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Show C lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 and Clearfield Team Nabs The Clearfield Senior Little recen'League Baseball tly won the Utah District No. 2 tournaSenior League ment held at Fisher Park in learfield with two impressive victories 10-- 9 iand over the Randy Russell from Ogden. :l The Clearfield team is by Doug Call and coached 4y Larry Geertgens. Members of the team include Jeffrey Call, 2Steve Carlson, Greg Bowen, All-Sta- rs All-St- ar 6-- best-of-thr- 5, ed 5-- directions was first was . when the team 3 scored three runs in the bottom of the seventh inning to win the Clearfield was led by game, Paul Taylor with two doubles, Blake Geertgens two hits, Kent Godfreys solo home run and Lane Crosbies single, which drove in the winning run. In the opening game of the series, Clearfield was led by the hitting of Kent Godfrey, who hit two homeruns, one a grand slam. He had seven RBI and knocked in the winning run with a single in the bottom of the seventh All-Sta- rs man-Stag- behind ley. jcome-from-behi- had inning. Paul Taylor also four hits in the game. Game two of the series even more exciting than the game. Clearfield once again Darrel Hicks, Mike Prothero, Lane Crosbij, Willy Shuell, Kent Godfrey, Larry Ward, Tony Perez, Paul Taylor, Daryn Longo, Blake Geertgens and Andy Kel- COMPANY ee real news in hair: shorter, neater, sleeker. . . plus every woman 's problem: hair care with exercise This fall, 6-- 5. Hair should be dean and dr before you exercise so memory of a former Utah state senator. Here are the results of the other age categories: . fiver-kilome- perspiration will not mix -- PERMS ON SALE NOW! - 1. Heather Carrl-ga- n; Kirsten Travis. Girls 12 to 15 Kerry Carrlgan; 2. Heidi Carrlgan; 3. Krista Gibson. 1. Stephanie Clements. Girls' 16 to 19 1. Katy Hill; 2. Tori Women's 2S to 29 MacEntlre. 1. Elva Wood; 2. TheWomen's 30 to 34 resa Wheatley; 3. Alice Weber. 1. Vicki Peacock; 2. Women's 35 to 39 Carol Gibson; 3. Carolyn Brunson. 1. Sharon Carrlgan, Women's 40 to 44 2. ng 1. Justin Toplak; 2. Boy's Curtis Nlederhauser; 3. Lance Travis. 1. Richard Hatch. Boys' 12 to 15 1. Christopher Weicks; 2. Boys' 14 to 19 Todd Davis; 3. Kelly Briggs. 1. Mark Wayment; 2. Men's 20 to 24 Nevarel Eddie; 3. Dan Larsen. 1. Doug Friedli; 2. Paul Men's 25 to 29 Murray; 3. David Murray. 1. Steve Wilson; 2. Mir Men's 30 to 34 chael Malsak; 3. William Kirkland. 1. Tim Coburn; 2. Keith Men's 35 to 39 Wheatley; 3. Roger Buhrley. Men's 40 to 44 -- l. Paul Peacock; 2. Eldon Badger; 3. Marlin Balls. 1. John DeHdlt. Men's 45 to 49 1. Andy Hornbaker; 2. Men's 50 to 54 Dale Perkins; 3. Ray Peterson. - Girl' - - open evenings... 3 locations FRAN DROWN & CO. HAIR STYLING SALONS -- - - 4 with dirt and water. Women whose hair wont hold up must take time to shampoo, and for them-hav-Ia wash and wear cut Is the key. wmm Former WSC Runner Wins Race - CLINTON Doug Friedli, a former Weber State distance Srunner, placed first in the Sherman A. Wayment, 'road race held last Saturday in conjunction with the Clinton Fun Days festivities. Friedli ran the course in 15 minutes to win the mens title vaiid Vicki Peacock won the v womens title with a time of C: 2.1:40. The race is named in r 13 West Center 575 North Main Kaysville,, Layton, 546-060- 3 West 513 North 1000 546-222- 546-212- Clearfield, 1 825-721- 2 makeup hair; $ky Twisters Capture Acrobatics Title ' Thirteen members of the Sky Twisters Gymnastics Team returned from San Calif, where they won National Championship honors in the Junior Division of the United States Sports Acrobatics Federation National Champio- Ninth Annual USSAF National Championships, attracted people from all over the United States. There were about 60 teams competing in acrobatics and about eight in tumbling. Competitors came from Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Illinois, California, Arizona, Nevada, nships. Utah and Hawaii. a The Twisters, Sky Layton ju The Sky Twisters come from team, received the first place Ju-Team Award USA Gymnastics World in Lay-to- n nior and are coached by Joe and for performance in several mat events and tumbling. Patty Wells, Jim Aamodt, MichIndividual team membersi elle Matyi and Jana Seegmiller. The team will be competing in competing were Jeri Alvey, Becky Mathews, Michelle Mann, the National Championship 5 Stephanie Adams, Chrissy and again in 1984, which will be held Carrie Musser, and Mike, Holly, in Honolulu, Hawaii. People in5 Lisa, Mindy, Crissy and Melissa terested in the Gymnastics World Aero Program may conWells. i'i This meet, which was the tact Patty Wells at Fran-cisc- o, V y or 546-443- 0. Fire-rate- '12 Class A". Resists curling. Repels water. 