Show WOULD ATTACK AMERICANS did intend to state troops the war department has made pub lie the telegraphic correspondence that took place between aguinaldo and his Sie urgent generals on january 13 1899 to support the administration s contention that aguinaldo at that date contemplated an attack on the united states troops at manilla beneral monel and colonel callies telegraphed to agu naldo saying we desire to know the result of biti which you mentioned in your telegram and we also desire to know what reward our government ie pre paring for the forces who will first be able to enter manila in Aguin aldos handwriting is the reply As to the contents of you telegram those wl prove themselves heroes will have as rewards large sums ol 01 money lands extra ord nary promo eions crosses of ach na bato marbut of malate ernita and co int of manila etc besides the congratulations of our idolizing country on ac count of their patriotism and more if they capture the regiments with their generals and if possible the chief of them all who represents our enemies in manila which lot falls to you or better said to general monel and colotel callies the ultimatum has not been sent but will be within a few days |