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Show f 1 4 1'1 Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 Insurance Offered 'S VACATION FINAL BAYS For Flood 7A PROMOTION It may not be too late to flood insurance, and its as easy as a trip to your local property insurance agent. buy-feder- ENDS JUNE After only a five-da- y waiting period, most Utahns can have $185,000 worth of insurance in effect on residential buildings and another $60,000 on residential contents. Small businesses also qualify for coverage. The national Flood Insurance Program is administered by the 30th Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency and is available to any participating community.' Most Utah communities affected by flooding have already qualified, and protection under the progrqm is available. FEMA officials are setting up disaster assistance offices in Utah, but insurance will not be available at those locations according to Robert Ives, deputy federal coordinating officer at the Salt Lake City FEMA office. Some of the local insurance agents are not aware that they can write national flood insur- mmm Of Your Choice At: DISNEYLAND ance policies, said Ives. Training sessions will be con- ducted in the next few days for or KEN!! agents interested in the program, If your own agent cant sell you national flood insurance, call around, Ives said, There are already many agents in Utah who are aware of the program and are selling policies. The disaster assistance of- Our Bonus To You... With Any Furniture Purchase Of $899 Or More! ! fices will be serving people who have already suffered flood damage. However, flood insurance will not cover previously incurred damages if the individual did not have a policy in effect at the time of Use your vacation , jnohsy to ; furnish your , home... and woTi furnish your vacation! Buy the furniture you1 ve always wanted and enjoy it for years to come!! ?;V' 1 the flooding. Policies are available for or three-yea- r either time periods. Costs are dependent on where the property is Hotel ' ar one-ye- i Deluxe located within a flooding zone, the type of building construction used, and how long the building has been in place. The purpose of the National Flood Insurance Program is to enable property owners to buy flood insurance at a reasonable cost, and to encourage local , at eccon Db ResW . asses to UrntnQ Good Disney' nArrl Knotts rtwo r governments to carry out floodplain management measures for protection against future flooding. NFIP officials be- lieve flood prevention and management efforts will save lives and billions of dollars for the taxpayer even after insurance claims are paid by the government. Communities are required to meet standards and qualify under the flood program before individual policies are sold. The Federal Insurance Agency has established minimum building standards required for participation in the program. Woodcrest will capture the hearts of all country style decorators! Broyhills' superior design and expert construction is evidenced throughout the entire collection creating that fresh, clean country look. Knotty oak solids are used on the fronts and are complemented with etched pattern effect hard-- 1 ware, adding to the "comfortable down-homlook, as does the finish. warmth of the For that gingham checked tablecloth and pretty dried flowers look and feel, Woodcrest by Broyhill. Now at special savings! ft ft r Banks Get OK to Waive ' Penalties The Federal Reserve Board has suspended early withdrawal penalties on time deposits for victims of the recent severe storms, landslides, and flooding in 10 counties in Utah, including e" OVAL TABLE Chairs nut-bro- LIGHTED CHINA 399 . All Wood Pine BAR STOOLS ROCKING Davis County. The suspension is for withdrawals before midnight, December 2, 1983, and on or after the dates that the counties were declared to be Federal Disaster areas. Davis County was declared a disaster area on June 3, along with Salt Lake County. A Federal Reserve member bank, wherever located, can pay a time deposit before maturity without penalty upon a showing that the depositor has suffered a property or other financial loss in these counties as a result of the severe storms, landslides, or flooding. The member bank should obtain from the depositor a signed statement describing fully the disaster-relateloss; this statement should be approved and certified by a bank officer. Further information pertainwith-draing to waiver of the early availpenalties should be able from member banks. with back and LOVE swivel SEATS In wo your choice of tough covers. ONLY Hardwood Frame Wood seat. 24"x30" OAK BAR STOOLS 69 Trim Nylon Covers BLACKER FURNITURE IS OPEN Enter From Interstate 15 at 359 or Hiway 89 Going North thru Willard! d Light & Dark a. patio furniture on V' REDWOOD & METAL SALE! REPLACEMENT CUSHIONS ALSO AVAILABLE!! Hours: Chapter Plans Summer Meeting Tuesday thru Saturday 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 8 CLOSED Easy Financing SUNDAY & MONDAY The' Utah Chapter of Myasthenia Gravis will hold its summer meeting on June 25 at 1 p.m. in the north conference room at the University of Utah Available Medical Center. Dr. Jack Petajan will be the feature speaker, discussing Medications, prescriptions,-antheir effect on Myasthenia Gravis. All who are interested are inav vited. For further information, conor tact: Jerry Rogers, WILLARD INTERSTATE d EXIT 'v.ll 15 6gden HIGHWAV 89 91 "HOME OF THE SOFT SELL" BRIGHAM 12 miles North of Ogden 942-290- Thaes Webb, BRIGHAM 292-090- 8. 4 -- |