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Show 6A Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 22, 1983 Historical Society Gets OK to Use fit Centerville City Office Building ' Three Called on Missions - Three WEST BOUNTIFUL West Bountiful residents have been called to serve missions for the LDS Church. Elder Joseph Brown has been ; called to serve as a missionary. He will depart July 14 for language training and later to the Argentina, Buenos Aires North Mission. He is the son of Myron and Helen Brown. By RON KNOWLTON Roviow Staff - CENTERVILLE The Centerville City Council will allow the Centerville Historical Society to use the city office building f?r meetings at no charge. Councilman Lee Duncan said the city normally charges $10 but asked the council to waive that fee because of the mature of the historical groups intended use of the building. Mayor Neil Blackburn said the city has let various groups hold meetings in the building when it has not been in use. The groups have been charged a $10 per night fee to cover the costs of cleaning the facility after meetings. Alzina Barton, president of the historical society, said the Elder Brown is a 1982 graduate of Bountiful High School. He was a member of the school swimming team and was a state swimming champion. Brown lists his interests as sports, hunting, and fishing. Friends and relatives are in- vited to attend a special farewell testimonial meeting 10 at 10:30 a.m. It will be held at the West Bountiful 8th LDS Ward chapel, 4th North and 8th West, West Bountiful. Ardell Elliott, a West Bountiful resident, will depart to the Rapid City South Dakota LDS mission June 29. She will serve 12 months. She was honored at a farewell meeting June 10 at the West Bountiful 8th LDS Ward Chapel. Mrs. Elliott has been a nurse at the Bountiful Convalescent Center for the last three years. ' July . SCOTT H. SMITH ARDELL ELLIOTT She lists a wide variety of interests. Mrs. Elliott has played the piano for a local combo group. She has served as Primary president in her ward. At age 49 she returned to Weber College to get nurse and re- spiratory therapy training. of a Mrs. Elliott is the mother son and daughter. has accepted a mission call to serve in the California Anaheimi mission. He will be honored at a Elder Scott Harris Smith farewell meeting held June 26 at 10:30 a.m. at the West Bountiful 8th LDS Ward Chapel located at West. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Elder Smith is the son of William R. and LuDean Smith. He is a 1982 graduate of Viewmont High School. He participated with the Viewmont wrestling society has been organized 311 N. 8th materials. She said the organization hopes to display its collection of books and artifacts for public information and tndi 628 Lose Up To 20" of My tat In on hourl . ; Raducas cellulite and itrarch morn. Warm, relaxing guaranteed results. M250 Qltndcr Silhcuette B37 Sa. 900 W. Bountiful Classified Can Rent It. his-toric- al artifacts. -- Offor view. She said the society is not only interested in the citys past, but in current events. She said the process of collecting historical data is going on all the time so we dont get so far behind. Blackburn said the council would like to support and encourage the society in its since January. She said the group now has a charter and set of rules and regulations. She said the group is encouraging people to donate team. He said the city would also ike to share information on recent flooding. Ms. Barton said the group is also currently looking into the validity of a claim that there was a Pony Express stop in Centerville. The group is in the process of collecting tapes from older residents of the community and transcribing those tapes. The group is also attempting to collect historical books and records about the city. She said eventually the society will need a place to store the historical 298-850- 0 Nutritional walfhl cenwiltents (Chock with yur Oortae baton dlaf) Centerville Okays Budget With Deficit By RON KNOWLTON Review Staff (S The CENTERVILLE City Council reopened the city budget for the current to shift a fiscal year ) block federal $54,000 grant to (the 1983-8budget. Also the council approved a 25 cent per household per month increase I in sanitation fees. The council also scrapped all - pf its planned public works pro-- : jects and lumped the funds into one sum, $298,400, to help and restore city streets Land curb and gutter damaged by the flood. ; The council approved a $1.6 ( million budget and a levy property tax increase. The city, however, was left with a $97,000 I budget deficit. The mill levy increase will (help with flood damage costs. said ( Mayor Neil Blackburn ( the city is hoping the federal, state and county governments '.will pick up most of the flood 'costs. He estimated the city .