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Show r wr Obituarios Dr. Joo Amano BlCSEflrtFlfL,T 57, day. July 29, 1983, at the McKay-De- e Hospital of a heart attack. He was born June 27, 1928 In Helper, Utah, a son of Kay and Masa Horluchi Amano. He married Norma Hamatake Dec 16, 1951, in Salt Lake City. CHe was reared in Helper and had lived in Clearfield for the past 26 years. He graduated from Carbon High School, and attended the University of Utah where he graduated with high honors In 1952 with a bachelor of science degree. He was a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. He graduated from the University of Utah Medical School in 1955, serving his internship at Minneapolis General Hospital in Minn. He served his residency In the Thomas Dee Memorial' Hospital in Ogden. , He began his practice at the Clearfield Clinic in 1957 where he joined Dr. Ralph Peterson and has specialized in family practice. .He was a member of the Davis County Medical Society, serving as it s president in 1978, he was a trustee and served in other offices. .He was a member of the Utah State and American Medical Associa- tions, the Ogden Surgical Society, serving as secretary and treasurer. He was a member of the Utah American Academy of General Practice and served as president in 1969 and 1970. . He was also a member of the Utah Academy of Family Practice and served as president and secretary for many years. He had been board certified in Family Practice since 1975, and was a Diplomats of the Board. . He was a member of the University of Utah President's Club and the American College of Emergency Physicians. He was paramedic advisor for the State of Utah and helped establish and instructed at the Medex Program at the University of Utah. He served as the first president of the medical staff at the McKay-De- e Hospital in 1969. He was a member of the emergency room group of physicians at Humana Hospital Davis North and had served as its president since it was formed in 1976. He as an active member on the staff of three area hospitals, Humana Hospital Davis North, St. Benedict's Hospital, and McKay-De- e Hospital. He served for three years in the Army in Japan during World War II, as a chief warrant officer. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Joe Amano Jr., and Alan Amano, all of Clearfield; his mother of Helper; one brother and two sisters, Yosh Amano, Helper; Mrs. Harold (Helen) Matsuda, Helper; and Mrs. Utao (Bessie) Waki, Salt Lake City. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 12 noon at the Lindquist's Clearfield Mortuary, 1050 S. State, with Rev. Malcolm Toriyumi of the Ogden Japanese Christian Church officiating. Friends may call at the mortuary Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. and one hour prior to services on Wednesday. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to the University of Utah Cardiovascular Research and Development Institute in memory of Dr. Joe Amano. Ws Ger- Natural nojit, wrapt Acrylic Ellis. He married Edna Thurgood Dec. 27, 1926, Clearfield. She died June loots; 26, 1983. others advertised. was He JLIVOLOR OBNIRAL pi! Ali6litS a tractor and had Application! are now being received by Farmington City Police Department for the position of School Crossing guard. This position it for a Carpet Cleaning been engaged in the home Need your carpets cleaned? In building industry and was al- ..oionob Otta so involved in heavy construction. on rMidtntiol or frm conmwreial. wall He had lived in Farmington, Westwood and Sacramento, Calif. He had Ceiling lived in Clearfield for 54 years. He attended Davis County Public Wo dean sprayed or blown-o- n