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Show 23 ' School Soon to Open; Time to Improve Those Makeup-Skil- l Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1983 Back-t,o-scho- xf. stand- - Lynette Woolley, Shelli Stewart, (front) Jerilyn Arbuckle, Andi Schultz, Kristin Robison, Jamie Martens, Sherie Deanna Christie Jackson, ;ihg) Becky Tremea, Jennifer, Chris Elliot, Nancy canson, Diane Thompson and Mindy Pincock. Becky Morgan (middle row) Michelle Corrie Moffitt, Bourne, :;Giles, Cheryl Stonebraker, Dun-r:Bour- -- DEttes Get Training At Camp Clearfield I;: CLEARFIELD ;High Key Club has announced of Clinton; Dawn Kurtz, community, sponsored by the Kiwanis International. Key Club International is a collective orga- of clubs in secondary schools around the world. Its secre- tary, daughter of Marie Kurtz of ;.!new officers for the 1983-8- 4 Clearfield, and Holly Bybee, Ki' wanis representative, daughter of i'year. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bybee of Clinare Sandy Dabel, They ton. representative, daughter of Some of the activities planned i:Mr. and Mrs. G. Dabel of West for next year are, treasurWendy Stephens, $r, daughter of Jay Stephens of smaller projects during the year. The Key Club is an "Clearfield; John Fisher, vice t; son of Sue Fisher of tional secondary school to is which dedicated nation presiBowman, Kelly dent, daughter of Paula Bowman service within the school and Ki-wa- rock-a-thon- DEt-nizati- A organi-;Sunse- 825-221- - wide-eye- no-sme- waterproof mascara to upper and lower lashes. Your lips say a lot Lips about you. To make sure your smile sends the right message, be certain your lips look their best. Because lips do not have oil producing glands, make an effort to keep them protected, otherwise theyll always be dry and chapped. When youre in a rush or want a fresh look, wear lipstick with sunscreen protection and to highlight your natural lip color. Short and sassy is in. Hair It makes you look neater, more pulled together, even sophisticated. Trim your hair for a carefree style and to remove ends damaged by summers sizzling sun. Teens with dry hair need to pamper their locks: excess brush- ing can split ends and over-us- e of a too hot blow dryer can also 'damage. Oily hair needs frequent shampooing to keep it shiny and bouncy. for-extr- . a - ' A-- ' ' '.k'fi on ' "w je internal-preside- Eyes ' entirely from its membership firct annerance 'of the Reason anj js consistently under the s t 2 at Davis close guidance and sponsorship 0fficers for8he coming of Kiwanis. year will be: drill mistress, Cher- For more information call yl Stonebreaker; president, Andi Schultz; secretary, Carlene Key Club adviser at vens; and historian, Chris Elli- High. v - ott. s, nt, KAYSVILLE The Davis High School DEttes, under the direction of Laurie Hansen, recently returned from a summer training camp conducted by the United Spirit Association at Utah State University. More than 650 students from high schools throughout the state attended this special work shop. Led by top dance and drill instructors from throughout the United States, the girls worked from morning to night perfecting the skills of drill team performances. In addition to new halftime routines, the girls receive instruction in marching, showmanship, leadership and basic dance technique. Based on their performance at tie Utah State Camp, the es were awarded two superior trophies; 61 superior ribbons, 15 Eye contact is an imof communication. form portant So, learn to make your eyes talk for you. A powder eyeshadow rather than a creamy one is ' ; easiest to work with. And, a sponge tip applicator is best for blending colors when learning to contour and highlight your eyes. For a bright,' d look, add touches of blue eyeshadow in the corners of your eyes and apply a the ideal time to improve your make-u- p skills. With busy activities ahead, youll need to develop a quick and easy beauty routine to " look your best. to Ralph Porto, According Hazel of Bishop Cospresident metics, All it takes is deciding to do what you want make-u- p for you and then some practice. Porto suggests the following beauty checklist: You are what you eat. Skin To get your skin in tiptop shape and glowing, eliminate foods from your diet that cause skin to break out; big culprits are greasy foods and chocolate. Dry skin should be pampered by spritzing your face several times a day with mineral water, just like you do your plants. Oily skin should be cleansed as often as possible followed with an as- , tringent. Add a touch of Cheeks blush high on your cheekbones to maintain a healthy glow. Remember that blush is used to enhance your natural coloring, not to create a mask. Make a V with your first and middle finger; touch your fingertips to the top and bottom of your ear. The area enclosed by the V is where your blush should go. Powder blushes are easier to work with to get a natural look and are also best for oily and combination skin types. - r. MEMBERS of the Davis High DEttes are (back, is ol IN RECENT 1983-8- 4 junior class officer elections at Clearfield High School, Natalie Peek, Stephanie Poll, and Tami Poll (from, left) wre chosen as vice president, president, and secretary, respectively. 6, "T S' Si S.S ; 3 $4 '34 X 3 I ; -- .fv. 'j G2E!IM frv? Look end fcsl your boot this summer with theca quality Fcborga products. I lord's terrific saving 5 n at only OCd. occh! (w LI HfllR SPRAV OQJUB W caer YOUR CHOICE -- 1 X SPENDING their early summer morn- in9s getting in shape for cheering the North Davis Junior High School Norse- - men on to victory in the 1983-8- 4 sea- son are newly elected cheerleaders (back, from left) Shari Hodson, Cathy Garrett, Nicole Beddis, (front, from left) Tammy Child, Kirsty Thompson, and SHAKFOO or Terri Hoffman, Regular, XBody, Dry, Oily )g) co::stic:jer 15 oz. COMPANY directions OEOSORANT v Stick real news in hair: shorter, neater, sleeker. ..plus every womans ' 'problem: hair care with exercise This fall, Regular or Musk YOURe ,cho. Hair should be clean and dry before you exercise so perspiration will not mix with dirt and water. Women whose hair wont hold up must take time to w - r - M - V - rvazeuTY ( Each ot these advertised items is required to be readily available tor sale at or below the advertised price in each Albertson s store except as specifically noted in this ad shampoo, and for them-hav-ia wash and wear cut Is ng the open evenings... 3 locations RAN DROWN 8 CO. ;v- - 575 North Mam 13 West Center 3 KaysviMe. Layton. 546-060- hoir 546-212- 546-222- 1 mokoup ' . HAIR STYLING SALONS 513 North 1000 West 2 Qleartield. 825-72- RTJglCX strive to N perms ON SALE NOW! Ad Prices EC::tivo Li 7.:t Au;-Ji- t 3rd-9t- h We j cL) . II have on hed sufficient stock ot advertifea-merchand- ise It for arvy n wa are out of stock, a RAIN CHECK will Pa issued enabkng you to buy the item-a- t the advertised price as 8oonasnb 'umes available. Ut:i C!:rcs 1 W V- - |