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Show Helping you improve your vacation By Dr. Joyce Brothers Vacations aren't always what theyre cracked up to be This quiz may help you improve yours Men and 1 women generally have about the e n thusiasm for vacations that involve traveling about True ( ) False same I -- ) Vacations 2 are a perfect way to bring cou- ples and families closer together True ( ) False ( ) 3 Families should plan to be a closely knit unit on vacations and should plan each hour with activities they can all share and enjoy. True ( ) False ( ) 4 Expectations often determine how much we enjoy a vacation True ( ) False! ) 5 When a husband and wife take separate vacations it is a strong indication somethings wrong with the marriage True ( ) False ( ) 6 Mental and emotional problems are practically unheard of on vacations Its after the people get back that the problems may appear. Trie ( ) False ( ) 7 The person who doesnt like to travel probably is an insecure individual True ( ) False ( ) 8 Living a day at a time or an hour at a time is vital if you want to enjoy a vacation True ( ) False ( ) ANSWERS: FALSE. Men are generally not as enthusiastic about travel as women There are several reasons for this One may be that most men feel they have to be in charge, even on a vacation, especially if their jobs are positions of responsibility. If a man goes on a vacation where someone else is m charge, he doesnt get the ego reinforcement hes used to. 2. FALSE. Vacations often increase conflicts and stress There's a lot of 1. Learning Disabled seminar Living With Your Learning Disabled Child is the theme for a morning seminar Wednesday sponsored by the Utah Association for Children and Adults With Learning Disabilities The seminar is scheduled from to noon at the Hartvigsen School, 3605 South 9am 350 E Three one-howorkshops are planned on a rotating basis so participants may attend all Judy Southwick, Davis County School District resource teacher, will present Experiencing the Learning Disabled Child Jo Ann Gillis of Instructional Media will present Edmond E Assertive Discipline Tucker, LDS Social Services, will present Marriage Survival for Parents of the Learning Disabled Cost of the seminar is $3 for the individual or $5 per couple Further information is available by contacting Mrs Edmond E. Tucker. fantasy when one is on vacation and some people feel uncomfortable sharing and Living m anothers fantasy The props that mask tension are usually taken away on a vacation would "look like and afraid the other spouse will become involved with someone else . 3. FALSE. Families will enjoy vacations more if they recognize that different things appeal to different members of the family. Each person, even small children, needs some space Too much emphasis on togetherness can kill the joy of a vacation 4. TRUE. Unrealistic expectations can spoil a vacation just as they can spoil a marriage The person who goes off expecting perfection is going to be disappointed Its better not to plan on meeting the man or woman of your dreams and its better to know, in advance, that all the days wont be and cloudless 5. FALSE. Separate vacations mav mean just the opposite. When a marriage is insecure or threatened, couples are much less likely to opt for separate vacations Theyre afraid of what it tions often trigger psychological upsets Many vacationers are lonely and find it difficult to adjust to new environments. They feel a letdown following the period of vacation prep- I 1 1 BERNINA 830 I a a SINGER with Stretch Stitches BABY LOCK Floor Model a a ai a a I $120 I ww $0RQ AUv SINGER arm with Stretch Stitches Free a Iw performance portable $1 VIKING TOP OF LINE Freearm I Do you $Cn WV of the line senes 8. TRUE. is way its best to concentrate on each moment and enjoy it for what it is. The more flexible a person is, the more hes apt to enjoy travel For instance, studies indicate greatest impact dren She said major find ings of recent studies a number of which were supported by the Nation al Institute of Mental Health, showed For most children the first year after divorce causes the most intense more so in disruptions Two many boys still exhibit high levels of dependency, or excessive physical aggression, or withdrawal behavior The consequences for girls seemed less dramatic Young children and adolescents are able to, assume genuine responsibility in the singleparent household by participating in important decisions about the family, and even becommg confidantes of their parents " Its both good and bad that these children grow up faster than other children, said Dr Levitin "For while it helps them with the immediate problems, it also may force them to grow up before Final. Reduction Taken Thos. 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ISn.VYANNIVeSArWZISltVegZANNIVlSArWKSUViTANMVlSArIZTSilVg7ANNIVtKSArWFsilVljTANNIVSArWZfsnVrTANNIVfSAYWWslVf7ANNVMSAarinSllVlTANNIVtSArr ) To fastest howto , Palizzio Per Pair The Learn easy to carry & Value Continuous classes lor both males DOWNTOWN they are ready According to Dr Levitin, divorces have been affecting more children annually. Sincq 1960, she said, the number of children Living with one parent has doubled, while the number of children with a divorced father has tripled Finally, she said,- - tu percent of all divorces today involve several young children so that statistically the number of children uivolved in divorce has increased faster than the divorce rate I would urge divdtced parents to set aside more time with their children, she said "It could be extremely valuable to the well being of their youngsters years after divorce, Shoe Sale DAVE DALTONS I boys than in girls Semi-Annu- al American Council of Life Insurance advises you to make certain your policy has a disability premium waiver. Should you become ill or injured and unable to work, such a provision, the council explains, will keep your life insurance in force without you having to pay the insurance premiums. today's and centimeters 484-443- "the of di orce may be on its most helpless ictims, the chil the 6 $200 VUw Planning beforehand important, but once the trip is under anymore Too many are being affected by divorce, says the American Council of Life Insurance Teresa Levitm, Ph D , lieallh scientist admuus-trato- r of the National Institutes of Health, told the council that current your policy more valuable to you and your family7 Tape measure on front of machine shows inches Lightweight, chair so easy children know about Adjusting knob on base plate levels machine and makes it vibration proof WWW m Desk Cabinet VB WW r may suffer from insecurity and feelings turf This and is apt to feel uncomfortable even in his own home if someone else sits in his of powerlessness on a strange kind of person is territory-boun- d isnt quite Life for young extra life insurance provisions that can make Single dial operation for easy stitch selection and making of buttonholes By moving dial, the selected stitch will appear in window on black panel Built in reverse feeding for numerous stretch and decorative stitches $CQQ SINGER TOUCH N SEW SEWING MACHINE BERNINA 730 OPEN ARM UU with all the necessary stitches-fotrends in home sewing1 7. TRUE. A person who doesn't like to travel often experiences an identity crisis when hes away from home He 5 Policyholder tip Sale on the New Coupon I Sewins Machine I Hobby USED MACHINES from PFAFF S $7R High aration W 8, 1982 Divorce takes toll on children pniommaBB COUPON PFAFF 6. FALSE. Dr. Heinz Brokop of the Innsbruck Clinic in Austria says vaca- The Suit Lake Tribune, Sunday, August imummm n SHOP ALL STORES t O TIL 9 WEEKDAYS, 1 0 TIL 6 SATURDAY. FOOTHILL VILLAGE t OLYMPUS HILLS FASHION PLACE VALLEY FAIR LAYTON HILLS MALL f 4 |