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Show 8 K The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, August 8, 1982 Brooklyns J. P. Donleavy likes Monroe estate 1 Brooklyn-bor- n EDITOR'S NOTE J. P. Donleavy, best known as the author of 'The Ginoer Man," has as Ireland his home. Here, the expatriate adopted writer explains why, beginning with the lure of a special Irish tax advantage. growing (AP) HOLLYWOOD -T- By Charles J. Hanley Associated Press Writer estate is earning of dollars thousands by licensing the late Hollywood stars image. Miss Monroe had part owhership in some of her late movies, and fees from television and video cassette uses of those films also continue to embellish the Monroe estate. J. P. Donleavy, the MULLINGAR, Ireland g expatriate, Brooklyn firemans son and sits in manorial splendor in greenest Ireland, regretting that he is missing all the action in his American homeland. But only for a moment. If Id stayed in America, I might be buried by now, he says. Its too tough. I dont know how I would have survived. classic Hie author of the black-humThe Ginger Man survives quite comfortably in his adopted Ireland, thanks in great measure to the Finance Act of 1969, which gives authors, artists and status liere. composers tax-fre- e James Patrick Mike Donleavy, prolific writer of seven novels, four plays and two books of short beneficiaries of this fiction, is one of the better-know- n bit of Irish largesse. Why He Emigrated and taxes, he tells a visitor in explaining Money why he sttled in Ireland for good in 1969 and became an Irish citizen. The mercenary spirit often animates the plots of Donleavy novels as well. Money has always played a large role in ones books, he acknowledges with n candor. Donleavys domain is Levington Park, a e spread of paddock, pasture and woodland sloping down to the blue sparkle of Lough Owel, outside this town 50 miles west of Dublin. Crowning Levington manor house, Queen Parks hill is a lordly gray-ston- e Anne vintage, of about 25 or so rooms. Here the bewhiskered, author resides with his second wife, Mary, their two n show children, an Irish wolfhound, a and a horses and a hundred head of beef cattle shelf-fu- ll of fictional characters who have drawn a devoted following over three decades. novel-writin- The money goes to the estate of Lee Strasberg, Miss Monroes acting mentor, and Marianne Kris, her psychiatrist, who willed her share to th Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic of London. attorney Roger Rich-ma- n represents the estates of Miss Monroe, W.C. Fields, Abbott and Costello and other deceased stars for merchandizing and other purposes. He also represents the Elvis Presley estate. i . third-perso- 180-acr- - $khtnan said tothe 10 licensing averages percent of the wholesale price- - of the products. Rdums to the Monroe estate from licensing are expected to amount to five Or six figures annually,' said Richman. half-doze- : j Danger-fiel- Hie Ginger Man until after it was a hit in Europe. In America, he said, an author is generally considered as someone getting up to bat to smack a stout your entire wold must then come to exist in your own dreams and imagination. Doesnt he miss the States? One realizes theres part of life that youre somehow missing," he sayus. Youre aware that whatever happens to humanity first happens in America. be crosses the Atlantic frequently enough, Donleavy says, but you can only absorb so much of America because it is corrosive of the writing spirit. Its not a place where you can experiment. He noted he could not find a U.S. publisher for d, the amoral, deadbeat American whose raunchy escapades in postwar Dublin helped set the tone for a A succession of generation of fictional novels followed, sometimes cynical, sometimes A Singular Man, hopeful, always uproarious and Destinies of Darcy The Onion Eaters, Dancer, Gentleman. Donleavys play TTie Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B is currently delighting audiences in London, where Punch magazine called it one of the great comic creations of our time. Plans are being made to take this story of two young men, wild times and lost love to the United States. The Donleavy had strong personal ties here even before the Dublin Parliament decided 13 