Show UNLUCKY copyright 1902 by dally story pub co they were coming home from a card party and with the exception of don elson were a rather silent trio pro gresslee gress lve euchre had been the game donelson had carried off first prize and was mildly jubilant or as morton said aggressively cheerful it was a cold night the snow lay deep and only a narrow footpath ran irregularly along the sidewalk the last car had passed some time before and they were walong in single file to keep out of the drifts donelson had assumed the lead and morton followed miss allson who carried on a desultory conversation fore and aft how long will you be in town this time editha donelson asked I 1 am going back to morrow just as I 1 was having the 1 es of times the time of your lifee well one of them but I 1 received a letter from home this morning and simply must go I 1 awfully sorry I 1 wanted to take you t the cotillion next tuesday anyhow try to see you again be tore you leave what train do you taked half past ten to morrow I 1 mean this morning all right you wait for me and take you to the station come up to the station jack and see me see edith off thanks frank I 1 feel sorely tempt ed but I 1 can t get off at that time you know bah you mean you feel sore be cause you dian didn t ask her first you could get off it you wanted to I 1 say edith do you believe in the saying unlucky at cards lucky in lovea why franka oh nothing only I 1 was just think ing jack might console himself with it he came out in to night s contest way down the list and it struck me he seemed rather cut up no offense meant old chap I 1 t feel so badly about it if I 1 were you because it you really wanted the thing yo i could get a duplicate of it for a couple of dollars you make me tired donelson says morton I 1 dont care for the thing as you call it I 1 wanted to win it for a reason of my own A reason of your owna not all yours dear boy dry your tears give the bone of contention to edith so she gets it the differences 7 none to you replies morton brace up jack says donelson perhaps you d have better fortune at something else card playing is not your forte now I 1 always win and yet I 1 an exception to the saying too for 1 m equally fortunate in but mod esty forbids me to be more specific then its the first time it ever did forbid you As I 1 said before jack you are too much cut up over a trifle to see any tun in the affair don t be a fox bark ing at the grapes just because you can t have them the fact is you re jealous of my winning ways the matter with you but cheer up it not at cards why then along some other ine just follow me and you 11 always oh quit cried morton you rs very tiresome stop quarreling ou two and tol low me said edith follow on fol low on and the light of faith you 11 see I 1 could always follow you edith says morton softly only give me the right frnk this from miss allson sudden 7 and rather irrelevantly I 1 wish vou would walk a little faster 1 continually stepping on your heels sure and I 1 notice it edith your feet must be as light as jack s head but anything to please you so here goes and donelson plunged ahead edith continued jack wont you prove there is truth in that old saying unlucky at cards lucky in love I 1 love you dear with all my heart give me something to build hole on nonsense don t begin that all over again and in the street too anyhow I 1 tor one have not the slightest faith in any musty old proverb if you are unlucky at anything it is your own fault take to night tor instance you could have won time and again but no you paid no attention to what was going on you were thinking all the time about something else yes of you edith I 1 do hardly anything else then I 1 advise you to seek a more profitable occupation come edith ive told you before what I 1 think of you what I 1 care tor and desire above all else don t say no again give me yes to night tell me edith frank has reached the house and we 11 be there in a minute silence A dozen steps bring them to where donelson is standing prank says miss allson here s the key open the door please donelson mounts the steps and she turns to morton good night jack good bye I 1 should say since I 1 won t see you to morrow editha let go my hand mr morton let 1 go I 1 say v only on your promise edith will you let goa no yes then yes says miss wilson now are you satisfied 7 11 mot quite and jack mounts an other step and whispers something well it s the only one I 1 do believe in and that only because oh jack suppose someone had seen usa suppose they hada and jack laughs ten thirty editha good night yes good night donelson comes down the steps an holds out his hind good night edith good night frank As the men turn the next corner donelson ays accept my cong ratu accept my congratulations morton though you don t deserve them lations morion but you don t deserve he |