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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 M (WO (!u dfi) ii 18-IX- Truckload DF.1X SALE! 7B00 3 DAYS ONI 299 389 499 Reg. 83.8S heavy-dut- In thn Layton Hilla Mall just autaida our atoro. Thun., Fri. and Round Trampolines Diho Extra $$ thorn Demonstrated "i cfcfTW construction with big BMX wheels. pedals. y studded rubber tires and Reflector in Model 16-F- t. Reg. 669.00 The original Round Trampoline with Crisscross Double Mat to give uniform bounce with unmatched safety Tubular metal frame and edned springs heavy-dut- y WjRmOWOQ IN, GHntltt Hone) nSUPER-- 7C 12-F- t. Pad $109 14-f- t. Pad $129 Pad $159 16-f- t. 22 LONG RIMFIRE CARTRIDGES Entire Stock Athletic Shoes TrtflTT(fi-IRTItf- . Off Kcdsl 10 22 .22 Auto OUR REGULAR SELLING Mb FRI., SAT. ONLY PRICE-THU- RS., adidaS w now balance acTIGERPMIW Built to with high-spe- high-pow- Barrel standards swing hammer. rifle er ed assembled to receiver Reg. to 89.95 by 3 DAYS ONLY1 Our entire stock of the most famous brands of tennis shoes, running shoes, court and casual shoes in sizes for men and women dovetail system for exceptional accuracy rew, WINCHESTER Nflf itional, 12-Gau- ge ?; 'Ranger1 Pump Shotgun WITH VENT RIB 139 85 Super-fa2-Pcr- ccn a ff cylinder.r12jaauge Reg. dles 2 4.85 ng cross-count- ed adidas 34 or han- 'Top Rider' Men's Canvas Juniors' Jogging Shoo Court Shoo Running Shoa 19o. ch Reg. 29.95 530W, the perfect size for.campus skiuse, cycling and with fabric padded Nylon ing, shoulder straps, 562HW, design with shock-cordFiberglass poles. Ripstop nylon with rainfly. - I 28-in- ch Day, Pack f slide action st vent rib barwitn rel specially adapted for the Winchoke system to give you the choice of full, modified or improved fjyhn Fabric 'Sierra VJcdge' Pash Tent ; CUPPER' lit 188.95 ry Reg. 39.95 casual wear. A lightweight nylon upper set on a durable ribbed outsole. Navy with silver For logging and V ifii 2po 29.95 canvas rs and ribbed rubber outsole for Hard Court with durable Up-pe- on all court surfaces. sure-grippi- swoosh, sizes 8 to 13. V )99 Reg. casual For school, running, wear., lightweight, durable nylon uppers with a tough outsole, padded ankle collar and insole. Bushnell Men's 3-L-B. Extra Mt. Conner HOLLOFIL 80S POLYESTER O Traveller' 7x35 'Yosemite' Binocular 89.95 list Sleeping Beg UMfoon. Sportview model gives field of view with cons. With Case, 3, e a venient extra-wid- Hiking Boot Reg. Rag. 48.80 Insta-Focu- straps. 9099 1 Cm 69.98 Sueded cowhide leather upper, deep neoprene lug sole. 6 to 12 LAYTON I 3 Woods and 0 Irons Laytsn Hills Oxly! , A big, husky sleeping bag insulated with f Hollofil 808 polyester for warm comfort. nylon cover, soft cotton lining. adult sizes. Weather-repelle33x77-inc- KUSSEl tEVEL-VfSX- D s 1 ss Yrdlfcj Reg. 59.83 209 level-win- d reel with complete with Montague 6 12-f- t. rod and 100 star-dr- lite-ste- h H" I, Red cad Uzo Strata-Blo- nt m Penn c woods and 3 thru 9 Set of 1,3 and 5 el Irons with pitching wedge All clubs fitted with shafts and composition grips. s. HILLS ONLY! (--20' Reg. 310.00 30-lb- ag yards of 1 Lead-Co- line. re It CONVENIENT 2Srd end wash. 0 Dvd. In Qrzn 627-189- 0 Wide-Ang- le Layton Idas V.zA (First Level) 546-264- 4 STORE-SID- E Use Your Charge Account or BenkCerd PARKING 250 South State, 62nd South and Highland Drive in Salt Lake Downtown Salt Lake 521-055- 0 272-866- 1 1290 South State in 225-950- 0 Orem Park City Holiday village -- Resort Center |