aeouiticol coiling! indudiling Schools. glittor coilingt. Kestor your He was a member' of the Clearfield oilpgi to their ordinal LDS 3rd Ward. for information. lawronco He was a building inspector for g Clearfield City for many years, and served on the Clearfield City Council Cmant for many years. Will Surviving are one son, Donald J. ltd contractor, Ellis, Bountiful; 12 grandchildren; and Freo Estimates. three Also surviving are two brothers, Csramic Tils John H. Ellis, Layton; and Gordon M ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILI Ellis, Kaysville; three sisters, Mrs. BilSpecialists, free ottimotot ly Clark, Farmington; Mrs. Beatrice Eva Mrs. and Gardner, California; Hardy, Layton. Conifructlon He was preceded in death by two sons, John Wayne Ellis and Noal KIRKMAN CONSTRUCTION custom residential framing conHoward Ellis. o id tractor!. Spec and Funeral services will be held Tueshouses. Wood sidings, wood 11 in a.m. at docks, custom interior finish, the Clearfield 3rd day remodeling and repairs. Free Ward Chapel, 275 E. 300 N., with 1 ottimotot. yean experience. Bishop Don Dial officiating. Friends may call Monday from 6 to Electrical Work 8 p.m. at the Lindquist Clearfield Mor tuary, 1050 S. State, and at the ward Hobbs "Electric Handyman chapel Tuesday one hour prior to serRapairt gas ond electric dryers, electric stoves, lamps, light fixvices. Application! at received from August tbo Farmington City Officoi ot 286 S. 2uO E., Farminton, between tna hour! of 8 qrn-- 5 Thl would bo pm, Mon.-Fr- i. for Shopard Lone Craning, i expected wages to SBHP.O. Ion 60 Hoopor, UT. 84315 Disabled American Veterans Thrift Store now hiringsolidtort JTTK9, Cemetery. . I I brick, nice basement, cooler, garage, fencing, fruit, trinkTers, garden, 585,000Terms. See for your- self at 1046 E. 825 N. Layton (owner) Brady 546-150- 0 NO MOVIE STARS BUT THE REST IS INCLUDED East Layton, dean, quiet, brick, nice basement, cooler, garage, fencing, fruit, trinkTers, garden, $85,000Termt. See for your- OF INTEREST LABOR WANTED, Good dependable cement finisher. 5 years experi-enc- o at least. Call 544-82283-JO- Fencing Utah's finest wood fences. 3 KENWOOD BS self at 1046 E. 825 N. Layton (owner) Brady 546-150- 0 PRICED REDUCED $1,000 for fast sell of this Uiyton Rambler. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, basement walkout, arid all for $61,500. Owner mutt tell fast. Call An- 84 -J- OBS OF INTEREST "ING, call nette Haacke ' SALES Farm & Garden Plowing ond Tilling Instructors needed to sell liquie embroidery crafts. Full or part-tim- e, no experience very little investnecessary, 295-60- Yard and Garden Tilling Salesperson, kiteh-e- n store Layton Mall. Cooking experience required. Evenings hours 6 and Saturday, All Call weekly. LOCKSMITH services available after 4 pm. 7 Painting-Toxturizin- housekeeper? That does a good job ana worth me pay? Coll WANTED EXTERIOR 394-398- 8 Babysitting PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, and restorations. Full repairs service piano technician for all models Michael including players. Mann Musk Services. 773- 5382. gSffi Axkn 546-38- 240 -- ACREAGE .... Mike 535-244- CHOICE LOT All improvements. $16,500. ICAYSVILLE 544-48- WEST WARREN. 24 acres, all ail offers considered. Ph.,544-- 1 922 . my ne, meals and Steve 250 -- RECREATION 392-953- Sowing & T 8 tcheeil before belong I would like in Clearfield, . day. narr- Cali Wallpaper, paint and ceramk tile. References available. By8 ron Window and Screen Cleaning Clean Window Squeaky Co. Windows washWadiing ed, free estimates. 6 or CARE 4 for female over 40 to live with lovely tody ever 70. 