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Show - t uw North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, August 3, 1983 )V r I Page 4A , if Property Owners Should Bear Cost of Repairs The Flood of 83 has emptied the emergency coffers of many cities along the Wasatch Front. Now those cities are looking for ways to pay all the manhours and equipment used during May and June. One of the easiest ways for the cities to replenish their depleted funds will be to raise the mill levy on property. It may be the , easiest but, politically, it can hurt. Raising the mill levy, for any reason, can make the scruff of hair on a property owners head stand up. But before home owners arise and march upbn city hall they should look at how lucky they were against mother natures people were directly affected by the water. To most it was only a matter of inconvenience;taking a detour which may have taken a few extra minutes, or pitching in a few hours of volunteer work. But roads will have to be resolutions to placed, long-terprevent other flood damage will have to be developed and city barrage. An extremely small percent of personnel will have to be paid. Letters to the Editor m For the average homeowner, the tax increase in many cities will take less than $20 this year from his wallet. And considering the amount of destruction that the floods created, the cost is minimal and one which residents should be willing to bear. But cities too, have a responsibility to make sure the mill levy increases are only temporary and used only for flood related projects. So, instead of frustrating property owners with a tax increase which has the strange tendency to rarely diminish, the city should strengthen the faith of the community by dropping the increase as soon as possible. OGDEN LAYTON LOGAN SHOP TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. ' Punish Child Kidnappers Review Editor: We as residents of the community must put pressure on the courts to make certain that anyone committing crimes against children are punished to the full extent of the law. After receiving a speedy and fair trial, if found guilty, they must be punished. We cant afford to let it drag out in the courts for years and make a mockery of the victims. Our children must be protected from the horrible crimes that have just been discovered. We as parents have to do our part in teaching our kids but its the responsibility of the court to put the criminals away or to enforce capital punishment. If the courts make an example of the first person convicted under the new state law, it may be a deterrent. If it deters only one person, that is one childs life that has been saved. The courts must take swift and appropriate action. I know many will argue that the individual has the right to be rehabilitated, but what about the rights of the children? They dont get a second chance. According to our Constitution, every individual has the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If someone takes away this right, they should be permanently removed from society. I believe people deserve a sec- ond chance but when they abuse and murder children, they have used up all of their opportunit- SAVE ies. Children are special and they are our future. Its a shame they have to live in fear of adults. Its hard enough growing up without having to worry about kidnappers. We must unite to protect our children at all costs. By joining forces, we can make the community a safe place for ev- FOR THIS SALE ONLY! Biggest selection ever of Noritake Formal China, Casual Dinnerware, Formal Crystal & Casual Glass! Save Now on Open Stock, Place Settings and Sets! eryone. Lynn Averett Bountiful For yourself and for gift giving, choose now from tremendous selection seldom offered. Emission Control Discriminates! can a SAVE on , Save Now on Gifts for Birthday, Wedding Anniversary The emission control program mandated for Davis and Salt Lake Counties by the Utah Legislature was discriminatory. It was reported that Harry B. Gibbons, director of Salt Lake Health Department, said it was a dumb deci- More Beautiful Ways! City-Coun- cil . You famous Noritake Formal China and Casual Dinnerware. More beautiful savings on Noritake 25 Lead Crystal Stemware & Casual Glass. Hurry in! Time is limited. Review Editor: sion. 20 , Twenty seven (27) county legislatures decided to impose this unnecessary burden on the other two Utah counties. Gibbons derisive remark of stopping vehicles at the county border to check for compliance was not such a bad suggestion. We have many cars and trucks from out of state passing through Davis and Salt Lake. There are also many vehicles, carring workers, from Weber, Tooele and Utah counties to join on the Wasatch Front. What are we to do about their pollution? Facetiously what about the pollution brought by winds from other areas? Halley Thomas Bountiful m AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY I. SHOWCASE SPECIAL ONE DAY ONLY! THURSDAY of any Noritake contemporary pattern at place setting Purchase one place setting at no extra charge! regular price and receive a second of savings: Example place setting, reg. 46.00, now 246.00 ce ce 5-p- c. 8 3, !( S. M) J J i X. CHAR GE IT ON YOUR BON OR AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT TO CRDER, CAU: OGDEN 399 4181 ; LAYTON 546 24 65. LOO AN 753 6130. A UNIT OF ALLIED STORES M SHOP SUNDAY. 1 2-- 5 P.M. MOMDAY-FRIDA- Y 10-- 9 7 , P.M., SATURDAY , 10-- 6 P.il. |