Show WEEK IN CONGRESS 1 1 the house gave most ot the day to the district of columbia appropriation bill which was not completed mr ot ohio spoke on industrial conditions labor or animations the right 0 employees to strike and the gradual improvement of conditions ex asting between labor and capital mr balnes of tennessee denounced condl tlona in the philippines declaring that oui army was making a howling wilderness of the islands of samar and ebu among the dills passed was one to provide that third and fourth class mall matter without sufficient postage shall not be recalled remal led to the bender aguinaldo Agul naldo was the special of discussion in the senate As soon as the philippine government bill was taken up mr carmack ot tennessee resumed his criticism of the philippine committee because 0 its refusal to call aguinaldo Agul naldo and other as wit nesses he maintained that as reflections by witnesses had been cast on the character ot aguinaldo Agul naldo he ought to be permitted in all decency to defend himself mr carmack was sharply by mr for mr mccomas of maryland and mr button of kansas both the rosebud reservation bill and the aundry civil appropriation bill received con Elder atlon but not anal action the house passed the anti con piracy bill reported from the judiciary corn without a word of debate the amendment providing the machinery or the enforcement of the personal tax law of the district of columbia passed in 1878 was placed on the district appropriation bill as a and the bill was passed the bill to provide and consular officer for the republic of cuba was also pushed the bill to amend the bankruptcy act was called up but not acted upon i STOATS the rosebud indian reservation I 1 bill and the sundry civil bill were again con but not completed 1 3 congressman payne offered resola alons regarding the death of representative amos J cummungs and that appropriate ser vices be held in the hall of the house on sun day the house then adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased discussion of the philippine cues alon became heated in the senate thustin the minority practically has had a clear field in the debate the policy of the majority being to permit the criticism of the democratic mem bers of the body to proceed without interrupt Inter rup alon today it was different mr Spoon erot wisconsin mr lodge of massachusetts and mr foraker of ohio became aroused they poke in defense of the administration of the army and of governor tatt and they poke hotly almost unrestrainedly the resu was spirited debates that yet has occurred on the philippine question may bousi an urgency resolution making ad dit lonal appropriation of tor the ex benses incident to the dedication of the statue of marshal de rochambeau was adopted mr jones of virginia then announced th death of mr otey and offered the customary resolutions of regret after which the house ad journea as a further mark of respect both the sundry civil appropriation bill and the bill tor the purchase of the kose bud indian reservation were passed in vindication of the administration s policy in the philippines mr lodge of massachi Mass achu etts chairman of the philippine committee addressed the senate may Hops The bouse adjourned immediately after the reading of the journal out of respect to the memory of representative J D salmon of new jersey this Is the third consecutive legislative day the house had paid a tribute of respect to one of its deceased members never before in its history have three desks been draped at the same time day was spent in debate on the philippine measure the principal feature of the pro gramme in the bouse this week will be the bill to place three new stars in the american flag the omnibus bill for the admission of oklahoma new mexico and arizona to statehood will be called on tuesday the friends of the bill do not desire protracted debate on it and will try to secure a vote on that day there la much opposition to the bill on the republican side of the house on the ground that the territories are not yet fitted for statehood republicans this week will relieve the democrats of the necessity of sup plying all the speakers in the senate on the present philippine government bill the events of last week caused them to decide to take part in the de bate and they will lead off when the bill shall be laid before the senate other measures which will receive attention during the week are the gun dry civil appropriation bill and the bill providing for the opening to settlement of the rosebud indiana reservation in south dakota representative Sh atroth of colorado has introduced a bill imposing a fine of upon any one who melts or mutilates clips or destroys any coin of the united states the act is designed to prevent the destruction of gold coins by jewelers senator turner of washington has introduced a bill reorganizing the jd dacial circuits of the united states in creasing their number from nine to fifteen with a view p relieving the congested condition ot business due to an insufficient number of judges at a secret session the Land ething upper house decided to adhere to the resolution previously passed namely to defer ratification of the treaty pro viding for the sale of the danish west indies until after a limited vote of the population of the islands pes dea the representatives of the virginia chemical company new york and london capitalists are buying potash properties in germany and have already acquired alie works and four other unworked prop artles which have been tested by bor ings the disputes of two rival albanian chiefs riza bey and bairan barab re suited in a battle between thir par bisans at turkey on april the two parties ultimately drew to their towers whence they bombarded each other P resident iglesias in hie message to the congress of costa rica that no negotiations can be made with tha united states concerning the proposed nicaraguan canal beffie a cons titu dional amendment authorizing the leasing of land for the canal Is made t t i |