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Show Page 1C North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, August 3, 1983 TRir By KENT SOMERS Review Sports Editor - to Tournament Advance Teams Lgin ' Like a brutally honest friend, state baseball tournaments accentuate a teams strengths and weaknesses. Three local Legion teams Roy, Bountiful and Viewmont will enter such a tournament next Monday, and all three teams coaches agree that pitching will be a major factor in the state Region tournament. No surprise there. But all three teams have had varying degrees of concerns about their pitching this summer. Viemonts pitching has been strong all year, and it is one. reason why John Caputos club won the Northern Division with an game Saturday. But both players 18-- 3 record. .But Caputo said will play in a practice game this Kevin Smith, who will be week with Kearns. Both are hitplaying for BYU next year, has ting every day, said John Capuhad a disappointing summer. to, adding that he didnt think Hes changed his style and the football diversion would went to breaking pitches, said hurt Lee or Steve Caputo. n Viewmonts rival, Caputo. He hasnt thrown his fastball all summer. " , ' Bountiful, finished in a tic for third place in the Northern DiviBut t 'aputo said he feels comfortable with his staff and the sion with Brigham City with a way Viewmont has played this 15-- 7 record. A playoff has not summer. The key to everything been arranged between the two is a couple of breaks, Caputo teams and third place could be decided by a coin toss, said said. We can be very competiDave Nelson, director' of the tive with a couple of breaks. Viewmont has played without Nbrthem Division. We lost a couple of games we Doug Lee and Steve Caputo lately because the two have been should have won, said Johnson. We are not getting as good at football practicing for an cross-tow- ? all-st- ar pitching as summer, going two games. Part of the reason for Bountifuls pitching problems is the loss of Scott Onley, who has a pinched nerve in his back and has been unable to pitch. Johnson said Robert a reliever, has been Bountifuls most effective pitcher, and said he had been using his son, Eric, to pitch. Bountiful will bolster its roster for the tournament by adding three players from the Automotive League to its team. Pitcher Chris Jacobs, Mike Larrabee and Timmy Smith will play the tournament. Eric Johnson has continued his Lund-quis- enced," said Jorgensen. If hes in top form, I wouldnt foresee anybody beating him. Roy started the season with seven consecutive wins, mainly because of excellent hitting. But then Roy went into a hitting slump and went 9 the rest of the season. hot hitting for Bountiful this would like to I have. 7 for 7 in the last Injuries have also hurt the Roy pitching staff this year. Despite an elbow injury to Scott Williams last month, Roy managed 9 to finish with a record, good enough for fifth place and the last tournament berth from the Northern Division. t, i 6-- 13-- Jorgensen said he thinks the hitting slump is over. Theyre hitting the ball and swinging at strikes. During the slump, he said, his players were swinging at everything All three teams must wait until a Salt Lake Volley Tournament ends to find out who their opponents are. Larry Jorgensen, who coaches the team with Brett Moulding, said pitching has been his teams strength this summer. We have four very good pitchers, said Jorgensen. If theyll come through, well be all right. Hes a little more experi Foster Rewrites Shooting Record By DALE PERRENOUD ini mini IB iimiiJi jiiiiiiiiiwwiim mill iiiiiin inn miiiii n n s hi v ' a v. y. ..x- Photo by Dolo Porronoud - DOING THE CREEDMORE or not, Gary Flint of Hooper is not a trick in a position called the Creedmore, which is used in silhouette shooting. A regional com- Believe it - shot artist. He is petition was held last Saturday in Fruit Heights and Steven Foster of Layton posted the first perfect score in the competition by hitting all 60 targets. chicken to the tall ram. But a shooter has to do more thabn simply hit the silhouette target, he has to hit it in a certain spot so the target will fall. If an animal doesnt fall off the rail, no points are awarded. es Review Correspondent FRUIT HEIGHTS Over 100 years ago, a composer named Stephen Foster made his living by writing songs about the South and his home. Last weekend, Steven Foster of Layton did a or rewriting little writing of his own by winning the Regional .22 Caliber Silhouette Shoot in Fruit