years ago to reward creativity with deductibility. anti-heroe- s. wenty years after her death, Marilyn Monroes It began with Ginger Man Sebastian life in Ireland tax-fr- ee home run. Unless he does this, he somehow is felt not to exist anymore. His image of the American writing profession is of a club where everyone is reading over everyone elses shoulder. But, for Donleavy, it wouldnt really concern me as to what is the latest book coming out. In fact, items in some of his favorite reading is chanced-upo- n medical journals and movie magazines. Irish-descend- ed AT SNOWBIRD Studied Zoology After studying zoology at Dublins Trinity College on die GI BiU, he completed The Ginger Man in 1951. But it was not published until 1955, first in France, then in expurgated form in Britain. He traveled between the States and Britain in the 1950s and 1960s before finally settling in Ireland. Most beautiful country in the world, the fictional Ginger Man said of his adopted island.' Stay here to die and never die. But the Emerald Isle is several steps short of paradise, says DuulcoVy. The pervasive atmosphere is that deep dampness, that cold, that chill. And inefficiency is the way of life somehow. Theres no way you can get ahead of yourself in Ireland. It requires enormous patience living here. The writer, long and lean, speaking in an accent now more Belgravia than Brooklyn, was interviewed in a sitting room of Levington Park, in g hearth. the sweet warmth of a 15th at 5 p.m. Sunday, $9August advance$10 at gate peat-burnin- Ferule Soil Rain or Shine What Ireland offers, especially to the writer, is fertile soil for the mind, Donleavy says. Just as in an Irish pub if you go inside youll find theres no embellishment of any description, nothing, its just literally a board upon which a pint ' of stout is presented to you. But within that pint of Tickets on sale now at: Cosmic Aeroplane, Snowbird, All ZCMI Datatix locations and The Salt Palace. i (HAWAIIAN J 4Jf SALT LAKE x - S 't f.y mrnmmm TODAY: fact ou - ir, , 'a. Enjoyable dining at affordable prices Make your weekend a special musical event by qQeilding Snowbird's Sunday Series of Jazz This Sunday, see the Salt Lake Goodtime Band Co ffcert will be held outdoors at the Music Pavihon on the Plaza from 6 p m Tickets are $3 at the door A presentation of Snowbird ' r, - . GIT JAZZID f : a I T .. - Jr'S 3V 3 j 4-- Jjstitute J COMING EVENTS BUY ONE Country Dance Night August 13. $Mng your partner to the tunes of the Wasatch Rascals and caller Allan Wardle 7 30 p m , 9 per couple dure Prairie League presented by Scott Arnold Productions. Sunday, August 15, 5 p.m. Tickets Saturday August 21 NEARLY $200 IN FPJEE MEALS 1 Membership valid Aug. thru Jan. 31, 1983 receive 28 membership coupons in your personalized voucher holder. one main course entree, present your coupon for that restaurant and the second main course entree of equal or lesser value is yours complimentary of the house. 3. Your vouchers are virtually restriction free! 4. Present your coupon only when paying your bill. SLC R 0RD 5. The Salt Lake Supper Club is Bonded for your safety. FALL-WINTE- MEMBERSHIP n But you can join before Aug. 31 20-17- -5 1 "r,; ""ONLY & SAVE 820 PLUS RECEIVE THESE 5 p.m. 1 8, Salt Lake Goodtime 1 1. (Sndinixri 2. Temple Family oundu 3. Utah Opera popemi 17-2- 24-2- Ottering Snowbird invites you to come up and investigate the joys of shared ownership For more informa- or visit tion, call Snowbird Realty at oJr offices at Level 3, Snowbird Center lour newly remodeled locations in (he valley 4. Theatre 138 f . , c (Any puy 5. Hansen Planetarium m 1 S p.m. to midnight, Tuesday through Saturdays Toi and the Zerks, August August Second Chance. August 31- Boys, August Sept 4, Oquirrh Ridge Drifters ' REAL ESTATE ' Amelias AT THE TRAM ROOM BAR... LtVE ENTERTAINMENT COVER CHARGE... 10-1- ' Jazz Band Per couple j 'i' R kunday Series of Jau, 4 p.m. August 1 1. You :4RKSBNTATIONS OF SNOWBIRD INSTITUTE Sunday August 22, iij 1 2. Buy August 27; $6. 