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Show - "11 v HfW ,f "s! ' 'i yy V ivvi ia v ;'.T AVC Lakeside Review North, Wednesday,' Aug. 3, 1983 A ' " Kl' f 3A U , Art Festival Days Offer Events Adult. Tale By CAROLE COLE Review Correspondent BOUNTIFUL - The BOUNTIFUL Davis Art Festioval Days will take place on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 5 and 6, in Bountiful on Main Street be long-anticipat- ed clude a comedy, "The Middle Ages, which will open in October, and a musical revue, Rogers and Hart: A Musical Celebration, scheduled for FEbruary Fer-ri- 1 1 n, 581-882- 4 p.m. 5 p.m; 8 p.m. 0. Friday, Aug. a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5 1 The Friends (ladies vocal group) Confectionaires (lollipop division) Child Country Cousins To be announced Margie Rylatt Sunshine Generation Calico Kids Show-Bi- z Kids , p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 8 p.m. Wild West Cloggers Mutton Hollow Hillbillies (string band) The Robber Bridegroom Saturday, Aug. 11 He is a bandit who robs for kicks, so when he wants roa.m. mance he decides to steal it. 1984. 11:30 His is the title role of The Tickets for The Robber Bride' Noon Robber Bridegroom, a modern, groom may be purchased either 12:30 p.m. adult fairytale complete with at the festival or at the Art Cen1:30 p.m. thieves, a talking raven, a head ter for $5adults and $4art cen2 p.m. in a trunk, and a wicked stepter members, senior citizens, and 3 p.m. mother. Birected by Dennis students. For ticket reservations 3:30 p.m. the hluegrass musical will call the center at 8 open at p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 4, on the grounds of the BountifulDavis, Art Center at 2175 South Main Street in Bountiful. SEE OUR Ferrin is an associate instructor of theatre for the University BACK of Utah and is the artistic direcTO tor for . CenterStage Theatre SCHOOL Company, the Art Centers resiINSERT dent theatrical group. ChoreograIN TODAYS phy is under the direction of PAPER! Marilyn Montgomery and music under Lome Hall. The cast comes from cities from Magna to Ogden and eludes many local performers. Starring as the robber bridegroom is Stanford Smith; his love interest is portrayed by Maria Brimley. Others include Allan Lykins,. Marlene Brinker-hofGary Neilson, Blake Terry Long, Charlene Nelson, Sabora Parry, Patti Olsen, Bob Bedore, Scott Fowler, Scott H uber, Karen Webb, and Lori Hall. The play will be performed each Thursday through Saturday nights until Aug. 20. According to Ferrin, The peaceful, wooded, secluded feeling of the natural environment is perfect for the setting of this musical. We invite the audience to come and sit on the lawn, if they so desire, and become fully involved in this production. Excerpts from the production will be presented during the Davis Art Festival Days on Aug. 6. The CenterStage Theatre Com-- . pany has received a grant of $500 from the Utah Arts Council for its 1983-8- 4 season. Their first production, Working,4 which was based on a novel by Studs Terkel, was an immediate success, receiving enthusiastic reviews from Ogden to Salt Lake City. It was chosen to represent community theatre at the Utah Theatre Associations annual convention in Provo in February of this year. Response to Working was so enthusiastic it was brought back Moms-youv- e tied for an encore weekend after the gen-tlem- an tween Center and First South Streets on Tabernacle Square. The booths will open each day at 10 a.m. and remain open until 7 p.m. each evening. 6 Corey Mangum Peanut Butter Gang Wildwood Sharon Walkington Ballet Excerpts from The Robber Bridegroom Satin Express (ladies variety) Salt & Pepper Show-Bi- z Kids Excerpts from The Robber Bridegroom" Pee Wee Pickers (youth fiddling group) The Robber Bridegroom" , . TRIANGLE ' SHOPS budget floor OGDEN LAYTON LOGAN Ts , f f, Hei-ne- r, u high-spirit- :f .T . ed and retied your last pair of sneakers. And the kids are off and running in the hottest sneaker style around for back to school! Our Velcro tabs make putting on shoes childs play: just press down for a snug fit, pull up and theyre off. The best news yet for busy moms with even busier kids! For infants after sale 8.99, 6.97. in pink or blue sizes For children in lilac, pink, navy or royal, sizes convention. The company is comprised of a group of talented, imaginative, and diligent theatre lovers. Future production plans in 1-- Favorite Treats The BOUNTIFUL and 6-13- V2 Shop-Budg- et 1-- 8, 12.97. Triangle 3, v&Y:.',. v Childrens Wear. . Bounti- ful Davis Art League wants your prize-winnin- mouth-waterin- g, g, treats for its bake sale table at the Davis Art Festival Days to be held on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5 and 6, on Tabernacle Square in Bountiful. taste-tempti- goods or treats are being sought for donation to the bake Home-bake- d store-boug- ht sale. Whatever your inclination carrot cakes, zucchini bread, chocolate chip cookies; or Oreos you are invited to bring your specialty to the bake sale table anytime during the day between TO a.m. and 5 p.m. The table will be located near the steps of the Tabernacle, near the entertainment area. Please mark each item with a card identifying the item itself, the name of the baker, and a suggested price. All proceeds will go to the BountifulDavis Art Center. You need not call the center ahead of time if you plan to just bring bring anything them with you when you come to enjoy the festivities. If more information is required however, please call the center at or Cleo Miller at 581-882- 0, 'i . III! v : A : if illf ... x . ''. mm I miiHiMip O WE WANT TO WIPEOUT CANCER PI YOUR ; LIFETIME- - - AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY eis O CHARGE IT ON YOUR BON OR AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT. LAYTON LOGAN TO ORDER, CALL: OGDEN PBtil A UNIT OF ALLIED STORES. 399-418- 546-246- 753-613- TRIANGLE SHOPS: LUEl |