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Show '' I M .,1 JJ ... Ml V. . V . ami ,ty v. f -' v-- mpy V ,. v, - 1 v ,. v'VM'.yV .Vi ROY William David Star-ret- t, Jr., a graduate of Roy High School, is the recipient of the 1982 American Society of Me- chanical Engineering Freshman Award from Utah State University. receiving packets. School and jackets will be available for purchase. Further information may be obtained by calling Crestview School ios located at 185 W. Golden Avenue. . Starrett, who had the highest record of scholastic achievement among first year mechanical engineering students, maintained a 4.0 average during his freshman year in college. 544-824- 2. ROY HIGH SCHOOL student body officers school year are (front, from for the 1983-8- 4 Annette second vice president; Bass, left) Central Davis Junior High book fee. All students will pick up class schedules for the year. Students who are new to the area will register on Aug. 12 from 8 a.m. to noon. New stu-- ; dents who have already registered may also pay the $5 fee and pick up schedules and activity cards on the first three days. LAYTON - Registration who will attend Central Davis Junior High School during the coming year will be held Aug. 9, 10, and 11. Seventh graders will register on. Aug. 9, eighth graders on Aug. 10, and ninth graders on Aug. 11, with students whose last names begin with A through M signing up from 4 to 5 p.m., and students with names beginning with N to Z from 5 to 6 p.m. on all three days. Students will pay a $5 registration fee and ninth graders will also pay a $25 ,sv.; Roy Student room assignments will be announced, with all children ; Kfi Engineering Award Given year. According to PTA publicity manager Tammy Covell,, class- -' t ? Lakeside Review Wednesday, August 3, 1983 Crestview Elementary LAYTON Back to school registration for all students living within the Crestview Elementary School boundaries has been scheduled for, Tuesday, Aug. 9, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. -- Paae tS school 1983-8- 4 T Vorf7 Edition yyiu week for the .v-t-T- NWA Schools Set Dates Schools in the lakeside area have scheduled registration this '" -- e State law requires that all school a dents have on file at record of adequate tion against vaccine childhood diseases or a signed record of exemption for medical, religious or personal reasons. Charly Allen, secretary; (back) Susan Adair, first vice president; Mike Coe, president; Jodean Thompson, historian. His parents, William and bara Starrett, live in Roy. Bar- stu-th- non-refunda- 300 East Gentile, Layton Now open 9 Monday-Soturdc- y p.m. Closed Sunday a.m.-1- 0 , AD Vae View Elementary LAYTON Registration will be Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Vae View Elementary School in Layton. Parents who have already sent in 'their chi- I The following items need to be checked before kindergarten registration is complete: birth certificate, payment of $16 snack fee, physical examination and immunization record. ldrens registration cards for do not need to come grades to the registration. The following parents need to come to registration: parents of all new students, parents who did not fill out registration forms last spring and ALL parents of this coming years kindergarten children. Lb. Oscar Mayer PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 3rd TO AUG. 9th. 112 oz.Cudahay Thrifty NACRO r California Ripe Dole Medium r Grade C Grade Empire 3 LEGGED FRYERS SLICED BACON CHEESE FRANKS A HEN turkeys 1- -6 Class assignments for the new school year will not be available until, the Friday before school starts. School begins on Aug. 29. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Mr. Winward at school during the month of August, 825-787- 5. Clinton Elementary CLINTON - - for students who will attend Clinton, Elementary School for the first time this 1983-8- 4 school year will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 9, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the school. Only children entering kindergarten or other children who did not previously attend Clinton School during the last school year need register. 1 Quality Red Flame THOMPSON SEEDLESS U.S.D.A. Choice Children entering kindergarten will need to have a completed immunization record, a birth certificate or other verification of date of birth, and a current Boneless 1 Cudahay Round-U- p BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP AT,2 physical. Children entering the first through sixth grades need to have a registration card filled out in order to be enrolled in school. Kaysville Junior High KAYSVILLE als but must be paid in advance. Four packet choices will be available. Packet A for $10.50 includes one 8x10, four 5x7, and 12 large wallet size pictures. Packet B for $9.50 includes one 8x10, one 5x7, two 3x5, and eight large wallets. Packet C for $8.50 includes one 8x10, two 3x5, and eight large wallets. Packet D for $7.50 has one 8x10, two 3x5 and eight small wallet size. Packet E for $6.50 includes two 3x5 and eight large Kaysville Ju- nior High registration will be held next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 5 p.m. The seventh grade will register on Aug. 9, the eighth grade on Aug. 10, and the ninth grade on Aug. 11. Registration fees for seventh and eighth grades is $8. The ninth grade fee is $33. Bell Photographers will take pictures of students for the yearbook and for the activity cards. Picture packets may be purchased at this time by individu wallets. 2 Lb. Hi-Gra- de FRANKS 16 oz. Nabisco RITZ CRACKERS 2 Lb. Keebler GRAHAM CRACKERS 360 ct. Zee NAPKINS 4 Pack Zee Nice & Soft r 6Va oz. Pepsodent If"i . Holt Elementary School Holt Elementary cles for sale during the LAYTON registra- will hold a registration for tion day and throughout the first week of school. Hoit Hawk will be sold at $3.50 for adults and $2.75 for students. kin- dergarten students and new move-in- s Aug. 9, at the school rts from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Birth certificate, immurtiza- -' tion card and physical health examination record are necessary for those registering. The Holt PTA will have arti . Baseball jerseys will be $4.25 for adults and $3.50 for students. Book bags are $2 and book backpacks will be $3.50. DOG FOOD.. at their respective should attend registration. Par- ents of kindergarten children . a- luu must be prepared to present an immunization record, a physical examination, birth certificate, and snack fee. E2 30 Ct. Stay Free 5 ftr ' i Registration day for South Clearfield Elementary will be on Tue.r Aug. 9, from 8 a.mi. to 4 p.mXjt new and kindergarten students. Kindergarten students must be years old by Sept. 1, 1983, . have proof of immunization and have birth certificate. Contact 3 James Martin, principal at for information. 5 625-073- 3 Lb. Fdtrs COFFEE 15 ez. Franco American SPAG- HETTI OO 3 FOR SiA.50 srn A 2- MINI PADS Someone from each family South Cloarfiold Elementary a shampoos CONDITIONERS PAPER TOY7ELS...OCV POST TOASTIES.. 06 PECTIN................ DWV Frozen 5 Lb. Generic rfnuTYttft FRENCH FRIES.... 2 oz. KCP 16 oz. Style Jumbo Roll Spillmate ORANGE JUICE. : .5 p.m. schools. 4 for 12 oz. Western Family Kaysville Schools Students from Kaysville; Burton, Morgan and Columbia Elementary schools will' register Tuesday, Aug. 9, from 9 a.m. to 15 oz. Veto Local Utah Sweet 12 ez. Frozen Welch GRAPE JUICE 6 Pack Cans SHASTA POP O FOR r Lb. Soft Tub Western Pasty 1 r - 30 Ct. Stay Free Reg., Saper, Deed. MAXI PADS Doxoy Elementary School i ,- - Doxey Elementary School reg- istration for kindergarten-annew students, will be held at the school Tuesday, Aug. 9, from 8 s' a.m.. to 4:30 p.m. A $20 Snack fee will be required for kindergarten students. . . V y. |