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Show t Halt fake Srilmne Classified Advertising Section To place your ad phone Dial 237-200- 0 To cancel or correct your ad Dial The Intermountain Areas Largest Shopping Center 237-200- 0 mm'- "f 4 4 X. .4 i .. SJ ? s ? S ; V f- - , , r . V, T CXfc-- a iMrtfif ir jmi' r -- WW.r jfe I.L. .? rtfii-4- & Salt Lake City, Utah Sunday Morning Section C m SPECIAL NOTICES DISPLAY Up IO on display cabinets 20-50OO- TF MANUFACTURERS LIST PRICE GtEHII? TOCD HEGB AY EVEIH1V Prices effective through Saturday, August 14th, 1982 or until stock is sold out 3EME FREE FENCE BRACKETS mi STIHL FREE COMPARE CEDAR SLATS 60 FULL 34 THICK FULL 4" WIDE S LENGTHS OFF on all kitchen and bath cabinets we offer! Also Available: oil Hand-wipe- d 1X46 1X4- 1X6- -6 features VANITIES g42 I POSTS 4X48 2.95 3.69 tg mg 2d kb uSm. i iVt s ihp 1.69 aiuim Lim POSTS 4X4- -6 EACH Murray NEW KITCHEN SPECIAL CLOSE OUT SPECIAL 0f UaFt Com la, tftcaia Colors wei. ONLY RAILROAD TIE SPECIALS 8 2. .... 8.95 225-L- B 5TAINQ T3fin.- i- rated Warrantee, 20 LARGER... ON APPLICATION TIME. NOW $12.93 NOW $13.93 JICAMMCT HAADWAM Pull Knobs, Rag STAIN $15 96 NOW $11.93 LATEX Smoot SPECIAL Double Cylinder DEADBOLT f10 M Hinge, Catches 8" o.c. Grovg I A99 $V W pro- POT 91 4 fKVv to place YOUR AD in Classified 25 Bag 800-662-91- 29 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 3'AxlS Per Wo f FENCING 4x4-- 8 2x4-- 8 1x4-- 6 1x4-- 6 Cedar 1 Cedar Cedar 2 Cedar B11DGS3 BI THIS WEEK ONLY fit GARAGE V 24x24 with 7x16 door. This Week ONLY 1995 COLOMAL DESKIN. ONLY. . . CEDAR 1 IPRE-FA- $4.79 $1.79 69c 49c SPORTS CABIN 24x24, 8x24 porch, Mnglee, wtotttowt No Interior finish. hd.. floors, walls, roof, door, nail, htrtfcwsr. HORSE BARN Storage S Tech. 24X36, A CALL 561-973- steal SPECIAL 3 2X48 STUDS Premium Grade. 2X48 STUDS Cabin Grade UTAH CEMENT PORTLAND, 84 ..... 2X4 8 STUDS ONI Y CONCRETE KMX 80 pound bag.. rarara 1 RAILROAD TIES FINANCIAL Assistance needed to complete processing of stockpiled preclout metals ore Prelect can be completed within i months with adequate flow sheet For details contact, 01 ROD MILL, flotation recovery, county power It mining claims, all or pert with terms Contact N P Zokii, Quid Hill, U1 We Rant Matal Detectors HARDROCK RICK'S 277 8523 4000 Highland Dr FREE COUNSELING to gold 2812 miners, prospectors eaa LOST AND FOUND FOUND Diamond wedd ring, Mall In July Writ Code co this Paper, PO Box 838, S L C , 84110, give description FOUND, DOG LlghtDark GOLD Large Young, Longish Heir Male ZCMI 484 IWO, FOUND BLACK LAB Near 4100 So 4800 West FOUND at Kearn's Saleway Small blond Cocker Spaniel, Iowa tees FOUND at mouth Little Cottonwood Canyon large black female blue collar, dog (Schnauzer?), call 363 5549, 531 1583 Mens wedding ring FOUND Inscribed Bill from Betty Call, Identity wedding date 6400 SUPPLY 3232 S. 400 E. 486-330- 9150 S. 300 W. 566-150- 0 0 Mon Fit TAM k6PM 7 AM to 6 PM SATURDAYS 8ATUROAY9 6 AM to e PM AM IOSPM OUT OF SALT LAKE. CALL Mon Fit . i 972-873- 1 972-873- 7 972-873- 8 W In WVC year old female Pug, LOST Whit end oreng met Lost In Wendovor Re- cat, Blue eyes Vic 9th Ay end I or St Reward, 359 1930 LOST 729 male Shepherd mix WILL MAN who called re Opel pup, 9 weeks, collerturquolte end turquoise earring found Val-i.