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Show -- ' m " ' . . ,j --- ', r'p F1G3 frPv1 CTa u.vt3 Mfc. vfrA KwX , , ?,. raa DISCOUNT bulk food containers are dis- played by Lyle LeFever, manager of new , .' ,. ' W A V.l4 1 - iA 4. JU&v --Oi &' i.... '" IKW L Ail concept Safeway store in S Points Mall at . Bountiful. Safeway Store 'New Concept' By CHERYL ARCHIBALD Review Correspondent BOUNTIFUL Safeway is moving into the style of the 1980s in a big way, according to Bountiful store manager Lyle LeFevre, and he, for one, is excited about it. value for customers, and returned to Safeway a good profit. Customers can save an average 40 percent buying bulk foods, said LeFevre. For those who havent noticed, the Safeway store at 5 Points Mall in Bountiful is not the same. The main change is that it now offers bulk foods on a large scale. Rows and rows of large, sealed containers offer everything from gelatin to nuts. Simply open the container, fill a plastic bag with as much mazaroni, pancake mix, or rice as you want, mark the bin number, take a directions card, and replace the lid. Use the provided scoop, please. For those who wish to remain steadfast in their allegiance to the cardboard box and cellophane wrapper, Safeway honors their wishes by keeping on hand everything that once stood on a shelf. However, as LeFevre put it, There will be no more stereos, appliances and we are getting back to the grocery business. We were trying to be all things to all people for a while. The concept of selling bulk foods at Safeway started on the east coast, proved to be a good 5B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 ' -'' To verify his statement, LeFevre went to the bakery supplies aisle in the store and picked up a package of chocolate chips. They sold for $1.99 for 12 ounces. He found the bin of bulk chocolate chips and explained, These were made by a candy company. The price on those was $1.19 for 16 ounces, a savings of around a dollar. Pancake mix in bulk was 38 cents for a pound, and the large bag of packaged mix figured to 57 cents Der pound. The last example was elbow macaroni. In bulk, the cost was 39 cents a pound, and in the package a name brand elbow macaroni was 60 cents a pound. The brand, Townhouse, figured up to be 57 cents per pound. Another noticeable change is the display of large .baskets everywhere full of canned goods and drug items. LeFevre explained that before the new concept there was only so much room on a shelf, so shampoo and well-know- n in-sto- re many things could only be bought by the case. Now, if a manufacturer is oversupplied at the warehouse, Safeway can buy up a large shipment at a reduced cost. The savings can be passed on to the consumer. It doesnt take as much stocking of shelves either, cutting down on overhead, LeFevre said. The Layton Safeway store was first to make the changes, which give an market look to the produce department. The bakery looks different, The rolls too. Its all and cakes are behind covered plastic lids, and tongs are supplied for customers to use to get what they want. Larger variety is another change. Variety in items like spinach noodles and alrose rice. If someone wants to try them first, no problem. They can buy only a taste if they wish. If looks are important, customers should like the way the store employees are dressed. No more white shirt and tie or smocks. At Safeway they are e knit attired in beige, shirts and levis. There are 10 new employees added to the payroll, and LeFevre foresees hiring more soon. LeFevre has been the manager of the Bountiful Safeway store since 1979, and he has been self-serv- e. Dr. Kenneth Kofoed, specializing in urology, has joined the staff at Humana Hospital Davis North. He brings an excellent educational background as well as several years of experience in his specialty with him. Humana Hospital is pleased to welcome Dr. Kofoed to the Layton area The specialty of urology includes management of disorders of the urinary tract i.e., kidneys, bladder, prostate, sexual organs. No longer limiting their attention to kidney stones and infections, urologists treat incontinence, infertility, bedwetting, cancers, and sexual problems. Microscopic surgery, telescopic removal of kidney stones, surgery for impotency, and pediatric urology are special interests of Dr. Kofoed's, and the expertise he has in these areas will be a welcome addition to the fine servicesatHumana Hospital Davis North. Dr. Kofoed is a native of Salt Lake City and graduated from the University of Utah. He attended medical school at George Washing- ton University ' with specialty training at the University of Colorado and the University of Arizona. He has been in private practice for the past three years in the Imperial Valley of California. He and his wife, Lynn Ward, a native of Bountiful, have three children. Dr. Kofoeds office is at 2084 North 1700 West in Layton. His office phone is Patients may call for appointments. 773-060- 6. Humana Hospital Davis Worth 1600 W. Antelope Drive. Layton, Utah 84041 Phone (801) n oaway. golf-styl- The live most dangerous : with Safeway for 17 years, which makes him about the only thing at the store which hasnt We u ant to v in the Ln Ah laminate aire ema'r in vour lifetime American Cancer Society $ changed. 1 XIZ3 c,upreme Quality AFTER ,Mi WlNiY ENGINE INCLUDES! FOR ENGINES WITH ELECIGNITION INSTALL NEW TRONIC SPARK PLUGS ADJUST IDLE, SET TIMING, INSPECT EMISSION CONTROLS. 3195 6 cyl 37 44 8 cyl SPECIAL 9 Inspect Brakes 9 Pack Wheel Bearings OIL AND FILTER TUNE-U- P 4cyl THE FLOOD CHANGE We Carry A Complete Line of INCLUDES: NEW MOTOR OIL FILTER AND UP TO 5 QTS. 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