393-893- 7 HOMES By Owner, 12x64 Kit, 4x12 expando, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 816 tq. ft., new carpet, paint, awning, deck, bar, cooler, all appliances, laundry hookups and mere. $9,500. or best Cut Axer properhour. vide own instruction, books. evening except825-594-Thursday, 6 FIND FREEDOM-BEAUT- Y RICHNESS in your singing. Barbara Jenkins 544-214Rich background in voca technique and musical theater performance. Elected to ms National Association o Teacher of Singing. FllDHt TRAINING. Economk al, professional. Call Allan Fechser at 5 after 6. FUN ADULt PIANO, ORGAN. Improvise popular songs with chords. Theory 30 keys. and Looking for boats? The Classified ad section of today's newspaper features a good selection of items in this category that very likely will fit your needsf Whenever you're searching for specific articles, make your first stop Classified! . upper in adult t. with eating, only r5 month. Total Connie 825-386- 2 tion. Nev WIPEOUT intermediate. 546- - HOMES Mobile homes, for rent. Close to HAFB. $230 and $250 month. 2 bedroom. Call Con 200 Swinger Forklift 940-VA- NS 78 14f & SUPPLIES Vk 950 -T- RUCKS 74 Cheyenne. ton pickup, Super 10, with shell, many extras, $250. 776-34b-8 '82 Datswn longbed, CBlock Ing tool box, $500 cash, take 8. over payments. 978 Fenl, F350 style side pickup, loaded, good condi-- . Call lion, CLASSES OFFERED! Obedience Show Handling Puppy Kindergarten Personal Protection Behavior Problems IDLEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Ave. Park, Call 731-38- block FREE KITTENS Layton area 370 -S- TORAGE puppy to good family, good with children, German Shepherd mix, 9 weeks old, 45f-570German short hair pup, 3 month old male, parents good FREE friendly, 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Coleman cabin tent, 9x7 with carry back, like new, also Ball and Howell movie camera and projector, jrius extras, like $$$QUICK CASH$$$ And top prices paid for dean rucks and 4X4's Butters Auto Sales, Roy shopping t way. Every 6 monms delivered to your home. Payment plan 2 available. Call Adela servwhite, service for 12 6 ing pieces. $600. SWEATERS, Handknits, SummerWinUr, 7 $40 120f 16th St. 825-19- 960- -4 WHEEL DRIVES 1979 Blazer, power windows, dooriockt, air, tilt, cruise, low mi. excellent condition 773-929- 5 after 7 p.m. Black Fard Branca 1982,' ! fully loaded. Red interior , hunters, call 79 Jeep S4700 2135 77 Toyota Landcruitor, excel- lent condition, new tires, cut- -, tom and very clean, 50,000 mi. Atkii $4,000. or make offer. Call Brian or Janice at, Miniature Schnauzer puppies, 9 970 -S- PORTS Seal Point Siamese Kittens $25. 776-1040 GENEOLOGISTSi Wift riage SCM 215 electric typewriter, new condition. Calf 544- 4781. Get a head start. on Christ- mas. Cali Cathy for all your 7 needs. or Grocery after 5 825-460- 7 Ph. 544-22- itorage Units Available. 1 569 W. 2650 S. Ogden. Call Riley Tremonton or Roy, pm. DOG TRAINING 1569 W. 2650 S. fully salt 21 Trans-Va- 440 engine, dual contained, powered, engine air, sleeps 4. 20,000 miles an new engine. Call 9 Alaskan Malamute Puppies, PlMte (6) $20, 731-075don't let me ga te the pound I 2 offices, Reception area and 731-14- Straight matt, 4 2 CARS 1981 Camara, excellent can-- ! dition, $4,800 FIRM. For more information 5 980 -I- MPORTS SHAR-P- 1976 Datiun 8210 Hatchback, $1500. 544-97after 5 p.m. 1980 PORSCHE 924 TURBO Auqa with tan leather interior, AMFM cassette, air, power windows, power mirrors, sun- -' 1 (wrinkle pups) 3 SHELTIE PUPS Call 0011257-547- 4 A POULTRY roof, excellent or PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS Timbertown 394-31804 W. 17th St., Ogden 990-A- Wooden Feed Baxes, all sizet, BOWEN ENTERPRISES 839 W. 17th St. 621-36- 78 condition 479-15- 621-16- MAKES LL 4 doer, auto- -' mafic, 46,000 miles, greet' 825-$41. CHEVETTE shape. $2,400. 