- v Stone kenrna Reword Fair Mall pirate call again e female Reward Semoyed doe Lldit rust tool Vicinity 3300 LOST So 9th 4 East keys, Murrey Perk arena Reward hugs, kisses end cook! ies Karen or LOST Sapphire ring, ledlea rest room on mezzanine Hotel Utah 84 Reward LOST LOST 13340 Seddle-Jul- 9 Lg haired dark grey stripped male, right eye damaged, declawed, Name "Fritz' very friend Family misses him deerlyl Doro-thafter 5pm 253286 REWARD LOST Thurs , May 27, between Larkin Mort end Wasatch Lawn Cam large sq sterling silver cuttllnk Reward LOST-- ! yr old Shepherd wolf pup wearing checker chain Answers to Toson Any Into, please cell 322 3719 REWARDI LOST ladles Seiko watch, gold with black face between So Temple, 3rd So on Mein St 1 8482 Reward J RULON PRICE So 1800 E, 0 lbs, ATTORNEY of LAW SUITE 715 EAST 3900 SO 102 Practice Concentrates On DIVORCE ond BANKRUPTCY DIVORCE DO YOU NEED A ATTORNEY AT LAW 1399 SO 700 19 E LAWYER? 487-998- 5 BANKRUPTCY JOINT SINGLE $110 $150 Have you ever had a legal problem, but you didn't know a lawyer7 Perhaps we can help. Wi dont work on all types of legal problems. But, if you have a problem in the following areas, we would be happy to talk with you. $90 BANKRUPTCY JOINT $110$150 CHAPTER DRUNK DRIVING? The New Law will aft act you W concentrate In CRIMINAL DEFENSE A 3 $400 . home foreckure Car repossession Garnishments accidents Uninsured motorist accidents Train, bus or airplane accidents Injuries from defective products Injuries from defective machinery Workman's compens ition $90 ADOPTIONS INCORPORATIONS S12S 125 W THOMAS HARRIS Attorney it Law locations Usually we can give some preliminary advice on the telephone. There is absolutely no cost or obligation for our visit If we accept your case, we will work on a percentage basts. That is, you pay no legal fee unless we obtain some compensation for you $400 ADOPTIONS $125 WILLS $50 INCORPORATIONS $125 FILING FEES EXTRA 34-73- 1 Stop Sueerhouse-Sand- y CHAPTER 13 Accidental death Automobile accidents Industrial accidents Slip and fall accidents 486-040- 3 (UNCONTESTED) SIMPLE SINGLE: CALL DIVORCE ITESTED, S JOHNSON Legal Services For more Information 268-312- 1 Falcon Reward Call 250629 LOST 52 yd. roll of carpet on freeway between 21 So end 6th So 83 REWARD LOST male Golden Retriever In the Avenues on Aug 3 LOST white male Semoyed, mo Vic Foothill Village LOST Springer Spaniel, white with black eye end spots, 9 LOST WHIPPET Missing sire July 24, looks Ilk smell greyhound, whit with ten spots, 53 ) 9874 LOST- - Large female German Shepherd, 5 yrt old, enswets to Sheba, lest seen, 7 22 82 dragging 8 It chain vie 7200 So 400 East Pregnent Will give pick of litter with paper as reward. Fleet bring to 398 Eest 7200 So LOST, leather lecket between Smith Morehouse end Coelvllle. Reward Cell Bill, ROLEX wetch, Vic. Hilton hotel, reward 33 330 LOST SMALL male Yorkshire Terrier, silver body, blond heed-teBountiful area 292 515 LOST Silver ring, glass y setting Reward Call 035 RICHARD CALDER I y South 1300 Weal, Riverton and Blutfdele Reward Rings, Thursday, Aug 5, Smiths Foods King, 39th So State Reward Irene 262 2504 LOST Golden Retriever around 11400 LEGAL SERVICES mi 035 legal Services 035 legal Services "Susie" ward! e PLEASE HEIPME special cat was taken by throughtless neighbors end crue-labandoned in vacant field on BUILDERS i 030 lost and Found 030 lost and Found REWARD LOST $8.47 PANELING KINGS 1555 WEST 3500 SOUTH MINING. My .... $6.ee ' j &. BDSCS'S 0 SKINNY $1.05 69c $4.69 59c $2.09 J. , T 6:45 P.M. URANIUM luiV FOR MORE INFO. 7, THE WALL I 9 Subject to ttock otroilobilky. and cairad printing enan. SEEDS YEARS SUPPLY tor 2, Sam Andy MOO AND MONDAY AUGUST OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. TO 8; I 