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Show r - r m 'I Flood Aftermath Student Is Art Intern Victims Should Apply The governors Statewide Flood Relief Task Force urges all flood victims to apply for aid. Many people throughout the state who suffered losses due to the recent flooding may presently find themselves without means of recovering from those losses, said Capt. Fred Rasmussen, chairman of the task force, The task forces main objective is to make sure that anyone affected by the flooding has access to available resources to begin rebuilding their lives. Flood victims should first contact the FEMA Disaster Field Office at its toll-fre- e Lakeview FARMINGTON emergency physician Hospital Dennis Wyman has been selected as chairman and Bountiful City Fire Chief Jerry Lemon as vice chairman of the Davis County Emergency Medical Services Council. The selections were made last week by the EMS council which is made up of representatives from the two county hospitals, county fire departments, health department and paramedic services. Wyman will replace South Davis District Fire Chief Brent y Peggy Lee Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Johnson and the late Florence C. Johnson, of Bountiful is a junior majoring in journalism and 84147. The task force is also seeking information about various fund raising efforts throughout the state. Groups who are raising funds for flood victims are asked to contact Fred Rasmussen, chairman of the task force at mass communications. Miss Johnson was a 1980 high honor graduate of Bountiful High School where she was a member of the National Honor Society, yearbook staff. 3. cerartw .. ' U 5A Appointments Made to Council A Universi-tBOUNTIFUL of Utah student has been appointed to a summer internship with the BountifulDavis Art Center. number to determine whether they are eligible for federal assistance. Flood victims may also contact the governors task force for assistance co P.O. Box 11626, Salt Lake City, Utah 322-125- Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 The council Argyle for decided to appoint the vice chairman position also as a replacement for the chairman when absent and to step into the chairmans position after his term is up. one-ter- one-ye- county and updates each representative on what the other departments are doing. ar Wyman, a Salt Lake resident, also serves as the county paramedic advisor. Lemon who resides in Centerville, has served 22 years on the Bountiful fire department and been fire chief since 1981. Formed in 1978, the council coordinates the opera-- , tion of emergency services in the " m WITH A AND A CHECK ChF.OUP AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY i a I k LAYTON X, ... ; ere comes ' Bride C'3. 0 0 0 h The Bon, Layton Hills Mall, presents our special Fall Bridal Fair. Come in and let our BRIDE'S GIFT SERVICE turn your dreams into happy realities. . A '4 A Y r f f ,. ? K1 t - rir V - 3 , 1 - v5 yj vr, 'J K , "An ' T-yc- V V - ir- , y-p- V -- ; ' I j . l 1 ' if 7 ' , ' ' H " -- C ' ' V ' A" AV V HILLS STACY BUNOT-LAYTO- N MALL BRIDAL CONSULTANT WILL BE AVAILABLE BOTH DAYS FOR BRIDAL CONSULTATION AND ADVICE. , f. i X'XtV ) EVENTS FRIDAY, AUGUST 5TH EVENTS SATURDAY AUGUST 6TH FREE CARNATIONS TO ALL REGISTERED BRIDES Refreshments Served Both Days ALL DAY- - Travel Information Display Courtesy Sivulich Travel Agency 10 Discount Homeworld Purchases For Brides Registered At The Bon. C Personal Wedding Consultations I BRIDAL BUFFET MADE EASY $50.00 Sharon By Hill a.m. New ideas on canapes, puffs, and more made easy with the Cuisinart Food Processor and the Krups Slice-Al- l. Housewares Dept. Upper Level. 10-12:- 6 Pc. Wok Set Set Of Towels Set Of Sheets 100 Pg. Photo Album 5 PARTICIPATING BUSINESSES 00 Gift Certificate Courtesy Of The Bon All brides registering will be eligible, Accent On You Baskin Robbins Glen Thomas Brown Photography Morgan Jewelers Royal Formal Wear Sivulich Travel Agency The Sizzler g k Drawings held at 5:30 Saturday. I FASHION SHOW 12:00 & 2:00 P.M. Featuring the latest in fashions for your entire wedding party and trousseau. Ask About Our Easy Credit Terms and Layaway L: For The Bride Gift Certificate Courtesy Of Baskin Robbins 6:00-8:0- 0 CHARGE IT TODAY Courtesy Accent On You Personal Wedding consultations Dinner For The Bride & Groom Courtesy Of The Sizzler HOW TO PLAN YOUR WEDDING AND SURVIVE p m. Refreshments Provided China Dept. Upper Level Floral Display Courtesy Of Morgan Jewelers WEDDING SEMINAR ? Courtesy Sivulich Travel Agency Cosmetic Makeovers, PRIZE DRAWINGS Wrist Watch J u Travel Information Display Cosmetic Makeovers Courtesy Accent On You ' ALL DAY- - All Floral Display r. Cosmetics Dept., Lower Level. AT ! THE BON. TO ORDER. LAYTON 768-246UNIT OF ALLIED STORES. .1 |