Show no loss at time I 1 have sold chamberlain s colic cho rhiea keledy for ears and would rather be out 0 coffee and sugar than it I 1 sold he bottles 0 it ester day to threshers that could go no farther and they are out at work again this morning H R phelps plymouth oklahoma As will be seen b the above the thre ahers were able to kepp on with their work without losing a single days time ou should keep a bottle ol 01 this remedy in our home sold by all dealers in patent medicine sciatic rheumatism cured after fourteen years of suffering I 1 have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen ears says i josh edgar ol 01 germantown cal 1 i was able to be around but constantly suffered I 1 tried everything I 1 could heir of and at last was told to tr chamberlains pain bilm which I 1 did land was immediately relieved and in a short time cured and I 1 am happy to say it has not since returned why not use this lini nent and get well it is tor sale by all dealers in pa tent medicine the intermountain inter mountain farmer and brinchman hman A few weeks since the suit lake tab uno established the inter mountain far mer and ranchman and is developing it into an publication for far users and throughout the and country many new features ill ba added to it this spring and summer 1 is but a dollar a ear or it with the weekly salt lake tribune the to are only 81 the salt laag weekly tribune alope s y 00 a ear OUR WELLS OUR WET plenty of goods where the follo ing come from our motto is quick sales and bin ill profits we airry the largest and most complete line of gendral me chandise m emery county goods to suit everybody and aery taste the prices aro lover than any one else can possibly make jou are a a few SPECIALS FOR THE COMING WEEKS SHIRT WAISTS ODDS AND ENDS GO AT ANY OLD PRICE WINDOW SHADES WILL BE LET GO AT YOUR PRICES you can t afford t miss this we will show ou that our goods and prices are all AT THE MONEY SAVING 1 ath ta dale we pay alic bast prices or tildes pelts md wool UTAH the burlington route announces round trip rate of one tare 2 to omaha chicago st joseph kansis city st louis and points for the utah annual excursion tickets on silo june 10 and 12 1 inal return limit sept 8 tourist sleepers silt like city to ooatha chicago kansas city and st louis ahro standard anko cit to omaha and chicago for additional information write or call on R F general agent bur lington route 79 wast second south st salt lake cit utah are sold as lov as any gools by our corn ff t peti tors but are of far better 1 for the money on account of quality you will be corn meed of this hen you see and our prices on our new stock of dry the are the finest aei brought to emery county see our summer suits for men and boys at cost aur line 0 WRAPPERS HOSIERY and TRIMMINGS is the very best our store ia on t cash footing we buy tor cash and efell for c ish nay the prices bof all produce peoples mercantile co THE ANDERSEN HOUSE mrs andersen proprieties reopened re opened for the accommodation of the public commercial men a headquarters convenient sample rooms 1 class in every respect aped stable in connection CASTLE DYLE J M pres lent Q vice lies ident the first national bank OF PRICE UTAH WW capital banking in all its branches 4 aff J M E reuben G miller george whitmore and D 0 hoffmann exchange drann on principal cities of the united states accounts of bus u firms stockmen nd y banking t il FIRST COME i FIRST SERVED we hae a few specials to offer next ateek mahogany parlor suit 6 pieces in silk tapestry regular price 60 00 now 41 1 oak parlor suit G pieces upholstered m velour nicely finished regular price 50 nov 35 1 folding bed as 16 8 1 25 hammocks now only 75 these and many other good bargains at the furniture store castle dale utah |