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Show ampu Fofif trth lakesl& Wednesday, Juno 22, 1933 National Award Given Hoy Student LOJ ' s :o won in - A ROY Twenty-fou- r Sand by their science Anderson. Ridge Junior High students have been named 1983 United The United States Achievement Academy announced today that Piper Wilkinson has been named a 1983 ROY H This award is an honor few students attain. The Academy recognizes less than 10 percent of all American high school students. i Polanowski, Phillip Melinda White, Michelle Anderson and Nomee Cooper were nominated by their science teacher, Ferrell Yeates. Bart Rich and Cass Roberts were nominated by their science teacher, Lynn Taylor. Also, Kimberly Green was named a winner in foreign language. Their names will appear in .the United States Achievement Academy Official Yearbook. Steve Peterson, Gorden Reese, Gene Eisele, Todd Miller, Kristen Holt, Amee Martin, Tracy Fowers and Karen Cox were nominated by their science teacher Don Dunford. A mi I ) fiL I ' s -- Wilkinson, who attends Roy Jr. High School was nominated for this National Award by Blaine Charlton, a Roy Jr. High School teacher. i Romero Luke, Kevin Chase, Adam Richards, Chad Dunford, Michele Richards, Laura Jeffery, Jodee Wright, and Danice Vanderwoude were nominated 1 teacher,Joe .,17 Matt Shawn Noker, Funk, States National Award winners in the category of science. United States National Award winner in English. Central Davis Lists Honor Roll Students Pipers name will appear in the United States Achievement Academy Official Yearbook, published nationally. The Academy selects USAA winners upon the exclusive recommendation of teachers, coaches, counselors or other school sponsors and upon the standards of selection set forth i 7 1 i a a i aJ h L by the Academy. The criteria for selection are a students I CLEARFIELD High student academic performance, interest and aptitude, leadership qualities, responsibility, dC Edition Esviow , JJ L k fa i D fl I fa fa I i.: . i V - , LAYTON Central Davis Junior High honor and high honor rolls have been released. Seventh grade high honor roll includes Nanette Budge, Audrey Tamekazu, Katheryn Allen, Bartley Burce, Trevor Amy Sutton, Danielle Whitman, Jodie Bidulph, Ford, Cora Rhodes, Linda Roberts, Amy Masters, Becky McMillan, and Kirsten Novak. Honor roll for the seventh grade includes Jeri Canfield, v 0 Mark Cook practices for tour of Far East with chorale group. Clearfield High President To Tour Witfh Choral Group en- thusiasm, motivation to learn and improve, citizenship, attitude and cooperative spirit, dependability and recommendation from a teacher or director. Piper is the daughter of Leah greatest hits and a selection by famed composer By BARRY KAWA Review Staff Kirkland of Roy and Wayne Wilkinson of Morgan. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkinson of Morgan and Mrs. Martha Tucker of Layton. Through the international language of music, Clearfield High student Mark Cook will serve as a goodwill ambassador on a month-lon- g concert tour of the Far East with a national student chorale group. concert group which was The International selected by the organization, will tour Japan, China, Taiwan, 25. Korea and Hong Kong from June Cook, the son of Ken and Carma Cook of 222 S. 3000 W., Syracuse, is one of only two representatives from Utah. Im nervous about leaving the country for the first time, but itll be fun, said I want to see the Great Wall of China, Cook. Debbie temples, Oriental jade carvings and meet new CLEARFIELD Jorgensen, a student at North people. Im also looking forward to trying the Davis Junior High School, has Oriental food which I have a liking for. been named a 1983 United Cook will leave for Hawaii tomorrow where he States National Award winner will receive five days of practice and orientation in history and government. with the group. Then, they will leave for Tokyo, She will be recognized in the Japan, where each member will stay with a United States Achievement Japanese host family. The group will also stay Academy official yearbook. She with host families in Taipai, Taiwan. Problems with the China tour due to recent was chosen on the basis of a nomination by A1 Keime, his- straining of diplomatic relations between China had caused concern among tory