Show FIERCE WITH MOROS AMERICAN SOLDIERS CAP TUffE FORT AFTER HAND TO HANO STRUGGLE one officer and beven unlisted men are killed while tl e enemy loe we V cry stab sol bere iere attempting to help tl em the war department has received a cablegram from general chaffee indicating that tl e campaign against sul tan bayan one of the principal moro chiefs had been completely successful the result was accomplished by a gal lant assault on the annc pal moro fort and its capture after a number of lead ing moros had been killed the cablegram was as follows the following is the full substance of brigadier general george W davis message from bayan eighty four survivors of the forces of sultan bayan surrendered uncia this morning at 7 clock sultan baban raja muda bayan sul tan apatan and all the leading dattos are dead also many of their followers the assault on the principal fort which surrendered last n was one of the most gallant performances 0 american arms colonel frank D baldwin and his regiment deserve all praise for the hand to hand struggle in four lines of ditches under the walls of the fort these trenches are lined with moro dead from the rifle fire I 1 have never seen or heard of any performance excelling this gallant fight it is my painful duty to report that the overthrow of moro power was not shed without severe lose one officer and seven enlisted men were killed four officers and thirty enlisted men wounded I 1 will telegraph the list later after the eighty four survivors were mancl ed out this morning as prisoners and it was understood they were all e others who had con cealey themselves in rubbish inside the fort made a break for liberty but did not succeed some of the wounded tried ers trying tol elp them it is immoss ble to state the number of moros killed many lying in the tall grass the surrender saves us from a long siege and starving them out it was immoss to have carr ed the works without scaling ladders which were ready I 1 intend to retain the prisoners until two or three small adjacent forts are occupied then I 1 will consent to re lease as hostages e or ten of the principals and then release the oth |