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Show V1 I Missionary Returns FARMINGTON Elder Edward Durell Ray of Farmington recently returned home after serving .in the Japan Sapporo Mission on the northern island of Hokkaido for the LDS Church. Elder Ray is a high honors graduate of Davis High School and is presently enrolled at the University of Utah. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Ray. Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 unset Cracks Down on Junk Review Correspondent When is a car a SUNSET car? Sunsets City Counjunk cil wanted to know during a July 19 discussion of ordinances gov- i? r erning cleanup of unsightly EDWARD DURRELL RAY Clinton Cubs Get Awards CLINTON During a pack meeting to prepare the boys of Pack 388, Clinton 8th Ward, for the Clinton City Parade, Steven Sheriff was advanced to the rank of Bear while Todd Shearer, Robbie Bradley and Jared Bingham were advanced to Wolf. Webelos Scouts David Langford earned his aquanaut and naturalist activity badges; Brian Hahne his naturalist, sportsman, forester, and athlete activity badges; Tim Stokes, his naturalist and traveler badges and Jonathan Martinez his aquanaut badge. Cubmaster John P. Miller led the ceremonies. r 25 IB C7 ' ih Ftonf -- not be the determining factor. Currently registered vehicles,, and those maintained perand haps covered with tarps mowed around, are not in violation of city codes. Along the same line, the city does not intend to arbitrarily restrict seasonally used vehicles those used for special purposes, such as deer hunting and restoration from private property. But vehicles that litter yards and curbsides eliciting complaints from neighboring citizens may be subject to citation. The council agreed that the problem be handled in the same manner as weed infractions. Violators will receive two letters, giving them a total of 45 days to clean up their property, before the city takes action, using maintenance crews to clear the land, N. STEELE By SHARON ; property. Its hard to make the decision of where to set the limit, said Mayor Norm Sant. Its hard to tell people to move their old cars, when RVs sometimes look as bad. Nevertheless, the mayor said that when a complaint comes in, it has to be investigated, and someone has to make a decision. Were still concerned with unsightliness, Sant added, because some people say it brings property values down. Age of a given vehicle, according to council consensus, should CARTON FRESH ' laego dggo f ill 1 Kll or subcontracting the labor. In either case, the property owner would be legally responsible for paying for the work. The area on the west side of 475 W. was specifically mentioned. Councilman Eugene Kidd, who delivers mail in the neighborhood, said that junk, junk cars, tin cans, and debris, parts of motors, motors, and drained out oil litter the strip of land between the street and railroad tracks. Most of the homes on the opposite side of the street are well cared for, he noted. People ought to respect the other side of the street. In addition to the weed and car problem, the council mulled violations where single family dwellings are converted into rental units. People seem to want to convert basements, rooms, and backhouses and outhouses into multiple family units, said the mayor. Not a w'eek goes by without calls on appreciated calls violazone and square footage tions, Sant continued, saying that his heart goes out in some cases, because of economic need. Many good decent people may be justified, but still dont fit the ordinance. Citizens need to understand that there are square footage requirements, sewer and water hook-up- s that Lb gwt ew it sxysss 250 fJW MU Tsm' CT. TABLETS must be checked, and problems with suitability to the neighborhood. Individuals seeking a varience were urged to contact the Board of Adjustments, while those asking a zone change could contact the Planning Commission. The harmony between both agencies had made the councils job of enforcing regulations rental conversions easier. In another matter of business, Council passed a motion to deny a Utah Power and Light Co. resolution urging cities to support reallocation of hydroelectrical power in the CRSP (Colorado River Storage Projgov-erni- low-co- st ect). In its inception during the 1950s, Sant said the project allowed towns to have their own power sources. Sant, who says he has listened to both sides, said that while a reallocation could initially lower power bills for Sunset residents, because the Colorado power is much cheaper than Utah power, it really is not fair to take it away from towns like Kaysville, Mount Pleasant, Hyrum, Morgan, Paragon, and Lehi, that went up front on the development in good faith. In the. reallocation, CRSP towns losing their source of power would have to buy from Utah Power and Light Co. SHOP BUTCHER SPECIALS Dorcfloh Texas Calf id limit 20 steaks steaks t-bo- d Aspirins D Js9- - ne approximately 8 oz. .COUPON 1 Bacon Wrapped H FILET MIGNON U Limit 20 Steaks Approx. 4 01. 1DDDD $ r.9 ,1.49 COUPON n Bacon Wrapped a CHOPPED SIRLOINS 1q Reg .limit 25 Steaks Approx. 4 02. Oddoddob n Lean q GROUND BEEF IQ 5 Ik. Limit Bulk or Patties BAR-B-Q- PE 4-- 8 mu rrprr7 SPECIAL Jk )1 I( UE 4,801 Rib Ey. oz. Filets 8 oz. Top Sirloins m 4 oz. Bacon Wrapped Chopped Sirloin )l 4-- U 4-- I cJ, Counter Prlco 40.S6 ? 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