instructor at North Davis, and the U.S. officials. However, relations have imher leadership abilities, academic performance, inter- proved and a concert tour with stops in Nanking, Shanghai and Peking have been scheduled. est and aptitude. Music which Cook is rehearsing for the tour She is a daughter Of Carl and include American patriotic stand-by-s such as Kristie Batchelor. Battle Hymn of the Republic, Cole Porters CLEARFIELD North Davis People-to-Peop- le 23-Ju- ly Student Given Award - . People-to-Peop- le George Gershwin. Cook, a junior, is student body president-elec- t for the 1983-8- 4 school year. While attending Clearfield, he has maintained a 4.0 grade point average. He is a member of the Clearfield High Madres and had the lead as Emille in the schools production of the play South Pacific. Mark has probably one of the most outstanding voices in Utah, praises Clearfield High choral teacher Gordon Steed, Hes an excellent pianist and has that unusual natural musical ability. Mark is one of the best representatives , Utah can send. e International organizaThe tion of Spokane, Wash., was founded in 1956 as a cultural exchange program between the United States and other countries. Since then, the organization has separated from government funding and is now a organization. is to give The purpose of citizens of each country an opportunity to know each other on a personal basis and promote good will internationally, says assistant program director Doris Dowd. Dowd said this is the first year a student choral group has been formed to tour the Far East. She said selections were based upon recommendations made by the students choir teachers and an audition tape recorded by the student. In all, 30 states are represented among the 64 members. Cost of the tour is $3,555 per student which is paid by the students family along with help from private organizations such as the Kiwanis olnhc People-to-Peopl- non-prof- it People-to-Peop- le De-reu- s, Kim-berl- ee Kara Crofts, Sarah Crofts, Sarah Hansen, Jennifer Kendrick, Lori Randall, Andrea .Bailey, Jayme Eldredge, Carman Finley, Tiffany Fowler, Tawnya Madsen, Natalie Ries, Jana Thurman; Alison Trego, Tiffiney Thompson, Michelle Halls, Nathan Moon, Troy Murray. Linda Rouche, Corey Schaffer, Leo Stolk, Shelly Gibby, Jack Ralls, Cheryl Unzicker, Denise Brown, Jeffrey Evans, Michael Gooch, Michael Judkins, Audris Messinger, Andrea Peay, Michael Todd, Joelle Wil-kChris Curzon, Cynthia Gam, Donette Golightly, Tristan Villalobos and Chaleh Yeates. Eighth grade high honor roll: Michael Gedris, Terresa Williamson, Kari Barnes, Jeff Farmer, Tonya Hymas, Andrea l, sa Dickerson, Jennifer TamTamara Reardon, my Sharp, Jana Somerville, Mary Kate Stratford, Araseli Bravo, Jodi Budge, Garrett Kim-mel- Dutson, Ann Gifford, Brian Dorie Thiros, Tess Murdock, Chris Peay, Jennifer Daskevich. Stephanie McBride, Adrienne Scott, Sherrie Strong, Joi Lin Ure, and Mai Vollmer. Pen-noc- Honor roll for ninth grade: Kimberly Magness, Daniel Tuttle, Mike Adams, Joni Dal-Pont-e, Michelle Washburn, Day, Tammy Talbot, CarolVanOr-deMerritt Neilson, Jody Lana Chatlin, Maryalice n, Rose. David Storm, Rebecca Blamires, Denise Daley, Sandra Jorgensen, Duane Rumsey, Tanya McGowan, Pamela Carrie Follett, Gregory Lamb, Wade Lawrence, Amy Terf-Unge- r, Motta,' Tondelayo Gillespie, Vernon Moon, Juliann Ward, and Jayson Wilko. o, Iverson, Cheri Reynolds, Michele Barker, Edward Burke, Darin Kawabata, Diane Lawrence, Michelle Denny, De-n- a Thiros, Jennifer Morgan, Jed Sparks, Tiffany Droscher, Shellece Green. Honor roll for the eighth grade includes Paula Barlow, Michael Blamires, Geneva Bodily, Jeff Platek, Todd Bowers, Victoria Brigs, Rebecca Day, Mark Fallentine, Suzy Flint, men and women may save plenty on car insurance with Farmers exclusive 3060 Auto Package. Why not check with Farmers today! Kenneth April, Ronald Daskevich. Heidi Galbraigh, Kristi Clark, Steven Dawson, Shauna Jacobs, Lori Wall, Kelene Nelson, Terri Burdett, Bret Cutler, Nathaniel Johnson, Brandon Mason, Vicki Merrill, Sheri Purcell, Stormy Salazar, Lisa Stettler, Scott Greenman, Corrie Stolk, Chris; Area Woman Gets Scholarship Anne Row-leCLEARFIELD a former graduate of Clearfield High School, has been selected as one of the nations Truman Scholars. The award is y, a prestigious