1 , 75 Chevrolet Menza, 4 cylin-64 speed, great shape, W5 firmT479-7T0- 6 r, 670 -- BOATS Used Coveralls, sizes 36-5$4.95pair or 3 pair for $12.00. Model Linen Supply 2153 Pingree Ave. Ogden. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 4x8 Utility Trailer, $150. New Judge 2 metal detector, by compass $150 or best offer. Pioneer Cross Country, ladies kiis and boots, $50. Uko new. Will consider trade for good 2. used washer and dryer. A MARINE 1979 25 ft. Hawaiian Day Cruiser, tandem axle trailer, stereo, loaded, $10,500 or offer 49-928- 20 ft. Ski Beat, 1979 Sea Ray, 260 hjs. Mercruiser, power trim. 1200 lb. capacity. Easy load trailer, chrome wheels, . under 125 hrs. Just like new. Hide-a-be- mi. 4r 6 door ss3aru5,006 evenings after 6 p.n 71 Dodge Challenger f offer $2495 or best ' 544-31- 394-012- 1 GOODS 4x15 $40. 782 &6 300 Weatherby brand new beautiful stock and tepoe mounts. $600. 8 ana matching love seat, excellent condition, 5100 So. 1050 3 W. Riverdale 231, French Provencial sofa. Brown and tan cover, top quality, dinette table, white and . Must Selll '81 Aries K, Fully , 3 680 -- SPORTING ' Marlin 22 rifle with TRAILERS 710-TRA- 73 Pinto wagon, looks good, gooj,-ru- 825- nt -' 7295 1977 Lincoln Mark V, excel- -' lent condition, loaded, $7200. ' ask for Anna Call 621-74- ' TRAILER HITCH Equalizer 550 lbs. $120, like mm. 6 1975 Bell 17 ft. Extra Clean stove, oven, heater, porta-po- t- IFTTifft IK r.w n fW&l r&,Up6' PPLIANCES, TV. STEREO & EQUIP-MEN- T VY 910-HEA- AVAILABLE ARC Weimaraner. female. 6 mot old, must sell, $75offer. line washer and dryer, almond for Electric, .dryer, Call 0 1976 APACHE RAMADA Solid side, n camp trailer, 207 open, sleeps 8, furnace, $2,900. refrigerator, 546-294- 4 Mobile Home 24x68. In adult park end loaded with extras. Shawn by appointment only. THIS HOME SPARKLES! $58,000. 3 bedroom ranch style in Layton. Main floor laun- dry, fenced yard. Cathie GREAT HOME ON ONE ACRE LOT! Country home with 4 bedrooms, Vi bath, covered patio. New barn & shop. Sheila 1 LAYTON $38,000 Lovely 2 bedroom home in quiet Layton area priced at only $38,000. A nice starter home for young family. Call Wally 544.9334544-4207- . e! LAYTONS BEST PRICED HOME brick home has earth tone carpet, fireplace, & oak pan, eling. Rhea All RANCH STYLE 3 bedroom brick home on good size lot. Low interest able loan. Myrlene assum-- . LAYTON $72,800. Over 1,100 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, bath. ' Only 647. basement. Ron Topik R-- NYOUR Full 1 UUardleu LIFETIME XMtRCAN CANCER S0CIPV corporation G Better time to move. Help Will (xf? Public Service ol This Newspaper Council & The Advertising OR 394-- 3 Clearfield 2160 tq. ft. build- ing, with parking, has been a vary successful corner will be available Aug. 15. 290 N. ailable. Lakeview Estates, 400 West 2600 North, Layton 0 Must tell $295 3 Call Randy TIMBERTOWN (New Location) 804 W. 17th St., Ogden 600 -- PETS top-af-t- condi-$40- or best HONDA CR250 76 nie Summer's the best A HRUBS SUMMER FIREWOOD SALE 7 460 350 . Good fftr. Good selection Pine or Pinion. Prices from $30half cord load. Any amount available. Free delivery on 4 cords or more. 340 -- MOBILE -A- SL tion, runs good, SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden last mo. renf. Call Early American 6 73 Honda -S- GRAIN FEED or 731-173 bedroom heme in Clinton, 2886 W. 1600 No. Fruit trees, fenced yard, stove, refrigerator, $395mo. Call Mike with loan av- Rich 580 -- HAY, 0 Almost Assumable REES Excellent mileage. Call Harley Sport tow condltipn, Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden 3 bedrooms. Sunset, 1456 No. 350 W. $150 cleaning ds 10x20 expando. Proch, awnings, skirting etc. Kids and pets welcome. -T- 72 SOD chrome. DOLL HOUSE! 