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Show ft 2B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 ' Local Players Face Pivotal Season A Continued from Pago 1 B I used to choke in big situations. At Dixie College, they (major league teams) were scouting me. I knew they were there, and I would just choke. It was just mental. Panfiloff is a power pitcher whos been clocked at 88 mph, and that wasnt full speed, he said. He also throws a hard slider and a change up. Im not quite the polished pitcher I want to be," he said. Ive never had a pitching coach. Ive needed some guidance. Taylor is also loose this year and is a happier person when hes involved with baseball, he said. Any of these guys will tell you Im so full of it that my eyes are brown, he said with his brown eyes open and a smile on his face. Taylor worked out with the Seattle Mariners for two weeks after graduating from college before they told him to go home. But playing for the Flyers is the first time he has received cash for playing baseball, and once he steps on the field, he said, its time to get serious. For one In professional good reason. ball, he said, they can call you in and tell you youre gone. FINAL SOCCER Although he has played shortstop for most of his career, Taylor will also play the outfield for the Flyers, and try to hit for average, not power. I like to consider myself a singles hitter who gets lucky every once in awhile, he said. And if he doesnt make it with a major league organization this year, Taylor said he would like to try coaching, maybe at the American Legion level or higher. Panfiloff said that if he isnt signed by a major leaie team this year, he will get a job this winter and contemplate on next year. The Flyers will play every day until the middle of September without a break, and each major league team is supposed to scout the team at least once, said Panfiloff. The three other teams in the SOUTH DAVIS SOCCER ASSOCIATION JUNE 25, 10A.Aft.-- 2 P.Aft. 5 RTS. MALL (North End) forms may check. with send in completed forms Those with Effective June and American Fork. Players are paid an average of e. Centerville Man Wins Racquetball Tournament for the match to start because his opponent was playing in another bracket. Luzell Wilde, a Centerville re sident, won his fourth national amateur racquetball champion- ship recently at the United I just didnt have it mentally, . .Wilde said. He (his opponent) was ready to go and I s in wasnt. But the the bracket followed the match, and Wilde made sure I was back up for that one. This was Wildes last major tournament of the year. He has tourplayed three naments since February, winning first place honors in all three. States National Amateur in Houston, Texas. Wilde, who is 65, won the title in the e group and finished third in the age bracket. The tournament had approximately 530 people competing, said Wilde, and he sometimes had to play as many as three matches a day. Wilde said he should have won in the bracket, but had to wait an hour and a half - 6 Months 4j 4 4 44 I CdDIWDKAMILlSiS $ This is the Program that everyone is talking about! Many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for this. it Complete color analysis including 3 inch fabric swatches in your color pallette dr Wardrobe planning including handouts ft Body analysis including handouts to help in selecting styles to compliment your figure. Face shape analysis to help in choosing and necklines hairs- tyles, glasses 4 4 4 4 4 Cosmetic makeover with eyebrows tweezed, base makeup, eye makeup and lipstick in proper color and application. 81 COO This and more in a Only J. D each in groups single session for of three Gift Certificates 9 Angie for Information and an Appointment 292-659- 14-2- 0 Today's Money Rate Greg Panfiloff, now of the in bases the a workout last week. runs Ogden Flyers, 4? sfr ifr 4- 41 "ft 4 FORMER ROY HIGH pitcher County month, according to Panfiloff, and the majority of the players come from And like Panfiloff and Taylor, this could be their last chances also. on pre-registrati- FOR MORE INFORAMTION CALL; league are Tooele, Carbon $500 a SIGN-UP- S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 $1,000 to $5,000 If) OR0 lUv0 6 Months 10 10.50 $5,000 to $10,000 Passbook WESTERN HERITAGE FREE GIFTS THRIFT & LOAN NEW HOURS: 9:00-5:3- 0 FOR NEW Dally SAVING ACCOUNTS! Closed Saturday Savina 107 North protected totlTo&byfe InduBtftf Loan GuarMUe C. ponton of UUhwhkli Is print caporatton Main, i Bountiful and not art of Instrumentality the State of Uui or the federal Government 298-365- 3 semi-final- 65-ag- e out-of-sta- te Golf Winners Announced as it:. Mountain Fuel's Equal Monthly Payment Plan. LaVoyle Forsberg and Joy The Davis Park Ladies of the Evening Golf Association began its golf season last month and has announced the winners of the weekly Petro. Best on Par On May 23, was the Threes 011 West-lan- Shirley Hansen; second place, Elaine Cook, Carol Anderson, Relda Bringhurst, Barbara McQuire, Donna Sato, Dorothy Shurtliff, Kay Gal- On May 9, Low Putts was the First place, Carol Anderson; second place, Elaine Cook, Kathy Willis; third place, Carol Dean Page, Patrice Forsbert; fourth place, shirley Hansen, Julie Imaizumi, play-of-the-da- WWtf play-of-the-da- First place, Helen y. legos, Joey Preece, Barbara Earl, Helen Ungerman and LaVoyle Forsberg. Summer School Final Registration SUA, at Horizon SCHOOL DATES: June 21 to July 28 DAYS & TIMES: Tu.s., Wad., Thurs., 9:00 p.m. AGES a.m. to 12:00 3 TO 12 YEARS: Ac call it We w Budget Billing. tlvIti.cArti and Craftt, Field Trips, Cooking, Science and Recreation, Summer Theater Performance. Participation in 34th of July Parade. For Registration Information Call: 394-312- 1 Heres how .The CORDLESS TELEPHONES 1 ,000 FT. RANGE more-mont- hly $. a ffMJSf . D... V- (f VsJ. y OTHER MODELS FROM average OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY MAR APR MAY (re-figur- ed payments will be somewhat higher in the summer than what you're paying how, and lower in the winter'. But they will be more nearly ; equal throughout the year. Your ' 299.95 69.95 239.95 7800TD JULY AUG SEPT , - $1 T JUNE 1 y J th twice a year). FEATURES 9800 7800 increase. Budget Billing, your monthly payments are based on MEMORY INTERCOM USE WITH NEW BELL CUSTOM CALLING pays very low gas bills during With USE WITH LONG DISTANCE DIALING SERVICE FULL FM DUPLEX works: the summer months; But as the the weather gets colder-a- nd furnace is used bills TM TOUCH TONE & PULSE DIALING QUIET OPERATION MULTILINE OPERATION it typical residential customer $(0)95 J i! Right now is the best time to switch your account to Budget Billing to conform to the Mountain Fuel billing year. If you're interested, call your nearest Mountain Fuel Business Office for complete details. &uP YOUR TELEPHONE STORE WoBodeo firl uniennoiis 5468 S. 1900 W., Roy MOUNTAIN FUEL 773-435- 3 i I |