9ICjOfl 4495 ONLY morn FOOD STORAGE 33FF 8 to change wtewet notice. the rigM to IMt qaantMot fnfermovntan Wtsfi Largest Horn Improrttmnf Cmftr Th$ informationBOX call A PAINT SALE fRATT&LAMBEin GOOD SUNDAY AUGUST 86 PRATT & LAMBERT GARAGE Roll PRICES . or PO Helper, Utah 4526 9 Free use of Blower for Vt day with 35 bags it 8 A M TO 4 P M DAILY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY EMERY Labor THE CARBON Day Committee It looking tor marching bands to participate in their Labor Day parade. For more Entire line of sale Vapex, Cellutooe, Aqua Satin, Aqua Royal. Effecto, Enamel, Tonetic wood stain. $C98 J Meet tabled MFG LIST PRICE ROCK WOOL INSULATION nr UTAH STATE RESIDENTS CORROGATED GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING. Available In 8. 10', 12. 14. 16', 18 and 20 Lengths. Come In Today andSEE OUR SELECTION. L.F. HARPBOARD SIDING 48xit VANITIES (outside Self Lake Area) Take advantage ol our TOLL FREE WATTS LINE T.rBa SQ. SAVE 20 BATHRQOM 17x19 1.99 25-ye-ar 283-032- 6 .$6.96 CENTER CUTS FIBERGLASS ASPHALT, $2.00 4901 Sa. State SUPER SIZE GLASSTITE SHINGLES obiMFC ywr 12MGal. NOW 1.49 1 MaM tor UMa yea HI to waaM UNa. Oar cattoai plaaatog wlfl halp Kara ktfcfcaa a ptoa yoa mi aipacially tor yaar SEAL STAIN G oi Q CLASSIC HARVEST CABINETS T:lM jlM OVERCOAT Reg $19 95 t 169 JL EA SIMS ri STAIN $16 95 C. D. OAXIDGE AND C.D. LA BELLA, EACH IN 3 DIFFERENT COLORS MANUFACTURED BY CHRIS DICKS 621-565- 1 (5.28 END CUTS- .- OIL Ogden 969-BUC- landscaping Rag OF KITCHEN CABINETS & VANITIES 6586 S. State City Plaza 4X4 3.95 24 Beautiful AND WEDNESDAY 79 roll ENERGY CENTERS TIIOKIPSOIVS WATER-PROOKJN- v.4 9 FROM THE MANUFACTURER SEE OUR NEW LINE BUCK STOVE ari; m MONDAY, TUESDAY, 1 BUY DIRECT! WARRANTY BACK GUARANTEE CERTIFIED INSTALLATION BRING THIS AD FOR FREE CATCHY CAP WFTH ANY PURCHASE. 86 99 REDWOOD DECKING 2X4 RANDOM LENGTH FIX UP SPECIALS 4x4x8 Cedar GUARANTEE LIFETIME 99c bag j PRICE MONEY POST MIX ton s 2x4x8 Cedar 1 ASK US ABOUT: 469 & BTR 96" ECONOMY nt tBiio uji 4x50 12 ga. LENGTH LENGTH sn 1.79 1.59 Cedar DOMESTIC CHAIN LINK CEDAR RAILS 2X4 'till mm LOOK UP TO 1 1x4x6 Combed Redwood 96 UTIL 3 - 1. 79 . REDWOOD POSTS mm .1x8x6 d5 (etOmM. Pressure Treated To Last! Stronger Than Redwood Or Coder. Mi C' 2 Cedar. 1x4x6 4 (&). (bq FIR E. Arrowhead Lane 4x4x8 Cedar Utility Btr INSTALLATION BOOKLET FREE FENCING r IN WEST inmimo. CEDAR SLATS . CEDAR SLATS (Good) 6' (QUALITY or BETTER) (FAIR or BETTER) . ECONOMY UTILITY BETTER STD. BETTER Parts Auto 266-826- FAIR GRADE. RUSTIC OR m 49c CEDAR Counter tops Onyx bath tops Installation and delivery ce 59 LARGEST SELECTION CEDAR SLATS -6 GRAPE STAKES ii"X6 Sales-Servi- 853 EACH 1X5- -6 CEDAR SLATS 1X4 4 CEDAR SLATS 1X4 5 FROM AITs BPTKee - 69c BEST GRADE GOOD GRADE 1X46 stain finishes Shelving units Many custom SOLID HARDWOOD FROM M with MOO lonoo Screwdriver S SocUM FRKC $1 yuKIir7 FENCING? gggp 3 CHAIN SAWS WITH COMPLETE FENCE PURCHASE Your Choke of 40 pc. MCklt Mt or 1 1 pa ecrawflrtv. eet wbh Moo lonoo puicbeee. KITCHEN PLANNING AND ESTIMATES SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES SAVE all 1 SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES BUILDERS SUPPLY SALE s? ec.7ft Ww1 V SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES Pape One August 8, 1982 STILLMAN BANKRUPTCY Individual 81 8150 Chapter 13, 8400 DIVORCE uncontetted) Other legal fervid at rratonabl ratal Apert alto available Set am end evnlngt 1135 (If ROBERT J. DE BRY & ASSOCIATES 262-891- 5 Salt Lake City f - |