Show convention oil land owners meet at price and organize an information bureau eastern utah received OIL a strong impetus by the meeting and work at the oil convention at price thursday an friday some matters not quite clear to even the most enthuse aftic of emer carbon and grand coun ty men are devoting their time and to further the development of what promises to be the richest oil field in the world were cleared awa and the exhibit of oil shale and other hydro car bon substances set up at price on the basof the convention was sufficient to fully convince all strangers that the eastern utah petroleum fields possess all the merit claimed for them the three counties earned above fur nish the exhibit emery county leading in the amount of spice occupied in the display in fact it might be further said with out fear of contradiction that county furnished the hydro carbon dis play price the entertainment with a close race between carbon county and salt lake cit for the honor of the wind and oratory A castle gaie band tarnished the music nearly every section of county ft as well represented salt lake city however gave the con bention the cold shoulder being depra dented by but few of the many who have acquired interests in the eastern utah fields idaho wyoming and colorado had enthusiastic representatives present the meeting thursday afternoon was not called to order until after 3 clock at which time hon jos R sharp super in of the pleasant Plea sint valley coal company welcomed the delegates to price in a happy speech replete with in formation pertaining to the oil fields of eastern utah the chairman compared the oil fields of this section with those of pennsylvania texas california and russia showing in what particulars our fields excel each and all ot these in area and thickness of deposits from which all of our hydro carben products are ob tamed and quality of such products the chairman spoke in a convincing manner and gave enlightenment to all W E donaldson of price acted as tern horary secretary committees on credentials organize organ izi atlon and resolutions were appointed by th chair during a session listing over an hour and a half in which sever al scraps tilts indulged in A bal linger was appointed chairman of the committee on resolutions D robbing chairman of ana organization commit tee and A J lee chairman of creden till committee following the appointment of corn the convention adjourned to meet at 10 clock friday morning s proceedings were devoted to discussing the resolutions published be low and the organization of a krotec tive association borne were indulged in but the meeting ended with good feel ings manifested the protective association organized with arthur J lee president and mra kato boan decre ary chairmen sharp appointed R mcdonald geo miller arthur E gibson W H doneldson Doni ldson and misa ag nes ireland as the information bureau committee salt lake city s apparent ignoring ot the convention caused considerable un favorable comment even from the te v salt lakers present who loval enough to attend and work in a conven tion that wag tor the interests of a large portion of utah and not wholly for salt lake city don robbins represented the inter mountain oil exchange of salt lake and put up a good fight tor the state capital and was assisted by J of ogden geo M miller of huntington and others but col tat lock of salt lake attorneys hoffkin and hanford A ballinger and ales hillstrom of price did the main work for price declaring that while salt lake city had the capital emera car bon grand and uintah counties had the oil moreover tho press ot salt lake cit is suborned to the develop ment ot wyoming s alleged oil fields and demand pa for any work they might do in advertising the eastern utah oil fields what work has already been done in this section hasteen has been done al most entirely without financial assist ance salt lake source on thursday eight the price ie entertained the delegated dele gatea at a smoker hon joa acting as a toast maker and proved himself to be a cap ital one A score of impromptu speeches were made and a great quantity of dry and vet provisions were consumed A dance waa given anday evening PLATFORM AND EE SOLUTIONS RESOLVED that it ia ahe ol 01 this convention that whenever under takes tho development of any group ot claims or any claim within the state of utah by placing oil boring rigs or a rig on such claim or group of claims that said capital shall have the most unqualified moral support of the mem bers of this convention and shall have no fear of molestation or trouble or interference in any way from or by any member thereof WHEREAS the production of oil par affine and other similar products is rap idly becoming one of the greatest producing industries of the united states and WHEREAS the people of the state of utah in common with those of colorado wyoming and idaho and other western and southern states are vitally interested in abing ading the oil industry by all legitimate means now the people of utah interested in the oil industry in delegate convention assembled at price carbon county utah this mh day of mav 1902 do hereby respectfully memorialize the congress of the united states in favor of the passage of what is known the sutherland bill which was introduced I 1 by hon george sutherland providing tor the manner of location ot and doin annual or assessment work or labor up on placer locations for oil and hydro carbons and kno as house bill no letl and we respectfully urge hon geo sutherland the introducer of the said bill and senators rawlins and kearns to use their best endeavors endea ors to secure the passage of the said bill at the present session of congress that the rights of locators of petroleum claims should be legally protected an 1 that the most effective support that cin c in be given individual rights is the strict enforcement ot the country s lams that the right ot the original and legal locator is a right de serving the moral support of ev ery citizen and that justice in such relation can be best sub served by a union of such inter ests your committee respectful rec ammend the formation of a protective association by the locators on the lines adopted bv the bbate of W oming wo recommend that a bureau 0 ID be established at price car bon county utah that quarters be se cured and competent clerical aid be em plowed and that the expense of the bu reau bo sustained bv contributions equitably levied upon the eeleni hold era individuals and corporations within the and that the chairman of this convention appoint an executive corn cittee consisting of five members to formulate plans and put in force the foregoing recommendation RESOLVED that we recommend the adoption of a uniform system of mining lais for all the mining districts that ma be established throughout ohp oil fields of utah that it be the sense of this convention that all labor performed up on the construction and improvement ot roada leading to and the properties located aa oil lands in tho several counties of utah sh ill apply as anguil labor nd assessment work it quiren by law upon such properties so situated when done by or at the in stance ot the owners of such land and we request appropriate lerial to these ends it is clearly proved that sinbad oil land is ill right some people even doubter this fact when mr bavis struck oil but their skepticism has entirely entire lj vanished sinco they learned thit some wyoming people have lumped fc everal hundred acres of lind down that way people have just bad enough oil found up their way to liko ind ap preci ate its value abel ha e consequent ly come down here to connect with the real thing their locations will not hold but until they are kicked off the land they the delusion that they are akin to the wealth A copy of the articles of incorporation ot the anticline oil cocoa iny of anc carbon county was filed in of states office monday its cilitti stock 13 valued at divided into shares of the par value of 10 cents each hyrum li andsen 13 pepsi dent thomas fitzgerald vice president bars frandsen secretary and treasurer and L 0 hoffman manager ahe prop arty of the company consists of 48 oi claims ia carbon county another oil ng has arrived to assist in exploiting abe petroleum fields of emery count and was unload i ed at woodside wednesday it will be set up on the milton oil comp iny a ground south of that station X E burns and brother of salt lake city and chicago respectively will put down one or moi a wells for an interest in the property oa conditions stated in this paper three weeks ago vv atio oil ot price carbon h lied 81 copy of its arti clesi of ID the secretary of eti to 8 office monday the capital stock 13 shares ot tho par value of 10 cents each balanger is president G 0 whitmore Whit moro vice president L 0 II offman so cretan and J 1 whitmore rp treasurer the coial iny oil claims situated fi county fv ibbe cincinnati and rutih 01 company has erected two camp bullings bui lings ou its property in sinbad valle and has a star drilling blonton the roa 1 their ill make the fourth plant to bo sot up emery count fi the california company thil has jeen drilling for oil county and who were compelled to boase worl i ew weaks to case ohp avell have ie boring |