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Show 2A Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1933 With Carnival Roy-Day-Sefl- Au ; pends on the kind of support we get from the community, said Meister. Roy Days begins this year with a beauty pageant at Roy High School on Saturday, By SHELLEY KANCITIS Rview Correspondent ROY Roy Days, planned from August has a special feature this year, according to Roy Days chairman N eill Meister. A carnival with 10 different rides, but no games of chance, is scheduled for Sand Ridge Park on August 18, 19 and 20. Discount ticket books for the rides can be purchased at the Roy Fire Station and all "'Roy banks. Included are 10 tickets for $3.50. If bought in13-2- 0, Aug. 13, at 7:30. Other scheduled events include a worship Service at the Roy High football field, junior posse competitions, a pa- rade, the Roy Days Firefighters Challenge, an arts and crafts exhibit at Sand Ridge Junior High School, ' and a variety of booths with games, food and displays for the final celebration at Sand Ridge Park on Saturday, Aug. dividually at the carnival, tickets cost 50 cents for one ticket or two for 75 cents. 20. A new feature this year is a golf tournament sponsored by With the addition of the carnival, Meister hopes to make Roy Days financially self supporting. It all de the Roy Chamber of Commerce. .Call the Chamber for By BARRY KAWA Revtow Staff fUrther information. Another new event is a baby beauty contest on Wednesday, Aug. 1 7. ' Applications are available at city hall. Special sales are planned throughout LAYTON A proposal to shut down the Bountiful water treatment plant of the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District for 12 hours a day has met favorable approval from South Davis County city officials, reported District Manager Keith Jensen. Roys commercial district during Roy Days, and an exhibit of antique cars will be featured in an area near , Skaggs. is Radio Station sponsoring the annual Fun Run. Contact the station for details. Individuals or groups interested in participating in the parade on Saturday, Aug. B-1- 01 m -C s in By BARRY KAWA Review Correspondent SOUTH WEBER Windy days in South Weber have pro-- j; duced a dust bowl across U.S. and 89 two area gravel operations have been ordered by C the state to correct the problem t or face a possible shutdown.. r Complaints about dust created r by Ideal Rock Products and the T Parson Ready Mix Companies gravel excavations on E. South Weber Drive prompted an in-- j; vestigation from the state. ! Burnell Cordner, assistant di f. rector of the State Bureau of Air Quality, said a recent investigation by a state air quality inspec- : r n 17 i ira; Qtt. a Gals - tISEUS OFF M iEit fj" . FROST.. TINT r"' y ' J I N. MAIN LAYTON PHONE WALK-IN- S Clinton Man Fills Vacancy 1 WELCOME 825-843- miaCEO'ilKEMlt Thit it the Program that everyone it talking about I it it n. This and more in a single session for i V , 292-659- it If 9 . Published weekly and distributed FREE by carrier every Wednesday morning from Roy through North Salt Lake. A Subsidiary of tha Standard Corporation MARILYN L. KARRAS G. LAMAR BOn EDITOR ADVERTISING DIRECTOR MEMBER Two Locations Te Serve Yew .fro pa treatment BEAUTIFUL BODY s 1 Call Angie for Information and an Appointment TLbEigpM IHievtewj PilODUCTS 399-000- of three Gift Certificates Available : n GET THE 2nd ONE FREE! RELAXATION f DfH FREE! J.)Xnow 2068 Harrison Blvd. 1500 Only each in groups ? - BOUTIQUE Many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for this. 3 inch fabric swatches in your color pallette ' Wardrobe planning including handouts to in to handouts styles selecting help Body analysis including . compliment your figure. to help in choosing hairFace shape analysis necklines and styles, glasses Cosmetic makeover with eyebrows tweezed, base makeup, eye makeup and lipstick in proper color and application. it Complete color analysis including . along with a health appraisal and immunization record. Students who attended last year will not have to register. 