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Show V" Approved by Council Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 Club Elects Officers No Tax Mike Seen in Clinton Sudgei ,.! ' '5! ' i ; rV 'no New officers for Color Camera Club ' ! STIILI Review Correspondent By SHARON pay for their work in comparison with surrounding cities . CLINTON Clintons governing body adopted a budget in excess of $1 million, after an emotional June 14 public hear? ing that opened with contention over salaries and taxes. i, n r, How much are you fellows gonna scoop off the top? one townsman asked as the hearing was declared open to public input. Declaring that he had no intention of raising the longstanding mayors stipend of $125 per month, Mayor Dennis Smith emphasized that the fee did not begin to cover his expenses in serving the public. City Council members get $100 monthly, Smith added. According to City Manager Nolan Young, Clinton employees are paid substantially lower : rr- i Even a 7 percent overall pay raise, representing 20 percent of Clintons';1983-8- 4 budget, will leave city employees at 5 per- cent below other cities. Weve got the poorest parks, the poorest roads, the poorest paid employees and the highest taxes, came the response from the audience. Youve got to understand that we also receive less sales tax than any other city. How many businesses do you see in Clinton? asked the mayor. Id like to know what the tone of things is now, said Kenneth Mitchell, 1437 W. 1300 N. in the past, Clintons put a damper on business. We are interested in pursu- ing clean industry and Get Tough on Drunk Drivers, Says Founder Of Opposition Group the Ogden have been selected for the coming year. But balance was earmarked for hirThey are Gerry Dean, presiits hard to attract. ing a summer intern to do dent; Alena Welker, vice presiin gathering data for the dent; Myrtle McPhie, secretFreeport, running at 65 to 75 percent capacity has more to citys master plan. ary. The club is planning a field offer, explained resource deClintons building inspector velopment board member Hal Gary Uresk is also the towns Grasteit, who is also planning planner, Heavy building in the commission chairman. summer would prevent Uresk Weve got to do the ground- from getting to the planning' work and homework, procure study himself until winter, acland and prepare. Were going cording to Young. to see a real boom in the next 10 Because the county was late years, with lots of opportunity with assessments. Young said for technical development, if Clintons mill levy was set at a were ready. dollar amount equal to the Mayor Smith brought the $224,000 received in the 1982-8hearing to a close, after which a fiscal year. According to motion to adopt the $1,377,830 Young, the actual mill levy will budget carried 4 to 1, with Coun- be whatever is required to raise cilman John R. Rich casting the the dollar amount necessary to balance the budget, probably dissenting vote. The newly adopted budget slightly lower than last year beprovided for a $14,400 revenue cause of increased valuations. transfer from the sewer fund to If the actual mill levy were storm sewers, while water fund set now, the city could find itself capital expenditures were in- in the undesirable position of creased $1,042 to cover initial raising taxes without the need. payments on the purchaselease Setting the mill to the dollar was done on advice from County agreement for a backhoe. Some $3,800 of the final fund business, i Smith replied. leg-wor- k 3 By RUTH MALAN Review Correspondent Jack Wignall state organization of Parents against Drunk Drivers, spoke to a group of parents and students at Davis High School and explained that people need to understand the magnitude of the problem. An awesome number of people are killed each year by drunk drivers, he said. Wignall became involved organizing groups against drunk KAYSVILLE Jr., founder of the driving when a teen-ag- e boy and girl were killed on a Salt Lake City street last summer by a car. driven by a driver under the influence of alcohol. v Life is more than a statistic, Wignall stated. To find how drunk drivers are treated, Wignall, under a fictitious name and with the cooperation of a judge, was arrested for drunken driving. He explained that handcuffs were' slapped on his wrists so tightly they hurt his ; wrists. , He was then placed into the back seat of a police car and taken to the police station. Inside, the handcuffs were removed and he was fingerprinted. After a breath test, his valuables were taken and placed ih an envelope. He was then disrobed, sprayed with disinfectant and deloused, Wignall said. Finally,' he was placed in a gray concrete room with 39 others arrested on drunk driving charges. One stainless steel toilet and one sink hung on the. bare wall. Drunken men reeked of alcohol and vomit, he said. Wignall said he realized that the rich and upper class citizens, JACK WIGNALL JR. step solution to the problem. He advocates all drunk drivers be put on probation for a year and have their drivers license be made a different color whilq on probation. Every drunken driver should have his picture, name, age and address published in a newspaper, Wignall said. On weekends and weekdays after working at his or her regular job a drunken driver should be required to spend time in jail or working in the emergency room of a hospital helping with the victims of drunk drivers. One weekend could be spent riding on an ambulance, another riding with the sheriff or a policeman and the last weekend at the jail helping to process the drunks and hosing out the cell, Wignall stated. not are although arrested, When a person drinks he is jailed for drunk driving. The family of a victim killed impaired and shouldnt drive, by a drunk driver is filled with said Wignall. There were 9,000 hate, anger, frustration and drunk drivers in Utah last year. hostility while the family of the We need to protect two people, drunk driver is filled with the innocent victim and the humiliation, embarrassment drunk driver. People who drink should have someone else drive and shame, Wignall said. Wignall explained his three- - iorthem. fin Youll drive a better bargain on a new car with a Vantage 1 Variable Rate Loan. Make an appointment with your nearest credit union office and get a cash commitment from us before you start shopping for your new car. 60 Month Term. 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Yes, see that I receive my free 24-pa- guide to personal financial planning, tail 49-306- 8 5 , Name ,etnem(4r ... . i Address. .State. Citv IDEAS HELP YOU TO MANAGE MONEY 3C .Zip. OGDEN, UTAH 84409 I i V .r trip to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City on Saturday, June 25. Guests are welcome. Anyone interested in photography, call club officers at 479 4164 or for more 825-905- 9 |