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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 7C Kaysville Bible Church Offers Drama Program ROY The Truth in Action late founder of the university, Ensemble from Bob Jones Un- Dr. Bob Jones. The final part of iversity, Greenville, N.C., will the service will be a play, Five present a program of drama at Minutes to Live, the story of a the Kaysville Bible Church, 197 man who rejects Christ. S., Kaysville on Saturday, June 25, at 7 p.m. The first portion of the program will feature a dramatic adaptation of a sermon by the W. 100 DOUGLAS J. BRAITHWAITE KEVIN L. CASEY JAMES OLESEN GARDNER ROBERT S. BROWNING Eldar Douglas W. Cartor, son of John and LaRee Carter of Clearfield, has been called to serve in the Taiwan Kaohsiung LDS Mission. Prior to his July 7 departure for the Missionary Training Center, Elder Carter will speak in the Clearfield North Church, 231 E. 300 N., Clearfield, June 26 at 2:50 p.m. Friends and family are invited to meet with the missionary at an open house on June 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. at his home. A member of the Clearfield 3rd LDS Ward, the missionary is a graduate of Clearfield High School. Eldar Catty Jamtt Oltton, son of James D. and Connie Olesen, has accepted a call to serve in the Baton Rouge Louisiana LDS Mission. He is a graduate of Layton High School and attended Layton LDS Seminary. He lettered in football and track and was active in Layton High drama productions. Elder Olesen was employed at Hill Air Force Base. He will speak Sunday, June 26, in the East Layton LDS Stake center on Rainbow Drive in Layton at 1 p.m. He. will enter the Missionary Training Center June 30. nary at Gardner, son of M. Ray and Cynthia M. Gardner, 562 W. Gentile in Layton,' has Eldar Kavin L. accepted a call to serve in the Argentina Rosario LDS Mission. Kevin graduated with honors from Layton High School and LDS Seminary in 1982. He was in the Honor Society, a cappella e choir and a member of the singing group. Kevin has worked the past three years at the Layton Albertsons store and has completed one year of studies at the University of Utah. Elder Gardner spoke in sacrament meeting on Sunday,. June 19. He will enter the Mission Training Center on July 7. Friends and family are invited to visit with Elder Gardner at the home of his grandparents, Richard and Verona Mar-sto78 N. 575 W. (Cook St.) Layton, on Saturday, June 25, from 3 to 6 p.m. . Eldar Douglas J. Braithwaite, son of Mr., and Mrs. Wallace Braith-waithas been called to serve Moines LDS Misthe lowa-De- s sion. Prior to his July 7 departure for the MTC, Elder Braithwaite will speak at the Sunset 2nd LDS Ward on June 26, at 2:30 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited to meet with the missio . Lay-ton- n, e, Writers Club to Meet Tonight Peterson, Salt Lake City, will speak on writing humor. of the 1579 A 1764 N. 475 W., Sunset, between 5 and 7 p.m. on June 26. A member of the Sunset 2nd Ward, the new missionary is a Sterling Scholar in art from Clearfield High iand is currently attending Weber State, majoring in art. He is a graduate of Clearfield High School. Eldar Robart Scott Browning has been called to serve in the Washington, Seattle LDS Mission. He will enter the MTC on . South State in Clearfield. For further information, call ' guest speaker, Frances 825-453- 1 . or 544-213- 6. a FilG3 0TGAII DINHQ coupon n Bring Your Birthday Party to Mr. Steak Come in to Mr. Steak Restaurant after 4:00 p.m. on your birthday, and we'll treat you to a FREE steak dinnerl Vour Happy Birthday Steak Dinner includes: Our USDA Choice Traditional Cut Sirloin, crisp salad or is soup, choice of potato, bread, and beverage. There absolutely no cost to you except the price of the gasoline it takes to get to our restaurant. June 30. Elder Browning is the son of Robert G. and Carol Browning. He is a graduate of Clearfield High School and Clearfield LDS Seminary. He was a member of Clearfield High football and track teams for three years. He has attended one year at Ricks College where he was a member of the Vikings football team. Elder Browning has been active in his ward and has held many positions in his priesthood quorums. 546-444- 1. Members CLEARFIELD Wasatch Writers will meet today, June 22, at 7 p.m. at 5 Called on IDS Missions Five young men from the lakeside area have accepted calls to serve as missionaries for the LDS Church. t The public and church members are invited to attend. For more information, call Pastor Royce Short, There Are Only 4 Rules: DOUGLAS W. CARTER He will speak June 26 at the Clearfield 2nd Ward chapel, 935 South State at 9 a.m. An open house will be held at his parents home, 1212 Valhall Drive, following the church service.. Family and friends are invited. 1. You must come in on your birthday after 4:00 p.m. 2. You must bo 16 years of ago or older and prove it by showing either a valid driver's license or birth certificate. 3. You must present your identification to your host or hostess upon orrival. 4. No other promotional offers or discounts may be used with this offer. 0 LUNCH BUY ONE 2nd ONE AT V2 PRICE GET THE With this coupon buy any lunch and gat the second lunch of equol or less value at half price. Expires June 25, 1983 coupon when ordering.Not good with Present any other discounts. 1941 WASHINGTON BLVD. 1941 Washington 3 Ogden 393-255- Blvd.. OGDEN 393-255- 3 a UDaaoaau |