14x70 '81 Broadmore LANTS DELIVERED INSTALLATION aid 546-29- -P- no pets quiet mature couple. warehouse, Ogden low miks, conditipn.546-107Excellent mutt tell. CANCER : American Red Cross 550 2 bedrooms,, carpet, drapes, fenced yard, garage, owner 36th end lives in basement. Gramercy, no smokers, drink621- - Main. Yamaha ,650 special, 19SI THINGS TO EAT Bartlet Pears, 40 lb. box, place order now for wholesale prices. 731 --3091 or jrard, $450 plus private utilities. References and securi- 1st A SUPPLIES 540 -- GOOD 3' bedroom, bath, family room, patio, posit top Tngt Now Car PAWNS MONEY TO LOAN WASATCH GUNS & LOAN CLEARFIELD-Nic- e ers For JH0TW appointment, For rent or sale, 5 bedroom home, 3 baths, large fenced Inv quiet cul yard in 6 medii ' occupancy. like KAYSVILLE, dean and new, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 1 baths, carpot, $475-$50plus utilities. Prefer iafSord 760-CYC- LES room,carpeted. garage, covered patio, nice large yard, refrigerator, stove, for air cMler, call46-0dl- 9 : WANTED TO BUY 510 le- - qatian. 3 bedroom brick house, den with fireplace, 1 'SwS.ftS. n ASSUME LOW INTEREST! WE WANT TO , WO Materials, 1,950. DOLL HOUSE I '81 Broodmare 14x70 with 10x20 expando. Proch, awnings, skirting etc. Kids ard pets welcome. Assumable loon available. Lakeview Estates, 400 West 2600 North, Layton T When we met Mary Farley, she was facing discharge from a nursing home due to her inability to meet rising costs. Sad, when you consider that, during World War II, First Lieutenant Mary Farley was a dedicated Army nurse who served at the . Battle of the Bulge. Mary was always going wounded. Allied beyond the call of duty in treating the She was awarded the Bronze Star plus the Victory Medal. Asa result of Red Cross assistance, Mary was awarded additional disability benefits. With this increased income, Mary was able to afford the skilled nursing home care she needed. v Red Cross services dont end with your milifor VA tary discharge. We help with applications compeneducational benefits, pensions, disability sation, insurance, medicaj care and changes in type of military discharge. If youre a veteran in need of help, call your local Red Cross chapter. Were accredited representatives of the VA. And were veterans at helping veterans. or yen Mr rant: Choice Kaysville A CARPET drum lessens. Beginning Students $5.50 Mrs. Wicksrt Walipo poring or 260 -- MOBILE 825-2B9- 7. Free roam and board Altrotion tennis. 731-38- 105 -E- LDERLY 3 A to Z fa taring, lapels owed, zippers repkiced, 7 repaired, lie. $6 per SIDE LOTS I mi. of 393-012- 5 to tend from ages 3 years to en. Live around Hor Would like to tend preschool-art- , fenced yard, learning CO licensed Contractor i types of roofing Build-u- p and shingles 6 provided, Won E subdivitit marina slips, Law interest 4' SMITH ROOFING 782-225- STATE LICENSED Babysitting $6day. Lunches Elemsmtary Roofing BEAR Check with Rental Information Service. Fee $35. Ogden's Personalized referral, we escort and negotiate Neritake china, white en with PROPERTY 6. new construction, remodeling, small commerical. residential, All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum .6 tiding. A LOTS East Layton, fully improved, over V acre, country atmos4 or phere. S17,060. LOVE TO BABYSIT IN MY HOME, ROY AREA i 9697 or 6 After q piece? 