1x4 meter Run Saturday, Aug. 20. One of the special attractions gof the 1983 Davis County Fair, jj the 6.2 mile race is for runners ir of all ages. Starting time is 7 a.m. at the east gate of Lagoon Resort Complex. Jerry Evans, race chairman, said entry fee for those who Registration without a is irt $3. Trophies, medals and ribbons will be awarded to winners in the various categories. Applications and additional information are available by contacting Mr. Evans at or the Davis County Fair Office at north salt lake 451-254- STUDS STRIPS De- - e 35, 10 i VAPOR LIGHT. used. m i Without advertising, a terrible thing 9Q88 W each. gg Treated for long life. VINYL GUTTER (2) each. 8 ft. snap-togeth- system. Tough, durable. Available in brown or IklM GARAGE DOOR OPENERS white. Layton Only Convenience! Security! "AC DRIVE Opens the door, turns on the light, lets you drive Model 250 right in! SHEETROCK The most economical wall covering. Tapered edges for. easy installation W LEAFQUARD x 4' x , 8' &KD o) (7) No more clogged gutters. Unique patented design helps remove debris while uninterupting flow. each (garden POST riK (HOOE- Just add water! CIRCLITES - Vinyl Reinforced. '.C . " ' Super 75 ' x 75 75 wt. yftjz UllIrflTjzlit UljQtjniz Leyton. Sytacuee Sstvrdry ClSSid P.f.1.. P.M. SlmiyS 7:23-- 6 1234 North Main 544-34- 51 MottarCord 7c:S:ys HMwWEnl C3 fly7) QfloJJf: stc:i muzz STCni liOUT LAYTON 1N Fits most table lamps, ceiling fixtures, and swag lamps. Easy to install, warm whit? color. 90 lb. bag. i rMyrcgj. Excellent security light. Automatic onat dusk, off at dawn. Complete with bulb. 2x2x8 each 'RAILROAD TIES' iillKSO DR3000. 'Mercury 298-565- happens... 2088 Buy 'em by the bundle! . Why pay more! 5. p.m. on the' day of the race. The winning male and female xmetric Cabanillas, winner of the Deseret News runners will receive a pair of 'Marathon, is sponsoring a 5 k- running shoes, and a drawing for ilometer run Aug. 6, at 8 p.m., prizes donated by sponsors will beginning where Orchard Drive be held after the race. All run,meets Highway 91 in North Salt ners will be eligible to win the :Lake. drawing. The run is the concluding acRacers will run along the in Cabanillas running to the back road and tivity ftontage point, said Cabanillas. camp, which began in early July. For more information, call The cost is either $6, which in- 8 or includes a shirt, or $3 without a Cabanillas at shirt. Registration will start at 7 seven-tim- FURRING Weatherproof, wide beam security light lets you light up outdoors in any weather. Includes mounting plate. 544-062- 2, ijCabanillas Sponsors Kilometer Race : QUARTZ LIGHT Lft. urt. V L m WEATHERPROOF i ECONOMY Easy, EIlEftTiRWA1 1x12" 2 0 S 2 Vwt? 100 Sq. Ft. Variety of stocked colors. preregister is $6. Late registrants will be charged a $7 fee. Cost of rt, handy tool for household repair. TamW j' await winners of the Davis registration includes a race Second Annual the chairman added. A Quality, attractive boards for interior or exterior usage.. Smooth off one side, rough on ' 5. GUN CEDAR BOARDS : 4PL-42- STAPLE . , Road Race Scheduled Davis nJ linear toot ; 998 The final touch to any landscape project. 4' width. Varying lengths Protect your home from damaging leaks. and save! X: rnttonoonbUi 25' RULE REDWOOD BENDER BOARD ROOFING SHINGLES Hydroplane Race Slated For Marina 3 County ZJ imm iwrifpxRi - ' MMatk 4M Amo Man hnolMa Yomr komm I yomr vory boot Imwootmomt. With "HOME VALVE" mpmcimla mmd expert yom com botp yomr komm rmack Itm a. blgbmot vplmm potmmdml. Stop by todmy mmd tot omr profooolomoh toll yom morm obomt bmUdlmgmmJ j CM; oqmttylmto yomr komo! dif-fere- nt FARMINGTON Trophies, medals and ribbons oorObat ohtoo. taoym v; WILLARD BAY On Aug. lard Bay Park area, also in an 13 and 14 the National Inboard effort to raise funds for the, state ?and Hydroplane races will be parks. 4:held at the Willard Bay State The races will draw racers L'Park South Marina from noon from throughout the western Tito 5 p.m. each day. Furniss said. states, Winners in each division will The South Marina will be compete for trips to Hawaii, acclosed to the public for boating cording to Ken Furniss, race during the event, Furniss said. chairman. Other prizes will also Several world champions will given away. the also compete. There will be a .Furniss said money-frograces will be used to help state charge of $4 for adults Saturday 'parks. He said Boy Scouts will and $5 for adults on Sunday. Children under 12 will be admitalso help by cleaning up aluminum cans throughout the Wil ted free both days, he added. I CORDLESS PHONE All-Arou- ji ' CIVKAXAYi 2044 WaeMngton 8tvd. 421-77- 44. y p.n. 6-4:- C3 Cl:::d SiT.iiyi p.n. 5iywt r y Rew Ciwb iwiNewe ewe ghee winbi new |