'Utah Symphony, ONE DINNER-G- ET HOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP WORKS available at Snowbird, Cosmic Aeroplane Records, jftd.Patatix at the Salt Palace and all ZCMI locations $9 in advance, $10 at the door j$e Cannon Saturday ,, h 2 NIKKO RESTAURANT - - 484 3737 3424 South State Street Absolutely no restrictions 1477 West 7800 South Absolutely no restrictions eight locations there is always a restaurant near you Absolutely no restrictions With 21 15 East - 484 8431 2100 South no restrictions Absolutely AT LAST! A SUPPER CLUB PRICED RIGH- T- RESTAURANTS YOU FEEL AT HOME WITH 742-222- 2 ; A Childrens Day Camp For children 6 and up swimming, tennis, arts and crafts, nature hikes, photography and more $1J per day, $60 per week, $200 monthly, two Children from the same family $100 per week C$250 monthly, lunch $3 per day, optional Call for more information A SYetv Cedars of Lebanon qfetauAOht TJ CMilPlIRlU 154 - - 485 9977 2741 South State 355 7799 320 West North Temple no restrictions Absolutely - 487 3678 910 East 33rd South Absolutely no restrictions 364 4096 East 200 South no restrictions Absolutely THINK OF THE ADVENTURE COMPARE THE SAVINGS! Lodging Stay m one of Snowbird's four luxurious lodges Nightly lodging rates start at $43 per night double 2- - and Special packages mofude Sunday Brunch or dinner in any Snowbird restaurant and an aerial tram ride All lodges include saunas and swimming One free hour tennis time included with each night's lodging Children under 16 stay free with parents in same room AUlHlWir MIJtICAN PU S1ALJM" 1374 - 484 5506 2920 South State Street Absolutely no restrictions 521 2322 Indiana Avenue Absolutely no restrictions V - $2 Take a ride to the sky 11,000-f- t Hidden Peak . Daily 11am to 8 p m Adults $4 50, children and seniors 62 and over, $2 50, children under i b free with an adult family rate (2 adults and up to 4 children) $12 .Ri 'him, nil , 1 Clothing jewelry, gifts leather goods photographic qaar sporting goods and more " CllthltilhuJ - MEMBERSHIP .4 VINGS M U Ti 7f YKS would like to join the Salt Lake Supper Club's FallWinter dining season I am enclosing my check amount of 120 for eaih membership ordered I understand the membership is valid Aug 1 thru Jan 31, 1983 satisfied I may return my membership within 10 days lor a complete refund I 566 5731 FREE BONUSES 3164 West 3500 South Absolutely no - - 460 South 200 West Bountiful 292 2501 Absolutely no restrictions 966 3603 frictions HOW TO JOIN 3 simple ways i money order charge card number in the I also understand that if I am not completely Join by Phone 532-323- 4 fd NAME 1 ; J Dining ADDRESS Steak Pit, Ice Cream Store, Birdfeeder, Forklift Private Clubs The Lodge at Snowbird Club, Gdlden Cliff Dining Room and the Keyhole Mexican Restaurant w snowbird ;ski and summer resort ; 1 26 miles southeast of Salt Lake City la LljtyJe Cottonwood Canyon 4 . lor enclose $ membership) membership ordered ( ne membership per household please I prefer to use my charge card CARD NUMBER I MasterCard PHONE Visa Amt-ma- Express . .ZIP. .STATE. CITY EXPIRATION DATE . MAIL TO: Salt Lake Supper Club, 220 South 200 E. 440, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 " PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CAI L U.S AT 532-323- 4 532-323- 4 Code T 8882 4 during working hours 8am to 5 p m Monday thru Friday and give us your credit card number, or 2 Clip and send the membership application with a check or money order in the amount of $20 ($22 alter August 31st) to the address below Or use your charge or banking card number in the space provided, or 3 Slop into our office at 220 South 200 East 440 (Chancellor Bldg ) from Ham to 5 p m and pay by cash, check or credit card . . al $20 per couple (Enclose complete name and address for each additional 0 n 9814 FAMILY M8TAimAMT 2055 West 3500 South -9- 72 9662 Absolutely no restrictions -- f Bountiful 295 Absolutely no restrictions 35 West Center POTBEX.LT HIMMULVT 160 South 500 West Absolutely no restrictions AWM S - - South 900 East 7331 1 - - - Street 485 9265 no restrictions al CL 6CK BO WAREHOUSE 272 8091 3926 South Highland Drive Absolutely no restrictions 6 Shops (11 Absolutely The itan SPAGHETTI Aerial Tram 3331 Edison DINING OUT FUN R 0MANCE East 2100 Suuth 1 466 0642 Absolutely no restrictions 2121 22 COMPIJMENTARY DINNERS i 571 0404 restrictions HCBTJtUBJW y-- i - no Absolutely Vj HUMG at the Plaza Restaurant, Snowbird Center 680 Union Square , EiFarc -, Sunday Brunch 10 am to 2 30 p m faels ii Restaurant V At,. - V-s- - |