8 1979 Delta 24ft. Mini, Dodge party 440, generator, roof air, bath, indirect MATERIALS Railroad ties for tale, all sizes, all grades, all shapes, will de6 liver, will cut to size. A6K Railroad or locations, felines, (one year old, one 1 0 weeks), Need a friend and a home. Call Loy- 7 773-fl7- 7 1 $52,000 Sunset home, VA assumable 399-262- 3 Licensed babysitter, space ! ailable now. Starting Aug. Dennis Falk Construction, or 8 ton 546-272- 2 FUN ADULT PIANO, ORGAN. Improvise popular songs with chords. Theory 30 keys. Beginning and intermediate 546- - SANTIRRA CONSTRUCTION AND DRYWALL Complete Remodeling Service, All types of remodeling and maintefinoncing. Glauser Construction P7- R?IleJCT.lLtfl . Low Built, North Davis County Area. Will Meet or Beat Any Pricel fa",' R1"1 j?Y-- lUmodtling new construction, large or Small. Free Estimates, vary Competitive Prices. Call Bob 6NEW HOMES Carogre-schoo- ' 544-107- 5 Rheod nance, Excellent CHILD CARE-Stat- e Licensed, Valley View ond North Park School areas, kinder- l, Day I 3 bed- buyjGreg Quolity n ft. machine shop. dorrs, 3 phase electricity, automatic gas heat. Clean and convenient. rooms, morn floor laundry, double carport, aqraeouslv decorated, West point, fantastic 1795. grand and all makes serving Davis County and Take core of your life time 'invest- menh by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS Iitlj'ili to $58,900, Vi acre, Layton home. Full or part-timlent dose to School, fenced yard, snacks. Transportation to arxlor from school de pending on situation of lidividu-al- . Piano Tuning dose-i- Layton or 0 ING Houses for 394- - $250-$35- Rent, Nvdaln, 1464 310-HQU- SES About Riley 1 taSEn,R.V.SaU,. bow and boxed pegs. In excellent condition. A steal at $375. 544-438- 9. 30x50 feet cinder SLASHED... CARE in my or 8 3 100 -C- HILD much more. Maurin.621-665- 4, 6 WANTED cate, good 4 & BUSINESS Rheod Realty. FARM HOME We have Lott and Will Build Glauser Construction Need INTERIOR lliitlMl; Syracuse, Greg 90 -S- ITUATIONS g HOUSE PAINTING If jiHUv, age, Call546-155- 1 ii Menace 24 . Bodge 197$ ' uies, cab air, T.C. model, radial tires, swamp coder, ready far INSTRUMENTS 360 -- OFFICE $5,000 to $64,750 for cash out offer! h acre, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, ramily room, fireplace, air, greenhouse, double gar- Port-tim- e Locksmith Beautiful Roth violin with 544-904- 4. REDUCED.. Del Kearl & Sons 546-010- 8 Very nice, clean large 1 Carpeted, storage, No Smoking'Pats, 1971 Midas ai'ITcl Chassis, front air, cruise, tilt, lodder ond roof rock, slseps 6 sieve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 NL (on or 0 544-0- 1 480 -- MUSICAL MH226. or ment, or 544-891- 2 Manor House Realtors Cal! - N'.Mainon 1464 2 cycle Kenmore washer $75 a Kirby Vacuum wifiTat 150 or best offer. tpchments Al BEDROOM $1 10 Newly painted, quiet, 2531 Lincoln 9 Jeorvw544-890-4. East Layton, dean, quiet, 5273. only bpught and sold, ivernaul or reppir ser-i- d selections of rebuilt and electric or gat Everett Olson 731- - &5' HOMES Clast A, ' l, . fro -air, L rear dinette, "sieve Adams R.V. Sales Whirf pooler WoshersDry or ty deposit. NO MOVIE STARS BUT THE REST IS INCLUDED BRENDA 773-2- 1 77 Want to lose weight? Want to someone earn money or who does I lose weight anc inches and feel great. All notur oT herbs. Calf Shirley 825 . ear guarantee, 2 bedrooms, deck, oak cabinets, full basement, and full sized lot. 9,000 tq. ft. Close to shopping, and freeto way access. $49,950. Call pick your colors, and lot. Model home available. MH161. or Annette Haacke 544-891- 2 4. Manor House Realtors TION. Toy Demonstrators tures, vacuums, electric edgers, trimmers, air conditioners, swamp coolers. Let me dock it out. If I can't fix it, there s No Charge! Call now 546-404- NEW LAYTON Work for House of Lloyd the 1 Nation's Toy Co. in sales, tamable kit, no investment, Company supplies hostess gifts, home party plan. Earn $7-- f and up commission. Bonus ' for sole, mutt have car at 21. Call Area supervisor. Rolnbow Vacuums Some with utilities paid. NEW HOMES 740 -- MOTOR with power noizle ( 4 worrontv $450. 