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Show I 8A Laktsidu Ruvltw North, Juno 22, 1983 Wtdntidoy, r j feysviilllG, ly . ' , I hi ' fW A, rtff A 'XV z 4 k ; yhii K 4f V V,. AW is It was Kaysville vs. Utah Power & Light as the main event last week at the monthly Davis opening a battle, but just serv ing the best interests of our con- sumers, he said. White asked COG members for their support in the companys bid for the hydroelectric power. Kaysville City Manager John Thacker questioned UP&L re- - J resi-Projec- X o A;to ?Mf '' i fkO support Several cities including Clear- field and Centerville have voiced their support for the UP&L resolution at council Glen E. Saunders tofcfthe COG that the commissioners have agreed to raise the county pro- perty tax mill levy by one mill to help pay the enornious cost of flood cleanup. Saunders asked city officials affected by the 1 y vtvpl cfean-u- p also p5yror costs in their areas, flood-tqjjjSe- aa toelp t, possible new buyers. Darcie H. White, public relations vice president of UP&L, said its customers have a right to power. Were not considering e sSm-SM- i clined to support UP&L and in-stead referred them to cities for County Council of Governments meeting, as UP&L met strong meetings. In other business, Davis opposition from Kaysville offi- - presentatives claim that it cials in its plan to purchase low-- would lower customer rates by County Commission Chairman cost hydroelectric power from 25 percent, I think that is a number they the federal government. The low cost power generated simply pulled out of a hat, by the Colorado and Green Riv- - Thacker said. It would not supin 1989 ply 25 percent of their power but ers will be and UP&L is seeking a share of only a small fraction of their it. The utility company pro- - load. If they can claim a piece, mises the plan would cut cur- - then other investors like Idaho rent residential utility rates by or Colorado can go that way too. about 25 percent. Thacker said if his city loses Kaysville and Bountiful both operate their own city power the power, then it would have to companies and currently belong search for a replacement to the Colorado River Storage source which could boost which supplies this dent utility rates. The COG depower. When this contract runs out in 1989, the Western Area Power Administration will be ts I BARRY KAWA Review Stuff HILL AIR FORCE BASE tf oiro)(oiiniy low-co- st cmp MttMMttWMlIMn "GOING, GOING, GONE!" Gayle Barton and h-, edge of a sink hole Clinton, when a main old Charlotte dangle their feet over the that appeared at 542 W. 1200 N., water line ruptured. Grass over the hole, approximately four feet in diameter, remained intact while sinking to a depth of three feet. A second sink hole also marred landscaping on the Barton property just three feet from the one pictured. Mill Levy Hike Funds for Complex In Farmington Budget - A FarFARMINGTON mington City budget for fiscal year 1983-8- 4 of $1,377,115 was approved during the Farming-to- n City Council meeting. The budget will include a levy increase in accordance with the bond election last November. Farmingtons new mill levy is 11.44. The increased taxes were approved by voters for a new city municipal building complex. y Water services took the biggest chunk from the budget of $175,875; the police department has a budget of $158,079. The fire department will receive $39,960 and parks and cemetery will get $68,513. Administrtive costs for the ciill ty will be $83,435. Other budgeted items include legislative at $14,636, judicial, $23,163, and general government ing costs at $20,705. build- Some $35,000 has been budgeted for flood control, $36,500 for park improvements and $24,347 for fire protection. The new municipal building debt service will cost $56,422 for the next year with general obligation bonds, water revenue bonds A and B making the total Ymasmmsm . win a pm? OP debt service for the city $146,442. City officials plan to hold off major capital expenditures for a few months pending an analysis of the cost of the muds-.lid- e and flood damage. Cleanup after recent mudslides is now underway with 200 East and Main Street now open. Volunteers are working to help on in the clean-u- HERE'S ALL YOU DO Watch for your Lakeside Review on Wednesday mornings. See if your license plate number appears in the boxes in the ad-- if the numbers match, you win! Bring proof to our office N. Main (2146 Layton) By 12 noon the following Friday and claim your prize. V efforts and p volunteers for help have come from as far away as Idaho. If we have no V.M . money will be carried to the next winner-th- e weeks contest. 2nd PRIZE . Korns (mprovamsnis might be right in your own backyard! NUMBERS WILL EE PICKED AT RANDOM FROM PARTICIPATING GROCERS PARKING LOTS. PQJCJO Ir W Groceries TOm DLG GCTPCTIO FROM AREA GROCERS 1 & 99 i? I Nr Cwtmtr l n5 X) V W A . m0& sn0 -- A Timeway Simple Interest Home Improvement Loan can help you landscape - for less! . , 1 i m moneys on sale. ; I C-s- 81 , V. Anyone can save with discounted rates on a Timeway Simple Interest Home Improvement First Security deposit Loan customers save even more. Make your home improvement now, while our Kjc2 CzicriCiy fasiaK 8 os. I ' n Membcri FD1C 1 1 m 3 U " 1 i;ir .$-- A) 4 t.i - tucrrsr- f , " |