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Show 4D Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 Clinton Keeps Ordinance Outlawing Air (Buns in City By SHARON Review placed due to BB pellet damage. N. STEELE Correspondent They (air guns) already are, CLINTON City Council let the air out of a firearms amendment that would have allowed the discharge of air guns within city boundaries, by unanimously defeating the proposal. According to Police Chief LeR-o- y Webb, some sectors of the community had requested an amendment that would have allowed persons 21 years of age or older to shoot pests with BB ordi-nan- replied Mayor Dennis Smith. Then Id say, lets leave the ce ordinance as it is," Councilman Steve Weller interjected. But whats the farmer gonna do? asked Hansen. Probably what hes always done, replied Chief Webb. Most of them dont even use BBs; they use firecrackers, which are legitimate. guns. ..Pests . doesnt mean kids, quipped Councilwoman Joanne Hansen in an exchange that sparked speculation as to the wisdom of changing laws that prohibit the discharge of such projectile weapons as wrist rockets, bean flippers, sling shots, and air guns. Im not totally convinced, myself, that it would be a good change, worried Webb. I dont so much mind the idea of me shooting out my back door, poking a BB gun at pests, but Im not so sure Id like someone else doing the same thing in the direction of my house. Webb said that he had intro-- duced the amendment for council input. Is this ordinance going to solve a problem or create a new one? Councilman E.R. Trappos exclaimed that hed like to see air guns outlawed, period. Three windows in the newly appointed officials home have been re If firecrack- ers dont work, they go through the Fish and Game for poisons. But a kid shooting birds in a tree will probably not be treated the same as one shooting birds in the corn, the law enforcement officer admitted. The change was denied by a unanimous vote. ' In two other unrelated matters of business, the council voted to continue the annual Clinton Fun Days event and to participate in funding a narcotics task force. The Fun Days decision was made with the stipulation that one more person be added to the city representatives group working with the Clinton LDS Stake to oversee the July 24 activities. City Manager Nolan Young was directed to draft letters commending the entire city staff, police and fire departments, and maintenance crews, for participating in this years activities. The narcotics force funding was granted on request from the Davis County Sheriffs Department for a 50-cen- per-capi- donation amounting to $2,788' for Clinton. According to Chief Webb, who explained the proposal in the absence of Davis County spokesman Layton Police Chief Lamar Chard, the funds would be used mainly as buy money and rent for undercover officers from Clinton, Layton, Bountiful, and the Davis County Sheriffs office, with each city committing and outfitting one man. The state would supply two men for the Layton City Hall based squad. Total budget would be around $30,000. Although similar agencies, including the Salt Lake based Force, have been started four times in the past, each time folding for one reason or another, Webb said the idea Met-!ro-Stri- ke is, perhaps, to move to some-- " thing permanent." The Metro-Strik- e Force which operated across Salt Lake and Davis County borders discontinued its investigations early in July. When asked whether or not Clinton had a drug problem, Webb answered in the affirmative, saying theres not a lot we can do about it either, unless we can get someone to buy something or do it in the open. My guess is that the places worked will mostly be taverns, bars, and lounges. Its really hard to get something going in a : private home. Clinton that has none Noting of the types of establishments named, Councilman Weller asked if the city might be ahead to put the money into the Clin draw the money: 1) $3,500 in the contingency fund balance could be tapped; ,2) a larger than expected beginning fund balance might be utilized. Saying that he felt prevention might be the best cure, Smith recommended that the council ton Police Department budget, but Councilman Dennis Simon-se- n pointed out that arrests outside of Ginton are still indirectly beneficial to the city." if thats your kid, $3,000 how do you place a value bn that? asked Smith. Its real hard to put a dollar figure on it," Webb replied. We do a lot of possession arrests we have one in court almost every week. Paraphernalia laws have helped, but were talking about big dealers here. Webb said the city would have the optibn to give the full amount or give partial payment now and at the end of the year. City Manager Nolan Young pinpointed two areas, from which the town might be able to half the requested donate in amount now and January. Simonsens motion to amend the budget to increase one line item to appropriate the neces-, sary funds, passed without dissenting votes.- In a final piece of business, the council appointed Dearl Sharp, 1424 N. 630 W., to fill a planning commission vacancy. According to Hansen, five applicants were interviewed in the selection process. 269 HM 2e03Wt3 (Fcrmsr A'bsrten's Usdisn) WHITE & WHEAT 1 LB. ta Council Considers City Hall Proposal An unexSOUTH WEBER pected solution to the problem of the overcrowded South Weber City Hall was proposed to the city council last week. Vergs n Flower House owner Verg proposed his building at 1590 E. S. Weber Drive to the city for a possible new city hall building. Glismann said his building was built recently, is about twice the size of the present city hall and is located in the central pan 'of the city. No price for the .structure was discussed. ;; South Weber Mayor Rex Bouchard said the offer posed an alternative to the citys plans to add on to the present building at Glis-man- Wij ta- 7355 S. 1375 E. He added, however, the city has no funds at the present time to pursue the proposal but is planning to start setting money aside in the budget for a future expansion. The counmcil agreed to set a date to look at Glismanns store and possibly consider the feasibility of changing the citys master plan. Currently, the small size of the city council room at the city hall necessitates the holding of public hearings at the nearby South Weber Elementary School. Little office space in the building has been further crowded with the addition of a computer system. vie All Experimental Aircraft Club Plans Air Fair The Ogden Experimental Aircraft Association will hold an air fair Aug. 6 and 1 at the Ogden Municipal Airport from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. There is no admission charge. n A breakfast will be held both days for pilots and the public at 8:30 until 11 a.m. There will also be sky divers performaircraft displays, ing, ultra-ligfly-i- ht experimental aircraft perfor-;mance- s and displays. Contests will be held for pilots in spot- - Radio-Controll- radio-controll- snwfci&t SEU WE ARE '? u7r iPapofToivoifl CASE OF A 30 11.70 -- - 'itfu ii- g. u ed UMITED-BU- Y TODAY AMD SK0? OFTEN! ed Hardy Family Reunion Dated Descendants of EliROY sha James Hardy will hold a family reunion Aug. 12 in the city park in Kanab, Utah. The festivities begin with a ogD i BARSAlllSl landings and A food stand will offer hot dogs and hamburgers and cold drinks on both days. The NorthAirern Utah craft Club will demonstrate and models. display The EAA was organized to provide technical information and education for anyone interested in building and designing their own airplane. The group promotes sport aviation flour-bombin- wan Sixtif , CORN, TWO, NACH0S HAIFPOUNP potluck meal at 10 a.m., and continue through the day. For further information call 825-678- v ' Moc&aoh S "5 jj o 6. y. vj-p- mew GRAND OPENING 7)4 0Z. TuJU in the ILAWOEI EfflEXS mxa easts kb? R3AILIL2 See Our Grand Opening Specials On Page 6C & 7 C. PICK-U- P YOUR Lakeside Clevie w FOR ALL THE NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY J a EACH YEDNESDAY , Eeh st tttaia ttfwruwd Ktffli a mfluifrt to u uKUk to tow thoodwtto pnestaetod Tte ivtftaWs far Cowwl Food Star, awe, m ipoctfreeJy ace mtKsaa. 1 tm tp fcm la Past itsck nm. Mmitytr : f t win iu;i r.-- tl buy tnttemtt tfct u i. tortlntf priet som as it tossmoiiviHaW AUrTESAr;3TlSEI SUBJECT TO ST0CX OH HAND. WHILE UwJTK) SvTTUES LAST. sxmr 16 oz. HOSPITALITY , |