(would need $2.5 million to re-- ; store damaged public property. 'The city will need to come up with ten percent of that, which ; would be $250,000, he estimated. He said the federal ment will only pay for the city to (restore what was in place be-- ; fore the flood hit. Any tnents would need to be financed by the city. Cen-Itervil- le (1982-83- -- 4 1 re-bui- ld 1 .: The government will also not pay to reimburse the city for work done by volunteers, but will reimburse the city for work done by city workers. The increase in sanitation rates was approved after Olen Sheriff of Olen Sheriff and Sons Inc., a firm that has handled pick up of garbage in the city, told the council the increase was needed because of increased costs incurred by the company over the next year. Sheriff said the company has only asked for two rate increases in the past four years.. For the average household in the city, the monthly charge for garbage pickup will rise from $4 to $4.25. levy property tax The increase will supply $50,000 to the city next year to help with flood related costs, Blackburn, BRODQESTOKJE said. He said the money was a drop in the bucket considering what the city will have to pay for improvements. He said the council did not want to improve a higher increase in the mill levy because the school district, state and county are also all proposing e Steel Belted 401V P 15580R13 tax increases. Blackburn said that flooding really ran up extra bills for the city that were unexpected. IDESERT DUELER SIZE 8.5R14 6 PLY Business Aids Victims Of Disaster in County :( BOUNTIFUL South Davis flood disaster relief efforts have been kicked off by a $500 cash donation from the new Bountiful (Minit-Lub- e Service Center, an i ( (offer for free preventive ((maintenance lube jobs for (Bountiful residents, and a ( pledge of $1 from each lube ser--r vice during the coming week to support the relief fund. ( Mike Jones, manager of the Centnew Bountiful Minit-Lub- e ner , presented the $500 donation : SUPER FILLER to Lloyd Carr, president of the Bountiful Area Chamber of Commerce. The chamber is spearheading the collection and allocation of money from the fund for flood victims. center will The Minit-Lub- e be open Thursday, June 23, and Friday, June 24, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to provide those free chassis lubes, he said. Jones pointed out that the free service does not include an en-- . gine oil change. $O)PR00 STEEL BELTED RADIAL 108V BLACKWALL BOUNTIFUL 'Guard Airman ; Air National MULTI-MIL- BEST E Lehi Drive, West (;Vally City, has graduated from ((:the U.S. Air Force aircraft ' (maintenance training course at ( (tenbur of 3223 . ( Main St., Bountiful. The airman is a 1978 graduate of Viewmont High School, Boun-- ' tiful. EXCHANGE All sizes available for Trucks A . 6 6 6 6 112.00 120.00 128.50 136.50 6.07 WHEELS MFOR MONTH 34 95 EXCHANGE Farm . . . af low ISIEiSIEBBSiBESESESB m COUPON COUPON 95 Safes limited to stock on hand. Sizes to, fit most MOST Set camber, caster toe-oSet toe-iCheck steering Road test the car fluid lavola. 11411 West Parrish Lane SHOCKS 4 front end safety chock qti. of oil. cars and passenger trucks. PASSENGER CARS light 95 EXPIRES JUNE udBDBI , PLUS INSTALLATION CHEVETTES EXTRA m EXPIRES JUNE 25th, 1983 m COUPON A J ALIGNMENT LUBE OIL AND FILTER Comploto chaaolt lubrication. Chack all 25th, 1983 n EXPIRES JUNE 25th, 1983 anaaDDainHua I FREE $1895Value SCOPE ANALYZER wcoupon only AC SERVICE $12.95 plus Freon I L. 99 SAFETY INSPECTION .WITH OOJEDtiP o OD(33:e THIS 14 COUPON c tti 2'COt5227I3Er2l $3.06 prlcesl FREE INSTALLATION AND CHAROINQ SYSTEM CHECK. Up to 5 "CCliptttl 40 $ 1st Clas's Texas. His wife, Sidney, is the daugh(Richard A. Ruttenbur Jr., son of ((Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rut-- ( ter of David K. Stone of 649 S. F.E.T. WHITE SPOKE 50 MONTH i ", GOOD BETTER 60 MONTH Force Base, Sheppard 1.50 1 64 1.79 GRAND OPENING BATTERY SPECIALS AF Course Is Completed Air (( 9R15 10R15 11R15 12R15 F.E.T. P15S80R13 45.95 P16580R13 49.95 P16580R15 52.95 q SIZE PLY SALE 95 TUBELESS SALE SIZE a P 15580R12 JWBrewe 9 LOCATIONS : 1 raovo 176-662- 2 M5S Univ Ava. 1ALTLAK8 164-43- 555 2UOW SALT LAKI CLIARtllU) 776470 Mar OODCN 329 N. 166641 , 447-106- 2770 7 S BOUNTIRA 22-142- 4 oaoiN 621-704- 300 W. 4 4265 Mala VCRNAl 700.7440 d 1 |