Show A WEEK AND NSE to men with rif to introduce our poultry goods javelle mag co dept D parsons Por sons mr s soothing for dren tee h ng softens the gums reduces in flam matlon n cures w nd col SURGICAL OP mrs brace a noted opera singer escaped an operation proof that operations for ovarian troubles are unnecessary MES travelling Tra velling tor years on the road w th irregular meals and sleep and damp beds broke down my health so completely two years ago that the phys nan advised a comple e rest and when I 1 had gained MES G vitality an operation for ovarian troubles not a very cheerful prospect to be sure I 1 however was advised to try lydia E vegetable compound and sanative wash I 1 did so fortunately for me before a month had passed I 1 felt that my general health had im proved in three months more I 1 was cured and I 1 have been in perfect health s nee I 1 did not lose an engage m nt or miss a meal your vegetable compound Is wonderful and well worthy the praise your adm rin friends who have been cured are ready to give you I 1 always speak highly of it and you will admit I 1 have good reason to do so Q lansing mich fonfe t if above test Is not the full esst counsel on thia subject can be secured without cost by writing to mrs pinkham lynn mass your letter will be entirely confidential mother gray sweet powders tor children successfully used by mother gray nurse in the children s home in I 1 ew york cures feverishness bad stomach tee hing die orders move and regulate the bowels and destroy worms over SO testimonials at all druggists sample FREE ad dress alien S olmsted t Y willie sav that boy sliding down hill with me this morning got run over and killed I 1 m glad it gasn wasn t me gee what a hickm I 1 d have got may smart set concentrated maln rheumatism concentrated medicine hamlan s wiz ard 0 1 frank lashaway Lai haway of montague N Y who died recently wore petticoats thi last forty ears of his life and was buried in them he was onre a bearded lady in a show to cure a cold in one day take labat ve bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund money if it fails to cure 25 george H hansell now 88 has beer a beacon of the fifth avenue baptist church of isea york and its treasure since 1862 presented by shampoos of SOAP and light dressings of purest of emollient skin cures this treatment at once stops falling hair removes crusts scales and dandruff soothes irritated itching surfaces stimulates the hair follicles supplies the roots with energy and nourishment and makes the hair grow upon a sweet wholesome healthy scalp when all else fails assisted by OINTMENT for preserving purifying and beautifying the ek n lor de ansing the scalp of crusts scales aud dandruff and the stopping of falling hair tor softening whitening and soothing red rough and sore hands for baby rallies ra and chamings chafi and for all the pur poses of the to let b ith and nursery millions of women use SOAP in the fairn of baths for annoying irr lations and excoriations f i too free or offensive per on in the form of v ashes for ulcerative and tor many antiseptic purposes which read ly suggest themselves to wo nen and mothers combines delicate emollient properties derived aiom the great skin cure with the purest of cl ansing ants and the most le freshing of flo ver odours no other med catta boap Is to be compared with it for preserving and beautifying the ek n scalp hair and hands no other foreign or domestic to let soa however expensive is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet bian and nursery thus it comb nes ONE PRICE the BEST bk n and complexion soap and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world complete external and internal treatment for every humour g of SOAP to cleanse the ekin of cruet eft andalee and clee and often the thickened cutic e u haig H to Ineta etly al ay itching on and irr and soothe and heal bt PILLS bic to cool the the blood A israele SET ie ten to cure 1 an the n ost torturing d itching bu n and ecale sun abd blood hamoc rathe abid irritation v tl loss of 1 air a hen all elee tall so ti britini depot cha terho q 1 ondon french depot 8 rue del paris AND CHEM co IP sole P aps ops baeton u chocolate cotch are a new datele ta tele odou en e e t aha c eb abed qui 1 u we adora b r b purifier and huu our cu f 1 ul up in ec ew cap pocket via con a ning 60 does p ice COTI ilah are tn p a talc and 1 ge le and beyo d que t ou he purest egweet eit ii linic blood nd tin purliler purl fler humour cure aud d ft compounded rt COL J MRS aurer daughters of the