Show STOLE MACHINE AT HIS LEISURE A tennessee s acquirement qui rement of a traction engine ours is a peaceful section sad col dan turner of memphis tenn to a group of western men who had bern discussing robberies hold ups abid crime in general but when we do a thing down in tennessee we do it right and robbing people or corpora eions Is done to the queen s taste when one of our citizens sets out to do it not long ago it became necessary for one of the railroads to build a small branch line and a traction en gine was sent down there with the first load of road building to haul ties on heavy trucks from a little mountain hamlet near where the road was being built when the workmen had finished haul ng the ties the en gine was placed alongside the road un til it should be convenient to haul it away it remained beside the road about six months and when the con tractor came along to clear up he was rather amazed to fand that nothing but the boiler of the traction engine re bained where he had placed it to make matters worse every bolt an rivet that ild be removed from the boiler was missing too A search was instituted but the missing parts of the machine could not be found some time after the theft of his fa gine the contractor had occasion to drive through the country again and stopped at a negro s blacksmith shop to have a shoe fastened on his horse while the smithy was at work the con tractor walked around the shop and to his amazement found in one corner pf the place the missing parts of his en gine he abely charged the ne gro with stealing it and the man ad his guilt when the contractor had recovered rom his surprise at tie find he asked the smithy why he had not taken the boiler too and the latter replied that he was making tackle to take to the roadside and lift the boiler into his wagon when the contractor took the thing away |