Show tah beekeepers MEET the emery county bee keepers e held its inestine may 2 in elead of may 1 aa was announced A petition for county bee inspector was reported having received signatures of the bee keepers and is awaiting action of the county court the bee keepers thought it worth their while to cater to the local trade by putting some hone in one gallin cans and that a strict uniformity ot net w eight of honey packages be followed considerable section honey will also be raised this ear andrew nelson first president of the butth state bee keepers assoria tion gate an interesting report of tho late meeting held at salt lake cit and the aims of that association the executive committee was instruct ed to open up correspondence soliciting bottom prices on bee keepers supplies particularly honey cans and sections in lots of one thousand and section found alion ID lots of 20 pounds and report at the next meeting the association meets again at 10 a m at orangeville Orang eville on thursday june 5 at which time and place it is hoped each member will be financially able to hand in his order as discounts greatly in favor of the purchaser have already been demonstrated by sending club orders |