49 for 95 sm CSSS' 100 tor 800 for M0 FfWWr MIRy 100 MO. Tab lOOtor 196 500 MO TMM . 100 lor 7 49 rt PRICES IN THIS AD QOOO UNTIL AUGUST 23, 1932 m 500 for 5.46 25 1H 3, 50 for 2.96 150 for $66 tquNsM si snt arepoonlul Supsr Potency 500 MCQ 500 for 1.95 KELP BEST Tesc TO SAVS nowi NUTRITION w HEADQUARTERS 104 West Jackson St. N638 Carbondeie, Ul. 62901 List ferns you wish hen: 500 lor 125 500ter4J5 500 for 1.56 500 for L49 MASTER CHARGE expraDon dale We f um I FREE aMNT NAME I WIT and VBA accepted on orderv over $1 00ft reserve MFf rxpit to Nmr V I I I I I I Ge card rnber It ysu chadi Bre box and mal your snisr bshrg Auguat 23, 1982, wt rtH ndudt m your ordar a 4 at. bouts ol Alps Ytf Baauty Drops. AOOAESS 800 tar 10.99 CITY. and quantities. rtSTATf. O 1962 NUTRITION HDOS 1 I I |