7 7 toilet. $2500. 1039 after 4i30 Apts., all sixes $140 to lots. Monthly, payments starting as low as $42 1. Call Lynn Glauser Construction den Staiindord " lo- DUPLEXES Apartments Studio, 1 and 2 room $130-924Many all utilities paid. Ogden Starting at $49,800 on Resident Managers for Large Weber and Apt. complexes, couDavis Co. s. Children. No ples preferred. Must have experience, refer Send ences and Resume to Box CO Og 825-744- City t LFvutufnVfO ing Carp. Malta $10 to $20 for ana heur this. week. Call Sherry Nickel at pro-s- the Clearfield Mint 4 Waher .has ,3 water S, for details area. Y.TOSKOT Used $ mahfhs, still under war- - Bedroom, has Basement 4 and dryer. masher Portable APTS. and assume S15.0UO 87ahs State Money Loan at $366 month. $38,2X) balance, 3 bedroom brick rambler, family room, approximately 1400 tq. ft., nice fenced yard, goad location, Layton, $54,000 2 Phone Fastest growing barter corp. mom manager trainee for now 782-20- in To. f3252 laun- 731-57- Law interest assumption. dawn Work from bo dependable. homo, no jailing !!UEbSfc Interment Davis In Wobor-- ook-U- 1 with view. Full walkout .jsement, large lot and loads of extras. $4,900. MH182 2 Call Annette Tfaacke 4. or Manor House Realtors CAIPENfSlS brown. 8 bedroom basement apt. dry hookups, dose central cation. $180. plus security 7 Ne Singles utiS58a& oiven and stave each. lullt-i- n ROY" 2k Sand resume, references, and -- 1 Mon. Kim arid Fri. con- general INSTRUtT6i necessary, good i by Shop Pth, 1 Rait Layton 8 Hovel, 3 bed-rooup 1 down, double carport. air, large ktkhen wired for Intercom, largo lot. Many payments extras,, possible under $400. Assumable 235 loan. Move in before school 4 starts. FHA 265 assumable home. 4 2 bedroom, baths, cute person236 E. ality. Call 900 S., Layton. Homo for tale by owner. All brick with 4 bedrooms, and HAFB, school and dotp to Can be work. Call teen at 303 Owens St. , Layton. KAYSVILLE TUTOR four yearn with 3 bedrooms, large - jobsTomnterest so Imum, No 544-24- r&M Blinds in liUji "(;IUlurk .Uii'Ws Matiaga t DUPLEXES vyRTHOODIN vr. old, 2 bedroom 300mo. nut doosit, carpets, Jropet, dishwasher, washer-'dryhookups, 2 child max Ry Owner beautiful homo with the privacy of country living within warning distance ot church and schools. 1 acre of ground with fruit and oak trees ond creek. In Kaysville. Call What Yau'vt Always to knew ofral2'to Find Out, Wanted Manfull liiUlil 'Mfi', iitiitiKi5 (( and APTS, assump- tion. Drive by (60W. 350 Clearfiejd than phone 825-62fpr appointment. No aaents please. 392-19- Advertising Bur-de- trude HAFB, TRAIllX. TV, STEREO bedrooms, family room with stove, dose to - RENTALS owner, $49,900. 3 6ATI B EILATI, Foran totelle-- DIRECTORY CLEARFIELD William Howard Ellis, 78. of 175 E. 100 N died Saturday, July 30, 1983, at hla home. He was bom March 17, 1905, in ll Standrod, Idaho, a son of Nephl N. DAVIS COUNTY 190 Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 5C 720 55 bNI0US 460 APPLIANCES, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Lost )15 Instamtlc camera I Lotion Pork., toward forJIlj boby pictures 2897, SERVICE Willism Howard Ellis Df' J3e AmanO Drive, died Fri- FOUND ST BUSINESS rj Check the listings of homes, apartments and condos in today's classified. I 1095 N. Main Layton, UT. Homes. PHONE 544-420- 7 Sr -- |