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Show e 4B Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 22, Clearfield 1983 Before apCLEARFIELD budget last proving the 1983-8week, the Clearfield City Council announced a reduction of the 16 citys 16.28 mill levy tax to awill mill figure. This decrease 4 amount to approximatley 28 cents on a thousand dollar assessed property mill levy. The public hearing on the budge, t was not attended by any ftflill Clearfield citizens and the coun- cil quickly approved the 1983-8budget. No increase in city utility rates were budgeted. Revenues are projected at (2.3 million, an increase over the $2 million in this years budg,et. Expenditures were balanced at $2.3 million also. 4 The budget will take effect on Levy lighflf 7 1. in other business, the The council notedlhiilAften 30 council amended Home Occupadelayed the application up to of city another will which tion Ordinance days in violation allow city bpilding inspector ordinance which requires a rul- Howard McMiUmJck approve ing.on a license applications home application permits. Pre within 15 days. McMillan said commission will viously, the amendment rdji&thAjalaniUng. f quired the building inspector still review any permit applies- and the city planning commis- - tion requests-f- t fanned sion to approve the permit. down and appealegtlfcgRfeji juiy II-31- "I,!, , , zaaoo . T,!) i:ch:Gui?6 Keenan - i fine d ODD the Kaysville Jaycees ore (back, from left) Steve Majors, director; Dwight Krebs, chairman? Brady Koroulis, vice president; (front, from left) Jeff ' Dunford, director; Richard Deihl, president. ELECTED as officers of azroocixp axcccm arani) 1 SPEffiSSPW.. 'ISO! 300? GQOuO OXCCJuN7 - " b: SKe 7 1 cm ' DUNLOP ELITE 50.000 SEVENTY MILE WHITE WALL VlLs l. - Retail Price 1 Your Price ,f WOMEN elected as officers of the. JCK organization are (front, from left) Kathy Diehl, historian? Lynn Blair? vice president; (back, from left) Susan Major, president; Marlyn Koroulis, vice president; Erlene Young, treasurer; Mary Quist, chairman; Terrie Arbuckle, Utah Jaycee president. Kaysville Jaycees, JCK Group Elects Leaders The KaysKAYSVILLE ville Jaycees and the JCKs recently elected new officers for the 1983-8- 4 year. ; Richard Diehl is the president of the Jaycees with Brady , Koroulis as internal vice president; Kent Anderson, external vice president; Toni Lolmel, .treasurer; Dwight Krebs, chair- DIAGNOSTIC d formerly known as the Junior Chamber. The JCKs is the womens auxiliary. The backbone of our Kaysville Jaycees is community service, said Diehl. Our traditional community projects are: 4th of July chuckwagon breakfast, fireworks, parade, Miss Kaysville float, and the COMPUTER TEST The Allen Smart Scope We are the first in Northern advanced automotive diagnostic computer! Well pinpoint your car problems English on a computer printout. man of the board; Steve Maacafternoon and jors, Jeff Dunford, Dirk John-- . tivities; Christmasevening are projects son, and Greg Layton as directhe star on the mountain, sub tors. for Santa, and Santa to town. The JCK officers are: Susan The Easter egg hunt and the Majors, president; Marilyn familymental retardaKoroulis, external vice presi- Jaycee zoo outing are other service tion dent; Cindy Anderson, secret- projects. ary; Erlene Young, treasurer; All young men between the Lynn Blair, internal vice president; Kathy Diehl, historian; ages of 18 and 36 are invited to and Mary Quist, chairman of join the Jaycees. Anyone interthe board. ested in joining or interested in The purpose of the Jaycees is assisting in the 4th of July ac- ' 544-14- , search assistant. Has taught a semester at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, as a visiting instructor. tem. He has now accepted a a as porary position - post-docto- r- 31x10.50R15 204.51 31xll.50R15 I 33x12.50R15 174.62 f.E.T. 3.15 Free cheese and but- - h.v 6 OV QaBfib iIBGB Dunlep Cold Seal Steel-Belte- d Radial Rib 26x850R14 (.OCR 16.5 - Retail ' Your Price 129.00 144.00 173.00 123.00 . LEX 3.71 to 6.32 Price 191.22 214.09 256.31 182.33 Price 133.00 IKS 117.00 5.67 ' 3 Dunlop Gold Soal Bias Ply 3-R- ib Ml! Wral 's r 0RQG3 ,1- - Al 700-1- 5 6 ply B. REES associate of the Un- LAWRENCE al research iversity of Maryland. He married the former Loralee Kotter of Wheaton, Md., and they have three children. He is the son of Max EF and Ilene L. Rees, Kaysville. He filled a mission for the LDS Church in Japan. Recreation Complex on July ASSffiiKS 8 ) -- 4 APPLY FOX YOUR MASTER TIRE CREDIT CARD Same terms as VISA or MASTERCARD TERMS.. 90 days same as cash, or Regular bank credit cord terms ON APPROVED Froo Butter, Choose to Bo Given Away ROY 1 Your Retail Price y While working on his docto- 'i-- 1 - 0(p)()CO LJ LJ Polarized rate, he has been a teaching assistant and a graduate re-- : iiit- 1 544-281- . 150 MeV FOR APPOINTMENT 544-345or 825-228- Dunlop Gold Soal RV Radial Rover tivities may call Richard Diehl at or Dwight Krebs at Lawrence KAYSVILLE Brent (Larry) Rees, a graduate of Davis High School, received a PhD. in experimental nuclear physics from the University of Maryland. Title of his thesis is: The Quasifree Knockout of Protons and Deuterons from Calcium Oxygen and Carbon Targets In- Protons. He received his masters degree in physics from the Univer-sitof Maryland and a bachelors degree in physics on a Joseph Fielding Smith scholarship at Brigham Young University in 1976, and graduated from BYU summa cum laude. t BY OR CALL 6 GUsED GUIS? Kaysville Native Halms Doctorate duced by STOP (KsIt) . of young men between the ages of 18 and 36. The Jaycees were in plain IrrtpJUV t3SiSMitJUrc?HV -- leadership development Utah to offer the worlds most J CREDIT ONLY 13 We accept Mastercard end Vise Tub Typ F.E.T. 2.81 cz70co "w to 3.51 C333 110070 i UX igibCLD i i TITO G Ij |