undergraduate scholarship. Miss Rowley is a junior majoring in political science and foreign languages with extra major skill in nutrition science. She represented Brigham Young University in the competition which is entered each year by 2,000 universities in the United States and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa. The potential candidates are screened to 956 and then interviewed and reviewed by 15 regional selection committees throughout the nation. The Fireside Set Words of CLEARFIELD Wisdom by Bahaullah will be the topic of a fireside to be held on Thursday, June 23, at 8 p.m. This Bahai meeting, which is open to the public, will be held at 2289 S. 400 W., Clearfield. No donations will be accepted. awards are presented annually at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, by Mar- garet Truman Daniel, the KIVIN JOHNSON Agent 24 Watt 2000 N. Suniat, Utah 84105 Ret. 731-65- ta Graham. Jonathan Talk, Misti Weaver, Curtis Crofts, Richard Lyons, For more information call and Kimberly Nalder. Ninth grade high honor roll includes Pollyanna Waite, Anei- - daughter of the late President. Truman Scholarships provide for an annual maximum award of $5,000 a year for up to four years of college and graduate study in courses and- at schools of the students choice. The awards are specified by a Congressional Act to honor President Trumans memory. The 776-604- 8. - Pwift purpose is to provide a meaningful way for our most talented young men and young women to prepare themselves for a a toras areamdl career. Miss Rowley was named a Senior at Large by the review committees. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Row-le- y of Layton. ANNE ROWLEY Get RQTC Commissions Eight area residents recently received their commission in the U.S. Army as second lieutenants in a ceremony at Weber State College. The eight lakeside area Weber State students who received their commission and second lieutenants bars in connection with graduation at the college are Dennis O. Young, James K. Garner, Vicki L. Nielsen, David C. Barrett, N. Scott Bailey, Mark J. Bowman, Robert E.R. Spoo, and Steven V. Kittrell. Young, the son of Mrs. Lucile Gillett of Bountiful, will attend the military intelligence officer basic course at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and will then report to Fort Lewis, Wash., for his first assignment. He is married to the former Wendy Lee Elwood and they reside in Bountiful. Garner is the son of Mr. James E. Garner and Mrs. Sharon M. Derrick of Clinton. He will be assigned to the 19th Special Forces Group of the Utah National Guard as an operations officer'until graduation. Ms. Nielsen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Nielsen of Layton. She is assigned to the : 650th Personnel Services Company until graduation and will attend the Adjutant Generals officer basic course at Fort Benjamin Harion.Ind., after com- pletion of college work. Barrett, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Barrett of Roy, will be attending the field artillery officer basic course at Fort Sill, Okla., after graduation. He is currently assigned to the 683d Field Artillery Battalion of the U.S. Army Reserves. Bailey is married to the for- I mer Ellen Baird of Ogden and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Bailey of Roy. He will be attending the armor officer basic course at Fort Know, Ky., whereupon he will report to Germany for his first assignment. Bowman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bowman of Kaysville, is married to the former Lisa Ingebretsen and they reside in Farmington. Spoo is married to the former Kyong Cha Kim of Korea and they reside in Clearfield. Spoo will be attending the quartermaster officer basic course at Fort Lewis, Va., and will report to Korea for his first assignment. Kittrell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Kittrell of Lay-toHe is married to the former Lori Annette Vest of Bountiful. n. A Timeway Simple Interest Home Improvement Loan can break the building barrier! . it ji sj. ,h GDEft-- aj Members FDIC i r. i' Anyone can save with discounted rates on a Timeayi ? Simple Interest Home Improvement Loan. First . r Security deposit customers save even more: Make your home improvement now, wb!,e our moneys on FCjcS CGSiDrCatf k, gt |