Show FASTING CORPULENT doctor declared De clarea it 19 the a tor too macch fat in the restaurant nearly everybody was too fat and the phy in eluding all those pendulous paunches and double china in a sneering glance remarked why will men and women be disfigured with corpulence when the remedy Is so simple and what Is the why it Is of course the natural one that v occur to an animal 01 a savage it is fasting let the fat man or the tat woman tat a week two three weeks or a month fast he or she be thin enough about once a year say and corpulence that most unsightly and unhealthy cond tion would vanish from the face of the earth I 1 suppose these tools are afraid to do this the phys clan continued ac cording to the philadelphia record they think probably that before they would get sufficiently thin they would starve to death but the picture ot the cuban and the indian famine vie elins that fear well enough none of those folks died of starvation till was nothing left of them but dmn and bone lasting would be very good thing for fat people to regularly they would then keep 1 ways shape D ning their abstinence they would live on and consume their own tat as h bernatine berna ting animals do |