Heights. Foster hit all 60 targets for a perfect score, the first recorded in a sport that is gaining members in Utah and throughout the country. Foster also served as match director for the shoot. In silhouette shooting, targets are cut out in the shape of four animals: chicken, pigs, turkeys and rams. Targets are made out metal and the of quarter-inc- h object is to knock the animals off a rail, which are placed 25, 50, 75 or 100 yards away from the shooter. The targets ranged in size from Most shooters used a prone position called the Creedmore when shooting at the targets. Its a strange looking position, but with practice it provides a base which is stable. There were many classes of shooters and for different types of guns and most competitors went home with awards. Paul Di Francesco and his wife, Moana, were big winners. Paul won the automatic pistol class and finished second in the single shot Thomson Contender division. Moana won high lady honors with the combined score from the Thomson Contender and a Colt Trooper owned by tall the family. the approximately unset: Bowler Competes in National Tourney ers from different parts of the country, Kapowski said. He Junior bowler Ed- said his performance will give SUNSET mond Kopowski Jr. of Sunset him added confidence in future averaged 171 over 20 games and tournaments and made him $ placed 18th in the handicap di- better bowler by giving him exa National perience in adapting to different vision of the Junior Bowling Championships lane conditions. . held in Springfield, Va., on July Kapowski is the son of E.T. and C.J. Kapowski of Sunset. 5, represented His Kopowski, parents have been active Utah in the Division with a league bowlers for years and his handicap based on a league sister Emily, 13, has won state average of 146. tournament titles. Each state in the United States, We were hoping for a little bit tqo Canadian provinces and U.S. military bases in Europe more but were satisfied by Edsent three bowlers to the nation- munds showing and very proud al tourney following the state of him, Mrs. Kopowski said. I qualifying. Coca-Col- a paid the thought he had a good chance travel expenses of each qualifier. until he called and told us about It was a new and interesting some other bowlers handicaps. Edmond qualified for the sfate experience, being around bowl tournament by winning the with a 798 handicap series at Rainbow Gardens in Ogden. He then won the state qualifying and a $250 scholarship with a 744 series at Hilltop By BARRY KAWA Review Staff Lanes in Ogden along with the trip to the nationals. Coca-Col- 22-2- 4. 1 53-p- in At Springfield, the bowlers were able to get acquainted and make a tour of nearby WashingThe ton, D.C., during an grueling eight game a day schedule tested the bowlers young arms and gave them a taste of national bowling competition. As one of the 24 semifinalists in his division, Kopowski will be shown in the broadcast of the tournament over the USA cable network sometime in August. Edmund plans to enter the scratch division next year in the nationals which will be held in Minneapolis, Minn. He is a consistent bowler who said his could average bowling coach Sam Yamamoto. He knows what adjustments he must make and leans toward throwing a big hook. He can 180-18- 5, bowl very well under pressure. Kopowski has won 15 league trophies and over 30 Young American Bowling Alliance patches in his eight years as a league bowler. He will be starting at Clearfield High School in the fall and plans to play on the football team. Then, it will be back to the 0S(U)lrW H MINOLTA COPIER Model EP320 MINOLTA MINOLTA REG. TONER PLAIN PAPER COPIER 18 COPIESMINUTE SIZES UP TO 11" X 17" NUMEROUS REPRODUCTIVE CAPABILITIES $3995 "Vw v..,. NOW 3 FRESH PRODUCE H B year-roun- off-da- y. , DRY ll winter leagues at Davis Lanes in Layton and added practice, which he hopes will make him good enough to try for the pro bowlers tour some day. d Its a great sport and not boring to play like baseball is, said Kopowski. Bowling is a chance to get together and have a good time. WOW IN PLUS YOUR CHOICE OF DAILY IFJ k ' jt SWEET CORN FREE C) . s V- FRFSH PICKED SPRiriKLiriG SYSTEMS DO IT YOURSELF i' NEEDS. ORDIT SATELITE IMPACT SPRINKLER ft s I If A 1 t $1000 $1000 Royal Eloctronic MINOLTA Typowrltor Ten-Di- n Sorter MINIMUM 4 MR. SERVICE (IN MOST CASES) Authorized Dealer In Davis and Weber Counties Authorized Dealer for MINOLTA Copier - Sales - Service and Supplies 2 s . n . 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