1 2146 . r: found the gravel pits dle the problem before it reaches exceeding state dust regulations this stage. A Parsons plant official said by more than 20 percent. The air E.R. Duke CLINTON quality executive secretary is he was surprised by the news drafting a letter this week of and claimed his company has alTrotta, 61, has been appointed, to the two com- ways passed the tests before. He by the Clinton City Council to said sprinkling systems run alfill a vacancy left by Counpanies. most continuously on the banks cilman John Rich who resigned The companies will be given of the pit but said he will have early in the summer prior to seven days to respond with a to wait for the letter from the moving his family to Farming-tostate to determine a possible soplan for solving the dust problem or face a possible shutdown lution. Trotta was chosen from a order from the state. Cordner Cordner says the state has perifield of three applicants to fill odic problems with gravel pits the six month term which exand asphalt plants during dry pepires in December following Noriods. He said the Staker Paving vember, .1983, elections. and Construction Company and An employee of the Cuna Mutual Insurance Group, the new idays. In the past, the garbage Concrete Products Corporation was collected on the following of North Salt Lake will also recouncilman resides with his ceive warnings to control their wife, Elta, and two children at Tuesday. 1768 N. 2900 W. Its just not a workable dust levels. plan, said Councilman Lynn Taylor who reported seeing piles of uncollected garbage on several i streets due to the July 25 Pioneer Day holiday. The council passed a motion to require pickBUY ONE up on Monday .holidays or the the holiday:'BODY WRAP day following FOR... tor Parents will need to bring a birth certificate of the child 1 ; 101 E.R.DUKE TROTTA said the companies could face possible fines of $10,000 a day, but said companies usually han- Wasatch Registration 130.00 R.fl. $20.00 . Wi Utt Tim finest Products . 2 FOR H SIPEC.MIL w ' 98 n Wasatch CLEARFIELD Elementary will hold a registration day for kindergarten stu-dents and new move-in- s Aug. 9, L; at the school from 9 a.m. until ! J tioon. 24-ho- ur $500 Booths for the August celebration at Sand Ridge Park cost $20 a space. Call for Ray Page at Roy garbage Changes After being defeated ROY in its attempts to convince the Weber County Solid Waste Board that the Weber landfill should remain open on Monday holidays, the Roy City Council agreed the current holiday garschedule is unbage pick-u- p workable. : Garbage normally collected on Monday is now picked up on the .Saturday preceding Monday hol half-milli-on for Guys more information. gallons He said a of water would be kept in Bountiful reservoir to handle any emergencies such as a major fire. . The Ogden plant is planned td'. only in shut down the half-da- y the winter and the Layton plant operawill continue its tion. i. Ultimate 825-127- 8. 731-41- North Salt Lake. Squid Antelope 20, should call Eldon Hess at South Weber Gravel Pits Exceed Air Quality Standards : Jensen reported in the district meeting Friday that this proposal would save the district money by not having to replace some of the plant operators who were fired recently for alleged drug use on the job. The Bountiful treatment plant is currently operated 24 hours and supplies additional water to the cities from Centerville to NATIONAL ASSOCIATION - ADVERTISING PUBLISHERS 2146 N. MAIN, LAYTON, PHONE or .145 298-89- N. MAIN, . PHONE 776-49- UTAH 51 16 BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 298-11- 03 V, BO YOU HAVE A NEWS TIP iCALLYGUn I : i AI1EA CC3IU3BPONDSOT 7 LAYTON Lyndia Graham IIZI3HTS KAYSVILLE-rRUI- T Ruth Malan SOUTH WESZR fr Judy Blackner ROY Shelley Kandtis s1 SYRACUSZWEST POINT Arlene Hamblin k CLEARFIELD PA Marge Silvester Plan now to bring your children to the V fabulous Jetts Petting Zoo at Newgate Mall August 4th thru 14th. Not only will your kids get to meet Jetts kids, but theyll have a chance to pet1 an anteater, a kangaroo even a baby llama. There are over 40 exotic animals in all and its all free at Newgate. FARMINGTON Susan Tanner Holmes ... SUNSnCLINTONCLEARFIZLD 7 , . Sharon Steal Kiddie Carnival Rides, Too Along with Jett's Petting Zoo the kids will love the carnival rides including a mini Ferris 7 wheel, a car ride and more. This month is devoted to kids (the human kind) at Newgate Mall. Be sure to see Artwork done by children from around the the Air Aces PrO'Frisbee . world Aug. v 31, - - nI - and Luis from Sesame 3 team Aug. 19 & 20. Street Aug. 18, 12-1- Thursday, August 4 to Sunday, August 14. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays - Fridays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays Noon to 5 p.m. Sundays ..... Tfiio prccizsai c 36th & Wall Aver, Ogden r-2- 3-- |