Show do conr feet ache and barnt shake into your shoes alien 1 ease a powder for the feet it makes tight or new shoes feel easy cures corns bunions swollen hot and sweating feet at all and shoe stores csc sample sent IREE address alien S olmsted leboy N Y thail e catarrh core I 1 internally price aleo 1 cure Is the best medicine v for affections 0 the throat and I 1 ings alb 0 vanburen ind U 1800 cheap autel via the topeka Ss santa on june alth and alth the following first class passenger rates will be effective via above route from and salt lake city utah to missouri luver and return 32 00 st loula and return 39 50 chicago and return 44 50 final return limit september alb 1002 for reduced rates to other points and information regarding excursions on other dates than above apply to P WARREN gen 1 agent A T S P ry dooly block salt lake city ut home women there are women who devote the r whole live to biome duties many of whom know hat it il to drag along day after day suffer ng intensely the symptoms are spinal weakness dizziness elc tab I 1 ty bear ing don n all gone feel ng and sudden fa the only safe and permanent cure for thia is burat curat ve compound wh ch ach d erectly on the ch liver daay nd v at gans of the body it removes a 1 imbur es f om the blood it imparts strength v tal and vigour in all cases from wh cb home women suffer free sample bo ie 11 be sent on application at jacobs 0 1 ltd bal more ii alj |