Show THE lami jumpers in are eudenah not n need of i spring tonic this ear ANDREW h s that he would 1 ke to bu nod ed t it come here qu ck andre ind cease v orr ing abai t di ing i ich ADMIRAL SAMPSON d ed on last the he 11 occupy in his tory anny e to be determined I 1 v rural debiting clubs general mcclellan was 1 ui ate isea york journal that no bravel general tl in funston eer lived chere don aseem to be a thing that 11 e anti inti lists ire able to agree i poo KAAS debating club this question should man leive his music lessons to split flood hen h u mother 13 at home in perfect health strange to sa opinion tt as divided SEATO presa igent seems to have crossed ires with the washing ton post for that piper 13 ind enough to say thit one 0 raft lina three day ipe eche is worse thin ir itself congressman AMOS who died last week as a fine example of a self made in he worked his via up from a printers case to a pos tion in the pot hall ot national on bv fe v men mr cummings vaa but con ser vatne and was as much esteemed b his political opponents as ho was by members of his a political icil filth THE arni 0 peter for the ol 01 chis R ha nov occupies i larro spi in the salt like dailies the reports ire I 1 cin red deep in terest by thousands of people all over the state ahat pirt of the mormon church doctrine asserting belief n divine u elation id ono of the features of the ex animation of jurors no venue min vill on the jury who stites that such revelation has any influence with him |