confider Con feder and 1 resident vil lage improvement society writes the following letter from 1 county virginia va the peruna medicine co columbus 0 gentlemen I 1 cannot too high ly of the value of peruna I 1 believe that I 1 owe my life to its wonderful merits I 1 suffered with catarrh of the head and lungs in its worst form until the doctors fairly gave me up and I 1 despaired of ever getting well again I 1 noticed your advertisement and the splendid testimonials given by people who had been cured by 1 eruna and determined ter mined to try a bottle I 1 felt but little better but used a second and a third bottle and kept on improving slowly it took six bottles to cure me but they were worth a king s ransom to me I 1 talk peruna to all my friends and am a true believer in its worth mrs col J cresham thousands of women owe their elivea to Peruna tens of thousands owe their health to hundreds of thousands are praising peruna in every state in the union we have on file a great multitude of letters with written per mission for use in public print which can never be used for want of space address the I 1 medicine co columbus 0 for a boalt written espe cilly for women instructively illus grated entitled health and beauty sent free to women ezza A MONTH ALL MEDICINES FREE FOR ALL DISEASES WE TREAT CURE CATARRH and all diseases of the lungs heart stomach liver kidneys bladder nerves skin brain and 11 chronic diseases of men women and children HOME TREATMENT wn e for symptom list DISORDERS 01 MEN PAY WHEN CURED it you suffer from any ot the weaknesses or disordered caused by ignorance excess or con teflon YOU ARE THE VERY WE WANT 10 LK TO we have proved our shill in curing all CHRONIC by pub thousand ot voluntary ut home people giving names pictures and addresses WE CAN PUBLISH OUR IN DISEASES because it would betray confidence hence we have to prove our skill in this class 0 troubles in another way thie is our plan we cure you first and then a ABLE PEE when you are cured you can de felid upon our word any bank in utah will endorse it ghousi ds of patients ha endorsed 1 s NOW WF WAN CUBE YOT with the d st net WB i anand a it el until we cure vou we cure LOST MAN bamin weakness Sper mator ihoda gonorrhoea syphilis and all ot men we absolutely cure or it don t cost you a po ny consultation and advice by letter or in person CALL OB office hours a m to 4 p m evenings 7 to 8 sundays and holidays 10 to 12 SHORES SHORES expert specialists LYON wast GENUINE tiffany 1 bettag zar D a mond fin experts and ats g aee TV oreb lla ed for in order to introduce our new line 0 goods jewe ry novelty ovelty co aut uhl g a THE la the man who never has failure in crops gets splendid returns for his latora and hue best social and bellg lorn advantages t gether with splendid climate and excellent health these we give to the sett e e on the lands of western can aas which comprises L treat grain and ran h ng lands ol 01 manitoba alberta and saskatchewan exceptional adv and low rates of fare are e ven to those desir ous of inspect ng the tall grant lands ahe handsome forty page atlas ot western can da sent free to all applicants apply to F pedley superintendent immigration ottawa canada or to W V bennett canadian gov agent new yolk lite biag neb fi s ness hare T a doubled in four years V JB kiik sand en u an un rt ant antle en rid V VI I 1 do s g a 00 d fi S 06 aee p pa a ed e de 1 8 dew nt joani 0 L ol 01 ot r ate L found to be lust d will year two pa 8 of ord 83 n 60 shoes maite cf the st I 1 athe s I 1 c ud nj patent corona d corona co t anil hat onal kangaroo fast ao or eye e anil A wf ack axed W L bong 0 ci 1 I 1 extra calel shiree y W ola 1 jy W N U salt lake no 19 1902 bi Kwi i t FAILS j best co 1 sate good in t mp u d by 1 FADELESS DES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle ex capt green and purple bold drug fists per package KES WEAK EYE CURES EYES 1 ON ETC DULL EYES CURE MURN EYE REMEDY CO too 1 1 SJ lay 4 when red no pay eolo brook baine II 11 afflicted with eye water eo re eyes use ASSAIS gold go d and S ver I 1 18 lea 1 6 gol 1 S iver and copper I 1 60 PROMPT ON MAIL 81 ASSAY CO boma achols album of artistic 1 5 atif I 1 hut and p ane of ate pr ced ho ie ie 1 ow to baud tuena i ati 1 0 the aroh the only durable wil colln wall paper is sanitary kal somines are temporary rot rub off and scale ia a permanent and artistic wall coating ready for the brush by mixing in cold sale by paint dealers everywhere buy in packages pick ages and beware of worthless imitations COMPANY grand rapids mich r |